Estland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • When someone gets a blood cancer diagnosis, life changes not just for them but for everyone around them.

    Blood Cancer Heart to Heart is for all the carers, family members and friends who are living with blood cancer too. It brings together people who have supported someone with blood cancer, whether it’s leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS or an MPN. You'll hear honest conversations about how they got through it, what helps and what doesn’t.

    Blood Cancer UK is the UK’s specialist blood cancer charity, working to beat blood cancer in a generation. Find out more at

  • The Inner Odyssey Podcast dives deep into the most powerful frameworks and tools for personal growth in the modern age. Join Rosebud co-founder, Sean Dadashi, as he engages in intimate and thought-provoking conversations with mental health professionals, coaches, and visionary thought leaders working at the intersection of technology and mental health. Gain life-changing insights, practical strategies, and unique perspectives that will empower you to overcome obstacles, cultivate emotional well-being, and live your most fulfilling life.

  • Really Queer is aimed at arming Queer & LGBTQIA+ people with the skills to flourish in a challenging world. Host Ben Kaye will draw together the themes and individual contributions of the guests, whilst Silva Neves guides the episodes through the psychological and personal issues many members of the Queer community may face in their daily life. We also hope our upcoming conversations speak and give insights to our wonderful allies and friends on levels they might not have heard or experienced before.

  • Привет! Я Оля, йога-тичер. Этот подкаст о том как люди выполняют асаны йоги и как в последствии асаны меняют людей.

    Мои гости обычные люди, преподаватели йоги, фитнес-тренеры, айтишники, в общем люди самых разных профессий. Но нас объединяет одно - любовь к йоге.

    Здесь ты узнаешь каково это заниматься йогой в современном мире, о трудностях жизни и как с ними справиться.

    Подписывайся на подкаст Люди и асаны, погрузись в атмосферу спокойствия и дружелюбия. Гоу!

  • When you improve your Jiujitsu, you improve your life.
    Lessons on the mat are life lessons.
    Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
    Welcome to The Jiu-Jitsu Mindset.

  • Monday's are Becoming Dangerous as Dj Jones (Purple Belt) & JaySin Matlock (Blue Belt) discuss what it's like being a bjj competitor, and the daily struggles of living life as a real adults, and trying to become martial artist in modern day society.

  • Welcome to Tiksu to UniTartu! Hosted by Vincent, an international student at the University of Tartu, this podcast is your go-to guide as a future #unitartu international student. We explore student life and provide valuable insights to help you transition smoothly to your new academic home. The first episodes are out on 4 June 2024.

    Why the name "Tiksu to UniTartu"? It's a playful nod to our mascot, Tiksu, and the Estonian word "tiksuma", which means "to hang out or chill, typically with friends." Subscribe now for weekly episodes!

  • A Podcast Series by Evgeny Morozov.

    Forget the military or Silicon Valley: we owe our smart technologies - from toothbrushes to beds - to a band of eccentric 1960s hippies. Hidden away in a secretive, privately funded lab on Boston’s waterfront, these visionaries developed intimate, personal technologies a decade before Steve Jobs.

    But their rebellion was fraught with obstacles: the military-industrial complex, corporate resistance, and the founders’ larger-than-life personalities. As Silicon Valley adopted their ideas, the lab's vision for more humane and diverse technologies was twisted into something entirely different.

    A decade in the making, this podcast unravels their captivating and often tragic tale. It's all here: Cold War psychiatry, Maoism, LSD, the Rockefellers, Scientology, CIA’s forays into extrasensory perception, and even the advent of tech libertarianism.

  • Oxford Humanities explores approaches to Kafka and his most famous story "The Metamorphosis": how the text has itself been transformed into new forms like ballet, theatre and comic books; how Kafka’s work has been read, from ecological insights to questions of illness, humour, feminism or race; how writers from across the world have responded to him from J. M. Coetzee to the 'Brazilian Kafka' Clarice Lispector or Marie NDiaye; and finally how artists have 'written back' to Kafka from their own time and place from the Czech Republic, Spain or even a viral Facebook novel in Russia.

    For the curious a reading list associated with this series is available on ORLO (see Related Links).

  • The Dark Pulse is a dark fantasy/horror story about a man named Nolan who is captured --along with his family-- during an invasion by the brutal Republic of Kalyko...and explores the lengths a man will go to in order to restore his family's safety and freedom. It is set in an 19th-Century-Earth-like fantasy world riven by war, and secretly undercut by ancient, malevolent forces with their own nefarious agendas. Call it THE DARK TOWER meets 1917 (film) by way of BERSERK (manga).

  • From Nebula, Sturgeon, and StorySouth Award nominee Jake Kerr comes an epic fantasy story in the spirit of pulp fiction classics--a serial adventure that grows in scope every week. The Thieves Guild tells the story of Ralan, a street rat who quickly rises to become the guildmaster of the seemingly powerless and symbolic Thieves Guild. This full cast fantasy audio drama features a rich world of geographical conflict, political intrigue, swashbuckling adventure, secret societies, and heroic feats. The Thieves Guild is the story of a young man thrust into a role he never expected to fill.

    Produced by In Shambles Productions for Broadsword Books. You can find the ebook and paperback versions of The Thieves Guild here.

  • A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.

  • We explain why we think spongebob is guilty

  • Formally inventive.

    Episode music by Josh Sherman/Charm Reduction

  • Loovusvool on kakskeelne (EST/ENG) taskuhääling loovusest ja loomingulisusest. Saates kohtume erinevate looverialade inimestega ning räägime sellest kust nad alustasid, kuidas nad on jõudnud sinna, kus nad hetkel on ning kuidas nad tunnetavad loovust ning seda igapäevaselt enda ellu toovad.

    Loovusvool is a bi-lingual podcast about creativity and the people behind it. You'll be introduced to people from different creative fields with whom we'll talk about their beginnings, how they've got to the point where they are now and how they generate and bring creativity into their everyday life.

  • Stressed Students Socialize about why School Stresses Students So

  • Promoting Afro electronic modern house music originating from the streets of South Africa

  • Matt and friends discuss the state of music, popular or otherwise, in the 21st century.