
  • In this thought-provoking episode, Tom Bodrovics invites back the esteemed Martin Armstrong from Armstrong Economics for an engaging conversation that spans historical political trends, economic repercussions of poorly thought out policies, critiques of politicians, NATO's relevance, Neocon influence, gold as a hedge against uncertainty, and geopolitical tensions.

    Armstrong asserts the recurring cyclical pendulum swing towards the left throughout history is predictable. He raises alarm over the economically destructive consequences of COVID-19 policies and climate change regulations on European small businesses. Armstrong denounces politicians for their power retention efforts, citing instances such as Biden's lawsuits against Trump and perceived inconsistencies.

    The conversation delves into the perceived threat posed by Trump to those in power, speculation of a potential false flag or war with Russia prior to the elections, low approval ratings for Congress and President Biden, and the administration's emphasis on other issues. Armstrong maintains that those in power often deceive and judge others based on their own cultural norms and values, leading to misunderstandings and discrimination.

    The episode recalls NATO's inception during the Cold War when it was formed as a response to the Soviet Union's expansionist ambitions. Martin criticize Western leaders for instigating conflicts and disseminating misinformation. He argues that NATO now primarily functions to propagate war fears and Russian aggression apprehensions.

    The discussion also touches upon the possibility of Hillary Clinton's involvement in the 2024 Presidential election and her past role in Benghazi incidents. Martin reveals that the ambassador involved was an arms dealer providing weapons for Syrian regime change efforts. Gold is explored as a reliable refuge during geopolitical tensions and instability, with historical examples like the Iran hostage crisis and Russia's invasion of Afghanistan cited.

    Furthermore, they delve into the role of digital currencies in international transactions via organizations such as the IMF, potentially replacing the dollar as the dominant currency. Mr. Armstrong suggests America's fiscal irresponsibility and taxation methods contribute to the decline of physical cash and the shift towards a digital currency system. The upcoming presidential elections and potential civil unrest and political instability are also addressed.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:39 - Politics Trending Right6:14 - Establishment Threat10:52 - US Gov. Approval Numbers13:27 - Rights Vs. Discrimination18:46 - Historic Conflicts & Lies24:16 - Purpose of NATO30:50 - Diplomacy & The West32:50 - US Overcommitted Empire35:07 - Conflict on Four Fronts?37:50 - The Plan for Biden41:57 - Collapsing Confidence44:40 - Swiss Democratic System50:19 - Manipulating Society52:47 - Gold Buying & Geopolitics54:52 - Digital Currencies1:02:07 - Signposts of Collapse1:06:15 - Gold During Uncertainty1:09:38 - China & Global Demographics1:12:45 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Cyclical political pendulum swings towards the left are predictable throughout history, according to Armstrong, but power retention efforts by politicians cause misunderstandings and discrimination.

    Armstrong criticizes Western leaders for instigating conflicts, disseminating misinformation, and promoting war fears through NATO.

    The true role of gold as wealth preservation during periods of uncertainty.

    Guest Links:Website: http://armstrongeconomics.comTwitter: Book:

    Martin Armstrong is the Owner and Researcher for the website Armstrong Economics. He is the former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.

  • Tom welcomes back David Kranzler from and Mining Stock Journal to explore the precious metals market's current state, particularly during the summer months. Kranzler anticipates heightened demand in India's largest buying season despite typical decreased volumes. He addresses gold price manipulation by western central banks and institutions, highlighting the influence of eastern hemisphere markets like Shanghai.

    Banks, such as JP Morgan and Citigroup, dominate Comex trading, making substantial profits through short contracts, technical indicators, and sell stops. Central banks reportedly authorize these actions, making price manipulation lucrative. Kranzler remains optimistic about precious metals, predicting higher prices by the end of Q4 or mid-Q3.

    Dave shares past experiences in analyzing gold and silver markets by monitoring open interest and positions held by banks and hedge funds. He observes a correlation between net short bank positions and net long hedge fund positions, leading to price rallies or smashes. Reflecting on 2008, he recounts how the financial system's instability did not result in gold and silver price increases due to manipulation. Current concerns include regional banks and commercial real estate debt, potentially leading to another crisis and further precious metals market suppression.

    Well-run mining producers are thriving amidst rising gold and silver spreads versus production costs, acting like monetary printing presses. Junior project development companies face feast or famine situations, with some easily raising funds while others struggle. Institutional investors like Paul Singer and Stanley Druckenmiller invest in larger mining stocks for leverage effects. The speaker predicts a major shift into the mining sector once the stock market experiences a downturn, leading to price increases for gold, silver, and mining stocks by year-end.

    The podcast also touches upon the significant impact of Apple, Microsoft, and NVIDIA (the 'magnificent seven') on the stock market. These companies have driven most gains in the S&P 400 and NASDAQ 100. A catalyst, possibly a financial crisis, could trigger capital to shift from these stocks into the mining sector when investors need to liquidate quickly. This occurred in 2008 with Fidelity's funds investing in junior microcap mining companies due to their size. The speaker encourages precious metals sector investors to remain persistent despite current trends and anticipates price increases by year-end.

    0:00 - Introduction0:44 - Summer Doldrums?3:30 - Mr. Slammy at Mkt. Opens7:10 - Eastern Pricing & Effects10:00 - Eastern Buying Demand11:20 - Bank Incentives & Metals14:54 - Price Predictions17:32 - Bank Status Now & 200824:39 - Low Grade Q.E. Chart28:29 - Feds 'Control' & Markets32:29 - Buy Now Don't Pay Later33:43 - Middle Class Decline?36:44 - Recession is Here?39:29 - CPI & Health Insurance43:52 - Miners & Capital Issues53:52 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Kranzler anticipates heightened demand during India's buying season despite decreased volumes and price manipulation by western central banks and institutions.

    Well-run mining producers are thriving amidst rising gold and silver spreads versus production costs, while junior project development companies face challenges.

    Institutional investors invest in larger mining stocks for leverage effects, predicting a major shift into the sector when the stock market experiences a downturn.

    Guest Links:Twitter: https://investmentresearchdynamics.comNewsletter:

    David Kranzler spent many years working in various analytic jobs and trading on Wall Street. For nine of those years, he traded junk bonds for Bankers Trust.

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  • Tom Bodrovics welcomes back the always forthright Chris Irons host of Quoth the Raven podcast host and author of QTR's Fringe Finance Substack. Irons shares his concerns about the deeply flawed economy, predicting that something substantial must occur for change. The discussion revolves around the mounting debt, potential deflationary depression, and the Federal Reserve's role in preventing this outcome.

    Irons raises apprehensions regarding the US as a declining empire. He points to signs of decay, such as flawed policies, immigration issues, and societal decadence. Irons expresses skepticism towards ongoing conflicts like Russia-Ukraine, believing prolonging war through substantial financial aid is irrational.

    Chris vents about political discourse, particularly between politicians Pierre Polivere and Justin Trudeau, and discusses the potential dangers of weaponized justice systems and media demonization. He urges both sides to be mindful of these issues.

    Chris and Tom explore the significance of understanding inflation's impact on purchasing power and propose a visual representation to help people grasp this concept. They emphasize that gold, with its fixed supply, can serve as a safeguard against purchasing power loss. While acknowledging Bitcoin's potential benefits, they caution about its risks compared to gold.

