
  • Including healthy travel tips, reducing bloat, glowy skin, and hormone balancing

    WHAT DOES MONICA EAT IN A DAY!?! This is probably one of the MOST asked about topics of all time. Plus, howwwww on earth does she get her skin to GLOW like it does?? Well, friends, if you’ve been asking too—then today, you’re in for a treat!

    Inside this episode Monica’s spilling her secrets on:

    🥑 what she eats in a day (a little peek behind-the scenes!)

    🥑 what safety has to do with healing your relationship with food

    🥑 how to eat in a way that honors your hormones + cycle

    🥑 the correlation between your nervous system + how your body looks

    🥑 why food needs to be a pleasurable experience for women

    🥑 healthy travel + restaurant tips

    🥑 one of her non-negotiable in her morning routine

    🥑 how stress plays into bloating and digestion issues

    🥑 how she gets her skin so GLOWY

    🥑 why you should have bloodwork done before supplementing

    🥑 the role your environment plays in your appearance + digestion

    🥑 the importance of knowing YOUR body and hormones

    🥑 what the nervous system conversation on Instagram is missing

    🥑 plus, does she ever reach for pharmaceuticals!? 👀




    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE The Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass (BRAND-NEW):

    ⇢ Freebies:

    ⇢ My Story Podcast Episodes: ||

    ⇢ Nervous System + Weight Loss Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Ski Accident/Physical Transformation Reel:

    ⇢ Gut & Skin Masterclasses:

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy 15 (NEW extended payment plans available!):

    ⇢ Expanding Your Nervous System Capacity Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Ski Accident Podcast Episodes: ||

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||


    Apply for the LAST round of the year and the last round that is this LIVE with Monica nowwwww:

    Seriously. Do NOT self-sabotage!! If you’ve been feeling that pull on your heartstrings, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE until 2025! 🔥


    I hope that this episode is the healing balm that your heart needs whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, heartbreak of any kind, or even grieving past versions of yourself as you enter a new era of your life… it’s all welcome here.

    So here’s what Monica’s covering:

    ❤️‍🩹 how we’re overcomplicating grief and the HOW TO

    ❤️‍🩹 Monica’s journey from “cold, hard bitch” to fully expressing her emotions

    ❤️‍🩹 why our emotions are actually ART and how to alchemize them

    ❤️‍🩹 the issues that can show up later on in life when we suppress our emotions

    ❤️‍🩹 the truth that healing is *always* available to us

    ❤️‍🩹 why your goal shouldn’t be to NOT feel sad about losing someone you love

    ❤️‍🩹 the difference between sadness and grief

    ❤️‍🩹 how we can shift our meaning of sadness and find the beauty in it

    ❤️‍🩹 the “un-talked” about piece of grieving and letting yourself be angry

    ❤️‍🩹 grieving previous versions of yourself as you evolve

    ❤️‍🩹 why it’s actually okay if you randomly think about your ex (😳)

    ❤️‍🩹 allowing room for grief in heartbreak vs straight anger/“f*ck you” energy

    ❤️‍🩹 how making space for your grief can help heal old traumas at the same time

    ❤️‍🩹 letting love crack us wide open even though everything comes to an end


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE The Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass (BRAND-NEW):

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Research Article about Emotions + Dis-Ease: WILL BE ADDED SOON

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?

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  • Sharing a client-favourite with you!! My nervous system expansion modality. 🍄

    Essentially, what we are doing with this is making you your own adaptogenic mushroom. You are teaching your body to be able to stay regulated even in overwhelming and stressful situations. Over time, you’ll build your tolerance to be able to hold more energy without tipping into that state of dysregulation.


    This modality of mine has changed my life and my clients use it in all sorts of situations:

    🧬 kids having tantrums

    🧬 staying regulated and hard conversations with their partner

    🧬 managing their workload

    🧬 when you’ve missed a flight and now you have to wait more time to see your loved ones

    🧬 having hard conversations with coworkers

    ...and the list goes on.

