
  • Donald Trump's former advisor, Steve Bannon has been ordered to report to prison by July 1 to serve a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress. Bannon was convicted for failing to comply with a subpoena from the January 6 committee. As Shalev notes, Bannon briefed his associates in China just days before January 6 about Trump's plans to declare victory. Bannon also faces separate charges related to the “We Build the Wall" campaign in New York.
    The Department of Justice is currently probing into a significant issue of potential illegal price fixing by corporate landlords. These landlords are allegedly using RealPage software to coordinate higher rental prices. The practice, particularly prevalent in key 2024 swing states like Arizona, Florida, and Georgia, is a major concern. Rising rents, driven by such practices, contribute to many voters' inflation and cost of living concerns.
    The episode featured a significant event-President Biden's stirring speech commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. In his speech, Biden paid tribute to the immense bravery and sacrifice of the Allied troops who turned the tide of World War 2. He also underscored the importance of alliances and issued a warning that democracy is under threat today from autocrats and dictators. Importantly, Biden pledged continued U.S. and NATO support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's invasion.
    Overall, the stories covered underscore the high stakes and critical threats to democracy as the 2024 election approaches. From exposing the January 6 insurrection to combating authoritarian aggression abroad, defending freedom requires constant vigilance. As Biden eloquently stated in Normandy, it is now our generation's duty to meet this moment and preserve democracy for the future.
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  • “Today, we witness the culmination of years of anticipation and legal scrutiny. Former President Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records and was convicted in a state court—a day many thought we'd never see.” 

    The Verdict

    Donald Trump has been found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records. This verdict underscores the gravity of his actions, despite his defense team's efforts to challenge the credibility of key witnesses like Michael Cohen. The jury's unanimous decision is a resounding affirmation of the strength and integrity of the prosecution's case.
    “It means that the prosecution did an incredible job, which we all thought while looking from the outside in.” This sentiment was echoed throughout the proceedings, as Trump's defense seemed unprepared to counter the overwhelming evidence against him. 
    The former President of the United States is now a convicted felon. 

    Many of us suspected the conviction was imminent, and today it is a reality. Trump’s defense team will undoubtedly appeal every aspect of this case, yet the facts remain clear: the former President of the United States is now a convicted felon. 
    The charges are significant, not just in their number but in what they represent—the culmination of an orchestrated effort to subvert democracy. This isn’t just a federal case; it's about the integrity of our electoral process. 
    The Impact on Democracy

    There was a time when right-wing media outlets such as Fox News could downplay Trump's actions. However, this guilty verdict strips away any pretext that these were partisan attacks. This is more than just about falsifying business records—this is about protecting the sanctity of the American democratic process.
    “This is really what we've been saying on my show recently, that subverting democracy is what we're seeing here. The 2016 election was manipulated through illegal means, including Trump's payment of $130,000 in hush money to Stormy Daniels—a fact the jury found crucial in their decision.”Michael Cohen's Vindication

    Trump's former lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, can finally feel vindicated. Cohen's reputation has been dragged through the mud, yet this verdict provides some measure of redemption. His testimony was instrumental in making the case against his former boss, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump orchestrated this conspiracy to manipulate the 2016 election.
    The 2016 Election and Its Consequences

    The repercussions of Trump's illegal activities were felt globally. His presidency resulted in numerous tragedies, including the mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, frayed international alliances, and a Supreme Court packed with justices whose legitimacy is now in question. 
    The conviction brings to light the insidious manner in which Trump stole the 2016 election. By paying $130,000 in hush money, Trump ensured that voters did not learn of his affair with Stormy Daniels, thus swaying the election in his favor. These actions weren't just felonies but a subversion of our democracy.

