
  • This episode of “The Profitable Photographer with Luci Dumas” is a bit different and very special. I am sharing an inspiring conversation with Ernst Ulrich Schafer a master of black and white photography. He started as a fine art photographer after being given a camera by a friend in Vietnam, and many years later created a successful portrait photography business that lasted over 20 years ago, until his retirement.

    Ernst shares his journey as an artist, and business owner, and the importance of continuous learning and community involvement in the field.

    Key Discussion Points:

    The Importance of Studying Art Learning from Mentors and Teachers The Role of Participating in Photography Organizations

    Do yourself a favor! Stop what you are doing right now and check out his photography on social media because you will be inspired by, and in awe of this lovely man’s work.

    And if you join him on social media you can get support, ask him questions, and will to see his latest works and get updates on his projects.

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Today’s episode is Part Two of Three solo episodes about the material I share in my eBook called “10 Big Ideals for Marketing High Dollar Portrait and Wedding Photography in the “Real World”.

    You can download your free copy by going to the bottom of the home page at to follow along and gain deeper insights into the topic.

    So what is the main theme of this teaching, you ask? Well, so many people stay on their computer to do most or even all of their marketing efforts. Social media of course has many great ways to reach potential clients. But if that is the only way these photographers are marketing, they are missing out on the power of meeting people in person, getting their work seen as printed photographic art, and directly reaching ideal clients.

    In the first episode in the series, I shared some basic wisdom such as the importance of

    knowing how sell and how to produce photographs that people will purchase. We can be

    awesome at marketing but fall short if those activities are lacking.

    Then I cover the next Big Ideas in detail

    4- Gift Certificates as fundraisers

    5- Publications

    6- Networking

    7- Create your own mastermind group

    Be sure to watch for Part Three as I continue to explore the info in my ebook on marketing. Just scroll to the bottom of the HOME page to get the link.

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
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  • Oh Goodie! Another fantastic interview with my most listened-to guest, Ronan Ryle, is ready for you to be inspired by. His heart for serving others, his charming Irish accent, and his profound wisdom all combine to make this episode truly special.

    Ronan loves to emphasize that every day, he wakes up with the mission to empower photographers to achieve their goals, fulfill their potential, and grasp the true impact of their work on fostering a healthier society in mind, body, and spirit.

    A PPA Craftsman, Ronan has built several successful businesses across various industries, including photography. He proudly serves as a Board of Director of Professional Photographers of America and holds the position of President of Client Success at Infinity Group, which encompasses 3XM, The Difference Maker Revolution, and Photovalue.

    In this conversation, we take a deep dive into the importance of discovering our "WHY" i.e. the reason behind what we do. And how it shapes the way we conduct our business to align with that purpose.

    We discuss:

    ‱ The invaluable and unforgettable nature of what we offer.

    ‱ Giving more of ourselves and crafting extraordinary experiences for our clients.

    ‱ Cultivating connections and becoming more comfortable interacting with others.

    ‱ Shifting the focus onto our clients rather than our own needs.

    Furthermore, we explore how Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is not a threat when we remain focused on our passion and purpose, and how we can embrace A.I. as another tool to simplify our lives and enhance our businesses.

    Big thanks to Ronan for a wonderful, inspiring conversation!

    Don't forget to claim Ronan's free gift at: [email protected]

    ï»żConnect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Today’s episode is Part One of Three solo episodes about the material I share in my eBook called “10 Big Ideals for Marketing High Dollar Portrait and Wedding Photography in the “Real World”.

    You can download your free copy by going to the bottom of the home page at to follow along and gain deeper insights into the topic.

    So what is the main theme of this teaching, you ask? Well, so many people stay on their computer to do most or even all of their marketing efforts. Social media of course has many great ways to reach potential clients.

    But if that is the only way these photographers are marketing, they are missing out on the power of meeting people in person, getting their work seen as printed photographic art, and directly reaching ideal clients.