    If you’re like I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW!!!! Then join Queen Alchemy for our LAST ROUND OF THE YEAR (enrollment closes June 27th):

    Email [email protected] with any questions that you have! Do not self-sabotage!! If you know this is for you, why the heck would you wait another YEAR before saying YES to yourself!? I’ve got you!!

    P.S. If you haven’t yet, go check out my FREE Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass:


    ⇢ Queen Alchemy Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • And are chickens, meditation, and chamomile tea actually the answer?

    If you find yourself ADDICTED to stress, chaos, overwhelm, drama, another “challenge,” the next next next thing… then omg this could change your freaking life. If you’re struggling to slow down and actually *receive* your life and peace within it—it’s actually not another meditation or cup of chamomile tea that’s going to save you… it’s understanding and healing THIS. 🔥

    Listen in for Monica’s hot take on:

    🌶️ the difference between pure energy vs an adrenaline high

    🌶️ why stress is so addictive (and how to break the adrenaline high)

    🌶️ the reason people create drama in their lives

    🌶️ why we wear stress as a badge of honor

    🌶️ how to create more spaciousness and ease in your life

    🌶️ what you might be avoiding by constantly staying in the grind

    🌶️ the missing piece in hustle culture and how to find your “middle ground”

    🌶️ why we don’t know our own limits and often end up in burnout

    🌶️ what healing your relationship with the masculine has to do with this

    🌶️ the peace and freedom in knowing your own body’s limits

    🌶️ how the stuff you’re avoiding is leading to chronic health issues

    🌶️ our addiction to the external validation in overworking and productivity

    🌶️ why we need to stop outsourcing your power to your tarot cards


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE The Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass (BRAND-NEW):

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy (LAST ROUND OF THE YEAR!!):

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Intuition Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Struggling to Receive Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Overthinking the Masculine/Feminine Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory (Go to the TRAUMA section for more):

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||


    And if you cringed saying that, or if you find yourself struggling to receive anything you want, or maybe you just straight up don’t even believe it (and you want to know HOW to change this)—then this podcast episode is for you.

    Here’s what Monica is going to break down for you:

    🧁 being stuck between what you think you *should* want vs what you actually want

    🧁 defining what receivership means/how it feels to you personally

    🧁 the ways that not being able to receive is related to your fear of being seen

    🧁 where self-responsibility plays a part in being able to receive

    🧁 why you’re actually struggling to receive (and why you absolutely CAN)

    🧁 how your control issues might be keeping you from what you want

    🧁 why you can’t ignore your body’s signals and just focus on mindset

    🧁 how to make manifestation easy and continuously manifest your next level

    🧁 how your ability to receive relates to your FERTILITY

    🧁 tangible ways to realistically weave more receivership into your day-to-day

    🧁 why you feel guilty receiving (and how to change that!!)


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE The Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass (BRAND-NEW):

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy:

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Intuition Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ MMM1:

    ⇢ Energetic Reasons For Infertility Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ How Men Can Make Women Feel Safe Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Here’s what you need to know!!

    This is probably one of the most emotional announcements that Monica’s ever had to make… she’s officially saying GOODBYE to Queen Alchemy. THE program that has served hundreds of women over the last 5 years (she's run this program a total of 19 rounds since 2019, it was called something different before which is why she said 7th round in the episode). 🥺💔

    Listen now to hear:

    🍓 What’s changing with this program specifically

    🍓 What your options will be for joining NOW vs later

    🍓 The benefits of joining the last round EARLY

    🍓 How Monica will be maintaining the INTEGRITY of the program as she steps into married life, becoming an author, and motherhood next year!

    So yes, here’s the PSA that we want to shout from the rooftops to make sure you don't miss it!!!... Your last chance to join this program—in the most hands-on, high-touch way WITH Monica live in every way—is open for enrollment NOW, and we start in July. The program is HALFWAY sold out already, so run… don’t walk to claim your spot! 🔥


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE The Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass (BRAND-NEW):

    ⇢ BTS Peek of the QA Portal:

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • A HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED life update. It’s the emotional end of an era in so many ways. 🥹

    Monica’s giving you ALL of the juicy details in this one, including:

    📖 An update on her book launch (coming early next year!!)