    Finally, Chris shares his approach to maintaining peace of mind and happiness amidst global challenges: detach from negative news sources and focus on personal interests, accepting that one cannot fix all the world's problems. The conversation ends with a lighthearted taco shop recommendation leading to a heated albeit pointless debate on social media about meat in tacos.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction1:32 - Trends & Sentiment3:12 - Endgame & It's All Broken9:08 - Black Swan or Grey Rhino17:34 - War, Ukraine, & Democrats23:13 - Optimism Vs. Reality29:00 - Elections & Chaos38:10 - Questions, No Answers40:26 - Justice Weaponization51:00 - Important Visualizations57:00 - Finding Solutions1:01:09 - Perspective & Advice1:09:47 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Chris discusses economic concerns, including a deeply flawed system and potential for significant change due to mounting debt and deflationary depression.

    Irons raises warning signs of a declining US empire: flawed policies, societal decadence, and political instability.

    Importance of detaching from negative news sources and focusing on personal interests for peace of mind amidst global challenges.

    Guest Links:YouTube: https://quoththeraven.podbean.comSubstack + Discount:

    Chris Irons is the host of The Quoth The Raven Podcast, a show dedicated to discussing Fringe Finance topics and exploring the boundaries of investment decisions. Irons has spent years reading the news and has developed a strong opinion on the mainstream media's ability to drive a narrative which serves the interests of a small minority. His focus is to provide content that is rarely found elsewhere and to curate content from people he respects. Irons is not afraid to challenge the mainstream narrative or succumb to it when it serves the collective best interests.

    Chris is not providing investment advice and the content on The Quoth The Raven podcast/substack is not meant to be taken as such. Anything mentioned should not be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell anything.

  • Tom welcomes back Matthew Pipenburg from Von Greyerz Gold Switzerland to discusses the economic climate. Matt emphasizes the importance of understanding historical context and separating facts from biases. He believes that common sense reveals issues in various markets, leading to a potential debt crisis causing inflation and currency destruction. Trust is also eroding, particularly in US Treasuries and the US dollar narrative. He advises preparing for these changes as they're already happening.Matt discuss the comparison of current debt levels with those after World War II, acknowledging significant differences: America moving from a creditor to a debtor role. Raising interest rates to combat inflation is less effective when public debt reaches unprecedented levels. Central banks cannot export inflation like they used to, making such actions impossible without causing unpayable interest expenses. Alarming trends in bankruptcies, unemployment, and overvalued markets are evidence of economic instability due to unsustainable debt levels.Matt also discusses the risks associated with junk bonds, including their inability to refinance at higher interest rates and potential defaults. High yield bonds offer little yield for significant risk. Private credit pools, which hold bad loans, are a major concern due to their lack of transparency and potential value distortion.Central banks' shift towards gold as a savings instrument is discussed, with physical gold replacing U.S. Treasuries as a reserve asset. Central banks in the East have been net buyers of gold since 2014. Matt advises individuals to save in gold instead of the US dollar for long-term value preservation. Gold significantly outperforms various assets in relation to U.S. Treasuries, making it an attractive hedge against inflation and debt.The conversation concludes with Matt emphasizing self-education, forming opinions on the current economic climate, and considering long-term investments in real assets and commodities, particularly physical gold as a hedge against inflation and debt.Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:50 - Reality, Facts, & Trust6:10 - Hard Assets & Recency Bias12:43 - Debt & GDP Risks18:52 - Bonds & 'High' Yields23:25 - Mark To Market & Risk28:43 - Market Liquidity & Flow32:50 - New Currencies & BRICS42:14 - Dollar Trade & Metrics48:25 - Perception of Gold56:38 - Risky Assets & Yields1:02:25 - Optionality & Speculation1:06:58 - Miners & Other Plays?1:12:38 - Equity Risk & Value1:19:09 - Wrap UpTalking Points From This EpisodeHistorical debt levels reveal economic instability; prepare for potential crisis.Junk bonds present risks of refinancing and defaults.Gold emerges as an excellent savings instrument and hedge against inflation.Guest LinksTwitter: (Amazon): Piepenburg is a Partner of Von Greyerz and the author of the popular book, "Rigged to Fail". Matt is fluent in French, German, and English. He is a graduate of Brown (BA), Harvard (MA), and the University of Michigan (JD). His widely-respected reports on macro conditions and the changing behavior of risk assets are published regularly at

  • Tom welcomes back Danielle DiMartino Booth to the show to discuss de-dollarization and its implications for the US economy. Danielle argues that while concerns over countries moving away from the US dollar system have been ongoing for a long time, the US dollar remains dominant in global transactions due to its vast liquidity pool and lack of competition. She advises investors to diversify during financial crises instead of doubling down on dollars. The conversation touches upon the Federal Reserve's actions, with Danielle expressing concerns about potential policy errors regarding inflation and outdated data usage.

    Danielle discusses employment statistics, mentioning that hard data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) plays a significant role in revisions to non-farm payrolls and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). She expresses concern over the Fed's reliance on outdated data and potential late action. The conversation also covers concerns about risks for regional banks, rising bankruptcy rates, and imminent student loan delinquencies.

    She also discusses signs of a potential recession, including slowdown in credit card spending, increasing charge offs, and decreasing employment levels. Despite some optimistic predictions, she express skepticism due to the weak economic foundation and the Fed's role in combatting inflation with varying opinions on its likelihood.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:45 - Dedollarization Trends2:47 - Global Dollar Trade5:49 - Reserves and Data8:57 - Fed & Global C.B. Cuts10:49 - Fed & 2024 Elections12:55 - Consumer 'Health'13:58 - Fed Revisions & Data Lag19:44 - Bankruptcies & Inflation23:44 - Problems Not Priced-In25:27 - Regional Banking Risk28:47 - Bigger Banks & Losses32:52 - Credit Card Spending34:52 - Deep Long Recession?37:40 - Fed - Hard Landing38:55 - Inflation Targeting41:09 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    The US dollar's dominance in global transactions is due to its vast liquidity pool and lack of competition.

    Investors are advised to diversify during financial crises instead of relying on dollars.

    Concerns over the Fed's policy errors, outdated data usage, and potential late action in addressing economic issues.

    Guest Links:Twitter:

    Danielle DiMartino Booth is CEO and Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence LLC, a research and analytics firm.

    DiMartino Booth set out to launch a #ResearchRevolution, redefining how market intelligence is conceived and delivered, with the goal of not only guiding portfolio managers but promoting financial literacy. To build QI, she brought together a core team of investing veterans in analyzing the trends and providing critical analysis of what drives the markets.

    Since its inception, commentary and data from DiMartino Booth's The Daily Feather have appeared in other financial sources such as Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, Institutional Investor, Yahoo Finance, The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Seeking Alpha, TD Ameritrade,, and more.

    A global thought leader on monetary policy, economics, and finance, DiMartino Booth founded Quill Intelligence in 2018. She is the author of FED UP: An Insider's Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America (Portfolio, Feb 2017), a full-time columnist for Bloomberg View, a business speaker, and a commentator frequently featured on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox News, Fox Business News, BNN Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance and other major media outlets.

    Before Quill, DiMartino Booth spent nine years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, serving as Advisor to President Richard W. Fisher throughout the financial crisis until his retirement in 2015. Her work at the Fed focused on financial stability and the efficacy of unconventional monetary policy.

