Gezondheid en fitness – Tsjechië – Nieuwe podcasts
About My Fitness Journey:
My Fitness Journey is Podcast/Platform developed to educate and redefine what it means to be fit.
Social Media has created an unhealthy environment and often set unrealistic expectations on what it means to be fit. The goal is to educate people on the idea that one person’s PERSONAL journey is different from yours, and there are several factors that play into their success: mindset, experience, diet, genetics, anatomy etc.
Embrace your journey and don’t be so quick to want to be like others, without understanding why and how. It leads to disappointments, self-doubts and injuries.
The hope is that My Fitness Journey will not just provide a story-telling platform, it will once again educate and break down misconceptions. -
Living Your Best Life with Coach Ademir is a podcast where I discuss common topics in the fitness and nutrition world and share my own personal experiences on overcoming challenges in our personal lives as well as in our professional lives. My goal is to educate people on taking a whole health approach, which means your physical, mental and emotional health is all synced and you are able to live as the best version of yourself for you and for others. As a coach, I am passionate about helping others achieve their goals and live life to their fullest capacity. I hope to inspire and encourage.
PTEJTE SE DOKTORA má za cíl vzdělávat diváky i širokou veřejnost v oblasti zdraví a nabídnout jim užitečné informace, které mohou vést k lepší péči o tělo i ducha. Podcast PTEJTE SE DOKTORA přináší divákům odborné poznatky, a to přímo od špičkových lékařů ve svém oboru. Moderátor Marcel Houžva vyzpovídá odborníky z různých zdravotnických specializací a pro diváky zjistí o daném onemocnění to nejdůležitější.
Podcast JSME DARKOV vás provede světem lázeňství, zdravotnictví a rehabilitace. Přinášíme rozhovory se zajímavými hosty, odborníky i samotnými klienty, kteří sdílejí své zkušenosti a příběhy. Poslouchejte nás přibližně jednou měsíčně a objevujte, jak může lázeňská péče zlepšit kvalitu života. Podcast je připravován Lázněmi Darkov.
Welcome to the Functional Medicine Practitioner (FMP) Essentials Podcast, hosted by Dr. Yousef Elyaman, a leading expert in primary care functional medicine. This podcast serves as the premier educational resource for functional medicine practitioners worldwide, offering unparalleled insights and strategies to enhance practitioner success through mastery of functional medicine.
Each episode dives deep into specific health conditions or topics. Dr. Elyaman conducts insightful interviews with top-tier practitioners and thought leaders or delivers powerful solo episodes filled with cutting-edge research, case studies, and practical applications. Our mission is to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to excel in your practice and transform patient outcomes.
Exclusive bonus content, including extended interviews and special topics, is available only to FMP Essentials Mastermind members. Visit to learn more, join our global network of practitioners, and take your place at the forefront of functional medicine. Together, we are redefining the future of healthcare—one episode at a time.
The podcast for doctors, nurses and medical professionals organizing to strengthen the climate movement in order to protect everyone's health. Learn from healthcare advocates who are taking their oath to do no harm as a call to action to lead our communities in solving the climate crisis, while improving health equity.
The show is co-produced by Angela Geronimo who is a premed UCSD alumnus with a background in Biology and Linguistics. Angela shares her diverse background and passion for educating the medical community about the need for climate action to protect health. -
Welcome to our new podcast! This is a podcast created by medical students that is focused on the impacts of climate change on human health. We want this podcast to be accessible to everyone as the goal is to educate the general public on this important topic. We'll be organizing the topics using the CDC's diagram of the Climate Effects on Health. We hope you enjoy!
Magazín o zdraví a zdravém životním stylu. Novinky z oblasti medicíny, rady lékařů a odborníků.
Všechny díly podcastu Apatyka můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
Vzájemná pomoc nepodvolených o základních aspektech sebeobrany nás a našich blízkých, protože na stát rozhodně nemůžeme spoléhat - chceme-li v očekávaných krizích přežít.
Если ты здесь, значит пришло время!
Мой подкаст, может стать твоим местом силы, где ты найдёшь поддержку, тепло и "волшебный пендель", после которого будет импульс жить так, как давно мечтала.
Здесь всё, PROсостояние женщины.
Контакт с внутренним голосом, раскрытие своей силы и мягкое её проявление. -
The show where we talk about everything from liturgy to lexapro. Let’s take a look at pop culture through the lens of faith and mental health!