    👰🏼‍♀️ Her wedding and how she’s feeling about it coming up so soon

    🪴 Her favorite hobby and what’s keeping her grounded (aka gardening)

    🍓 Business changes—including how Queen Alchemy and the Immersion are changing

    🤰🏼 Her feelings about stepping into motherhood and baby timeline

    🫦 How she’s embodying all the flavours of the feminine right now


    BOOK: starts at 0:44

    WEDDING: starts at 7:11

    BUSINESS: starts at 13:09

    BABIES: starts at 16:45

    ^^ (All of these are also sprinkled a bit throughout, so we recommend listening to the whole thing BUT these are the big chunks in case you’re looking for one in particular! ;) )


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE The Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass (BRAND-NEW):

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy:

    ⇢ Bachelorette Vlog: (COMING SOON)

    ⇢ BTS of Book Shoot Vlog:

    ⇢ The Four Flavours of The Feminine Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Monica’s Book Waitlist:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • We’re ALL highly intuitive... especially women.

    BUT intuition is actually more than just simply “trusting your gut.” There might be a lot standing in your way of easily hearing/feeling and wholeheartedly *trusting* those nigglings. This episode is going to help you get clear on the tangible steps you can take to reconnect with your intuition right now and start fully trusting your body again!

    Here’s more of what you can expect in this episode:

    ✨ how it feels to actually be connected to your intuition

    ✨ why as women we often second guess ourselves

    ✨ why the wrong thing literally can’t happen if you listen to your intuition

    ✨ how to start expanding your awareness of what’s possible

    ✨ how the hard things that happen ultimately serve your highest good

    ✨ where true internal safety comes from

    ✨ the ways that our highly intuitive nature as children is shut down

    ✨ the role trauma and dissociation play in whether we feel/don’t feel our intuition

    ✨ why being “in your feminine” still includes putting your foot down sometimes

    ✨ how not trusting your intuition can lead to resentment in your relationship

    ✨ three tangible ways to reconnect to your intuition today

    ✨ why you can’t THINK your way to your intuition

    ✨ how your gut health affects your intuition


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE The Blueprint To Feminine Embodiment Masterclass (BRAND-NEW):

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy:

    ⇢ Gut & Skin Healing Classes Duo (opening again in August 2024—get on the waitlist!):

    ⇢ Podcast Episode About The Masculine/Feminine Labels:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Full Podcast Directory:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • How Men Can Protect and Provide for Her (Hint: It Actually Has Nothing To Do With Money)

    Ladies AND gentlemen, this is a super important conversation that can take your communication and your relationship to another dimension - both inside the bedroom AND outside the bedroom!! 🥵

    Here’s what Monica’s covering in this one:

    🌶️ why a woman has to be in her feminine to actually feel safe with her man

    🌶️ how it takes TWO to tango when it comes to feeling safe in your relationship

    🌶️ how to not have the woman making more money lead to resentment

    🌶️ all the ways a man can make her feel safe that has nothing to do with money

    🌶️ why Monica “gets in trouble” for staying up too late (and why it’s actually super hot)

    🌶️ how women are biologically wired to need CALM communication

    🌶️ the ways this dynamic is heightened when she’s pregnant

    🌶️ the difference between men and women’s brains

    🌶️ the importance of being able to read each other’s body language

    🌶️ why chivalry is NOT dead and the vital role it plays in your relationship

    🌶️ nugget: why saying NO is an aphrodisiac

    🌶️ knowing when to prioritize your needs vs your partner’s needs


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE How To Have Him Lead You Masterclass:

    ⇢ A Guy’s Guide To Periods Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Dude’s Guide To Period Phases FREE EBOOK:

    ⇢ The Man:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory (go to FOR MEN section):