    In this first episode in the series, I share some basic wisdom such as the importance of knowing how sell and how to produce photographs that people will purchase. We can be awesome at marketing but fall short if those activities are lacking.

    Then I cover the first three Big Ideas in detail

    Creating and Using a Contact ListWall Portrait DisplaysCreating Alliances

    Be sure to watch for Parts Two and Three as I continue to explore the info in my ebook on marketing. Remember...just scroll to the bottom of the HOME page to

    get the book.

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Hey there, listeners! Welcome back to another episode of “The Profitable Photographer with Luci Dumas”. I am absolutely thrilled to have Bryan Capricci as my guest today.

    CEO and Founder of Sprout Studio, a CRM built by photographers, for photographers,

    Bryan is also an award-winning wedding and portrait photographer based out of Fonthill, Canada. In 2014, he was awarded his Masters of Photographic Arts (MPA) designation by the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC), making him one of the youngest Canadian photographers to receive this level of achievement.

    He and I are diving into a topic that's crucial for every business owner out there: balancing the roles of CEO and entrepreneur. It's all about how we manage working in our business versus working on our business. Let's get started! It's not just about running the day-to-day operations but also about strategizing for future growth.

    We chat about the importance of not waiting until you have free time—make it a priority to focus on growth and improvement. Also how to make sure your efforts are intentional, planned, and prioritized.

    Listen for his rocking horse analogy i.e., you're moving, but not going anywhere. This is what happens when we get caught up in busy work. Remember, "small hinges move big doors."

    Determining Business Success:

    How do we know if we're on the right track? Here's a simple formula to define business success and growth:

    New Leads: Are you consistently attracting new potential clients? Bookings: Are those leads converting into bookings? Higher Value: Are clients booking higher-value services? Client Spending: Are existing clients increasing their spending?

    Evaluating Impact:

    When considering tasks, ask yourself: How likely is this activity to impact the business? Don’t fall into the trap of being busy for the sake of it. Remember, sometimes as photographers, we identify so closely with our work that we sacrifice personal time. Let's break that cycle.

    Momentum Method:

    Here are important questions to help get a handle on everything:

    Can This Be Automated? Ask if the task can be done without your direct involvement. If yes, automate it. Accelerate: Are there ways to do tasks faster with less effort. Simplify: Can the task be simplified or aligned with other activities? Evaluate Necessity: Does this task need to be done at all?

    You might not love every aspect of running a business, and that's okay. You have three options:

    Don't Do It: Some tasks might not be necessary. Do It: Just get it done if it's essential. Collaborate or Outsource: Find someone to help, whether through collaboration or hiring.

    Thanks for tuning in! Remember, balancing your roles and prioritizing your time can make a significant difference in your business's success. Until next time, keep pushing forward and finding those small hinges that move big doors!

    Bryan has a gift called The Winning Week Formula at

    and 20% discount available

    ï»żConnect with Bryan:

    [email protected]

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Who wants to be a marketing expert where attracting ideal clients is as easy as turning on a hose? Then you are going to love this episode of The Profitable Photographer! My guest this week is the award-winning photographer, John Glaser from Texas. He specializes in dramatic luxury portrait photography and has a distinctive style with his portraits of dogs, seniors, and sports.

    His podcast, “Refocus Your Photography Business with John Glaser,” is excellent, and I will be a guest soon, so be sure to check it out.

    John shares how his love for photography grew from his passion for sports while coaching at Seven Lakes High School in Katy, Texas. He has built an amazing high-volume, high-sales business using his skills as a marketer and business owner.

    Marketing seems to be everyone’s challenge, and John has mastered this aspect of running a successful business.

    Be sure to listen for those top three action steps that attract oodles of qualified clients day in and day out:

    Facebook marketing with model searches and giveaways.Business to Business: How to partner with others and boost both of your bottom lines.Cultivate a robust client list and use it.

    John's parting thought is this: Don’t stop! Keep working on the business, especially when you are busy, so you stay busy.

