
  • This episode is for the lawyers dreaming of leaving their offices to start a new business.

    A lot of new entrepreneurs don’t continue building their businesses because they believe three myths that can crumble your self-esteem if you don’t know what to look for.

    Believing these myths can have you:

    đŸ˜« self-sabotaging a good thing without thinking about long-term consequences

    đŸ€Ż stuck in frustration

    😼 believing you haven’t started the “right” business

    I don’t want to see that happen to you!

    If you feel called to start your own business, there’s a reason for that. Don’t ignore it.

    You have a special gift you’re meant to offer the world.

    Listen in to dispel these myths and feel more confident starting your new business.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your practice.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your business. I'll show you how.


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  • Last week I had a Coaching Open house where I talked about the subconscious mind and its influence over us and how we can begin reconditioning the subconscious to create the life and practice we want.

    I shared a lot of stories about lawyers I’ve worked with, and my hope is those stories inspire you to make the change you may have been putting off.

    If you want to watch the video version, you can watch it on YouTube. There’s a video player in the Show Notes below.

    And if you want to be sure never to miss a special event like this one, be sure to go to to get on my email list.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

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  • Constraining what you do in your law practice and when you do it is a powerful tool to calm the overwhelm you may be feeling and accelerate progress towards your goals.

    Today I’m sharing how to apply constraint in your practice, so you can achieve your goals faster.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    what exactly constraint is in terms of achieving goals The power of constraint and the impact it will have on achieving your goals Why it doesn’t come naturally How to think about your priorities, so you can know what needs to be constrained

    Whether your goal is to grow your practice or to make it feel more organized so you can thrive, listen in to learn about the power of constraint.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • If you're the kind of person who thinks you're the kind of person who just needs to work all the time, this episode of Be a Better Lawyer is for You.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    👉 the questions I ask myself to become more focused

    👉 practices to rejuvenate yourself mid-day

    👉 the hidden benefit of giving yourself what you need (hint: it's the reason I can create so much content and trainings for lawyers)

    Listen in to create more peace in your law practice and begin to enjoy your work and life more.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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  • If you feel bogged down by the day-to-day casework in your law practice, today's episode of Be a Better Lawyer is a must-listen.

    When we don't devote even a small time to thinking big picture in our businesses, we aren't running the business. The business runs us.

    In this episode, you'll discover how I think about my business that's helped me get a 10,000 foot view and think big picture.

    It's helped me calm overwhelm and see opportunities for growth that I didn't have before.

    Listen in and be inspired to think big picture in your law practice.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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  • Are you a Checklist Lawyer? If so, you're wasting time, energy, and creating frustration in your practice.

    By necessity, lawyers work by a lot of checklists, but the Checklist Mentality is hurting lawyers more than helping.

    In today's episode of Be A Better Lawyer, I'm sharing how being in a Checklist Mentality is stunting the growth of your practice and sapping you of time you need to focus on what matters most to you.

    You'll learn 3 principles to help you break free of Checklist Mentality and intentionally take back your time and energy.

    Then watch my free Masterclass called, "The Proven Path to Law Practice Peace." Click here to get instant access to the training.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • If you want to grow your law practice (or even simply survive it!), demanding energy has to go.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, I'm sharing the concepts of Demanding and Expanding Energies.

    One contracts you and your practice, and the other -- you guessed it -- helps you expand into the biggest version of you and what's possible.

    Inside this episode, I'm sharing:

    How to know if you're in Demanding Energy and how it's negatively impacting your practice right now What Expanding Energy looks like in your life and law practice How to shift into Expanding Energy, so you can love your life

    Listen in to gain awareness of what's holding you back from expanding, and learn what you can do to change.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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  • If you feel like your law practice is in chaos, listen into this episode. I'm sharing with you two of the most common mistakes I see my clients make, that I see other lawyers making, and I even make them myself from time-to-time.

    I'm sharing:

    why so many lawyers feel like their practice is chaotic and don't know how to make change the number 1 problem I see implementing any time management system a resource you can turn to, so that you have step-by-step plan of how to manage your time moving forward

    Listen in and begin to learn how to take charge of the chaos in your practice.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

    Ever received an email from an opposing counsel and felt your chest tighten?

    Or dreaded going to court because you knew opposing counsel was going to say or do something you considered unethical or devious?

    Just about every lawyer has experienced this.

