Geschiedenis – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Der Geschichtepodcast von Sinan und Nathi zu interessanten und vielfältigen Themen aus der gesamten Weltgeschichte.-> Neue Folgen alle 2 Wochen

  • The backstory to amazing court cases you need to know about. Lawyers and legal scholars become storytellers and give you the inside scoop on what makes these cases so extraordinary.

  • Hosted by Heather Ashley and Joe Ortiz, Women of HERstory: A Podcast is a twice weekly podcast dedicated to celebrating and recognizing women who made, or are making their mark on our society.
    The first episode of the week is a biographical dive in to a woman of the past or present, the second of the week is an interview with a woman who is doing her thing, making boss lady moves!

  • Podcast sobre literatura española (principalmente), creado por los docentes y escritores Miguel Espigado y Alberto Torres Blandina. Aborda los clásicos desde perspectivas refrescantes y poco frecuentadas para demostrar su rabiosa actualidad.

  • Did you know that Robert Burns was the first person to feature on a Coca Cola bottle? Or that a book of his poems has orbited the earth 217 times? And he NEVER signed his name as Rabbie? This is a modern and light hearted look at the life and works of Robert Burns; poems explained; myths busted; songs sung and stories told. Listen, laugh, and maybe even learn something new with Alastair Turnbull and guests.

  • Unearth history’s greatest enigmas with Ancient Mysteries! From Egypt’s pyramids to the Lost City of Atlantis, we explore the stories, theories, and discoveries that captivate the imagination.Want even more from Ancient Mysteries?🎧 Unreleased & members-only episodes🎬 Extended director’s cuts⏰ Early releases & more!Get exclusive content you won’t find anywhere else.🔒 Subscribe today and support the show!

  • Time Crunch is a quick history podcast. Join Felicity, who knows a lot about history, and Ben, who doesn't, on a biweekly jaunt through time. We tell stories without getting bogged down in the details, and sometimes we toss a joke in there too.

  • Este es un podcast donde dos mujeres, Inés Escudero y Elena Escudero, hablan sobre mujeres destacadas de todos los ámbitos desde el inicio de los tiempos hasta la actualidad.

  • Welcome to 'The Ghost of the Wreckers: Spirits of the Cornish Coast,' where stories of the supernatural meet the rugged beauty of Cornwall. Hosted by Sandra Buller, this podcast invites listeners to explore the haunting tales and eerie legends that lurk in the misty corners of this breathtaking region. Each episode reveals a new facet of Cornwall's enigmatic past—from ghostly shipwrecks that still echo with the despair of lost sailors, to the notorious smugglers and witches whose legacies linger in the shadows. Sandra’s scholarly background coupled with her passion for storytelling makes this podcast a remarkable blend of history, folklore, and the paranormal, perfect for those who love a good story. Embrace the dark mysteries of Cornwall as you immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of its storied heritage and prepare for tales that will send shivers down your spine.

  • Join Joe and Zack on Pint-Sized History, your go-to podcast for captivating tales from the past.

    Each episode, one of them becomes the "Expert" while the other plays the curious amateur, diving into pivotal events, intriguing figures, and important moments that shaped our world.

    This podcast is perfect for all listeners, from casual fans to history buffs. Grab a beer (non-alcoholic works), and tune in for hilarious, tragic, and downright fascinating insights into the past, discovering history one pint-sized episode at a time.

  • In this podcast i will be reviewing and discussing another podcast called Bear brooks hosted by Jason Moon and the New Hampshire Public Radio.
    This podcast follows jason as he walks you through the mysterious circusmstances that ultimately would lead to the killer that would later be coined “the chameleon”.

  • Die Geschichte des deutschen Kinos ist eng mit Adrian Kutter verbunden. Bereits als Jugendlicher sammelte er Erfahrungen als Kinomacher im väterlichen Kino in Biberach. Schon damals ging es ihm um mehr als das bloße Filmvorführen. "Kino ist mehr als Filmschauen", sagt Adrian Kutter auch heute noch.