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Monica’s hot take on… Aging. Botox. The beauty industry. *PLUS* Sex. Getting your needs met. Long-term relationships. If you’ve ever wondered HOW to know whether you’re truly unsatisfied in your relationship, OR if you’re actually just in a season that’s a bit less sexy & spicy than you’re used to (or compared to what you’re seeing online)… this episode is going to give you exactly what you need to get clear about where you are and what you need, and HOW to get it. 🔥

    A quick peek at what Monica’s covering in this one…

    🍓 the BTS of Monica’s relationship while she’s in a SPRINT season before the wedding

    🍓 how to tell if a belief is even yours OR if you’ve gotten it from someone else

    🍓 the way that women are perpetuating our issues with the beauty industry

    🍓 her honest thoughts on aging and her opinion on BOTOX

    🍓 the scary consequence of filters for us and for our children

    🍓 comparing your relationship to others online

    🍓 the ups and downs when you’re in a long-term relationship

    🍓 how to know if you’re *actually* unsatisfied in your relationship

    🍓 why reels are not REAL and long-form content is the GOAT

    🍓 ways to spice up your sex life & tips for better sex when the initial high wears off

    🍓 getting clear about what would create YOUR dream relationship

    🍓 how to open up the dialogue around both of your needs being met


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE How To Have Him Lead You Masterclass:

    ⇢ Last Week’s Podcast Episode (with a bit of life updates):

    ⇢ The Reality of Real Relationships Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ The Dark Side of Personal Development Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    ⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:

    ⇢ EOD Masterclass:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • This little juicy nugget episode is specifically for the coaches, the entrepreneurs, the business owners, and the CEOs! 💦 Monica’s sharing with you the signs of imbalance to be mindful of when it comes to your feminine and masculine energies, AND how it’s affecting not only your success in business - but also how you FEEL in business.

    Just like we like consistency in the man that we’re with, we *also* like the consistency in our business, right?! Well this episode is a taste of what you need to create that consistency. Then you’ll want to tune into one of Monica’s most popular FREE masterclasses, Break Your Business Ceilings (link below), to hear the rest! 🫦


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE Break Your Business Ceilings Masterclass:

    ⇢ The Feminine CEO:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email with any Q’s: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Plus, Why You Want Your Business to Feel Like Your Man (And How This Will Make Things So Much Easier)

    Monica’s giving you INSIDER INFO on how she’s created over a million dollars in your business the last 3 years without adding more overwhelm and more more more to her plate, even when life has ebbed and flowed and required something different from her in different seasons.

    She’s all about honesty and transparency here - and showing you that you CAN have it all, *and* is that what you actually want? Is it worth the cost? And does your business (and your day-to-day operations) actually align with your dream lifestyle? Or is something out of balance here? Is it sustainable? Can it withstand the test of time?

    Here’s what you can expect from this epi:

    💃🏼 why developing your unique personal brand helps you feel safer in your business

    💃🏼 what you need in place so your business can pivot when life ebbs & flows

    💃🏼 truth bomb: if it’s not turning your feminine ON, it won’t work

    💃🏼 why you can’t just copy/paste someone else’s structure & strategies and see success

    💃🏼 your “next level” isn’t always just a goal of making more money

    💃🏼 getting clear on YOUR dream lifestyle and setting your business up to support that

    💃🏼 allowing your dream lifestyle to change over time as you do

    💃🏼 what’s causing you to feel stress & overwhelm in your “feminine business”

    💃🏼 how to not anxiously attach yourself to your business, income, and clients

    💃🏼 the struggle of hiring right now and how work ethic has changed in recent years

    💃🏼 the shadow of being so afraid to “burn out” is causing your burn out

    💃🏼 what’s kept Monica the most centered this year in massive BTS changes

    💃🏼 taking quantum leaps off the pedestal & why sustainable growth is fucking sexy

    💃🏼 why you need to work on your masculine to break through your glass ceilings


    At minutes 13:40 || 42:05 || 49:24 || How Monica’s “dream lifestyle” is evolving right now as she steps into becoming a published author and a mother in the next year, plus how she is needing to adapt and pivot based on what this next season is going to be requiring of her—and the importance of surrendering to the way it all plays out

    At minute 23:54 || Monica’s answering a couple questions from Instagram: What is the hardest part about running your business *and* Has your business felt overwhelming as it’s continued to get bigger?


