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StoryTokri Originals - more than the bedtime stories.
StoryTokri means a basket of stories and this basket is meant for children of all ages and also those grown-ups who wish to re-live their childhood.
Here, you will get to hear original stories penned by Sneha, the storyteller. In short, it is your one-stop for interesting stories.
These are not just bedtime stories but ones that can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime; stories that will leave you spellbound.
Let's bring alive the culture of storytelling and let our children embrace their childhood for a little longer.
Connect with Sneha: -
Mythology is often categorized as a passé and an uncool subject. The younger audiences in India consume a very large amount of content on a regular basis, but mythological content is definitely not their go to choice. The thought for this podcast stems exactly from here. The Devdutt Pattanaik Show on Radio Mirchi will be aimed at making mythology the buzz word for young listeners. Pattanaik is here to make mythology more relatable, affable and cooler for the younger audiences. The show is crafted around issues & subjects that apply to our daily lives by integrating startling and interesting stories from mythology to address them.
The master storyteller, Devdutt Pattanaik, has revolutionized the way we look at mythology today. With over 50 published books, he is the quintessential name in the space of decoding mythology and making the content consumer-friendly. Within the format of storytelling, Pattanaik, manages to grip the audience by sharing remarkable facts about Indian mythology and connecting it our day-to-day lives. He deep dives into topics such as dance, sexuality, sports, marriage, nepotism, children, the legal system, relationships, gender etc. Catch him in a new avatar that hasn’t been explored before. Pattanaik makes his debut on radio as a storyteller to make mythology super fun! -
बालगाथा पाड्कैस्ट हर हफ़्ते आप के लिए पंचतंत्र, जातक कथाओं जैसी अद्भुत कहानियों को लेकर आता है। कहानियों की इस जादुई दुनिया में आकर आप यहाँ खो जाएँगे। इस पाड्कैस्ट को आप whatsapp पर भी सुन सकते है।
अपने संपर्कों में नंबर + 91-9850800464 जोड़ें और इस नंबर पर एक संदेश भेजें। जब भी कोई नई कहानी प्रकाशित होगी, आपको सूचित किया जाएगा। अधिक जानकारी के लिए विज़िट कीजिए
Every week, we will bring you stories from India and around the world, these are stories from Panchatantra, Jataka stories, and other classic sources. Some are brand new stories contributed by our listeners!
Add the number +91-9850800464 to your contacts and send the message "Add Baalgatha" to be notified every time a new episode is published. -
I am Chris Onthank, the Canine Master. I am an advocate of everything to do with dogs; sharing info, tips, stories, photos & videos. Follow my blog for an in-depth coverage of dog-related topics including training, health, innovative pet products and general information on how to keep dogs happy, healthy and safe.
Join me for practical information and tips on all aspects of dogs and their well-being. Topics will include understanding how a dog thinks and feels, the importance of proper training to develop a confident and happy dog, health information and tips on how to keep your dog healthy, choosing the right puppy for your family and so much more! -
Lecture series on Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. The first part of the series focuses on some of the most important writings on art and beauty in the Western philosophical tradition, covering Plato, Aristotle, David Hume, and Immanuel Kant. The second part of the series focuses on questions about understanding works of art and about the nature of art. This part examines the interpretation of literature, the expression of emotion in music, and the definition of art
Podcasts from the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography. The School is renowned for its contributions to anthropological theory, its commitment to long-term ethnographic fieldwork, and its association with the Pitt Rivers Museum and the anthropology of visual and material culture. Home to over forty academic staff, over a hundred doctoral students, twelve Master’s programmes, and two undergraduate degrees (Human Sciences; Archaeology and Anthropology), Oxford anthropology is one of the world’s largest and most vibrant centres for teaching and research in the discipline. It came top of the Power (research excellence + volume) rankings for anthropology in the UK in RAE 2008.
The Good Stuff is the (mostly) monthly podcast of The Story of Stuff Project ( Annie Leonard's conversations on the Good Stuff highlight people who are rolling up their sleeves and making positive changes in their communities - right now. Whether they are entrepreneurs, community leaders, or neighborhood kids, these inspiring individuals prove that anyone can make a difference and by joining together we magnify our power to accomplish remarkable things.
Honest and logical breakup and relationship advice… with a sprinkle of bluntness.
Trina Leckie delivers no-nonsense guidance to help you heal from heartbreak, get over your ex FAST, and finally move on from one-sided, toxic relationships. Whether you’re dealing with a fresh breakup, struggling to let go of the past, or searching for closure, Trina provides practical tips, tough love, and emotional support to guide you through the chaos of modern dating and relationships.