    Als langjähriger Präsident der Gilde Deutscher Filmkunsttheater beeinflusste er in ganz Deutschland die Art und Weise, wie Filme programmiert werden. Und als Gründer der Biberacher Filmfestspiele schenkte er dem neuen deutschen Film einen eigenen Treffpunkt und eine Plattform, auf der sich Publikum und Filmemacher abseits des Rampenlichts treffen und austauschen konnten.

    In diesem Podcast sammelt der Journalist Michael Scheyer im Auftrag der Filmtage Oberschwaben in Ravensburg Adrian Kutters wertvolle Erinnerungen an die deutsche Filmgeschichte.

  • Hvað fékk íbúa Flateyjar á Skjálfanda til að taka sig saman um að yfirgefa heimili sín, alla sem einn? Árið var 1967 og nokkru áður höfðu allir ábúendur flutt úr afskekktum byggðum Flateyjarskaga — landsvæði sem hafði framfleytt fjölda fólks en líka kostað fjölda mannslífa.

    Þarna voru mannabyggðir á ystu þröm og gerðar tilraunir með þanþol fólks. Tilraun sem stóð í þúsund ár.

    Umsjón og dagskrárgerð: Guðrún Hálfdánardóttir.

    Ritstjórn og samsetning: Þorgerður E. Sigurðardóttir.

    Tæknimaður: Lydía Grétarsdóttir.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Life of Thomas Jefferson with his foreign policy and domestic policy

  • This biography explores the remarkable legacy of Thomas Jefferson—Founding Father, author of the Declaration of Independence, and third president of the United States—while also examining the contradictions posed by Jefferson's ownership of slaves despite advocating for equality. The sweeping narrative provides intriguing insights into Jefferson's influential roles in the nation's founding, democracy, philosophy, sciences, architecture, and education.

  • Learn more about the Declaration of Independence for the 250-year anniversary with this interdisciplinary podcast, featuring experts from the USA and around the world.

    The series is produced and hosted by Dr. Andrew Sola and the Amerikazentrum, Hamburg.

  • Declaration of Independence is the document in which the Thirteen Colonies declared themselves independent of the Kingdom of Great Britain and explained their justifications for doing so. It was ratified by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

  • From the host of My History Can Beat Up Your Politics, the story of the greatest argument for liberty ever written is told through the lives of the 56 men who committed their lives property and honor to the document. Carlson discusses not just Jefferson and Adams, but all of them even the less well known like the prisoner Richard Stockton, confused merchant Joesph Hewes, the dueler Gwinnett, brewer-philosopher Samuel Adams and the ultimate founder Richard Henry Lee. Many of the Signers suffered for their commitment, but some of the most incredible stories have been exaggerated. This podcast strives to make those distinctions between fact and fiction based on what we know. Learn a bit about the American Revolution and American History, and hopefully have a good time.

  • Este podcast es un producto del Centro de Información y Documentación del Centro INAH Morelos, en donde se abordaran temas de historia, antropología, arqueología y diversas ciencias relacionadas con el quehacer institucional que sean de interés para nuestra audiencia desde una perspectiva original, moderna y dinámica.

    Quienes lo hacen posible:

    • Producción: Centro de Información y Documentación, Jorge Alberto Reyes Sotelo en Coordinación con Miriam Garcia y Lorena Reyes Castañeda

    • Voces / Locutoras: Miriam Garcia | Lorena Reyes Castañeda

    • Voz en off: Elena Labastida Del Toro

    • Sound check: Daniel Villanueva Mejia

    • Compositor musical: Daniel Reyes Castañeda

    • Tema musical: Las orejas del Teporingo

    • Edición: Daniel Villanueva | Daniel Reyes Castañeda

    • Diseño: Emilio Baruch Quiroz Tellez

    • Difusión: Karina Morales Loza

    • Social Media Manager: Arely Zurisadai Mendoza Carteño | Ángel Emiliano García Pineda