  • Tom welcomes back Gareth Soloway, President, CEO & Chief Market Strategist for Verfied Investing. The conversation centers on the significant influence of the top six companies in the S&P and NASDAQ, which make up approximately 33% of these indexes, raising apprehensions for passive or specific investors. Soloway underscores potential risks associated with this overallocation, such as flash crashes or market declines, emphasizing the role of algorithms in exacerbating risk due to their massive investments and swift responses to market shifts.

    Soloway also shares his concerns about various economic indicators signaling a weaker economy than suggested by broad indices. He mentions the transportation sector, Airbnb rentals, and commodities like copper and oil as examples of potential weaknesses that could impact consumer spending and tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Apple. Copper and oil, often viewed as economic health indicators, have shown signs of potential downturns.

    Soloway anticipates a return of inflation to 2% once the economy slows down, but warns of a quick rebound when the Federal Reserve starts cutting interest rates aggressively during an economic downturn. He fears this could lead to difficulties for the Fed in rescuing the economy as they have done in the past.

    Central banks' responses to inflation are also discussed, with Soloway suggesting they can impact inflation through interest rates and quantitative tightening measures. The Federal Reserve is challenged to balance its dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment.

    Gareth discusses potential consequences of high inflation, such as affecting consumer confidence and leading investors to shift from stocks to bonds. He also touches on rate effects on wealthy individuals and the growing US debt, which could impact future interest rate cuts and the possibility of a financial reset. Gareth believes that significant economic collapse could occur within the next five to ten years, possibly resulting in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) implementation as a solution or band-aid fix for an already fragile economic situation. The conversation also covers challenges the Federal Reserve faces during elections and potential impacts of other central banks' rate cuts on the US economy. Lastly, Gareth raises concerns about financial institution risks due to asset-liability mismatches and potential massive losses, especially in commercial real estate.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:32 - Equity Concentration1:28 - Flash Crash Risks?2:27 - Trading Algos & Exits3:36 - Economy & Weakness4:14 - Transport ETF Chart5:09 - Russell 2000 Index5:45 - AirBnB Chart7:32 - Copper Chart9:18 - Crude Oil Chart10:23 - Inflation Thoughts12:28 - Rates, Demand, & Credit14:58 - The Debt End Game17:52 - The CBDC "Fix"?19:50 - Fed & 2024 Election Cycle21:44 - Foreign C.B. Rate Cuts22:28 - Market Risks & Banks26:33 - Gold/Silver Outlook30:18 - Palladium Chart32:33 - Wrap Up

    Guest Links:Twitter: https://verifiedinvestingcrypto.comWebsite: https://verifiedinvestingeducation.comLinkedIn:

    Chief Market Strategist Gareth Soloway has been an avid swing and day trader since his days at Binghamton University, where he studied Economics. After college, Gareth quickly excelled as a financial adviser, but his heart was always in swing and day trading. He had this long-standing belief that he could help investors make more money by advising them on shorter-term investments (holding a stock for days to weeks) than the buy and hold crowd who lost 50% of their money during every market collapse. "Why not profit during the bear markets just like the bull markets," he said. So while helping others gain financial independence during the day, he spent his nights studying charts and price action,

  • Tom welcomes back Michael Kao, former hedge fund manager and commodities trader to discuss the policy dilemmas facing central bankers worldwide and the implications for gold. Central banking challenges, including the Federal Reserve's higher-for-longer policy and potential risks for reserve asset holders, particularly those of BRICS countries, are explored.

    Michael argues against the adoption of alternative reserve assets like gold or Bitcoin due to their supply inelasticity and potential for sharp price fluctuations. The conversation touches upon geopolitical implications of central banks' search for alternatives to the US dollar, the challenges posed by illiquid reserve assets, and the inflationary environment. Michael believes we might be experiencing a new inflation trajectory between low inflation and stagflation, with unemployment currently in the middle.

    Michael also discusses the dynamics of treasuries versus gold in relation to currency devaluation and central bank interventions. The effectiveness of interventions like those by the Bank of Japan is questioned, suggesting potential selling of reserve assets, including gold, to fund these interventions.

    He introduces the concept of the 'Goldilocks trade' and its opposite, the 'anti-Goldilocks trade.' The Goldilocks trade refers to an economy not too hot or cold, allowing the Fed to cut interest rates without causing inflation. In contrast, the anti-Goldilocks trade is characterized by stagflationary conditions. Michael expresses concern about the widening wealth divide and pockets of weakness in certain sectors while larger institutions remain unscathed.

    Lastly Mr. Kao shares his investment strategies, emphasizing the importance of information asymmetry and understanding underlying capital structures to find true alpha opportunities. He warns against commodity beta pitfalls and encourages listeners to explore different perspectives on investment topics.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:56 - The Battle of the Bads7:43 - Reserve Assets & Risks16:24 - US Gold Reserves & Backing20:10 - Fiscal Dominance & Debt24:52 - Fed Response & Guidance26:13 - Four Horseman of Inflation36:06 - Fed Cuts & Yields42:08 - Weak Currencies45:28 - The Goldilocks Trade50:27 - Alpha Vs Beta Returns1:00:30 - Identifying Alpha Plays1:05:47 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Central bankers face challenges with inflation, reserve assets, and geopolitical implications.

    Goldilocks and anti-Goldilocks trades represent contrasting economic conditions neither too hot or cold.

    Why having information asymmetry is crucial for finding true alpha in investments.

    Guest Links:Website/Substack:

    Michael Kao is a seasoned investor and retired portfolio manager with 25 years of experience in commodities trading and hedge fund management. He has a lifelong passion for the markets and a keen interest in geopolitics, which has lead him to manage his own investments and publish his views on his SubStack Website – Kaoboy Musings.

    Known for his out of consensus calls that often wind up becoming consensus later on, Michael Kao strives to cut through the noise in his musings by introducing mental models from other disciplines and injecting ideas from eclectic topics. He aims to educate, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, elevate above the noise and entertain.

  • Tom Bodrovics, welcomes back Lobo Tiggre, author and publisher of They explore China's recent halt in gold buying by the People's Bank, which is deemed insignificant as ordinary Chinese people are increasingly seeking gold as a secure investment due to real estate crisis and the desire for alternative savings. The conversation revolves around potential economic indicators such as Jeff Gunlach's recession predictor and Rick Rule's perspective on an inevitable but not immediate recession. Lobo expresses worries about market fragility, investor panic, especially during elections, and possible implications of copper prices.

    Despite considering copper an economic indicator with a trailing effect, Lobo remains bullish on it for the long term, though it might change his investment approach if there's a recession. Lobo observes that silver has behaved more like gold recently, prompting him to reconsider investment strategies and add silver back into consideration. Regarding Mexico, political instability and anti-mining sentiments are increasingly a concern, leading Lobo to reduce his Mexican stock exposure. The discussion also touches upon Argentina's President Milei, with potential risks of instability or violent events impacting investments, but optimism remains due to Milei's popularity and reform progress.

    Lobo argues that political risk cannot be overlooked in Latin America and advocates for the potential profitability of gold stocks due to their ability to provide significant leverage to the underlying commodity. Additionally, he remains bullish on uranium as a potentially lucrative investment opportunity that has a long-term thesis.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:42 - A New Gold Buyer?8:38 - Macro Forces & Timing11:16 - Recession & Unemployment19:24 - Stock Market Optimism21:00 - Economy & Dr. Copper26:50 - Silver Outlook30:16 - Mexico & Capital Concerns34:50 - Latin America Trends43:43 - Mining Stocks Broken?49:51 - Uranium & Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Chinese people seek gold as alternative savings amid real estate crisis, disregarding People's Bank pause in buying.

