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Becca has read all of Jane Austen's work. Molly literally does not know who Mrs. Bennet is. Together, they venture into Austen's world of romance, biting satire, and class struggles. Like Austen? Interested in a modern take? This is the podcast for you!
Produced by Molly Burdick
Audio production by Graham Cook
Show art by Torrence Browne
Transcriptions provided by SpeechDocs
contact: [email protected]
10 þátta röð fyrir Rás 1 í umsjón Þorgerðar E. Sigurðardóttur og Halldórs Guðmundssonar.
Ísland og Kaupmannahöfn í spegli bókmenntanna: Í þáttunum verða þessi aldalöngu tengsl skoðuð frá mörgum sjónarhornum. Kaupmannahöfn var í næstum 500 ár eins konar höfuðborg Íslands, aðsetur stjórnsýslunnar, æðsta dómstólsins og konungsins. Sumir Íslendingar hröktust þangað eða voru fluttir til borgarinnar nauðugir, aðrir leituðu þar frelsis og réttinda sem þeir nutu ekki heima. Hvernig kom borgin þeim fyrir sjónir, hvernig breytti hún viðhorfum þeirra eða umturnaði lífshlaupinu? Óvíða sést þetta betur en í bókum Íslendinganna sjálfra og hér verður leitað fanga í þeim og rætt við rithöfunda og ýmsa sérfræðinga, auk þess sem heyra má áhugaverð brot úr safni RÚV í bland við ýmiss konar tónlist. Til verður mynd sem er stundum fögur, stundum óhugnanleg en alltaf forvitnileg.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is a collection of essays, verbal sketches, and stories by Washington Irving. Irving lived at the Alhambra Palace while writing some of the material for his book. In 1828, Washington Irving traveled from Madrid, where he had been staying, to Granada, Spain. At first sight, he described it as "a most picturesque and beautiful city, situated in one of the loveliest landscapes that I have ever seen." He immediately asked the then-governor of the historic Alhambra Palace as well as the archbishop of Granada for access to the palace, which was granted because of Irving's celebrity status. Aided by a 35-year old guide named Mateo Ximenes, Irving was inspired by his experience to write Tales of the Alhambra. Throughout his trip, he filled his notebooks and journals with descriptions and observations though he did not believe his writing would ever do it justice. He wrote, "How unworthy is my scribbling of the place." A commemorative plaque in Spanish at the Alhambra reads, "Washington Irving wrote his Tales of Alhambra in these rooms in 1829". The book was instrumental in reintroducing the Alhambra to Western audiences. (Summary by Wikipedia and David Wales)
Nature and the Nation explores politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics from a naturalistic, paleoconservative perspective, using the format of a book review. I examine books published in a wide array of time periods, with a special emphasis on the early to middle 20th century, the ancient Greeks, and of course the present.
Open Stacks brings you conversations with scholars, poets, novelists and activists on subjects as eclectic as the books on our shelves, from under-the-radar debates in the academy to pressing contemporary social issues, and from bestselling works of fiction to avant-garde poetics. Recorded live at Chicago's Seminary Co-op Bookstores, Open Stacks invites listeners to sit in on the kind of candid discussions and lively debates made possible by the participation of readers in a public space, with the aim of expanding and encouraging a broader community of ideas. Turn up the volume, pull up a chair, and let's start a conversation.
Welcome to Qwerty, the podcast for writers on how to live the writing life. Host Marion Roach Smith interviews the best writers in all genres to discover their process. Qwerty is by, about and for writers and explores the real challenges of writing and the steps anyone can take to become a better storyteller. Listen in for writing tips, publishing advice and encouragement on how to live the writing life.
This is Thresholds, a series of interviews with writers and artists you love about the transformative experiences (surprises, crises, existential freakouts, u-turns, breakthroughs) that have shaped their work. The life-wasn’t-the-same-after-that moments. Hosted by Jordan Kisner, author of the essay collection THIN PLACES. Thresholds is a co-production between Black Mountain Institute and Literary Hub.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is a podcast series hosted by actress and producer Lily Collins and comedian and actress Jennifer Saunders. We will be unearthing and exploring the Moomin world and its curious characters to understand how it has become such a vast, worldwide phenomenon. We will be travelling to many Moomin locations around the globe, from a unique treasure trove in the heart of Helsinki, to Tove Jansson's legendary studio, to a celebrated outhouse in the Finnish archipelago, to the homes and workplaces of Moomin-lovers in London. We'll even pop off to Tokyo, Japan!
The podcast series is produced by Third Ear Creative on behalf of Moomin Characters. -
Welcome to Kingdom Writers where CJ and Shelley Hitz help you take a step of faith to finally finish your book. This podcast is filled with spiritual encouragement as well as prayers to help you overcome the resistance you face as a writer. Your story matters! We believe that you have a specific role to play in the kingdom of heaven to impact lives for eternity. And because of this, we will pour out our lives encouraging writers like you to not only tell your stories but to take the courageous step of self-publishing your stories in books that will outlive you and leave behind a powerful legacy. This podcast is sponsored by our membership Christian Book Academy where we help you give birth to your books. We invite you to join our community of Kingdom Writers!
Step into the whimsical world of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" with the GSMC Audiobook Series. Join Alice as she falls down the rabbit hole into an unexpected universe filled with delightful absurdity and surreal encounters. This collection also features treasures from Carroll's repertoire including "Alice's Adventures Underground" and "Through the Looking Glass". The GSMC Audiobook Series is proud to bring you some of the greatest classic novels, audiobooks, and theatrical performances from a past era. We invite you to immerse yourself in timeless stories, delivered by the masterful voices of renowned audiobook performers. As a note, GSMC Podcast Network presents these shows and audiobooks as historical content, brought to you unedited. Times have changed, and some of the content might not reflect today's societal norms. Please understand these presentations do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Golden State Media Concepts or the GSMC Podcast Network. Our goal is to entertain, educate, and offer you a journey back in time.