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Come on in, kick off your shoes, pull up a chair, and grab a coffee, because we have plenty to chat about! As a mom, you know much of your time is spent devoted to family, with the majority of that time in a chaotic cattle drive of errands, activities, and meals on the run.
Ready for a fresh perspective on what you’ve been living through? You’re in the right place. And starting today, you’re no longer in this alone.
Each week we’ll explore the realities of your day-to-day family life in this modern era of non-stop texts, memes, and technology.
After all, how many rules can we have? How many days do you stay in your workout clothes until the afternoon? How many recipes can you save?
Families are living breathing entities that need to be nurtured, from our nuclear family to our global family, and let’s be honest: most of that nurturing is going to fall on your shoulders.
Does it really all begin and end with self-care? Is that the answer?
Tune in each week as we figure it out together.
With our amazing guests and thought-provoking discussions, we’ll take a holistic look at family health: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual.
Whether it’s a micro perspective of family involving healthy snacks, teenagers with attitude, stressed out husbands/partners, potty training, eldercare, grandchildren, or a macro perspective of world events, including flu, earthquakes, weather, and finances, we will find a way together.
Take a deep breath, exhale ~ and know that you’re not alone
Welcome to the Family Balancing Act
Maureen Huntley, MS, CHC, CFMHC is a board-certified Integrative and Functional Medicine Health Coach, with a master of Science degree in Health Coaching with a concentration in applied nutrition. She’s a Raw-vegan food educator, and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, with additional certifications in Reflexology, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and the Law of Attraction. Maureen holds a BFA from the Theatre School at DePaul University Chicago and is a member of AEA, SAG, and AFTRA. As a working mother of four, and grandmother, she understands what it takes to juggle relationships and motherhood with work, self-care, healthy eating, and healthy living.
She’s a four-time published author, speaker, and former co-host of the international radio show The Family Balancing Act programming on the Politics of Health and its effect on the family, with notable guest speakers.
Finding health and balance in her own life, Maureen created Mo Green Juice and Vital Health for Life, LLC with retail distribution in grocery stores, farmer’s markets, gyms, hospitals, local stores, CSA’s throughout New York, the tri-state area, and surrounding states.
Through her work, Maureen guides women to use their innate wisdom as the stepping stones to living life as an adventure and freedom with the co-created awareness all that has been experienced emotionally is digested.
Maureen’s expertise lies in showing women how powerful they are by giving them the exact tools and insights they need to break free from rules and limits. Once you hear Maureen, you know that anything’s possible, and things are about to change - for the better. -
This former Special Ed classroom teacher is on his own with a microphone, to share some of the magic he's learned in his 34+ years in the field.
Stories, strategies, and a true grasp for what life can be like for parents and caregivers of Disabled children are waiting here!
Witnessing, first hand, your challenges in the home has invigorated my desire to share what I know and to be a cheerleader for your lives and the lives of your child using mindfulness as a fulcrum to success.
You are not alone and your life matters. Join me as we let go and grow together! -
Hamza Ahmed shares his personal growth story to help young men with their self-improvement. Hamza Ahmed has a remarkable self-improvement story. He's been down in the depths of self-improvement depression just like you, and yet, he climbed out...
Now Hamza Ahmed teaches what worked for him to millions of young men around the world.
Do the hard work, especially when you don't feel like it.
Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact [email protected] -
These talks and sermons were given by Priestmonk Kosmas of the Orthodox Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Sydney, Australia. The Monstery is under the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
Topics include: basics in Orthodoxy, Ecumenism and Covidism, reading the lives of the saints, married life, the upbringing of children, death and the afterlife, spiritual life in the world, advice on prayer, saints and elders, magic and sorcery, and miracles and deception.
For more details, go to -
Being a mom is the most incredible experience of a woman’s life, but it comes with plenty of emotionally draining challenges.
Join Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach and mother of one Sonya Bourgeois each Tuesday as she chats with Nathalie Vienneau (mother of two) a ressource teacher and Elementary School Vice Principal who is passionate about infant sleep and motherhood. With the occasional special guest!
If you aren’t happy with your child’s sleep, need sleep help, or want to be a rested mom, this show is for you. -
The Success in Black and White ® podcast brings you a variety of topics from the lens of an interracial couple. Our ultimate focus is on bridging the gap between racial boundaries; which we discuss through practical topics such as leadership and management strategies, relationship tactics, and the process of personal development.
Byť bez komplexov > byť dokonalá... V živote sú situácie, ktoré treba len PREŽIŤ. Ale ako? Riešim to, čo riešia všetky baby: veľké stehná, malé prsia, výpoveď v práci, Lásku nebeskú a lásku životnú. Niektoré ženy sa vyrozprávajú kamoške, iné chodia k psychológovi, ale ja poviem všetko vám.
We all are work in progress and we all have stories to tell!
I'll bring to this show yet unknown but cool people who have a word or two to share about their life lessons, what they do to help others and the world to get a little bit better place to live on!
If we inspire at least 1 of you in each episode, the purpose of this podcast is fulfilled -
Keď si želáme k narodeninám „veľa zdravia“, väčšinou máme na mysli zdravie fyzické. To duševné zdravie odkladáme na neskôr, ak sa oň vôbec zaujímame. Avšak, obe sú navzájom významne prepojené. Duševná pohoda je základom pre myslenie, prácu, nadväzovanie vzťahov či schopnosť tešiť sa zo života ako takého. Význam duševného zdravia netreba podceňovať, aj keď ho stále obklopuje veľa mýtov a predsudkov.
V podcaste sa budeme ľudsky a zrozumiteľne venovať tomu, ako porozumieť nielen iným ľuďom, ale hlavne sebe samému. Priblížime témy o dôležitosti duševnej hygieny, o vzťahoch, detstve, traumách, snoch, o závislostiach, ale aj o tom, ako vedieť povedať nie. Pre každého, kto sa trápi, je dôležité vedieť, že v tom nie je sám. Rozhovormi so psychológmi a odborníkmi vás bude sprevádzať redaktorka Rádia Expres - Dominika Turiaková.
Počúvam sa
BAUER MEDIA Slovakia, k.s., Vrútocká 48, 821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 357 92 094
Periodicita: týždenná
EČP: EV 91/23/EPP -
Tento seba-rozvojový podcast je určený pre každého, kto sa chce posunúť vo svojom živote ďalej, alebo stojí pred životnými otázkami, ktoré nevie aktuálne vyriešiť. Tak ako my, tak aj tento podcast je dúhový a otvorený každému druhu inakosti a jedinečnosti. Prostredníctvom podcastu chceme každému ukázať, že na ich životoch a mentálnom zdraví naozaj záleží. Každý z nás je cenný, každý z nás je jedinečný, každý z nás je výnimočný, každý z nás tu má svoje miesto a každý je hlavnou postavou svojho života. Obsah, ktorý si môžeš vypočuť v podcastoch je komplexný a bez hraníc, tak ako život samotný.
Most of us never learned how to train our brains, which is why most of us needlessly settle, struggle and worse – suffer. My name is Chris Dorris and I want to make Brain Training mainstream. This is my series TOUGH TALKS: Conversations on Mental Toughness.
I’m interviewing badasses from all walks of life, on what Mental Toughness means to them, and their unique approaches to strengthening their mind.
For videos, visit -
Pravidelná dávka informací ze světa profesionálního koučování. Podcastem provází Václav Szakál a jeho hosty jsou profesionální koučové, manažeři využívající koučovací dovednosti, klienti koučování z různých oblastí (management, profesionální sport atd.) a lidé využívající sebekoučovací dovednosti.