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  • As the jury deliberates, prosecutors say Donald Trump was engaged in subverting democracy when he paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 in hush money. Prosecutors claim that Trump and his associates engaged in a scheme to manipulate the flow of information to voters during the 2016 presidential election.
    In this powerful and thought-provoking episode, we delve into the complex web of connections between influential figures such as Mohammed bin Salman, David Pecker, Donald Trump, and Jeff Bezos, highlighting the weaponization of personal scandals as a tool to manipulate elections.
    Zev also draws attention to the alarming rise of what he terms the "enemies of democracy," a coalition of nations, religious groups, wealthy individuals, special interests, and extremist groups working to undermine democratic institutions.
    The trial of Donald Trump is not merely about hush money payments but rather about protecting the integrity of elections and ensuring accountability for those in power. We should emphasize the critical importance of the 2024 U.S. presidential election, framing it as a battle for the preservation of freedom and the American way of life against the forces of authoritarianism and foreign influence.
    Zev also issues a clarion call to his listeners to stand up for truth, remain informed and engaged, and fiercely defend the principles of transparency and democracy in the face of unprecedented threats.
    Keep Narativ’s powerful episodes coming - subscribe at or 
    00:00 Introduction to the Narrative
    00:55 The Bezos-MBS Connection
    02:09 The National Enquirer Exposé
    03:23 Autocracy and Media Manipulation
    03:37 Trump's Scandal Management
    05:16 The Subversion of Democracy
    07:27 The 2016 Election Interference
    10:45 The Epstein Connection
    14:03 The Role of Foreign Influence
    18:30 The Legal Battle and Its Implications
    25:07 The Smoking Gun Tape
    26:48 The Consequences of Trump's Presidency
    27:30 The Fight for Democracy
    27:52 America's Unique Freedom
    31:26 Global Threats to Democracy
    35:14 The Importance of the 2024 Election
    37:38 Supporting Independent Journalism
    41:01 Conclusion and Call to Action
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  • The latest court developments in the Trump hush money case have been nothing short of explosive. Cohen’s testimony placed Trump at the center of a scheme to win the 2016 election corruptly.
    According to Cohen, Trump was fully briefed on the $130,000 payment to Daniels and was in the room when the plan was hatched to conceal the transactions through false invoices to the Trump Organization. Cohen also revealed that Trump's main concern was delaying the story until after the election, allegedly saying, "Just get past the election, because if I win, it will have no relevance, and if I lose, I don't even care."
    If true, this testimony provides the clearest evidence yet that Trump was an active participant in the hush money scheme and the subsequent cover-up. Cohen's account suggests it was all about protecting Trump's electoral chances.
    In this week's episode, I shine a light on another troubling aspect of the Trump-David Pecker pact at the center of the trial. I note that the pact existed a year and a half before the August 2016 meeting that led to the Hush Money trial, when a catch-and-kill agreement was made between Trump and National Enquirer publisher David Pecker. 
    Indeed it seems likely a pact already existed in January 2015 and may have resulted in a disinformation campaign targeting Bill Clinton with untrue stories published in The Enquirer about Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein.
    Before Trump launched his 2016 White House bid there’s evidence to suggest Pecker and Trump were coordinating efforts to smear Bill Clinton, Given Pecker's practice of sharing stories with Trump in advance, and his subsequent efforts to "catch and kill" Trump's sex scandals, this raises alarming questions about the level of coordination between Trump and the tabloid.
    This week's developments paint a picture of a candidate and a campaign willing to do anything to win—even if it meant breaking the law and deceiving the American people. The hush money scheme, the hints at Clinton dirt, the catch-and-kill operation—it all points to a sophisticated operation designed to manipulate and deceive Americans 
    A felony conviction for Donald Trump would be unprecedented in American history, and the jury has had unenviable tasks before them. However, regardless of the outcome, the trial exposed a political network whose entire operational basis is lying, concealing, and cheating. And that is a reality the entire nation must now confront. 
    In this sense, the Trump Hush Money trial is not just about campaign finance violations or salacious scandals. It’s about completely rejecting an ideology of moral decline in which the only solution to any national problem is even more corruption. This is an untenable outcome for a nation built on so much hope and promise.