    Not addressing the problem can cause procrastination, rumination, wasting time complaining to people about their behavior, over-drinking, over-eating, and losing sleep over interactions with a single opposing counsel.

    We also can’t think as clearly, so simple solutions to problems are harder for our brain to find.

    We can begin to think we’re not cut out for the law or litigation and doubt our abilities.

    If we don’t know the root cause of these feelings, we can believe it’s the opposing counsel that’s causing them.

    That’s a lot of power to give to someone on the other side of counsel table.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, learn how to handle difficult opposing counsel in a way that puts you in the driver's seat.

  • Diagnosing and solving next level problems in your law practice is the difference between feeling overwhelmed and calm.

    It's the difference between feeling like you're drowning and enjoying your practice.

    But our brains don't automatically see these next level problems and instead diagnose superficial problems.

    The next level problem is the biggest domino to make change for you.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, you'll:

    learn why our brains are usually oblivious to the next-level problem learn how to tell the difference between superficial and next-level problems get real-life case studies to see the difference understanding the next-level problem will make in the results you get for your law practice

    Listen in to think differently about how you strategize your next move in your practice.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • This episode is for the lawyer who wants to continuously improve their life.

    I'm sharing with you the top ten time and money investments I've made this year, and there's definitely several in here that are easy tweaks to improve your life a bit. And some that can be transformative.

    As I reviewed some of my best investments in both time and money this year, I found some unexpected things.

    One is that there's a link between the top 10 investments of time and money this year: they all helped me with my sense of well-being and my productivity.

    Second, most of the investments I'll share with you have nothing to do with productivity, but they made me more productive anyway.


    They increased the overall quality of my life, which in turn made me more productive. You'll learn why in this episode.

    Third, a few of the investments I mention weren't even on my radar as something that could improve my life, but once I spent the time/money for it, it radically transformed an aspect of my life.

    Listen in and choose one -- or all! -- of these investments to improve the quality of your life too.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Almost every lawyer wants to know how to be more confident whether it's in the courtroom, on the phone with a client or in negotiations with opposing counsel.

    But true confidence isn't what you think.

    And to build confidence, it takes understanding your brain and its current habits of thinking before you can rewire it to be more confident.

    In this episode you'll discover what it takes to feel truly confident no matter what challenges you're facing in your practice.

    You'll learn:

    The difference between confidence and self-confidence One of the biggest problems I see with lawyers who want to feel more confident (it's not what you think) An exercise to help you uncover where you can boost your self-confidence and perform more confidently

    PLUS, I've created a Self-Confidence Playbook that you can download and use hand-in-hand with this episode.

    Listen in to become a more confident attorney no matter what area of law you practice.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Self-Confidence Playbook

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  • What does success mean to you?

    Are you relying on what others think success is to define success for yourself?

    And does your vision for success have one essential component:

    Conscious well-being.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, you'll learn:

    Why success hinges on you incorporating conscious well-being into your vision of success What external and internal markers of success are and which are most important How you can tell if you're making conscious well-being a priority

    Listen in to learn what you need to incorporate conscious well-being into your success plan.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    Designing a Vision for a Life and Law Practice You Love

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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Do you have a clear vision for the future of your life and law practice?

    Many lawyers find themselves without a defined vision, making it challenging to navigate their personal and professional life.

    In this podcast episode, we'll explore the transformative power of having a vision and how it can benefit your daily life and legal career.

    Discover how a compelling vision:

    🚀 Streamlines your to-do list

    🚀 Attracts high-quality clients

    🚀 Facilitates quicker decision-making

    🚀 Boosts employee performance

    Join me in this episode as we dive into the essential questions you need to ask yourself to design a compelling future for both your life and law practice.

    Gain awareness of common obstacles that hinder lawyers from creating a vision and find inspiration from my own vision for the next three years.

    PLUS, I created a download for you to create your own vision.

    ✹ Access your free guide: "Design Your Vision: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Designing a Life and Law Practice You Love"

    Listen now to create a life and law practice that you can't wait to wake up for.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • You want to grow — personally and in your law practice.

    You’re working your buns off, but it feels like you’ve hit a block.

    You’re not sure how much harder you can work and ask yourself, “Shouldn’t it be easier?”

    Yes, it should be easier, and it can be easier.