    You are invited to join the free Facebook group and contact John with questions or feedback:

    Email: [email protected] Group: Refocus Your BusinessInstagram: @therealjohnglaserLinkedIn: John Glaser Photography

    Tune in and get ready to supercharge your marketing game!

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Hey, brilliant photographers! Today's episode is all about kicking those mindset roadblocks to the curb with Jeff Brown, a very special human that loves to support people to become highly profitable. Let's dive into the juicy details from our chat:

    Background: Photographer, Author and mentor, Jeff started his photography career in the Royal Navy (yes, he is British) and has owned five photography companies of his own. t Plus, he's shot over 750 weddings! Talk about skills. He's on a mission to spread motivation and inspiration like confetti, folks!Writing Whiz: Jeff isn't just a pro behind the lens; he's also penned four No.1 best-selling books for photographers. Ambassador Extraordinaire: Not content with just conquering the photography world, Jeff's also President of the British Institute of Professional Photographers, a brand and marketing ambassador for some heavy hitters like OM SYSTEM and much more. Talk about wearing many hats!Mindset Magic: Ever heard of the saying, "What you believe, you can achieve"? Jeff's all about that. Listen to his journey from failure and depression to living the life he loves.

    Jeff dropped some serious wisdom bombs and steps to change your mindset. He suggests we

    set up a vision and type it up as if it is already done.look at others that are successful to discover what is possibleread books, listen to famous people’s stories, cultivate gratitude
write three things in the person, possession, and experience every daybe generouslimit your exposure to negativityfear
challenge your fears and take their power away

    He leaves us with this suggestion
Instead of sweating over your photography skills, Jeff reminds us to focus on our branding and perceived value. Wise words, indeed!

    So, folks, if you're ready to level up your mindset game and unleash your potential listen to the audio or watch the video.

    Then head over to for more Jeff Brown magic.

    And check out my coaching programs, find more episodes or get in touch with me at

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Hey there, photographers! Welcome back to another episode of our podcast, where we delve into the glamorous world of high-end marketing and sales. I’m excited to share 6 concepts or strategies needed that start with the letter P
.like photography with you today, so buckle up and let’s dive in!

    First up, we’ve got Persistence.

    -Think Rocky Balboa training montage vibes. We’re talking about sticking to your guns, even when the going gets tough. Showing up day after day, adapting, growing, trying and failing and succeeding is the key to achieving and maintaining your dreams.

    Now, onto Personality.

    -We’re not just selling products; we’re selling ourselves. It’s all about authenticity, folks. People want to connect with real humans, not just fancy logos. So let your personality shine through, because that’s what sets you apart in a sea of luxury brands.

    Next is making a Personal Connection.

    - It’s like that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you walk into your favorite boutique. We’re not just selling stuff; we’re forging genuine connections with our clients. Because let’s face it, who doesn’t want to feel like a VIP?

    Of course we need luxury Products.

    - Quality over quantity, my friends. Luxury is all about that top-notch craftsmanship and attention to detail. Keep it simple, keep it sleek, and watch those sales soar.

    Now, let’s talk about Perception.

    - It’s all about the vibe, the aura, the “je ne sais quoi”. Your branding sets the tone for everything, from your logo to the way you answer the phone. It’s all in the branding.

    Last but certainly not least, we’ve got Pricing.

    -Cue dramatic music. Pricing is an art form, my friends. It’s not just about slapping on a number; it’s about how we share our pricing as well as what we charge.. Those little pricing tricks can make all the difference.

    Thanks so so much for tuning in my 6 “Ps” for communicating value and luxury. I hope you notice that communicating our value is multi-layered and it all is important.I Heart You!

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • “Always Do Your Best!

    Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are tired as opposed to well-rested. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.”

    Hello, howdy, and thanks for tuning in.

    Soooo...this is a solo episode with random thoughts about many things, including some about always doing our best. The quote is from “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
one of my favorite personal growth/ business success books. The twist is

    that our best is different every day and it is important to give ourselves grace for being where we are at the moment.