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  • In the latest episode of the Narativ podcast, host Zev Shalev takes a deep dive into former President Donald Trump's ongoing hush money trial. As the trial enters its third week, explosive testimony from critical witnesses Stormy Daniels and Hope Hicks could prove pivotal in determining not only the outcome of the case, but the future of American democracy itself.  Scroll down for more: 
    You can get 20% off a Narativ Substack subscription until Monday, May 13. (This is a great Mother’s Day gift.)
    Here’s why it’s vital that you support my independent journalism: Since 2016, I have been at the forefront of uncovering the truth, no matter how controversial or challenging the story may be.
    Here are some of the exclusive stories on this season of Narativ:

    I revealed the Hunter Biden Scandal and the attempt to impeach Joe Biden was a Russian intelligence operation; months before Alex Smirnov was arrested for making false statements to the FBI.

    I exposed the role Jared Kushner and Mohamed Bin Salman’s negotiation of the Abraham Accords played a role in the October 7 attacks on Israel.

    I revealed Speaker Mike Johnson’s ties to Kremlin insiders with intelligence ties and questioned their influence over the Speaker’s decision to delay aid to Ukraine.

    Eight years of investigating Trump has informed my coverage of the Trump Trials.

    I’ve been joined by phenomenal guests, including Denver Riggleman, Steve Schmidt, Rachel Bitecofer, Tristan Snell, Olga Lautman, and Rick Petree. Each one is an expert in their field.

    This dedication to the truth has made me a constant target of suppression efforts and unfounded whisper campaigns to discredit my work.
    I need more resources to continue my vital work. With fewer than 400 paid subscribers, it's become near impossible to continue.
    I have refused to compromise my integrity or the quality of my reporting. You deserve nothing less than the unvarnished truth, especially as we approach the critical November elections. That's why I've kept going and want to keep going.
    I won't let you down, but I need your help.
    As a special offer to my loyal subscribers, I’m offering:
    A 20% discount on paid Substack subscriptions until May 4th
    (click on the link or enter the code 20OFF when checking out.)
    Your support, in any form, can make a world of difference. Thank you for standing with me and believing in the power of truth. I am grateful to have you by my side in this fight.
    With gratitude,
    Shalev begins by highlighting the importance of this trial, noting that a guilty verdict might be the only thing standing between Trump and a return to the White House in 2024. He argues that despite the salacious details, the core issue is the integrity of the American electoral process.
    The episode features revealing excerpts from Daniels' testimony, recreated with AI-generated voices, painting a vivid picture of her alleged affair with Trump. Shalev notes the wealth of specific details in her account, making it difficult to dismiss as fabrication.
    Turning to Hope Hicks' testimony, Shalev suggests that her statements may not be as favorable to the prosecution as initially perceived. He points out how Hicks seems to cast doubt on Michael Cohen's reliability while also advancing the questionable "Melania defense" - the idea that Trump was motivated by concern for his wife rather than political self-interest.
    Shalev also examines the mounting documentary evidence, including handwritten notes, bank records, and signed checks, corroborating a scheme to conceal the hush money payments. He plays fascinating audio clips of Cohen himself fretting over the unraveling plot.
    Shalev previews the defense team's anticipated cross-examination of Daniels and Cohen, who will likely paint them as opportunistic and untrustworthy. The host also ponders the potential political fallout, gaming out the ramifications of a guilty verdict or a deadlocked jury.
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  • In a chilling exposé, political strategist Rachel Bitecofer and journalist Zev Shalev discuss the harrowing future that may await America if Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024. Drawing from Trump's own words in a recent Time Magazine article, they paint a dystopian picture of a nation on the brink of autocracy.
    According to Trump's plans, upon taking office, he intends to:

    Purge the government of liberals and replace them with conservative loyalists

    Round up and jail journalists critical of his administration

    Deploy the National Guard or even the military to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants

    Weaponize the Department of Justice to prosecute political opponents

    Drastically expand presidential powers under a "unitary executive theory"