    Lobo remains bullish on copper for the long term but may change approach if recession occurs. Silver behavior prompts strategy reconsideration.

    Political instability in Mexico and Argentina raise concerns.

    Gold stocks offer potential profit due to commodity leverage. He remains bullish on uranium long-term.

    Guest Links:Website: https://independentspeculator.comTwitter:

    Lobo Tiggre, aka Louis James, is the founder and CEO of Louis James LLC, and the principal analyst and editor of He researched and recommended speculative opportunities in Casey Research publications from 2004 to 2018, writing under the name "Louis James." While with Casey Research, he learned the ins and outs of resource speculation from the legendary speculator Doug Casey.

    Although frequently mistaken for one, Mr. Tiggre is not a professional geologist. However, his long tutelage under world-class geologists, writers, and investors resulted in an exceptional track record.

    A fully transparent, documented, and verifiable track record is a central feature of the IndependentSpeculator. Mr. Tiggre will put his own money into the speculations he writes about, so his readers will always know he has "skin in the game" with them.

  • Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Greg Weldon, the publisher of Global Macro Strategy Report and the Gold Guru, for a discussion on the US markets, with a focus on the economy and consumer spending. With over four decades of experience in financial markets and commodity trading, Greg expresses concerns about economic stress despite celebratory employment reports, citing labor market conditions worsening with rising unemployment, underemployment, and declining savings rates. Consumers are also facing increasing credit card and auto loan delinquencies while disposable income decreases and government handouts account for an expanding share.

    Greg suggests the economy might already be rolling over, and the Fed would like to see asset prices decrease before declaring victory in inflation, despite the policy rate being higher than current inflation. Commercial real estate is another major concern, with the Fed seeming behind the curve.

    Greg shares his perspective that the Fed might be showing a willingness to accept higher general rates of inflation to protect consumers and the economy despite risks of inducing a credit crunch. The discussion touches upon Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's challenges in maintaining an apolitical stance during the divisive US election year and potential social unrest leading to economic negatives. Greg also mentions commercial real estate debt due in the next 12 months, which could lead to bank failures for regional banks holding 80% of that debt.

    Greg discusses the implications of a consumer wake-up call in the stock market or another Plaza Accord-like agreement among major global powers as potential catalysts for the U.S. dollar's next round of debasement. He also mentions natural events, climate change, and geopolitical conflicts that could impact currencies and commodities, particularly gold. Greg encourages being aggressive defensively by shorting the S&P 500 when the time comes and suggests optimism about future performance for platinum and certain mining shares. He believes mining as a whole will benefit from increased enthusiasm towards gold.

    Lastly, Mr. Weldon emphasizes the importance of staying adaptive, not being bound by historical prices or market assumptions, researching a good Commodity Trading Advisor, importance of proper risk management, and understanding futures trading.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:38 - Heavy Policies & Elections4:50 - CPI Understated?6:29 - Consumer Credit Stress8:57 - Powell & Asset Prices10:08 - Fed Watching Gold?12:54 - Fed Inflation Targets15:20 - Inflation Metrics?19:26 - Powell & Elections21:38 - Bank Failure Risks25:47 - Dollar Risk & C.B Cuts32:13 - Defensive Plays34:15 - Dollar/Gold Correlation37:27 - Stock Markets & Currencies39:48 - Gold Market Considerations45:23 - Platinum Thoughts47:12 - Mining Sector Vs. Metals50:00 - Concluding Thoughts51:20 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Why the economy may already be rolling over, with rising unemployment, underemployment, and declining savings rates, despite positive employment reports.

    The Fed might accept higher inflation to protect consumers and the economy, potentially causing a credit crunch.

    Natural events, climate change, geopolitical conflicts, and consumer behavior could significantly impact currencies and commodities, particularly gold.

    Guest Links:Website: Podcast: [email protected]

    Greg Weldon is a veteran in the global financial markets industry with over 40 years of experience. He started his career as a floor trader on the COMEX and later worked as a broker for Lehman Brothers and Prudential Securities. He then became a proprietary money manager for hedge funds Moore Capital Management and Commodities Corporation. In 1998, he founded Weldon Financial and has been producing ...

  • Tom Bodrovics welcomes Tony Anscombe, ESET Chief Security Evangelist, to discuss cybersecurity in the mining sector. With over three decades in IT and cybersecurity, Anscombe stresses that security fundamentals remain crucial despite technological advancements. He highlights vulnerabilities from remote locations, outdated technology, third parties, and activists/nation states. Mining companies face significant risks, including potential for fatalities and financial losses.

    A comprehensive cybersecurity framework is necessary, along with advanced technologies like EDR systems. The financial cost of cyber attacks can reach $14 trillion by 2027, affecting industries, including mining. Companies must prioritize cybersecurity and involve third parties to adhere to security policies. Anscombe also touches on the ethical implications and potential international collaboration in AI development.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:30 - Tony's Background2:03 - Industrial Security6:47 - Potential Risks10:37 - Attack Vectors12:32 - 3rd Party Liability14:30 - AI & Cyber Security17:30 - Practical Solutions19:50 - Capable People20:58 - Global Impacts & Costs24:16 - Reporting & Regulations27:02 - Technical Glitches?30:04 - AI Risks & Benefits33:57 - Restricting AI?36:19 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Mining companies face significant cybersecurity risks due to remote locations, outdated technology, third parties, and activists/nation states.

    A comprehensive cybersecurity framework and advanced technologies like EDR systems are necessary to mitigate mining sector risks.

    The financial cost of cyber attacks can exceed $14 trillion by 2027, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing cybersecurity for all industries.

    Guest Links

    Tony Anscombe is Chief Security Evangelist for ESET. With over 20 years of security industry experience, Anscombe is an established author, blogger and speaker on the current threat landscape, security technologies and products, data protection, privacy and trust, and Internet safety. His speaking portfolio includes industry conferences RSA, Black Hat, VB, CTIA, MEF, Gartner Risk and Security Summit and the Child Internet Safety Summit (CIS). He is regularly quoted in cybersecurity, technology and business media, including BBC, Dark Reading, the Guardian, the New York Times and USA Today, with broadcast appearances on Bloomberg, BBC, CTV, KRON and CBS. Anscombe is a current board member of the NCSA and FOSI. Tony is based in the USA and represents ESET globally.

  • Tom Bodrovics welcomes back mining executive and metals analyst David Jensen. Together they revisit concerns around the London gold market's dominance, estimated to account for 91-92% of the global gold trade. This is thanks to the Bank of England's 'regulatory oversight' since 1986, permitting unallocated gold contracts instead of physical bars. The market trades $500 billion of gold daily and and 2.9 billion ounces of silver. However, only around 3.5% of London's vaulted gold is actual physical. They contrast the LBMA with the Shanghai gold market and point out the key differences.

    David argues that the London market functions as a price-setting mechanism rather than one of price discovery. They discuss Gibson's paradox, where interest rates follow price levels rather than inflation rate. Central banks benefit from this control scheme due to their control over monetary policy and debt levels using gold and silver as loose policy indicators.