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ FREE Break Your Business Ceilings Masterclass:

    ⇢ The Feminine CEO:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • A Spicy “Clapback” to Recent Instagram Comments and What It’s Actually Like Being the Breadwinner.

    Here’s what Monica is covering:

    🌶️ how she keeps the polarity strong in her relationship

    🌶️ when money = control, being mindful how you use that

    🌶️ how Monica and her fiancé handle her making the money

    🌶️ the ways in which Monica is setting herself up for motherhood

    🌶️ why you need to make money neutral and remove the charge around it

    🌶️ redefining what your man’s role is as the provider and protector

    🌶️ unraveling the wounding around making money as a woman

    🌶️ how the energy of scarcity and abundance affects our fertility

    🌶️ being the first generation of women to make this amount of money

    🌶️ how to not emasculate your man with your money

    🌶️ why it’s okay if you hate being the breadwinner and what to do about it

    🌶️ getting clear on what you need to make it work so you’re not burdened by it

    🌶️ why open communication about money is VITAL in a healthy relationship

    🌶️ will your man handling all of the money lead to financial abuse?

    🌶️ does it mean your man is LESS of a man because you make more money?

    🌶️ why a woman letting a man lead is actually the bitch to watch out for


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ The REEL Monica is expanding on & responding to:

    ⇢ Are Female Breadwinners More Likely To Get Cheated On Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ The Feminine Female Breadwinner:

    ⇢ The Man:

    ⇢ Our Love Story Podcast Episode Part 1:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory (control + F “love story” for parts 2 & 3):

    ⇢ The Dark Side of Personal Development Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Being Empoweredly Submissive Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Empoweredly Submissive:

    ⇢ Being THAT Mumma Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ How To Prepare For Motherhood Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ The Feminine CEO:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Start with the FREE pre-work now:

    Monica is dropping in to remind you that HER closes in just a few days!! She's sharing how the program came to be, how it compares to other "feminine leadership" programs out there, what you can expect inside the program, and really who she created it for!

    Is HER calling you!? Don't self-sabotage. Payment plans available. Send your questions to us at [email protected] - we've got you! xx


    P.S. Just missed our April/May 2024 enrollment? Email us at [email protected].

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • TANGIBLE, how-to tips to take your relationship with money to the next level. It’s the wealth temperature check we didn’t even know we needed. 🥵👏🏻💸

    And listen, even if you’ve done a lot of money healing work on yourself and you’re rolling your eyes at yet another “money mindset” episode - I’m telling you, Monica’s taking it to the next level with this one. She’s walking you through her exact process she uses to break through her glass ceilings and not only make more money, but also how she expands her threshold to feel safe to HOLD more money.

    Here’s a little taste of what’s inside:

    💸 Monica’s past relationship with money and how she got to where she is today

    💸 How money is tied to your self-worth and how you see the world

    💸 Learning to see the value in things when you’re spending money

    💸 The experience of buying her dream home & paying over a half a million dollars in cash

    💸 Reprogramming your money blueprint and expanding your threshold

    💸 The root cause of overspending and also hoarding money

    💸 Exact questions to ask yourself when you’re wanting to make more money

    💸 Deciding how money works FOR you vs against you

    💸 Money mindset work vs healing your money trauma (note: both matter)

    💸 The often missing piece when it comes to calling in more money

    💸 Why you’re always living in the “just enough” money no matter how much you make

    💸 How to work with the sub/dom has to improve your relationship with money

    💸 The difference between a feminine vs masculine investment


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ Becoming HER Free Masterclass:

    ⇢ HER:

    ⇢ MMM1:

    ⇢ MMM2 (opening in Aug/Sept 2024):

    ⇢ Everything You Need To Know About Your Comfort Zone Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ What Actually Allows For Quantum Leaps Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: This topic is VERY context-dependent and challenging to talk about in a more general “fits for everybody” sense, so please use your discernment when applying this to your own life and relationships.