    Undermine Congressional authority over budgets and legislation

    Bitecofer warns that despite Trump's seemingly mild demeanor in his current legal battles, Americans should not be lulled into complacency. She argues that civic illiteracy and a lack of awareness among voters pose the greatest threats to democracy.
    To combat this, Bitecofer suggests Democrats adopt a laser-focused messaging strategy, emphasizing the existential threat Republicans pose to personal freedoms. She urges citizens to spread the word about Trump's autocratic intentions, as most Americans remain unaware of the full scope of his plans.
    The consequences of a Trump victory, Bitecofer cautions, would be catastrophic not just for America but for the entire world. With less than 190 days until the election, she issues an urgent call to action: It's time to get real about the danger we face and fight to preserve our democracy before it's too late.
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  • This episode of Narativ delves into the unfolding criminal case against Donald Trump, highlighting detailed allegations of his long-standing relationship with David Pecker and the National Enquirer's involvement in silencing stories that could damage Trump’s image and career. It covers the mechanics behind 'catch and kill' tactics used to suppress potentially harmful stories, spanning a 40-year history of scandal manipulation. The episode also touches on the personal toll on individuals targeted by such media manipulations, with insights from Steve Schmidt about overcoming orchestrated public smears. Additionally, the episode critiques the media's role and journalism's ethics in the context of political manipulation. It ends with a commentary on the broader implications of Trump's legal and ethical entanglements for democracy.
    00:00 Sponsor Shoutout and Introduction to the Live Show
    00:28 Unpacking Today's Court Revelations
    01:19 The Deep Dive into Donald Trump's Alleged Media Manipulations
    04:53 Exploring the Impact and Implications of Media Influence
    06:24 AI Voices and Courtroom Observations
    09:53 Revealing Courtroom Testimonies and the Catch and Kill Strategy
    17:29 Reflecting on the Ethical Quandaries of Journalism and Politics
    27:14 The Broader Consequences of Trump's Actions and the Importance of Accountability
    29:26 Closing Remarks and Sponsor Message

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  • I had a profound conversation with Steve Schmidt, the founder of “The Warning” and a seasoned veteran of numerous high-profile campaigns. We delve into the intricacies of Donald Trump's hush money trial and its potential impact on the 2024 presidential race.
    Our wide-ranging conversation covers Steve's invaluable assessment of Trump's electoral chances, the pivotal role of the MAGA propaganda ecosystem, and the pressing challenges facing Joe Biden. Steve's analysis of who will win in November and the hush money trial is a must-listen. He also shares advice for Joe Biden on making a compelling case for his leadership.
    I got to know Steve during the 2008 election, and I deeply respect his political acumen and unwavering, steadfast commitment to democratic principles. He also discusses standing up for our freedoms, drawing inspiration from Pope John Paul II's courageous calls to "be not afraid."
    No matter your political persuasion, Steve's trenchant analysis is essential listening for anyone who cares about our country's future. I hope you'll check out the full interview. If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to Steve’s substack, 


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  • Introduction

    - Tonight's episode delves into the current turmoil surrounding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    - We explore the internal divisions within his war cabinet, the public's growing dissent, and the Israeli army's retreat amid threats of an offensive.
    The Gaza Retreat

    - The sudden withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Gaza has raised questions about the shift in the conflict's dynamics.
    - Families return to their devastated homes in Gaza, facing the overwhelming task of rebuilding.
    The World Central Kitchen Incident

    - The killing of 7 aid workers by the IDF has sparked significant controversy and backlash against Netanyahu.
    - The IDF's public apology marked a turning point, leading to a humanitarian aid influx and hostage negotiations.
    Netanyahu's Controversial Leadership

    - Netanyahu's long tenure as Prime Minister and his complex relationship with global powers, including Russia and China, are scrutinized.
    - His interactions with the Chabad movement and the prophecy of being the last Prime Minister before the Messiah are discussed.
    Guest Appearance

    - Rick Petrie, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an energy sector expert, joins the conversation to provide insight into the broader implications of the conflict.

    - The episode examines Netanyahu's actions and the delayed military response to the Hamas attack, the government's dysfunction, and the potential shift in global power dynamics if Netanyahu maintains control.

    - The stakes are high not only for Israelis and Gazans but for the global order of human rights, emphasizing the need for an end to the conflict.