    What is up at the moment for me is that I have had over a week wrangling a cold and cough. So doing interviews and personal recordings came to a stop, just when I needed new episodes. I didn’t want to abandon you so today I jumped on zoom, raspy voice and all, and shared what popped into my brain (what little I have today).

    Listen in to what came up about

    acceptancebeing a recovering perfectionist anda fun coincidence after solving a World puzzle recentlybeing a recovering perfectionist.

    Hope you enjoy this small but hopefully valuable one-way conversation.

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Hey there, lovely listeners! Today, we're joined by the wonderful Hayley Fisk, a passionate product and beauty photographer who's all about celebrating diversity and authentic beauty standards. With her background as a business mindset coach and over a decade of experience in the industry, Hayley's here to share some golden nuggets of wisdom with us.

    In this episode, Hayley dives into the world of commercial photography, sharing her perspective and experience. There are so many interesting details I was eager to learn about this genre and she did not disappoint.

    We explore the differences between commercial photography and the personal photography nichelike weddings and portraits. Some of these include

    The number of people involved in a commercial shoot compared to photographyThat the client is not the person she is shooting with commercialWhen, how much, and how we get paidMostly commercial gets paid upfrontWe are both selling an experienceNetworking is important in bothEmbracing and promoting diversity

    We also go pretty deep talking about how creating a community of like-minded photographers and referring others helps our businesses thrive. And creates a healthy business environment.

    Hayley is also an amazing business and mindset coach, especially for commercial photographers, and we have a powerful conversation about positive “vibes”, and the importance of managing our thoughts and energy that attracts what we desire.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Well, folks, that's a wrap for today's episode with the amazing Hayley Fisk! We've learned so much about the ins and outs of product and beauty photography, and we can't wait to put these tips into action. Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on The Profitable Photographer!

she has a great gift at

    “How to Manifest Your Dream Clients”



    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • So nice I am sharing it twice! Some great things deserve to be enjoyed more than once. This episode from 2 years ago with ProSelect Guru Ron Nichols is one of those. He has mastered the art of sales and has some great advice to help others do the same.

    Ron Nichols has excelled at In-person sales long before the term IPS was coined. Since graduating from college with an art degree, Ron has owned a studio where he perfected studio sales from both the psychological and technical aspects. He has worked closely with many software companies in creating applications that optimize sales efficiency while capitalizing on emotion and enabling back-end workflows.

    Ron has worked for many of the country’s top image-makers in developing sales processes and workflow schemes to increase studio profitability. His work now is exclusive as CEO of Pro Studio Sofware, Inc, since the acquisition of ProSelect. Ron’s photographic work and industry service have garnered awards from around the world. He has taught throughout the globe and is a PPA International Juror, Jury Chairman, and past PPA President. He is a member of the elite group, the Society of XXV.

    He has some great tips about in-person sales and workflow, making this an episode you won’t want to miss.

    You won’t want to miss:

    All about his workflow.The red flags you need to be on the lookout for.His top sales tips.What it’s like to be a CEO.

    Ron’s knowledge is top of the line. Be sure to tune it!

    Connect with Ron:

    Website RonNichols.com ProSelectTwitter ProStudioSWtheRonNichols

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Welcome to The Profitable Photographer Podcast! This week, I am delighted to share a conversation with Master Craftsman Bruce Hirsch, an amazing photographer and smart businessman as well. With a career spanning over 42 years, Bruce's passion lies in capturing the essence of families, though he's also had the honor of photographing Presidents, politicians, and sports celebrities..

    He shares how he booked an astounding 142 appointments in just 5 days doing what he call “Club Portraits”.! Discover his innovative approach to marketing without the use of paid ads, social media ads, TV ads, or direct mail. Uncover Bruce's secrets to success and his unwavering dedication to his craft.

