In the early 2000s, Jimmy Moore weighed over 400 pounds, struggled with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and wheezing, and consumed 16 cans of sugary soda and 1700 grams of carbohydrates per day...
Until he stumbled across the low carb Atkins diet in 2004.
"I started doing a New Year's Resolution to lose weight, and it ended up being a New Life Resolution that changed every aspect of my life."
Jimmy lost 100 pounds in the first 100 days of the low carb, high fat diet, came off cholesterol and blood pressure medication, and fixed his nutrition. He's never looked back.
Calories in vs calories out is a great place to start with weight loss, but where those calories come from does matter.
Carbs make you fat, and we're exploring topics such as carbing up, cheating on keto, and what that does to your body, your gut, and your progress.
We'll also discuss "realistic keto". Because let's face it: you're going to eat pizza again. It's a part of life. How can you incorporate "life" into your low carb diet?