    - Listeners are invited to support the programming by subscribing on Substack or Patreon.
    Join us on "Narativ with Zev Shalev" as we navigate the complexities of Netanyahu's private war and its impact on the global stage.
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  • Join @ZevShalev as he exposes the dire state of our democracy in 2024. With Trump leading in crucial swing states and the media fixated on frivolous legal dramas, the real threats to our nation are being ignored.
    Zev delves into the shocking polling numbers, the potential October surprises, and the foreign influences shaping our election. He issues an urgent call to action: turn off the courtroom circus and start spreading the word about the importance of democracy.
    The countdown to November 5th has begun, and the future of the United States hangs in the balance. You can listen to the truth they don't want you to know.
    Hungry, Anyone?
    On a deliciously unrelated note, have you met COOKUNITY? They craft chef-prepared, restaurant-quality meals delivered right to your doorstep every week. The difference is in the chef's touch. For this week only, Narativ viewers can enjoy 50% off their first week of meals by following this link: You can also use the code REACH as the checkout code. Bon appétit!
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  • Join us tonight on Narativ with Zev Shalev as we delve into the disturbing reality of Russia's sham presidential election and Vladimir Putin's far-reaching influence on American politics and society. We'll examine how Putin's asymmetrical attack on the United States has allowed Russia to capture key power positions, infiltrate institutions, and potentially pave the way for another Donald Trump presidency.
    Our guest, Olga Lautman, a Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis and an expert on Russian intelligence operations, will help us unpack the complex web of connections between Trump, his associates, and Russian interests.
    We'll discuss the GOP's continued allegiance to Trump, as evidenced by the appointment of Christina Bobb, a prominent election denier, to oversee the party's "election integrity" operations. We'll also explore how Putin's influence extends beyond politics, reaching into media outlets, social media platforms, religious organizations, and even the FBI and Department of Justice.
    As we confront the possibility of a Trump presidency in 2024 and the potential consequences for human rights, global stability, and American democracy, it's crucial that we remain vigilant in exposing these connections and working to safeguard our democratic institutions.
    Tune in tonight for this critical conversation and discover the shocking extent of Putin's influence on American politics and society. The future of our nation hangs in the balance. #Narativ #ZevShalev #RussianInterference #Trump2024 #PutinsPuppet
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  • Join us as we delve into the disturbing connections between House Speaker Mike Johnson and a Russian intelligence operation that threatens the very foundation of American democracy. With the 2024 elections on the horizon and Donald Trump as the presumptive GOP nominee, the stakes have never been higher.
    Key points from the episode:

    Mike Johnson's role in halting crucial military aid to Ukraine has strained relationships with Ukrainian President Zelensky and First Lady Olena Zelenska.

    The revelation of Johnson's decades-long support for Russia's anti-LGBTQ policies, including his introduction of the "Marriage and Conscience Act" in Louisiana, bears striking similarities to Russia's "Anti-Propaganda Law."

    The World Congress of Families (WCF), an international conservative Christian organization with close ties to Russia, has been a nexus for anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion advocacy, aligning closely with Russian social policy.

    Johnson's potential role in the January 6th insurrection and the recent Supreme Court decision that could secure his position as Speaker of the House set the stage for a more severe constitutional crisis.

    The growing evidence of Russian influence within the GOP and the potential consequences of having a majority party, Speaker, and President-elect beholden to Vladimir Putin.

    Shalev emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability from Mike Johnson regarding his ties to Russian oligarchs and the WCF. He also calls on listeners to stay informed, engaged, and proactive in safeguarding American democracy by subscribing to Narativ, sharing the episode, and voting in the upcoming elections.
    This groundbreaking investigation is made possible by the support of viewers through platforms like Substack, Patreon, and YouTube. By subscribing and donating, audiences can help ensure that Narativ continues its mission to expose the truth and defend democracy against internal and external threats.
    Stay tuned for more hard-hitting investigations from Zev Shalev and the Narativ team, who are working tirelessly to shed light on the forces undermining American democracy in the run-up to the crucial 2024 elections.
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  • In my latest podcast episode, I had former Congressman Denver Riggleman on to discuss the ongoing threats of Russian interference in the 2024 presidential election. Some key takeaways:

    Alexander Smirnov, a Russian intelligence asset, was the main source behind false allegations about Hunter Biden taking bribes. This shows how Russian disinformation can infiltrate partisan investigations.