    In this episode:

    Discover Bruce’s “zone of genius”How Bruce managed to to photograph presidents and celebritiesExplore the world of country clubs and how he turns relationships into a great specialtyGain sales insights and tips for maximizing profits in your photography business

    Tune in now for an inspiring journey filled with invaluable tips and fascinating tales from the lens, guaranteed to give you some new ideas and ways to become even more profitable.!

    Connect with Bruce Hirsch:

    Website Email: [email protected] to be coached by BruceFacebook

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Welcome to Luci Dumas's podcast “The Profitable Photographer”. This is a solo episode helping you “say no to CHEESE smiles”. I dive deep into the art of getting authentic expression from your subjects, whether they're children or adults. Say goodbye to forced grins and cheesy poses. I share tons of practical tips and tricks.

    After 40 years as a children’s portrait specialist, I have tons of ways I put children at ease and get those all-important reactions that are the key to true portrait art.

    In this episode,I help you capture genuine emotions that melt parent’s hearts and help you have bigger sales, not to mention more fun with the kids.

    It is important to

    1-Plan Ahead: Preparation is key. Anticipating the needs and preferences of your subjects can handle a lot of challenges before they start.

    2—Know the stages of childhood: Understanding the age group you're working with allows you to tailor your approach and connect with your subjects on a deeper level.

    3-Get on their Level: Literally and figuratively. I explore the importance of physical positioning and empathetic communication to establish rapport.

    4-Talk to Them: Have fun with them. Communication is key. Luci reveals the power of connection.

    Unlocking Playfulness with Props and Activities -I also share my favorite props and activities that unleash real smiles. Some include storytelling, silly songs, words that get true reactions. I also share about

    Tripods: why I find them so importantWays to loosen up facial muscles and encourage natural expressions.Toys Galore: From soft bunnies, the tickle monster, and dog toys, I share my favorites that spark joy and get kid’s attention

    No matter how great your posing, lighting, locations or backgrounds, and props are
the key to successful photographs of children is to make them feel comfortable, engaged, and entertained so their true personalities shine through. Hope this episode helps you make what you do just a little bit better.

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Welcome to this week's episode, where we're joined by the delightful Betsy Bird from “Ride the Sky Equine Photography”! Betsy, a Certified Professional Photographer with PPA, brings her radiant energy and wealth of experience to the table, offering insights into mastering time management for busy photographers.

    Horses have always been at the core of Betsy's journey, stemming from her upbringing on a horse-boarding farm in Georgia. From riding to judging and to capturing their essence through her lens, her passion for equines shines through in her work. With a background in both photography and marketing, Betsy's expertise extends beyond just capturing moments; she's a whiz at branding, goal-setting, and running a profitable business.

    Specializing in wall art portraits, Betsy's photography isn't just about images—it's about turning moments into timeless memories. Join us as we delve into the world of time management with Betsy Bird, where passion meets proficiency, and every click of the shutter is an opportunity to craft something truly magical. Get ready to be inspired and equipped with the tools to make your photography journey not just successful, but truly joyful!

    In this episode:

    Pro tips for in-person salesStrategies to set goals from long-term to short-term and grasp the bigger pictureTechniques for working smarter, not harderEffective time management for busy schedules through automationThe significance of outsourcingEmbracing the importance of following your passion

    So, let's harness the power of time management and creativity together, and ride into a future filled with endless possibilities in the world of photography!

    Connect with Betsy Bird:

    WebsiteEmail: [email protected]

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Welcome, lovely listeners, to a special episode of LUCI! Can you believe it? We've reached a whopping 250 episodes! It's time to kick back, relax, and celebrate the journey we've been on together.

    Why Do I Keep Doing This?: Let's dive into the heart of the matter. Why do I keep pouring my heart and soul into this podcast? Sure, it's a labor of love, but there's more to it than that. From making new friends to spreading joy across 97 countries (and counting!), the reasons are as diverse as the guests we've welcomed on the show.

