Nieuwe podcasts

  • A unique global gathering of young leaders and changemakers addressing the world's greatest challenges, an initiative by @afsprograms

  • I believe health begins at home. Even though most of us know its important to eat well and do exercise, little attention is given to the effect that the built environment has on our health and that of the planet. I hope that through my experience and expertise as a Real Estate developer, Holistic Health Coach and Interior Designer; I can give you tips and strategies on how to optimize your living and work spaces for maximum health and productivity. We are living in toxic times and being bombarded every day with chemicals from our air, water, food, building materials, WIFI and even our furniture. This undermines both our physical and mental health and prevents us from enjoying our lives to the full. I aim to inspire and give insight on how to create home and work environments that not only bring us joy through style and creativity but also optimize our health and sustain that bigger home to us all, mother earth. 

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  • РидБит это подкаст-исследование об уникальном музыкальном направлении.

    Здесь мы постараемся ответить на вопрос: что такое битбокс, и с чем его едят?

    В каждом эпизоде Алёна Гвоздева исследует мир звуков и их влияние на человека, общается с известными битбоксерами, а так же погружает в уникальное искусство, которое позволяет человеку создавать множество звуков и ритмов только при помощи рта.

    Инстаграм Алёны: @gvozdika_s
    Поддержать подкаст:
    Сотрудничество: [email protected]

  • Hosted by Gideon Patrick and Max Fredrick. Produced at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh / 90.3 WRST-FM Oshkosh.

    Weekly movie reviews from two drastically different viewpoints.

  • We are a podcast that reviews Action, Suspense and Adventure Films that get your adrenaline going!

  • "Not a Before Body" is a groundbreaking podcast hosted by Kim Stacey, the founder and head coach of Body Image Fitness. In a world where the fitness industry often perpetuates damaging narratives centred around 'before and after' transformations, this podcast serves as a beacon of empowerment and self-acceptance. Each episode invites listeners into a weight-neutral space where every body is celebrated and cherished. Through candid conversations with guests who share their stories of triumph, resilience, and self-discovery, the podcast challenges societal norms and debunk myths surrounding body image. By redefining what it means to be truly healthy and happy, "Not a Before Body" offers a refreshing perspective for those tired of feeling like they're waiting for an 'after.' Subscribe now to embark on a journey of self-love and discover that Our Bodies Are Not the Problem.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Brasil, terra de uma riqueza cultural incomparável, onde a arte floresce a seu modo. Se você gosta de música boa e sempre está a procura de novas indicações você veio ao lugar errado, sinto muito. No Musikatástrofe seus hosts Edson Júnior e Felipe Garcia quinzenalmente desbravam o que há de pior no mercado fonográfico nacional.

  • Recorded sets from our awesome DJs! More are constantly added after each set is played Live on the station. Subscribe to hear any one you enjoy again whenever you choose.

  • Čtení o Brně z knihy Vyprávění brněnského draka od Jaroslava Štěpaníka

  • Vocação é chamado, é resposta, é proximidade, é intimidade com o Criador, que chama cada pessoa pelo nome para que, mediante uma escuta atenta da Palavra e nutrida pela Eucaristia, possa entrar cada vez mais na casa, na morada preparada por Jesus. Discernir o chamado não é algo fácil; gera certo desconforto e até um pouco de medo. O medo de errar na escolha pode até causar um pouco de receio. Mas, a fé fará com que o vocacionado não deixe as dúvidas e os medos o paralisar, se colocando a caminho na constante procura de encontrar o sentido e a razão de sua vida, da sua existência.

  • En el primer episodio de Africa - Conecta Podcast te contaremos qué es la Fundación Africa Dream

  • Afrique Footlights🎙️⚽️ vous plonge dans l'univers envoûtant du football africain, mettant en lumière les histoires captivantes, les performances extraordinaires et les débats passionnés qui animent le continent.Rejoignez-nous pour des analyses approfondies, des débats enflammés et des rencontres exclusives avec les stars du terrain. Explorez les coulisses du jeu, découvrez les talents émergents et suivez l'actualité brûlante du football africain. Préparez-vous à vivre une expérience immersive au cœur de la passion et de l'émotion du football africain, avec Afrique Footlights.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • 一档关于「心灵疗愈+自我成长」的陪伴型播客,聊聊自我疗愈、自我照顾、自我成长的那些事,分享真实温暖的生命故事和人生感悟,陪你走过人生的春夏秋冬。




    还是一个曾以公益、兼职、短期项目、人生实验等形式体验过 30+种职业的爱折腾星人,被朋友称为「身边的哆啦A梦」,魔法口袋里藏着各式宝藏,欢迎关注我,一起探索人间💚


  • Bienvenue chez Backstage, le podcast qui va vous faire vibrer. À travers l’histoire et les anecdotes des artistes, découvrez qui sont vraiment vos chanteurs préférés. Auriez-vous imaginé leurs parcours ? Leurs expériences ? Leurs vies face à la notoriété ? Mettez play et savourez ! ✨

  • 冥想是一种品质。




  • 耍廢合理,拒絕說教!我們不是Lady MaMa,是Lazy MaMa!教養路上挫折重重,不想努力的你遇到哪些難題?如何才能輕鬆優雅教小孩?

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