    This might just be one of the most important episodes on the podcast to date. A raw, honest, and vulnerable conversation exposing the DARK side of the personal development/coaching industry—and Monica’s weaving in real-life examples & stories of how she’s had to navigate this over the years. Pour a cup of tea and tune into the YouTube video if you can, because this is a MAJOR heart-to-heart.

    Here’s what Monica’s covering in this heart-to-heart:

    🌚 signs of true, embodied healing vs saying you’ve “done the work”

    🌚 how to feel safe even when you’re not being seen or heard or validated

    🌚 the issues with thinking your way to healing from your conscious mind

    🌚 why two people’s experiences can be valid at the same time

    🌚 how to know if they're gaslighting you or emotionally manipulating you

    🌚 how you can re-traumatize yourself talking about the same thing again & again

    🌚 the difference between talk therapy vs somatic therapy

    🌚 looking for a problem where there actually isn’t one

    🌚 how no one is actually perfect or “enlightened” AKA we’re all human

    🌚 the dangers of emotional manipulation, gaslighting, and projecting

    🌚 over-communicating and how it can make people feel judged/shamed/etc.

    🌚 why self-validation will set you free & how to balance it with external validation

    🌚 why you don’t have to cut everyone out of your life if there’s disagreement

    🌚 how you won’t always get what you want/need in a relationship (and that’s okay)

    🌚 why overanalyzing your boundaries & what “feels good” can make you lonelier

    🌚 where the feminist movement has f*cked us in relationships


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ Becoming HER Free Masterclass:

    ⇢ HER:

    ⇢ Podcast on Narcissistic Behavior:

    ⇢ Blog Post on Dealing with a Narcissist:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Monica is helping you get out of the vicious cycle of obsessing over the ‘masculine & feminine energy’ dynamic, and helping you quit the loop of overthinking it once and for all. You’re going to FEEL this one, and it feels freeing af. 👏🏻

    Here’s what she’s covering:

    🔥 what feminine leadership actually looks like (hint: it’s not always flowy)

    🔥 the difference btwn procrastination vs knowing you’ll do a better job later

    🔥 the role your relationship with the masculine plays with you being in your feminine

    🔥 why your team should be two steps ahead of you as CEO

    🔥 how to be in your feminine even when you’re not doing “feminine” things

    🔥 truth bomb: things aren’t always just “easy and flowing”

    🔥 choosing to surrender vs giving up/being lazy

    🔥 the difference between “masculine” burnout and “feminine” burnout

    🔥 why doing masculine things won’t make you masculine

    🔥 how overthinking the masc/fem is causing more problems in your life & work

    🔥 the problem with micro-managing your partner to be more “masculine”

    🔥 how to bring more of the “feminine” into your execution & work day-to-day

    🔥 how to know when you’re in avoidance (and no that’s not “being in your feminine”)


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ Becoming HER Free Masterclass:

    ⇢ HER:

    ⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy:

    ⇢ 3-Day Immersion:

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Plus business predictions you need to know for 2024 and beyond!

    This juicy convo with Shannon of @thesocialbungalow is going to take your results to the next level for business owners in EVERY field. While some of what the girls talk about will absolutely benefit newer business owners, this is a rich conversation for seasoned entrepreneurs especially!!