    In today’s episode you’ll find out what you need to do to put your growth on the fast-track.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    🚀 9 must-do action items to fast-track growth both personally and in your law practice

    ✹ what I needed to do first to accelerate growth in my life

    đŸ”„ how to approach these items, so it's doable and not overwhelming

    Listen in to expand and accelerate your growth.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Your money relationship determines the pace at which you can grow.

    Our relationship with money is only as strong as our relationship with ourselves and our ability to handle uncomfortable emotions.

    After listening to this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, you'll know:

    👉 why changing our relationship with money feels so hard

    👉 how having a rocky relationship with money is negatively impacting your law practice

    👉 what you need to do to heal your relationship with money

    I'll also tell you more about a special Money Mindset Bonus I'm offering those who join me in my brand new course "Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth."

    Listen in to heal your relationship with money.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • It's impossible to overstate the importance of intentional mindset when growing your law firm.

    The state of our emotions determines our capabilities.

    And our mindset determines the state of our emotions.

    So when I help lawyers make decisions about their plan to grow their law firm growths, the biggest obstacle to making better decisions and implementing those better decisions isn’t time or money or ability to take action – because the people I work with are action-takers.

    Their biggest obstacle is always mindset.

    In this episode, I’m going to give you the most common mindset obstacles I see, give you what you need to know to see if these mindset obstacles are impacting your practice, and I’ll give you solutions to these obstacles.

    You’ll learn:

    ✅ three common mindset mistakes that prevent law firm owners from making a plan to grow their practice

    ✅ the solutions to these mindset mistakes

    ✅ And if you're ready for more, I'm going to tell you about my new course “Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth: Your Step-by-Step Process to Create Your Most Profitable and Peaceful Year in the Law Yet”

    Listen in to begin making the shifts you need in your mindset to grow your practice.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    Join the waitlist for Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth

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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • You know how to plan and follow through.

    But do you know how to create a container for yourself where you can be focused and secure that you will stay focused throughout your week?

    In today's Be a Better Lawyer, you'll learn 6 strategies that will uplevel your ability to perform even when you're having your most challenging weeks.

    These are tried-and-true strategies I used as a criminal prosecutor and my clients use when they're in trial to stay focused on their goal and balance the other plates they're spinning.

    They work.

    Listen in to hear 6 counterintuitive high-performance strategies then download the checklist that accompanies this episode called, "20 High-Performance Strategies for Law's Busiest Weeks."

    Click here to download the checklist. (A new window will open up.)


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Today we’re going to smooth some rough edges causing you to waste time and money in your practice.

    It's hard to see these areas on our own for four reasons:

    Ignorance. You just don’t know what you don’t know. There’s no way to change something you haven’t even thought about changing.

    Inertia. If you’ve been practicing any length of time, you’ve had mentors or someone who told you how to do things. And then you just kept doing them.

    Isolation. You haven’t had exposure to new ideas or you haven’t had someone to talk through different areas of your practice, so you don’t even see there’s an issue.

    Impulse. Maybe you try something new, and it works at first, but at the first sign of it not “working” you give up and go back to the old system. You really haven’t given the new way a chance or evaluated how it could be altered to make it work. Your first impulse is just to go back to the old habit.

    So today I want to partner with you to shine a light on areas maybe you haven’t looked at before.

    There are an infinite amount of areas we could talk about, but I’ve chosen three areas for today’s episode.

    How you track and follow up on leads Potential areas of your practice you can consolidate to save time and become more profitable How to move cases along faster in your practice

    As we go along, I give you questions to ask yourself in your own practice, so even if your issues aren’t exactly like the ones I’m sharing in this episode, you can ask yourself how you can use this information to help you streamline your own practice.

    Listen in to start smoothing those rough edges, getting your time back, and making your firm more profitable than ever before.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    Get on the waitlist for the "Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth" course coming soon

    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Releasing past history is a requirement for leveling up our lives.

    All of us have old decisions and old ways of being that follow us around and weigh us down like rocks in a backpack.

    But did you know you can learn to release the rocks, so you can go to the next level in your life?

    It’s all about choice and awareness of what created the rocks in the first place.

    Be prepared to feel lighter and level-up your life in this episode of Be a Better Lawyer.

    And don't forget to download "The Level-Up Playbook"to give you a kickstart to making the change you want.

    Click here to download it.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    Show notes

    "The Level-Up Playbook"


    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

    On LinkedIn


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.