Learn how to regain your confidence, set healthy boundaries, avoid desperation, recognize red flags, and rediscover self-worth. From navigating the rebound phase to thriving in single life, this is the best breakup podcast to tune into for clarity, emotional healing, and embracing self-love... with humor and relatability along the way.
Grab your copy of "Don't Be DESPERATE: Get Over Your Breakup with CLARITY & DIGNITY" on Amazon. This book is packed with practical advice to help you overcome the breakup blues, take charge of your healing, and start moving forward today. It’s your first step toward emotional recovery, confidence, and a fresh start. Before you know it, you’ll be wondering, "What was I thinking?!"
For breakup & relationship coaching, visit Follow on TikTok @breakupBOOST. Subscribe on YouTube "breakup BOOST." -
Created with the homeschool mom in mind, the Joyfully Homeschooling podcast is here to encourage and inspire you on your homeschool journey. Through real stories, real struggles, and real life, Misty Bailey and her guests share how to embrace imperfection and strive for a more joyful homeschool.
Misty is a homeschool mom to three kids and has been homeschooling for over 9 years. Learn more about her mission to encourage and equip the homeschool mom on her blog Joy in the Journey ( catch show notes and more at -
If you, a friend or family member is facing a divorce or similar family law matter, then this show is for you. Here is where we share our experience and knowledge to help others navigate a challenging phase of life. This show is a re-broadcast of a Radio Show sponsored by Meriwether and Tharp, a law firm with over 40 lawyers focusing on divorce and family law matters.
Welcome to Let’s Talk About Super Special Kids and Cake the podcast for parents of children with special needs. During each Podcast Professor Rhea Paul Paul and Dr. Donia Fahim cover a topic of interest to parents and families of children with Special needs. They also answer questions sent to them by one of their listeners and they share their thoughts on some common misconceptions about interventions for children with special developmental delays and neurodevelopmental difficulties. Both Granny Rhea and Auntie Donia love cake! The eating cake for breakfast segment is all about the fun activities you can do at home with your super special kids. So make yourself a cup of tea, grab yourself a piece of cake, relax and enjoy the theme music composed by the New York Musician Marty Isenberg. This podcast was recorded live from the studios of Sacred Heart University in Fairfield Connecticut and is brought to you by our book Let’s Talk: Navigating Communication Services and Supports for Your Young Child with ASD published by Paul H Brooks and available from Amazon.
Dr. Donia Fahim, Ph.D., Cert. MRCSLT (U.K.), A.K.A Auntie Donia, is a speech and language pathologist, an international educational consultant, and specializes in the treatment of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and in development of curriculum and interventions for young children with special needs in countries with limited services. She is now based in London, and is the founder and director of Education and Therapeutic Spaces, Ltd. She lived in NYC for ten years (2008-2018) where she was a Consultant for the ASD Nest Project at New York University, and a Professor at Hunter College, where she was also Program Coordinator for the Early Childhood Special Education Program from 2008 to 2013. She was also the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Autism Friendly Spaces, Inc. (2010-2018) and developer of the first dual language ASD public school program in New York City. She is the co-author the books Let’s Talk with Professor Rhea Paul and she has authored several peer reviewed journals and chapters. She obtained her B.Sc., M.A and Ph.D. from the University of London. She is a certified member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.
Professor Rhea Paul, PhD., CCC-SLP: Rhea Paul, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, (AKA Granny Rhea) is Professor and Founding Chair of the Speech-Language Pathology Department at Sacred Heart University, author of over 100 refereed articles, 50 book chapters and 9 books. She serves as Editor for Language at the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. She received the Editor's Award from the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology in 1996, and the Ritvo/Slifka Award for Innovative Clinical Research from the International Society for Autism Research. She has been a Fellow of ASHA since 1991, and received Honors of the Association in 2014. -
First-Time Parents Burning the Toast. We take a shot at podcasting, and discuss our experiences at being first-time parents. Talking about what has worked for us, what hasn't worked for us, and what we've tried that burned the toast! We're learning to be parents, we're learning to podcast, we're learning to adult.
Podobno się mnie dobrze słucha, a ja lubię mówić... Posłuchaj więc o życiu w Bukareszcie, małżeństwie (mieszanym), macierzyństwie i wielojęzyczności dziecka, podróżach (z dzieckiem) i różnych kulturach z bliska, próbach ekologicznego podejścia do życia, trochę o niczym też ;) #polskipodcast Wszystko na spontanie, bo zalatana jestem! Napisz do mnie: [email protected]