    Inside this episode, Monica & Shannon are talking:

    🔥 straightforward digital marketing strategies & the power of “controlled controversy”

    🔥 the importance of sales calls & the strange “glorification” of NOT working

    🔥 the lessons they’ve learned about hiring and managing a team

    🔥 how to get honest about where your business is at & why data matters

    🔥 the challenges of scaling too quickly without proper infrastructure

    🔥 how data (masculine) can support your manifestations (feminine)

    🔥 what tangible data to be paying attention to as you grow

    🔥 what to look for with email open rates & how Gmail did us dirty

    🔥 how to know what to do every day to move the needle forward

    🔥 their juicy business predictions for 2024 and beyond

    🔥 marketing trends that are dead & what consumers are bored of

    🔥 the problem with “The Devil Wears Prada” millennial dream

    🔥 why Monica always asks a man before she makes a major decision

    🔥 what matters when hiring a team and what to keep in mind


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ Connect with Shannon Matson of @thesocialbungalow:

    ⇢ Monica’s recent “Business Q&A” that she references in the intro (where she covers the importance of exceptional customer service):

    ⇢ FREE Break Your Business Ceilings Masterclass:

    ⇢ The Feminine CEO:


    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    ⇢ Monica’s YouTube Channel: ⁠⁠

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Freebies:

    ⇢ Monica’s Book Waitlist:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • How to trust your intuition even when it doesn’t “make sense"

    This episode is for anyone who has ever let the fear of other people’s opinions stop you from doing what you want, OR if you’re someone who has shared an exciting idea or dream with someone you love and they just don’t “get it”… Monica’s giving you a permission slip to stay in your own lane living your BEST life with no regrets.. and in return, also being an inspiration for everyone around you - whether they choose to receive it or not. 💋

    So, here’s what Monica’s digging into:

    💫 a damaging trend she’s seeing in the personal development space today

    💫 why you need to take people’s opinions with a grain of salt

    💫 how your internal masculine supports your feminine when it’s not logical

    💫 how to have *easy* manifestations

    💫 why our dreams and our success can trigger those around us so much

    💫 the concept of the “opportunity” cost when making decisions

    💫 how to create a sense of safety in your big decisions that don’t “make sense”

    💫 avoiding the pain that comes with never expanding your life

    💫 what healthy comparison looks like and how to use it to your advantage

    💫 what to do when those closest to you don’t “get it”


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ 2024 Immersion—TICKETS CLOSE ON FRIDAY:

    ⇢ 2024 Immersion OPEN HOUSE

    ⇢ Meet Me in NYC or Paris (everything you need to know about the Immersion) bonus podcast episode:

    ⇢ BTS of Melbourne Immersion video:

    ⇢ 2024 Immersion Promo Video:

    ⇢ 2024 Immersion Testimonials Video:

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy:

    ⇢ FREE Understanding Your Trauma Masterclass:


    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    ⇢ Monica’s YouTube Channel: ⁠⁠

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Freebies:

    ⇢ Monica’s Book Waitlist:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||

  • Today, Monica’s breaking down the root of your perfectionism and how to free yourself from it FOR GOOD. Heal it, clear it, fix it, release yourself from it because life is too short! And you deserve to feel safe and loved and ENOUGH even in your imperfections.

    Here’s what you can expect for Monica to cover:

    🔥 what the root of your perfectionism REALLY is

    🔥 why your constant pursuit for perfection will never feel complete

    🔥 the correlation between perfectionism, procrastination, & self-sabotage

    🔥 discerning between bad situations and unmet needs

    🔥 examples of how childhood trauma plays out in adulthood

    🔥 learning to create safety in the imperfect “mess”

    🔥 releasing the need for external validation

    🔥 learning to be responsive vs reactive


    As Mentioned In The Episode —

    ⇢ Most Recent “Life Updates” Podcast Episode:

    ⇢ Podcast Episode where Monica talked about the “Gentle Parenting” trend:


    ⇢ FREE Understanding Your Trauma Masterclass:

    ⇢ Queen Alchemy:


    ⇢ Email if you’re not sure which of Monica’s program to start with or have Q’s about the Immersion: [email protected]

    ⇢ Join Monica’s Email List:

    ⇢ Podcast Directory:

    ⇢ Monica’s YouTube Channel: ⁠⁠

    ⇢ Monica’s Instagram:

    ⇢ Freebies:

    ⇢ Monica’s Book Waitlist:

    Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.

    ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. ||