In this special episode, Preston and Carmine discuss theories. One particular theory Carmine has never heard of, which was quite bizzare, that Preston likes. A small twist on the classic R+L=J
Jason guests on The Comic Source podcast with host Jace Millam to discuss the Best Superman Artists! Be careful! This podcast contains SPOILERS. So if you don't want to know what happens, then you should come back later. Be sure to support Ashley's Comic Kickstarter - And pre-order Jason's new book - Super Soldiers! ( GET OUR RECOMMENDED READING from this episode here: Follow the show on TWITTER! Make sure to visit our Facebook fan page: You can find Ashley at and Jason at https://twitter.comJawiin. Thanks for showing up to class today. Class dismissed!
Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Does whatever the first Spider-Man movie does but a little worse.
This week, Nando and DJ listened to your votes and are begrudgingly re watching the most OK Spider-Man movie ever made, The Amazing Spider-Man. They nitpick the cameras, the security, and of course, the cranes.
It's our first episode of 2019! Join us as we discuss:
2:35 Aquaman (Movie Spoilers!!!)
18:17 DC Universe is joining Comixology Unlimited
35:05 Young Justice
46:24 Spider-Verse solo shows?
49:01 Favorite stories of 2018
1:01:32 Favorite movies of 2018 -
Put down your comic books. Get off that train.
This week, Nando and DJ nitpick the first movie in the (ugh) Eastrail 177 Trilogy, Unbreakable. They talk about the heroes, the criminals, and the unbelievable ending.
In the inaugural episode of Mostly Nitpicking, the boys discuss the good and the bad of Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War.
Marvel and DC aren't the only publishers making comic books. Stephen Schleicher (Major Spoilers, Critical Hit), returns to the podcast to break down our favorite Indie Comics! Be careful! This podcast contains SPOILERS. So if you don't want to know what happens, then you should come back later. Buy our Comic Book - JUPITER JET - right here: Get 50% off your first order and get started today for just $5! Visit and use promo code geekhistory. GET OUR RECOMMENDED READING from this episode here: Follow the show on TWITTER! Make sure to visit our Facebook fan page: You can find Ashley at and Jason at https://twitter.comJawiin. Thanks for showing up to class today. Class dismissed!
Buckle up, folks.
This week, Nando and DJ break down the most polarizing movie of 2019 (until...I don't know...Hellboy), M. Night Shyamalan's Glass. They talk about the plot twists, the other plot twists, and the plot twists that follow those plot twists. It's a wild ride.
Here's the Glass poster we talk about
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Michelle's Jewlery Store
This week, Nando and DJ break into the new entry in the Ocean's franchise, Ocean's Eight. They nitpick the logistics of the heist, character motivations, and mostly magnets.
M. Night is back! Bayyybeee!*
This week, Nando and DJ come together to look at the best reviewed M Night Shyamalan film since the first one, Split. They nitpick the plans, the Philadelphia, and zoo security.
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*for exactly one movie
Loulogio y Outconsumer te cuentan cosas al oído durante un rato. Esta semana charlamos con Felipez, un veterano de Youtube con quien hablamos de viralidad, de las peores películas de la historia, de ir en pijama por casa y de jugar a videojuegos en un Mac.
Todas las canciones elegidas por los invitados: -
This week, Nando and DJ sit down and try to figure out if they had a good feeling or a bad feeling about Solo: A Star Wars Story. They talk about sassy droids, Paul Bettany, and mostly the rules of and logic behind Sabacc.
ETERNAL GLORY! That's what awaits the listener of this episode of Mostly Nitpicking where Nando and DJ look at one of the most popular Wizarding World movies, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! They try to figure out the logic behind the Tri-Wizard Tournament, Moody's insane plan, and Dumbledore in general. Also some listener corrections and overdue recommendations.
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Nando's Youtube Channel
It's an art to tell a meaningful comic book story in a single issue. Which titles have done it best? We are here to tell you!
Be careful! This podcast contains SPOILERS. So if you don't want to know what happens, then you should come back later.
Pre-order our new graphic novel - SCIENCE! -
Read our first graphic novel - JUPITER JET -
Ziprecruiter will help you find great employees. Go here -
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Support the show on Patreon and listen to the Patreon exclusive Geek History Lesson EXTRA podcast!
GET OUR RECOMMENDED READING from this episode here:
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Make sure to visit our Facebook fan page:
You can find Ashley at and Jason at https://twitter.comJawiin.
Thanks for showing up to class today. Class dismissed!
In this episode, Sam is joined by Dieter Kurtenbach, where the two of them break down their midseason picks for MVP, All-NBA, DPOY, 6MOY, ROY, Most Improved and COY.
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James Bond Showdown (3.45): On Her Majesty's Secret Service | (43.26): Dr. No | Final Scores (1:29:16): Score Tallying | (2:00:16): Next Week's Movie
You know when you drop a piece of food and if you pick it up within five seconds it's still good to eat? Researchers have studied whether that's true or not and in doing so have inadvertently shone a light on how utterly covered our world is with bacteria and germs. Prepare to shudder in this episode of Stuff You Should Know.
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Preston and I are back to discuss, somewhat briefly, the Season 8 Teaser and ramble on about random things as well.
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