    David delves deeper into the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), which regulates through a voluntary code of conduct called NIPPS which is under Bank of England oversight. The metals market are dominated in London, with around 90% global cash trading occurring there.

    David raises concerns over the transparency and authenticity of silver holdings in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), questioning claims against metal, sub-custodians, potential rehypothecation or selling. The actual amount of silver held and its implications for interest rates and the economy if pricing proves fictitious are discussed.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction1:12 - Size of London Market7:07 - Paper Claims on Metals8:45 - Silver a Virtual Asset?9:50 - Opaque Market & Claims14:44 - Fractional Reserve Metals?15:57 - LBMA 'Code of Conduct'20:54 - Who Watches the Watchers22:09 - Settlement Definition24:29 - London Vs. New York25:35 - Futures & Cash Markets30:20 - ETFs & Bullion Banks33:08 - Honesty & Transparency?38:13 - Criticality Theory41:10 - Scales & Incentives42:18 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    London gold market dominates, allowing unallocated contracts. Central banks benefit from opacity, influencing monetary policy.

    Questions about physical holdings vs. claims in London's vaults impacting interest rates and the economy.

    Transparency concerns regarding ETF silver holdings, potential rehypothecation or selling of metal claims.

    Guest Links:Substack: Currie Video:

    David Jensen, P.Eng., LL.B., MBA, is a Professional Engineer with a degree in Engineering from the University of Waterloo in Canada. He worked through 1993 on the F-5 Fighter Overhaul program and the Bombardier Regional Jet programs. Mr. Jensen then graduated with an LL.B. degree in corporate and commercial law from the University of Calgary and an MBA from Univ. of B.C., majoring in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

    Returning first to aviation, then, after reading Austrian School Economics, Mr. Jensen transitioned to the mining industry in 2004. First through his mining industry consultancy, then as Vice President of Corporate Development for Western Copper Corp., and most recently as President and COO of Skyline Gold.

    Mr. Jensen currently serves as President and COO of a private mining company and provides strategic, operational, risk assessment, and precious metals consulting services through his consultancy, Jensen Strategic.

  • Tom Bodrovics welcomes back John Lee, a seasoned CFA with two decades in the mining industry, to discuss economic trends and his predictions since their last conversation in September 2022. Reflecting on past discussions, they touch upon various topics including the irrationality of silver markets, U.S. dollar's rise, and the surprising impact of geopolitics on commodities like oil.

    John shares his perspective on current economic issues such as persistent inflation, rising interest rates, and an inverted yield curve. He admits some errors in earlier predictions but maintains a thoughtful analysis of macroeconomic trends. John believes that large financial institutions and tech companies have significant influence on markets and are not swayed by interest rate hikes in the same way as ordinary investors.

    John discusses the role of the Federal Reserve and the potential motivations behind its actions, questioning whether its primary goal is to control inflation or facilitate asset accumulation for the powerful elite. He also delves into the impact of demographics on commodities and the economy. Despite less consumer demand due to underreported population numbers in some countries like China, John remains bullish on investment demand for metals like gold.

    John shares his concerns about the upcoming election and its potential market impact, believing that central banks and cartels have more control over market movements than politicians. He also advises preparing for an exit strategy with diversified assets in various currencies, metals, and geographic regions. John encourages listeners to explore his work on Twitter under the username 'John Lee Silver Elephant' for insights on gold, silver, and interest rates. Currently, he recommends waiting for further dollar weakness before making significant purchases of these metals.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introductions0:40 - Changes & Surprises6:02 - Rate Hikes & No Crash?12:12 - Thoughts on the Fed15:53 - Yield Curve Inversion20:52 - The Dollar & Cent. Banks23:45 - Demographics & Commodities29:16 - China & Economic Reporting33:26 - Silver/Gold Ratio & Uses38:10 - Golds Role & Public47:27 - Election Uncertainties50:42 - Conflict Risks & Fragility58:46 - Diversification & Plan B1:05:38 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Central banks and large entities manipulate markets, minimizing impact of interest rate hikes on ordinary investors.

    How demographics and geopolitical factors can influence commodity demand and prices.

    Why gold remains a valuable long-term investment due to increasing central bank concerns and potential digital currency adoption.

    Guest Links:Twitter:

    John Lee, CFA, is CEO and President of Silver Elephant Mining. Mr. Lee specializes in mining M&A and has raised over $150 million through the TSX and TSX Venture Exchange for junior companies since 2009. Lee identified, negotiated and financed Lynn Lake nickel acquisition in 2009, Ulaan Ovoo coal in 2010, Wellgreen nickel-pgm in 2011, Shakespeare nickel-pgm in 2012, Pulacayo silver in 2015, Gibellini vanadium in 2017, Bisoni vanadium in 2020, and Minago nickel-pgm in 2021. Mr. Lee is a CFA charterholder and graduated from Rice University with bachelor’s degrees in Economics and in Engineering (honor).

  • In this engaging interview, Tom Bodrovics once again engages in a thoughtful conversation with the legendary Rick Rule. Throughout their discussion, Rick underscores the significance of patience, persistence, and the power of people when it comes to thriving in equities. He also champions Warren Buffett's concept of compounding as a vital principle for long-term prosperity.

    Rick shares his belief that individuals should prioritize self-reliance over reliance on the political system. He cautions against jumping to hasty conclusions based on market narratives. In terms of economic forecasts, Rick expresses concerns about imminent recessions in both the US and globally, advocating that individuals maintain liquidity and top-tier portfolios to navigate market dips.

    Rick further discusses Warren Buffett's investment philosophies, emphasizing the importance of concentrating on industries in which one is knowledgeable.

    Rick believes that gold could outperform various other asset classes due to its present insignificant market presence, coupled with Europe potentially distancing itself from the US. He posits that while the US dollar will continue as a reserve currency, it may face challenges from the developing multi-polar world.

    Rick believes government will generally choose various covert methods of confiscating wealth from the population instead of direct overt action. Methods like inflating the money supply and taxation are far more likely than direct metals confiscation.

    Rick also voices concerns regarding the banking system's stability given unrealized losses totaling $517 billion and looming debt maturities. He raises issues of insolvency for lenders due to a disparity between long-term assets and overnight liabilities, as well as commercial real estate portfolios. Rick encourages having some bullion as non-correlated cash offering options during tumultuous markets.

    Lastly, Rick shares his insights on the Canadian and US banking systems, appreciating Canada's banks for higher profitability for shareholders but less favorable conditions for borrowers due to minimal competition. The US market, however, offers a broader selection of financial institutions catering to various clientele as both lenders and borrowers. Rick also highlights his efforts in establishing Battle Bank and the necessity of earning interest on savings.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:37 - Lessons Learned7:54 - Elections & Investors10:18 - Education & Blaming Society12:24 - Recession Probabilities15:23 - New Paradigms & Understanding22:16 - The World & Gold23:50 - Multi-Polar Outlook26:36 - Covert or Overt Confiscation29:14 - State of the Uranium Cycle32:45 - FDIC & Lender Insolvency35:25 - Commercial Real Estate37:49 - What You Want in a Bank?39:25 - Savings, CPI, & Hedonics41:46 - U.S. Vs. Canadian Banks44:00 - Return Free Risk47:24 - Living Standards & Needs50:34 - Developed Demographics52:26 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Rick Rule emphasizes patience, persistence, self-reliance, and knowledge for success in equities, with a focus on Warren Buffett's compounding principle for long-term prosperity. He also expresses concerns about imminent recessions and advocates maintaining liquidity and top-tier portfolios.