    An FBI whistleblower has claimed confidential informants were used to spread disinformation about the Bidens to the Trump administration. This illustrates problems with the FBI's handling of foreign interference cases.

    Speaker Mike Johnson has disturbing connections to Putin's inner circle. His refusal to provide military aid to Ukraine raises questions about whether he is acting in America's interests.

    The Hunter Biden laptop story shows patterns of Russian interference across the 2016, 2020, and now 2024 elections that Republicans like Jim Jordan fail to acknowledge.

    Polling shows Trump retains an extremely loyal base that is unlikely to fracture before 2024. Issues like abortion rights could potentially swing some Republican women to Biden.

    A Trump re-election in 2024 raises concerns about retaliation, political violence, chaos, and damage to democracy. October surprises internationally could also impact the outcome.

    I discuss all of these issues and more with Denver Riggleman, who brings expertise from serving on the January 6th Committee. With Russian threats increasing as we approach 2024, it's an important episode to understand the forces that still endanger American democracy. Please have a listen!
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  • This episode of the Narativ podcast focuses on the breaking news that Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has been murdered, presumably by Vladimir Putin. Navalny's widow, Yuliya Navalnaya, spoke at the Munich Security Conference shortly after his death, calling for Putin and his regime to face justice.
    Key Topics Discussed:

    Yuliya Navalnaya's emotional speech at the Munich Security Conference, saying Putin should be punished for Navalny's murder

    Putin's obsession with interfering in US politics to get Trump elected again in 2024

    How the timing of Navalny's murder was meant to send a message to NATO right before the Munich Conference

    Putin lying about supporting Biden for president as more disinformation

    Analysis of how GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson's actions align with Putin's interests regarding Ukraine aid

    Discussion of how the enemies of democracy like Putin seem to be coordinating to weaken American power

    A look ahead at how conflict hotspots like Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel could impact the 2024 election

    Rick Petrie from the Council on Foreign Relations provides expert analysis on geopolitics and Vladimir Putin's motives.
    Key Quotes:
    "It's further proof that this is a very hard dictatorial regime...They have taken the opportunity to murder someone who is probably the most effective opposition spokesperson and revealer of Putin's nepotism and corruption in a generation."
    "Ukraine has been the bellwether for Trump and his fealty towards Putin...And he's still very desperate to deliver on that. And it's very dangerous for us as a country, for NATO as an alliance, and for Western democracy."
    This sobering episode focused on Putin's tyranny domestically and in trying to influence world affairs. The murder of Navalny represents a significant escalation and assault on voices of dissent and democracy advocates in Russia. The discussion highlights why opposing Putin's aggression must be a top priority as America heads into the 2024 election.