    Highlights and Insights: What have I learned along the way? Oh, where do I begin? From mastering model calls for steady profits to finding inspiration in tales of creativity, each episode has been a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration. We've tackled everything from overcoming objections to manifesting dreams, all while sharing stories from industry superstars and rising stars alike.

    Shoutouts and Gratitude: A massive thank you to every guest who has graced our virtual stage, from business geniuses to pet photographers, presidents of spas, and beyond. You've brought wisdom, laughter, and endless inspiration to our listeners around the globe. And to our loyal listeners, thank you for your unwavering support. You're the reason we do what we do!

    Looking Ahead: As we raise our glasses to 250 episodes of The Profitable Photographer with Luci Dumas, let's not forget that the best is yet to come. We'll keep exploring, learning, and laughing together, bringing you more of the content you love. So stay tuned, because the adventure is far from over!

    Conclusion: From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Here's to the next 250 episodes and beyond! Keep shining bright, keep chasing your dreams, and above all, keep listening to LUCI!

    Remember to subscribe, rate, and review – and until next time, keep spreading the light!

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Welcome to The Profitable Photographer! Today, we're honored to have Missy Thomas, the Executive Director of “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS)” joining us. This is an organization that trains photographers and sends them to photograph babies and their families that have or will pass away shortly. Since 2015, Missy has dedicated herself to various roles within NILMDTS, driven by compassion and dedication, culminating in her current role as Interim Executive Director.

    Missy's personal connection to NILMDTS stems from the loss of James, the son of close friends, in 2014. Through this experience, she discovered the importance of remembrance photography, igniting her passion to support others on similar journeys.

    This organization offers a compassionate service to parents losing a child, providing them with beautiful and sensitive professional portraiture as a tangible reminder of their little ones.

    In this episode, we explore the essence of volunteering to photograph these precious souls, touching on technical skills, lighting techniques, and the delicate art of interacting with grieving families. We'll also delve into the transformative power of giving back, emphasizing how it enriches both the giver and the recipient.

    In this episode:

    Introduction to NILMDTS and its compassionate teamBecoming a volunteer photographer Exploring photography techniques, like lighting, for capturing meaningful momentsThe transformative impact of giving back on volunteers and recipientsInteracting with grieving families: finding balanceEmotional support available to photographers when the experience becomes emotionally difficult

    Join us as we learn more about how we can serve people with our skills, where every click of the camera and every act of kindness holds profound meaning.

    Connect with NILMDTS:

    WebsiteFacebookInstagramLinkedInEmail: [email protected]

    Connect with Missy Thomas:


    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • “What is the truth?
Just by changing the perspective, angle, choice, and compression
the way you crop, you will tell a different truth.”


    Today we have THE ICONIC, world-renowned, one of the best in the biz, Jerry Ghionis!

    Widely regarded as one of the top five wedding photographers in the world, Jerry Ghionis’ theatrical and iconic images have redefined modern wedding photography. He is a proud Nikon ambassador and was the first Australian named in Top Ten Wedding Photographers in the World by American Photo magazine. In 2011, Jerry was also named by PDN magazine as one of the top photography workshop instructors in the world. IS THAT IT?! Wow wow WOW.

    Listen as Jerry blows my mind with topics like:

    How our photography changes “the truth”Having fun with lighting The importance of reinventing yourselfCreating a routine in your photography businessProcess > Results always always always

    There is so much to be learned in this gold-mine of an episode and I’m so grateful to Jerry for letting me pick his brain for an hour. What a treat.

    Get in touch with Jerry at: on InstagramFree tips and tricks other free goodies at

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Today, we're absolutely delighted to welcome Chris Fritchie, a true master in the world of photography! With over 16 years of experience, Chris is not just a photographer; he's an artist, a photographic craftsman, and a certified professional. His incredible work has graced the pages of over 150 magazines, and he's the proud owner of Magic Makers Studio, a beloved gem in North Texas. Specializing in the enchanting Magic Santa experience, Chris and his phenomenal team create moments that are nothing short of magical, leaving children and families eagerly anticipating their return year after year.