    Rule believes in the potential of gold as an asset class due to its insignificant market presence and Europe distancing from the US, while warning about government covert methods of wealth confiscation and instability in the banking system. He encourages having some bullion during market dips.

    Rick values Canada's banks for higher profitability but less favorable conditions for borrowers due to minimal competition. In contrast, he highlights the US market's broader selection of financial institutions catering to various clientele as both lenders and borrowers. He also discusses his efforts in establishing Battle Bank.

    Guest Links:Twitter: https://twitter.

  • Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Bob Elliott, Co-Founder, CEO, and CIO of Unlimited Funds, who shares his insights on how to evaluate skills from luck in investment outcomes. The discussion also touched upon the current state of inflation in developed countries like Europe, the UK, and the US. Despite recent supply shocks causing higher price growth, wages have matched or surpassed it, resulting in elevated rates exceeding central bank targets.

    Elliott also addressed the concerns of central bankers regarding debt and income dynamics, mentioning the risks of negative reinforcing cycles and comparing credit-driven economic expansions to sustainable income-driven ones. The speakers discussed the relationship between government deficits and economic growth, debating whether high levels lead to significant stimulus or a large debt burden.

    Regarding labor markets, Bob addressed the rising costs of inflation and the impact on reshoring production in the US. The speakers touched upon de-globalization, parallel supply chains, and shipping costs as causes for price increases and disruptions. The Fed's current monetary policy stance was discussed, with potential future actions debated due to low unemployment and while inflation is still above target.

    Bob questioned the significance of specific labor market numbers and he also touched upon why the US economy avoided a recession despite predictions. In this income-driven environment, Bob discussed the shift from growth to value stocks and the impact on investable assets in sectors with earnings and market consolidation. The supercycle in resource markets was also discussed highlighting investment lags behind demand and potential higher commodity prices contributing to inflation.

    Timestamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:47 - Investing Luck Vs. Skill4:18 - Understanding Biases6:54 - Evaluating Advisors10:05 - High Inflation & Rate Cuts13:06 - Why a 2% CPI Target16:56 - Time Preference & Demand20:12 - Types of Economic Expansion27:39 - Deficits & Growth30:32 - Inflation Forces33:52 - Goods Deflation & Supply37:30 - Reshoring & Labor Costs40:16 - Shipping & Disruptions43:24 - Container Ship Costs45:35 - Fed & Rate Cutting?48:02 - Labor Data & Noise50:05 - Global Bond Markets53:23 - U.S. Resilience?55:40 - Value Vs. Growth59:00 - Sectors & Resource Cycles1:03:52 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points from This Episode

    Bob Elliott emphasizes the role of both skills and luck in investment outcomes, suggesting investors focus on evaluating individuals' ability to make informed decisions rather than solely relying on past successes.

    Central banks are grappling with rising inflation rates exceeding targets due to wage growth matching or surpassing price increases in developed countries like Europe, the UK, and the US.

    Elliott discusses the shift from growth to value stocks amid an income-driven economic environment, highlighting the importance of investing in sectors with earnings and market consolidation.

    Guest Links:Website: https://www.unlimitedfunds.comTwitter:

    Bob Elliott is the Co-Founder, CEO, and CIO of Unlimited, which uses machine learning to create index replication ETFs of 2&20 style alternative investments like hedge funds, venture capital and private equity.

    Prior to founding Unlimited, Bob was a Senior Investment Executive at Bridgewater Associates where he served on the Investment Committee (G7) and created investment strategies across equities, fixed income, credit, exchange rates, and commodities, including many used in the flagship Pure Alpha fund. He also built and led Ray Dalio's personal investment research team for nearly a decade. He's the author of hundreds of Bridgewater's widely read Daily Observations and directly counseled some of the world's foremost policymakers and institutional investors on economic and investing issues.

    Bob has also served as an advisor and executive at several startups including CircleUp,

  • In Part Two with Michael Oliver and Vince Lanci we discuss the growing political and economic uncertainties revolving around the upcoming 2024 election.

    Michael highlights the potential chaos and unrest during the election. He suggests that if the stock market broke before the election, the Democratic Party might consider replacing Biden due to their emphasis on market performance. Tom mentions a poll indicating deep-rooted political divisions, with each party believing a win by the opposite would cause lasting harm to the country. This instability, Michael believes, is not being factored into markets and could lead to major shifts for global investors.

    The duo expressed concerns about the upcoming election's impact on markets and society, emphasizing that elections usually bring uncertainty but, due to deep-rooted political divisions in the US, there is a higher risk of prolonged uncertainty. This could result in increased stock market volatility and even a contested election outcome. They mentioned historical examples like the 2008 election, secession attempts, and the role of gold during such times.

    They also touch upon potential implications for gold markets if the U.S. election was contested. They emphasize buying dips instead of selling rallies for gold and silver as alternatives to a volatile stock market. They see gold as a competitive alternative when the stock market experiences volatility.

    Furthermore, the conversation explored potential crises or geopolitical events that could lead to the suspension of the upcoming election, including manufactured ones. The speakers also touched upon the role of gold as a metric of economic stability and its potential impact on the election. Additionally, they reflected on the changing political landscape, the influence of various parties and foreign conflicts on the election outcome, and the potential consequences for free speech, civil unrest, inflation, monetary policy, and individual freedoms.

    Time Stamp References:00:00 - Introduction00:51 - Fed & Panic Mode08:40 - 2024 Election Chaos?13:26 - Argentina & Milei19:33 - Seceding Successfully?24:41 - Fed Going Away?26:04 - Censorship & Free Speech29:10 - Suspension of Elections?31:18 - Geopolitical Black Swans37:03 - The Uni-Party & RFK39:56 - Metals & Signposts40:33 - Volatility & Buy The Dips42:17 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    The upcoming 2024 U.S. election is causing significant political and economic uncertainty which the markets have not priced in.

    Deep-rooted political divisions indicate a higher risk of prolonged uncertainty, increasing stock market volatility and potential for a market correction

    Gold could serve as an alternative investment during such volatile stock markets and potential black swan like events.

    Vince Lanci - Guest LinksSpecial Discount: & Bullion:

    Vincent Lanci is the Owner and Founder of Echobay Partners LLC. and is a regular contributor on ZeroHedge.

    In 2018 Vince was honored to be a part of Market Wizard Larry Benedict's Opportunistic Trader project as precious metals and Option expert. In addition, in 2017, Mr. Lanci and Professor Robert Biolsi co-authored Forecasting Oil and Natural Gas Volatility for UCONN.

    From 2004-2008, Mr. Lanci was Co-Head of Metals & Energy Trading for CiS Options LLC, Echobay's predecessor, where he ran the long-short and vol-arb portfolios for CiS's parent fund and generated $103MM during that time.

    From 1993-2003, Vince owned and operated Berard Capital LLC option market makers. In 2000, he co-founded Whentech with David Wender, where he was the chief architect of the "Pit-Trader" user interface. Between 1987-1993 he gained experience at Lehman Bros and Cooper Neff....