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  • Tristan Snell, former Assistant Attorney General for New York State, discusses various legal cases linked to ex-president Donald Trump, primarily the one concerning Trump's election interference and the possible impacts on the forthcoming election. Eagerly awaited cases may not be decided upon until after Election Day. Hence, the voters could be voting without knowing the truth about Trump. Snell shares his comprehensive analysis of how the justice system's delay strategies and cable news also play roles in this process. He also discusses civil trials optimism and the potential implications of Trump's possible conviction. Furthermore, Snell reflects on the lessons from his book 'Taking Down Trump,' which addresses how to prosecute Trump effectively based on his experiences in the Trump University case.
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  • Over 300 pieces of anti-LGBTQ legislation have been introduced in state legislatures across the country so far this year, in what advocates are calling an unprecedented assault on transgender rights.
    The majority of bills specifically target transgender individuals, ranging from healthcare restrictions to limits on school sports participation. The volume has skyrocketed compared to previous years, with 2023 on track to exceed 2022's record number of anti-trans bills.
    “This is not regular politics — it’s a moral panic,” said journalist Erin Reed, who tracks anti-LGBTQ legislation extensively. “It’s gone beyond politicking and is now basically whatever [conservatives] can use to rally their base.”
    Many bills have origins in model legislation pushed by national conservative groups. The Heritage Foundation's “Project 2025” blueprint lays out plans to rescind LGBTQ protections over the next three years, establishing what critics call a path toward authoritarian rule. Efforts span from empowering a right-wing federal workforce to utilizing agencies like the CDC for invasive data collection on sexuality.
    The recent bills rely largely on unfounded claims that inclusive policies endanger cisgender students and undermine parental rights. Alabama, Arizona, and other states target healthcare coverage for transition-related care for minors even as major medical associations endorse affirming care.
    Experts widely discredit arguments that acknowledging young transgender students’ identities or respecting pronouns can influence peers’ orientations. Similarly, sports participation bans counter research showing trans athletes have no consistent performance advantages in their gender category after beginning hormones, though schemes differ.
    Reed warned that families are already being forced to “flee their homes or hide just to get healthcare” while awaiting legal challenges against healthcare restrictions. While some Senate Democrats have spoken against anti-LGBTQ measures, the White House response remains muted to date. With administrations empowered to interpret sex protections, legislative defeats may not spell the end as court battles loom ahead.
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  • This episode revisits one of the most impactful exposés we’ve ever done on The Narativ – confirming Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s industrial-scale blackmail operation as assets of Israeli and Russian intelligence. The goal was the mass compromise of American politicians and public figures to control narratives and policies for Israel and Russia’s benefit. Analysis of Epstein’s flight logs underlines the central role of both countries, with 11 flights each recorded to Moscow/St. Petersburg and Tel Aviv.
    We also examine key differences between Trump’s willing partnership with Epstein versus Clinton's seemingly being targeted for compromise. And explore how the Republican party increasingly resembles a Kremlin-controlled entity, likely due to the damaging information Russia holds on its members.
    We must most urgently recognize that democracy remains under concerted attack by sophisticated global forces, just as in 2016-2020. As 2024 approaches, this episode is a stark reminder that we never fully emerged victorious from that information war, making the coming election all the more pivotal. America’s enemies are still circling for the kill shot against our democratic system. We ignore that stark reality at our own peril.
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  • Exclusive: Two MPS charged with high treason in Ukraine; Hunter laptop was really data distributed by Giuliani and Bannon, and Mike Johnson's Russian benefactor is Putin's arms supplier.
    The impeachment proceedings against President Biden that are now ramping up in the House have an alarming origin story - a network of Russian spies.
    Over the last several years, Russian intelligence agencies like the GRU have been working diligently behind the scenes to craft a narrative about supposed Biden family corruption in Ukraine. Their goal? To damage Biden's presidency and tilt the scales toward a Trump return to power in 2024.
    Two Ukrainian members of parliament, Andrei Derkach and Oleksandr Dubinsky, were recently arrested on treason charges for running a multi-million dollar election interference campaign to spread allegations about the Bidens on Russia's behalf. Both men met with Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani in 2019 to push claims about Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings.
    Yet the GOP is still basing its impeachment push on the very same Russian-backed Hunter Biden narrative. They continue lying about "evidence" of Biden wrongdoing that does not actually exist. And it's working - polls find a majority of Americans now wrongly think Biden did something illegal.
    But here's the kicker: The so-called "laptop" full of Hunter Biden's emails is likely just a sophisticated hack of his iCloud account. Both Giuliani and Steve Bannon disseminated hacked data that intelligence experts believe originated from Russian intelligence to discredit the Bidens.
    In other words, impeachment is being fueled entirely by a years-long Russian spy plot. Yet Republicans continue perpetuating this propaganda operation because it serves their political interests, no matter the damage done to America's democracy.
    The man now pushing impeachment in the House, new Speaker Mike Johnson, has suspicious ties to Russia himself. Johnson accepted campaign donations from Russian oligarch Konstantin Nikolayev, who supplies weapons for Russia's invasion of Ukraine and previously handled exposed Russian spy Maria Butina in the U.S.
    Johnson took Russian money even while accusing Democrats of being soft on Russia. His former ally Liz Cheney labeled him "a collaborator" for his continued perpetuation of Trump's election lies after Jan. 6th. Now we know he's gotten in bed with Kremlin-connected Russians too.
    By pursuing impeachment based on Russian disinformation, Johnson is serving Putin's interests - not America's. He is undermining our democracy and aiding election interference yet again. The presence of this kind of Russian "collaborator" at the very top ranks of U.S. power is a threat unlike we've ever seen.
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  • This podcast episode originally aired May 3 2022, the same day as the leak of a controversial Supreme Court opinion that indicated Roe v. Wade would soon be overturned.
    Before Leonard Leo was a household name, he was on Narativ’s radar and he became the main focus of our coverage the day a Supreme Court opinion leak about Roe v. Wade would be overturned, eliminating federal abortion rights protections.
    Eric Garland was my guest that day. We discussed the implications of this bombshell and delve into the decades-long effort by conservatives to reshape the judiciary and set the stage for such a reversal. Central to this strategy has been Leonard Leo, a religiously-motivated lawyer and operative embedded in powerful legal networks like the Federalist Society and the Council for National Policy.
    Leonard Leo's Influence
    Though not a high-profile public figure, Leonard Leo has played an outsized role coordinating the conservative legal movement's long term plans. Guided by extreme Catholic notions of “natural law,” Leo leveraged his positions within the Federalist Society, the Council for National Policy, and other networks to place ideological allies in key positions. He is also an influential member of the secretive, ultra-conservative Catholic order the Knights of Malta, which bridges his advocacy with international power centers in the Vatican and beyond. Most notably, Leo facilitated over $30 million dollars in Koch brothers donations to reshape George Mason University's law school using his influence on their board. The ultimate goal was to groom Supreme Court justices sympathetic to rolling back liberal decisions on issues like abortion rights. Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett were all vetted and promoted by Leo before their controversial nominations and confirmations.
    Response to Roe v. Wade Leak
    The hosts react to realization of Leo’s goal to overturn Roe v. Wade with deep concern regarding legitimacy, given foreign meddling in recent appointments and new evidence indicating corporate capture of the judicial nomination process. More broadly, this episode encapsulates long building progressive fears that a hijacked Supreme Court could severely erode civil rights protections, privacy rights, and other pillars of equitable governance in America, jeopardizing stability and social cohesion. However, the hosts ultimately express hope that lawful accountability and democratic participation can restore rule of law and integrity to the Republic.

