Thailand – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Discover the habits and routines of gritty athlete entrepreneurs while we provide the tools and insights to conquer your goals and experience that awe-inspiring "Can't Believe I Made It!" moment in your own life.

  • Escape into a world of serenity and calm with mesmerizing crystal singing bowl sound bath recordings. Designed to be put on repeat, each session incorporates the beautiful sounds of crystal singing bowls paired with relaxing background sounds like rain, birdsongs, wind through the forest and more.

  • Can we change our lives? Is this all there is to life? Maybe we've been cleverly steered by other forces. Time to remember the powerful Creative Beings we are.

    Michael and Zach bring you their journeys and share insights on how to evolve towards a more loving, mindful, and joyful life. Discover the many aspects of the Universe: the spiritual realms, other dimensions, ET's, and the weirdest aliens in the universe US.

    We are powerful creative beings who have lost our way due to the intense levels of the universal imposition. But on a deeper level, we wanted this test for our evolution. Let's remember why we are here. Let's come home to our true selves together.

    Your donations go a long way to helping us keep this show alive. For access to donation button, please copy and paste

  • Hello to all the lovely souls..!!! I am going to help my listeners to heal their emotional wounds through simple yet profound simple methods..I am a healer..I have been practising Rajyoga Meditation taught by Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya from the past 5 years and has been able to see miracles happening in my life and the life of my loved ones..I take counselling sessions virtually on a one-to-one basis..I can be reached at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Soul Comfort Podcast, your place for meditation and wellness. Each episode offers guided meditations and advice to help you find peace and feel better. Whether you're new to meditation or have been practicing for years, our podcast is here to support you on your journey to a calmer, healthier life. Join us and discover the power of mindfulness and relaxation in everyday living.

  • April is here to help intuitive’s tap into their intuitive abilities, the Akashic Records, and Reiki. To book a reading or healing session go to

  • แกะเกมรายการที่จะพาคุณไปแกะข้อมูลของเกมต่างๆที่เกิดขึ้นบนโลกใบนี้ ไม่ว่าจะเป็น เกมPC เกมคอนโซล แฮนด์เฮล รวมไปถึงบอร์ดเกมด้วย ฮ่ะฮ่า~

  • We are a podcast dedicated to bring you content for the Vs. System TCG. We talk about decks, strategies, and most importantly...the cards.

    I also have a YouTube channel. Check it out here:

  • A team of rookie shadowrunners get caught in a web of someone else's design as they enter the world of corporate espionage when they are hired to steal a bleeding edge prototype from an up and coming research lab. Can these neophyte runners survive the shadows of 2076 Seattle? Experience a future where magic and technology come together to fuel corporate greed and deniable mercinaries carve out their own meager existence from the scraps. Join us as we explore the themes of trust, expendability, and the lengths one will go to to protect their family in Shadowrun: Paydata.

    Starring Adam as our GM, The Great Unclean One as Uthrak 'Knuckles' the orc bouncer, Sean as Franklin 'Volt' Nikols the human mage, Scaarr as Sev 'Mantis' Sivlios the elf Adept, and Aaron as Jaques 'Forde' Millard the troll mechanic.

    Check out Scaarr's channel the Neon Swamp for more RPG actual play content:

    Be sure to follow us on Facebook for all the latest news:

    If you're interested in helping support the channel, consider joining our Patreon:

  • We all work. Some of us enjoy it. We've collected people's work stories here - first jobs, worst jobs, and all the different ways you can get fired from working in a pub.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • "Vic and Sade" is one of the most beloved and unique old-time radio shows, known for its subtle humor and portrayal of American domestic life. Created by Paul Rhymer, who also wrote the scripts, the show aired from 1932 to 1944 and enjoyed sporadic revivals into the early 1950s.Creator and WriterPaul Rhymer, the creator and sole writer of "Vic and Sade," is often praised for his distinct writing style that combined everyday occurrences with an undercurrent of quirky, offbeat humor. Rhymer's ability to turn mundane domestic details into subtly amusing and often absurd dialogues is a hallmark of the series.Format and Style"Vic and Sade" was broadcast as a 15-minute daily radio serial, unusual because it lacked dramatic plots and traditional story arcs. Instead, the show focused on the small, often humorous events in the lives of its characters, with much of the action described in the dialogues rather than acted out. The setting rarely extended beyond the small house on Virginia Avenue in the small town of "the small house halfway up in the next block."CharactersThe show centered around the Gook family, consisting of:
    Victor Rodney Gook (Vic): The father, known for his involvement in local fraternal orders and his laid-back, droll demeanor.Sade Gook: The mother, often managing household affairs and the social engagements of the family with a mix of sarcasm and sweetness.Rush Gook: Their teenage son, enthusiastic and sometimes naive, who often brings the small conflicts and humorous tales from outside into the family discussions.Reception and Legacy"Vic and Sade" was acclaimed for its character-driven writing and the depth of its mundane yet richly detailed world. The dialogue often involved idiosyncratic, humorous conversations about trivial family matters, community events, or Vic’s fraternal lodge activities, showcasing Rhymer’s talent for capturing the essence of Midwestern life and speech.The show's minimalist production, relying heavily on the strength of its writing and the vocal performances of its cast, was pioneering in the radio medium. Art Van Harvey played Vic, Bernardine Flynn portrayed Sade, and Bill Idelson was Rush, among other voices that contributed over the years.Despite or perhaps because of its focus on the ordinary, "Vic and Sade" became a critical darling, influencing later radio and TV sitcoms by demonstrating the power of nuanced character work and dialogue over high-concept plotting.Paul Rhymer’s scripts for "Vic and Sade" are still studied for their unique linguistic style and are considered a significant contribution to American radio and cultural history, illustrating how humor can be drawn from the rhythms and routines of everyday life.