  • In this Palisades podcast episode, Tom welcomes back Michael Oliver from Momentum Structural Analysis and Vince Lanci, publisher of the Goldfix Substack. The discussion covers various markets - metals, equity indexes, commodities - and in part two, the upcoming election.

    Michael Oliver initiates the conversation by analyzing the NASDAQ's remarkable growth since the 2009 Bear Low and its significance as a leading index due to its substantial percentage gain. He attributes this influx of funds to the M2 chart or Fed funds rate chart, directing investment into the stock market at that time. Michael then pivots towards the current market situation, sharing his view on momentum analysis and the election's potential impact, emphasizing the importance of examining trends beyond just price. He points to a major sell signal in January 2022, causing a steep decline followed by recovery.

    Vince Lanci contributes by addressing the narrowing breadth in the stock market. He stresses that leadership changes are vital for overall market health and believes there's currently no breadth, limiting options if AI leadership falters. Vince explains how the stock indexes have shrunk from a broader group to key players.

    The discussion also touches on copper and natural gas commodities before focusing on precious metals. Michael highlights the deceptive nature of the acceleration phase in a bull market and the significance of understanding trends and structures rather than relying solely on popular indicators like RSI or MACD.

    They further delve into investment strategies based on silver market analysis and historical trends, sharing personal experiences and anticipating precious metals market movements due to geopolitical tensions and central banks' actions. Vince also brings a geopolitical perspective, focusing on central banks and sovereign wealth funds buying silver as an international trade collateral store of value.

    They explore the potential for a new Bretton Woods and gold's ability to anticipate economic trends. Vince expects significant precious metals market movements due to the anticipated end of fiat currency and gold's role in predicting economic shifts, with concern about commercial real estate and stock markets potentially being affected by central banks' involvement.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction1:02 - Nasdaq & Momentum4:58 - Nvidia & Stock Markets?10:38 - Copper Importance12:53 - Natural Gas Chart18:44 - Past Silver Bull Mkts.24:30 - Momentum & Timeframes26:38 - Maintaining Perspective34:09 - Silver Spread Vs. Gold37:40 - C.B. Gold Buying & BRICS43:43 - Gold & The End of Fiat

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Michael Oliver discusses the NASDAQ's growth, attributing it to funds shift post-financial crisis, emphasizing importance of understanding market trends beyond just price.

    Vince Lanci highlights narrowing stock market breadth and stresses leadership changes are crucial for overall health and potential risks if it falters.

    They explore investment strategies in precious metals, discussing historical trends, geopolitical tensions, and central banks' role.

    Vince Lanci - Guest LinksSpecial Discount: & Bullion:

    Vincent Lanci is the Owner and Founder of Echobay Partners LLC. and is a regular contributor on ZeroHedge.

    In 2018 Vince was honored to be a part of Market Wizard Larry Benedict's Opportunistic Trader project as precious metals and Option expert. In addition, in 2017, Mr. Lanci and Professor Robert Biolsi co-authored Forecasting Oil and Natural Gas Volatility for UCONN.

    From 2004-2008, Mr. Lanci was Co-Head of Metals & Energy Trading for CiS Options LLC, Echobay's predecessor, where he ran the long-short and vol-arb portfoli...

  • In this episode of Palisades Gold Radio, Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Francis Hunt, also known as the Market Sniper, for a discussion on the importance of shared experiences, living deliberately beyond the financial world, and the upcoming gold and silver discussion focusing on preserving assets during monetary transition. They emphasize the significance of understanding reality, accepting limitations, and building bonds for amplified experiences. Francis discusses the current economic situation involving debt contraction and the seesaw analogy representing nation states' debt levels and currencies. Japan's excessive debt is predicted to cause a currency collapse, leading to significant losses for various assets, including the 30-year treasury.

    Francis discusses the reasons for owning physical gold, silver, and land as means to escape both systems and maintain control over possessions. He also discuss the importance of investing in industrial metals like copper as part of an inflation hedge during currency devaluation and suggest investing in commodities while shorting debt and fiat currencies. Francis predicts that gold will reach 2897, and silver may surpass it, in a parabolic phase of financial instability. They also analyze the performance of precious metals like Platinum, which has underperformed since 2009 but could experience overperformance based on historical trends and cross-valuation.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction9:55 - Analyze & Take Action13:32 - Resiliance & Emotions17:07 - Debt/Fiat Contraction19:56 - US 30Y Treasury Chart25:25 - Own Nothing and Be?29:23 - System Breaking & Gold32:30 - Fed & Who Prices Debt34:00 - Bond Rates & Control36:05 - Gold/Dollar Chart43:44 - 30Y Debt Reversion46:37 - Shrinking Dollar Value48:00 - Silver Levels & Support53:30 - Gold/Silver Ratio59:20 - Copper Chart1:01:42 - Coffee Chart1:03:48 - Gaps Down in Bull Runs1:06:39 - UPS Parcel Chart1:09:48 - Case For Platinum1:19:22 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Amidst economic instability, owning physical gold, silver, and land provides control over possessions and escapes debt-based systems.

    Platinum has underperformed since 2009 but could experience overperformance due to historical trends and cross-valuation.

    Invest in commodities like gold, silver, and platinum while shorting debt and fiat currencies during stagflation.

    Guest LinksTwitter:

    Francis is a trader, first and foremost. Unlike most educators in the trading space, Francis walks the walk and talks the talk, with 30 years of experience trading his personal capital on various markets and instruments. Through this passion for trading and his relentless study of markets and economic theory, he uses the Hunt Volatility Funnel trading methodology, a systemized approach, to answer the critical question: What is the next most profitable trade?

    He believes the actual price of an asset is the most accurate reflection of all the factors that influence it. Practical technical analysis, the study of price action over time, is needed to formulate profitable trade ideas. Indeed, with all the market manipulation and high-frequency trading operations currently in play, technical analysis is all that can be relied upon when it comes to formulating future price trends. A trained eye can often spot such manipulative practices, as is the case with HVF traders. Therefore, the HVF methodology is based purely on technical analysis.

    Francis is passionate about sharing his knowledge and understanding of markets by utilizing his HVF trading methodology. With entertaining anecdotes and the careful guidance of his students, he has already trained a large community of hundreds of traders and helped them transform from complete newbies to seasoned trading professionals.

  • In this episode of Palisades, Tom Bodrovics welcomes back metals analyst David Jensen to discuss the volatile gold and silver markets, with a focus on the London market's reliance on promissory notes for trading and its potential physical supply issues leading to risks of default. They also touch upon the large trading volumes in London, deficits in the silver market, increasing demand from China, and concerns over retail investors influencing silver prices due to ETF manipulation and rehypothecation.

    David shares his perspective on factors affecting the silver market during the 2020-2021 silver squeeze, including inventory disappearance in China, Shanghai exchange's influence, potential catalysts like central banks buying gold or conflicts, and the City of London's involvement in a longstanding global gold and silver fraud.

    The conversation further explores the impact of various factors on gold and silver markets, including concerns about transparency regarding lease rates, central bank sourcing of metal, and potential consequences for major banks if they cannot cover contract losses. Overall, Jensen emphasizes the importance of understanding the significance of physical supply issues in the metals market and staying informed to avoid ignoring important matters.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:37 - Re-hypothecation & London7:17 - Bullion Banks & Physical13:20 - Paper Ponzi?15:08 - ETF Drawdowns & Supply17:23 - Jeff Currie Comments19:00 - Bullion & China Influence23:17 - News Driven Catalysts26:30 - Money Supply & Bank Buying29:15 - Demand Picture & Drawdowns30:35 - C.B. Metal Sourcing?32:22 - Debt & The Silver Lynchpin39:12 - Media & Reaching People41:08 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    David discusses volatile gold and silver prices due to physical supply issues in the London market.

