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This is your Ivanka Trump podcast.
"Ivanka Trump Living Biography" is a captivating biographical podcast that offers an in-depth exploration of Ivanka Trump's life and career. Updated regularly, this podcast provides listeners with detailed insights into her personal experiences, professional achievements, and influence in the business and political arenas. Discover the untold stories and pivotal moments that have shaped Ivanka Trump, brought to you through engaging episodes that keep you informed and intrigued.
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NY1’s Errol Louis has been interviewing powerful politicians and cultural icons for years, but it’s when the TV cameras are turned off that things really get interesting. From career highlights, to personal moments, to stories that have never been told, join Errol each week for intimate conversations with the people who are shaping the future of New York and beyond. Listen to "You Decide with Errol Louis" every Wednesday, wherever you listen to podcasts.
Nice Premium vous propose un podcast sur les activités associatives, politiques et culturelles de Nice et sa région, rejoignez-nous!
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
In search of a peaceful and prosperous society using human nature as a guide. -
Two Bros cover all of the mysteries of the universe. Paranormal, Aliens, Conspiracies, Cryptozoology, Famous Murders, Urban Legends, Monsters, Demons, Occult and Strange Occurrences. Nothing is off limits. The Bros are driven by crude humor and the ability to laugh at everything. If you flirt with the dark side of humor and lack maturity, this podcast could potentially change your life. Instagram: @brohiopodcast Twitter: @Brohiopodcast Email:
Samstöðin er fréttamiðill og vettvangur fyrir róttæka samfélagsumræðu og raddir þeirra sem ekki fá rúm í umfjöllun meginstraumsmiðla. Þættir Samstöðvarinnar eru allt í senn fréttir, fundir, sjónvarps-, útvarps- og hlaðvarpsþættir og innlegg í gagnvirka umræðu á samfélagsmiðlum.
Samstöðin er opin fyrir allt fólk sem vill styðja við baráttuna fyrir réttlæti, jöfnuði og samkennd. -
Dr. Debra Soh (bestselling author of "The End of Gender," sex neuroscientist, Oxford Union speaker) has brutally honest conversations with prominent intellectuals about the cultural and political issues affecting us today.
Guests include Steven Pinker, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Michael Shermer, Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, James Lindsay, Chris Rufo, Duncan Sheik, David Frum, and more.
All episodes are science-based and family-friendly.
To learn more, visit -
On “Trumpland with Alex Wagner,” Alex travels the country talking with the people on the frontlines of Trump’s policies and promises. For the first 100 days of the new administration, she’s taking a break from the anchor’s chair to get out into the field to bring you conversations you can't always find on TV. You’ll get a 360 degree-view of what’s happening both at home and abroad now that Donald Trump is once again president of the United States.
Subscribe to MSNBC Premium on Apple Podcasts to listen ad-free. -
The Politics Guys is an independent, bipartisan, ideologically diverse American politics and policy podcast hosted by experts: political scientists, law professors, practicing attorneys, and former government officials. Our mission is to give listeners a much-needed break from conservative and liberal echo chambers through civil, rational, and evidence-based discussion of American politics and policy from multiple perspectives. In addition to our weekly news discussion, we feature regular interviews with leading figures from across the ideological spectrum. Past guests include Representatives Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie, and Rob Wittman; Jeffrey Sachs; Tyler Cowen; Bryan Caplan; Dan Carlin; Larry Sabato; and Lawrence Lessig.
Missing Pieces, a FOX 5 True Crime/Mystery podcast, shines a light on the cases that have left us with more questions than answers. In The Mansion Murders series, we explore a story that captivated the nation in 2015, after the Savopoulos family and their housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa were brutally murdered. Then, FOX 5 reporter Bob Barnard examines the disappearance of young Maryland siblings Sarah and Jacob Hoggle, a case which has mystified and frustrated their father, police, prosecutors and the community for more than three years. FOX 5 reporter Melanie Alnwick investigated the disappearance of Alison Thresher, a Bethesda mother who vanished 18 years ago. Now, Alnwick is exploring the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Terrence Woods, a young filmmaker from Maryland who disappeared in Idaho in October 2018.
Der hörbare Blick hinter die Kulissen: "Die erzählte Recherche" schaut den Reporterinnen und Reportern des rbb über die Schultern. Ein Podcast über journalistisches Handwerk bei investigativen Berichten und aufwändigen Langzeitrecherchen, alle 14 Tage, moderiert von Jenny Barke, Sebastian Schöbel und Lena Petersen.
Í hlaðvarpinu Hús&Hillbilly fara systurnar Ragga og Magga Weisshappel inná vinnustofur listamanna og eiga við þá tímalaust spjall um líf og list, allt og ekkert, himinn og jörð og það sem er á milli. Viðtölin snúast um myndlist en fyrst og fremst um myndlistarmanninn sjálfan og hans haus. Hlustendur þurfa hvorki að vera menningarlegir né gáfaðir til þess að njóta. Hlaðvarpið er hugsað til þess að bæta servíettu í servíettusafn íslenskrar myndlistar. Systurnar hafa haldið úti vefritinu í nokkur ár við góðan orðstír en þar eru birt rituð viðtöl og ljósmyndir úr vinnustofuheimsóknunum, og nú bætist hlaðvarp við til auka dýpt og gleði.
In 2003, two half-starved brothers emerged from the wilderness, telling an incredible story of survival. A small Canadian community took them in. The only problem? The boys weren't who they said they were. Hosted by Sam Mullins.
Wild Boys is part of The Binge - subscribe to listen to all episodes, all at once, ad-free right now.
From serial killer nurses to psychic scammers – The Binge is your home for true crime stories that pull you in and never let go.
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Feminism: not the fun kind