  • Von Sozialen Themen bis zu meinem Persönlichen Musik Geschmack, also Ich freue mich! 😜

  • Join Matt White and Simon Binns every week for your ultimate 'What's On' guide to Manchester.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • กินอะไรดีนะพอร์ตแคส ความรู้เกี่ยวกับอาหารและโภชนาการ ฟังบทความสั้นๆที่จะทำให้คุณมี food life balance เราจะมีสุขภาพดีไปด้วยกัน :)

  • Harry S. Truman was a direct and forceful speaker who was known for his plain-spoken style and his ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level. He often used humor and anecdotes to illustrate his points, and he was not afraid to speak his mind, even when his views were unpopular.Truman's speaking style was a reflection of his personality. He was a confident and self-assured man, and he was not afraid to take risks. This was evident in his speaking, which was often improvised and spontaneous.Here are some of the key characteristics of Harry Truman's public speaking style:
    Directness: Truman was known for his direct and forceful speaking style. He did not beat around the bush, and he always got to the point.Forcefulness: Truman was a persuasive speaker who was able to convince people to see his point of view. He was able to use logic and emotion to make his arguments, and he was often able to win over people who initially disagreed with him.Plain-spoken style: Truman used language that was easy to understand, even for people who were not familiar with politics. He avoided jargon and technical terms, and he always spoke in a way that was clear and concise.Humor: Truman was known for his sense of humor, which he often used to lighten the mood and connect with audiences. He was able to tell a good joke, and he was also able to use humor to make his points more memorable.Anecdotes: Truman often used personal anecdotes and historical references to illustrate his points and make his speeches more engaging.Emotional connection: Truman was able to connect with audiences on an emotional level. He often spoke about his own personal experiences, such as the death of his daughter Mary Margaret, to illustrate his points and make his message more relatable.Improvisation: Truman was a skilled improviser who was often able to think on his feet and respond to the moment. This was evident in his speeches, which were often spontaneous and unpredictable.Overall, Harry S. Truman was a highly effective and versatile speaker who was able to adapt his style to suit a variety of situations. He was a master of language, and he was able to use his words to connect with audiences on an emotional level, persuade them to see his point of view, and engage them in his message.In addition to the characteristics listed above, Truman was also known for his ability to:
    Use simple language: Truman was able to explain complex issues in a way that was easy to understand. He avoided jargon and technical terms, and he always spoke in a way that was clear and concise.Connect with audiences on a personal level: Truman was able to connect with audiences on a personal level by sharing his own experiences and stories. He often spoke about his own personal struggles, such as his family's financial difficulties, to illustrate his points and make his message more relatable.Use humor effectively: Truman was known for his sense of humor, which he often used to lighten the mood and connect with audiences. He was able to tell a good joke, and he was also able to use humor to make his points more memorable.Use storytelling: Truman was a skilled storyteller, often using personal anecdotes and historical references to illustrate his points and make his speeches more engaging.Use pathos and logos: Truman was able to use both pathos (emotional appeal) and logos (logical appeal) to persuade audiences. He often used emotional language to connect with audiences on a personal level, and he also used logical arguments to make his points more persuasive.Overall, Harry S. Truman was a highly effective and versatile speaker who was able to adapt his style to suit a variety of situations. He was a master of language, and he was able to use his words to connect with audiences on an emotional level, persuade them to see his point of view, and engage them in his message.

  • Join us on "Psychedelics, Sex, and the Superconscious," where we, Mayah Rose and Gerald Rogers, unlock the extraordinary! Dive into mind-bending realms with brilliant minds, shamans, and tantra masters. Explore plant medicine, sex magic, and more for higher consciousness. As soulful rebels, we're on a cosmic mission to share wisdom and create a tribe of seekers. Each episode gifts deep conversations and practical tips for a Legendary Life. Are you ready to transcend the ordinary and embark on a sacred adventure?