    Jensen warns of potential risk of default from reliance on promissory notes in London gold and silver trading.

    He highlights significant deficits and dwindling inventories in the silver market, which will eventually cause a crisis.

    Guest Links:Substack: Currie Video:

    David Jensen, P.Eng., LL.B., MBA, is a Professional Engineer with a degree in Engineering from the University of Waterloo in Canada. He worked through 1993 on the F-5 Fighter Overhaul program and the Bombardier Regional Jet programs. Mr. Jensen then graduated with an LL.B. degree in corporate and commercial law from the University of Calgary and an MBA from Univ. of B.C., majoring in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

    Returning first to aviation, then, after reading Austrian School Economics, Mr. Jensen transitioned to the mining industry in 2004. First through his mining industry consultancy, then as Vice President of Corporate Development for Western Copper Corp., and most recently as President and COO of Skyline Gold.

    Mr. Jensen currently serves as President and COO of a private mining company and provides strategic, operational, risk assessment, and precious metals consulting services through his consultancy, Jensen Strategic.

  • In this Palisades interview, Tom Bodrovics welcomes back hosts global forecaster David Murin to delve into the differences between lateral and linear thinking in the context of current world conflicts. Murin posits that empires cycle through phases of thinking, with laterals leading initially and linears taking control as empires mature. He attributes the current global climate to an unprecedented level of linear thinking due to sophisticated money printing over the past two decades, which has left societies inflexible to dynamic threats.

    Murin further discusses geopolitical implications, particularly regarding the Houthis' actions in the Red Sea and its significance for American maritime hegemony. He raises concerns about China's involvement and advanced military capabilities, emphasizing the importance of maintaining control over critical sea lanes for wealth and resource extraction.

    Murin believes historical cycles of war could have been avoided with greater awareness and full-spectrum deterrence, aligning with the 112-year contractive cycle that has led to hegemonic conflicts throughout history.

    David also shares his views on China's strategic intentions and resource acquisitions, arguing that China is not primarily concerned with wartime resource gathering but rather denying resources to the West. He points to Argentina as an example where Chinese interests were rejected, giving the West a foothold in the region. Murin suggests Western engagement and political activism are necessary for regime change in countries with autocratic regimes.

    He uses numerous price-based systems to understand various markets and sectors, predicting a decline in bond prices and increased inflation for commodities due to excess demand from fiat money. David sees the current situation as a commodity supercycle that affects the entire commodities complex and causes inflation for all physical resources. War contributes to inflation during these cycles. Murin warns of impending wars, emphasizing the importance of adapting and strong leadership in response to threats.

    Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction1:02 - Types of Thinking6:20 - Shipping & Shrinking Empire12:40 - Inevitable Conflict?16:07 - China Growth & Cycles20:37 - The Art of War24:12 - BRICS & China26:33 - Fentanyl Problem28:10 - Results of Energy Tariffs31:33 - Inflation & Central Banks36:48 - Models & Mkt. Behavior38:32 - Bond Markets & Gold42:40 - War & Inflation43:53 - Important Developments46:00 - War is Upon Us49:01 - U.S. Navy & Defense52:30 - Wrap Up

    Talking Points From This Episode

    Empires cycle through lateral and linear thinking phases, with current global climate characterized by unprecedented linear thinking due to sophisticated money printing.

    Geopolitical implications include challenges to American maritime hegemony in the Red Sea and China's potential denial of resources to the West.

    Historical cycles indicate ongoing hegemonic conflicts and the importance of full-spectrum deterrence, with impending wars requiring quick adaptation and strong leadership.

    Guest LinksTwitter: Vs Linear Thought:

    David Murrin began his unique career in the oil exploration business amongst the jungles of Papua New Guinea and the southwestern Pacific islands. There, he engaged with the numerous tribes of the Sepik River, exploring the mineral composition of the region. Before the age of adventure tourism, this region was highly dangerous, very uncertain and local indigenous groups were often hostile and cannibalistic. David's work with the PNG tribespeople catalyzed his theories on collective human behavior.

    In the early 1980s, David embarked on a new career, joining JP Morgan in London. Watching his colleges on the trading floors, he quickly identified modern society also behaved collectively.

  • Tom welcomes back Mike Singleton, Senior Analyst and Founder at Invictus Research to the show. Mike explains his views on the business cycle, current economic trends, and their impact on asset classes like stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies. Mike explains that Invictus defines the business cycle as having three sub-cycles: real growth, inflation, and monetary policy. They believe these cycles drive price action across various assets. The US economy is currently reflating, indicating faster real growth and inflation. Despite inflationary pressures, federal deficits are expected to fuel manufacturing growth due to initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS Act.Mike argues that investors can benefit from an inflationary cycle as it leads to potential growth in earnings. However, consumers may face challenges with rising prices, affecting their quality of life and ability to deploy capital into markets. Mike believes that for a clearer understanding of inflation, one should look at commodity prices rather than Consumer Price Index (CPI).Mike also discusses the significance of copper miners' performance as an indicator of real economic acceleration. He suggests considering ownership of productive assets and taking on more cyclical risk when copper miners outperform copper. Oil, as an energy input, follows this trend, with demand increasing during economic expansion. Despite a recent downturn, it is viewed as a buying opportunity.The US dollar's relationship with economic data, interest rates, and the Fed is also discussed. While the U.S. economy is outperforming other developed markets, the dollar could strengthen based on interest rate parity. However, its weakening against emerging market currencies due to their improved economic conditions is generally bullish for reflationary assets like commodities and risky investments. Invictus has launched a new mobile app with an AI-enabled chatbot providing retail investors with access to research analysis.Time Stamp References:0:00 - Introduction0:33 - Three Economic Cycles4:43 - Housing Sector Health7:08 - Consumer Spending & Deficits16:33 - CPI Metrics & Adjustments18:02 - Income, Wages, & Demand20:14 - Fed, CPI, Yields, Cuts26:05 - Commodity Demand30:46 - Metal Prices Vs. Miners32:10 - Oil Market Outlook35:23 - Strategies with Miners38:36 - Positioning & Cash40:10 - Investors Vs. Consumers41:25 - Wrap UpTalking Points From This EpisodeHow the business cycle's sub-cycles (real growth, inflation, monetary policy) influence asset price action.Copper miners' outperformance signals real economic acceleration; consider productive assets and cyclical risk.A stronger US dollar based on interest rate parity could benefit reflationary assets like commodities.Guest Links:Website: Singleton is Senior Analyst at Invictus. He studied finance and theology at the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated summa cum laude. After graduating, he worked for several years with Broad Run Investment Management. There he spent most of my time conducting deep, fundamental diligence on the highest quality companies. That grounding gained him a thorough, bottom-up approach to research and has proven invaluable.Since then, his focus has been spent studying the economy at-large and its relationship with liquid asset markets. There is a massive hole in the anlysis market for timely, thoughtful, and accessible macroeconomic research. That's why he became involved at Invictus.