    In this episode, get ready to be inspired as we dive into the importance of following your passions, illuminated by Chris's own journey of discovering magic in what he loves. First up, Chris shares his extraordinary approach to crafting unforgettable experiences through 'The Magic of Santa,' a tradition that keeps customers coming back for more. We'll also explore Chris's impressive print competition career and discover how he continuously hones his skills. And that's not all! Chris's wonderful wife, Lori, joins the conversation to share invaluable insights into setting yourself up for sales success. From understanding customer preferences to forging genuine connections with clients, they'll guide us through the keys to nurturing a thriving business where sales flow effortlessly.

    But wait, there's more excitement ahead! We'll uncover Chris and his colleagues' latest venture, IPAC, a project dedicated to preserving precious memories for both photographers and their clients in a truly remarkable way.

    In this episode:

    Building lasting connections through immersive experiencesThe art of sales, Chris's superpowerHow to sell a luxury experience to high-end clientsInsights into customer purchasing behaviorsStrategies for crafting timeless, classic portraits

    Get ready to be inspired and uplifted by the boundless creativity and passion of Chris and his team!

    Connect with Chris Fritchie:

    Email: [email protected] Photographic Arts Collective

    Connect with Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas:

    Website Email: [email protected] FacebookYouTube
  • Can you believe I've been part of this amazing community of talented and passionate photographers for over 41 incredible years?!

    I started off with just a little bit of cash in my pocket and a whole lot of big dreams. I dabbled in everything under the sun to gain experience and figure out what truly made my heart sing.

    After all those adventures behind the camera, I discovered my ultimate passions: weddings and children. Weddings quickly became my first niche. Not only was it a speedy way to get some cash flowing in, but it also opened doors to endless opportunities for growth and connections. Soon, I was renowned as one of San Diego's top wedding photographers, making a full time living. 12 years, I dove into children's photography. With rebranding from a wedding to a portrait photographer, I made my mark as the go-to children's photographer.

    Fast forward to today, and my journey has led me to my current passion: sharing my knowledge and insights through teaching and mentoring, culminating in this very podcast aimed at helping fellow photographers build profitable businesses. In this episode, we're delving into the power of specialization, uncovering six compelling reasons why focusing on a specific niche can supercharge your photography career.

    In this episode:

    Listen in to unlock the power of specializing in a specific photography niche to boost your business and skyrocket your career!

    Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info:

    [email protected]://
  • Welcome to another insightful episode of The Profitable Photographer Podcast! In today's episode, I am joined by master craftsman photographer, Bob Coates. Bob shares invaluable insights on leveraging our photographic creativity to enhance profitability in our businesses.

    Bob has been a professional photographer since March 1995, crossing through various photography genres from commercial to wedding photography, and ultimately diving into the realm of creating photographic art. He is so lucky to live in the gorgeous Sedona, Arizona

    Bob shares his brilliant marketing strategies to maintain visibility in a competitive market and discusses techniques for creating captivating imagery, especially from self-assignments. Additionally, he explores his passion for night sky photography, revealing unique techniques for capturing the Milky Way. Finally, he reminds us about the nature of inspiration and the necessity of immersing oneself in their work to foster creativity and innovation.

    In this episode, Bob shares:

    How you can effectively market your businessWhat makes self-assignments a powerful tool for honing skills and expanding creative horizonsHow you can frame conversations to effectively showcase your expertise and creativityUnique techniques for photographing the Milky Way, particularly in the stunning backdrop of Sedona

    Join us for an engaging conversation filled with practical tips and inspiration to elevate your photography business to new heights. You are going to love this one!

be sure to check out the dates for his night sky workshops in Sedona!

    Connect with Bob Coates:

    Coates Art WebsiteEmail: [email protected] Release InformationInstagramFacebook

    Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info:

    [email protected]://