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  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken quietly slipped into Israel on Thursday for meetings in Ramallah and Jerusalem to further a bold proposal that may result in a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine. Blinken believes the ongoing hostage releases and ceasefire talks provide a diplomatic opening for a long-lasting peace. 
    Blinken outlined his proposal in a speech Thursday night.
    Israel must improve the lives of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza “in immediate, tangible ways.”
    Israel must provide Palestinians with a credible path toward statehood.
    The US will propose “practical steps” that can be taken to this end.
    A “revitalized” Palestinian Authority will govern a united West Bank and Gaza.
    The government in Ramallah must reform, end corruption, and promote a free press.
    My guest on this week’s podcast is investment banker and Middle-East policy expert Rick Petree. His diplomatic roots, operational experience, and nuanced knowledge make him an ideal expert to assess Blinken’s gambit. 
    As Rick and I were speaking, the final 8 hostages to be released by Hamas under the 4-day ceasefire - were in transit back home to Israel after 55 days in captivity. 120 Israelis have been freed, 75 remain in captivity.
    We discuss how the crisis presents an opportunity for peace and how both Palestinian and Israeli public opinion seem increasingly receptive to dialogue and compromise after decades of failed security doctrines. 
    Furthermore, the potential spoils of vast offshore gas reserves discovered between Israel and Gaza suggest possible shared prosperity if political cooperation can be achieved. 
    No naïve optimism is warranted. And yet Blinken’s maneuverings hint that behind the hostage tragedy, economic incentives, and weariness of violence, a cautious hope burns for progress between historic enemies. The ingredients for peace may be aligning if key leaders can seize the moment.
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