Within the quiet chambers of our souls, where the ripples of daily life begin to fade, a secret connection exists between the sounds of existence and the profound serenity found in meditation. A delicate tapestry of vibrations and echoes weaves around our thoughts, opening the gates to an inner garden where relaxation's blossoms flourish in silent grandeur.
The world around us pulsates ceaselessly in life's rhythm. Each sound, be it the soft rustle of leaves in the wind or the distant murmur of a river, carries nature's melody. This melody, woven gently from the threads of time, is a song of infinite depth and harmony. When we surrender to it, we merge with this song and feel its vibrations in our own hearts. In these moments, the world becomes a single symphonic body, and we are the instruments upon which the song of existence is played.
Meditation's art is a dance between the outer realm of senses and the inner realm of the mind. As we embrace sound, a subtle alchemy begins. No longer disturbances within life's orchestra, the sounds transform into companions of our internal dialogue. They become the brushes with which we paint upon the canvas of thought. In this fusion, a space emerges where we are not merely listeners but co-creators of the melody.
Sounds evolve into allies leading us into the flow of the present. Thoughts that once stormed through our minds now slow to gentle breezes, ruffling the surface of a tranquil lake. Within this clear water, the stars of intuition and clouds of creativity reflect. Every breath becomes a symphony, uniting our inner being with the world.
And as we sink deeper into meditation, a soothing lullaby envelops our soul. The universe's delicate sounds play the song of slumber, cradling us in the arms of night. The sounds become pillows of resonance, where our thoughts can rest serenely. Nature's rhythms transform into cradles that sway us into a deep and rejuvenating sleep.
For at the heart of meditation lies the art of release. Sounds, once obstacles, become bridges carrying us across the currents of thought. The tones of life, once tumultuous and uncontrollable, become the quiet footsteps of a dance leading us into the embrace of stillness. And in that stillness, we find not only relaxation but also the wellspring of peace and equanimity, carrying us on the wings of dreams into the profound depths of sleep.
Thus, sounds and meditation unite to lead us on a journey—a journey where we leave our fears and worries on the shores of consciousness and surrender to the gentle embrace of sounds. A journey where we dive into the ocean of tranquility and glide on the waves of silence. A journey where we find not just the art of falling asleep, but also the art of awakening, realization, and true understanding.
May we then open our ears to life's melody, to nature's symphony, and to the song of silence. May we learn to hear the spirit of meditation within sounds and find the peace of stillness within meditation. And as we venture into the arms of sleep, may we unfurl the wings of dreams and sail on the currents of rest, carried by the gentle sounds guiding us into the mysterious depths of ourselves. -
HopeCast is a lighthearted mental health podcast where our hosts aim to break barriers through discussions with their expert guests.
Follow us on Instagram @hopecast.amal, or email us at [email protected] -
Nechej se unést na vlnách klidu a ponoř se hluboko do noci, kde tě čeká spánek bez hranic🥰
Podcast o duševním zdraví a zkoumání hranic normality.
Lovingkindness meditation, or metta, is a mindfulness practice for the heart: a beautiful way to cultivate feelings of compassion and love for self, others and ultimately all beings. Lovingkindness Meditation #2 is a 25-minute guided metta practice to generate lovingkindness for a neutral person and then for a somewhat difficult person.
Metta meditation should be done at your own pace. It is not necessary to force yourself to move onto this often more challenging metta practice until you feel fully ready. -
🎙 Buď svá Girlboss: Inspirativní rozhovory s úspěšnými ženami
Podcast, který ti přináší příběhy žen, které si šly za svými sny, překonaly výzvy a dnes inspirují ostatní. V otevřených rozhovorech sdílí své zkušenosti, rady a mindset, který jim pomohl uspět – ať už v podnikání, kariéře nebo osobním životě.
Přidej se k naší komunitě i na sociálních sítích:
Wabi Sabi je japonská filozofie, která nás učí hledat krásu v nedokonalostech. Na jejím základě vznikl podcast, který odhaluje skutečné životní příběhy slavných osobností – včetně jejich pádů, nezdarů a překážek.
Projekt WL Presents ukazuje realitu života takového, jaký je, a zároveň motivuje, dodává odvahu a učí radovat se z maličkostí. Naším cílem je ukázat, že je v pořádku nebýt v pořádku a že v těžkých chvílích nikdo není sám. -
Podcast Řada je na tobě se zaměřuje na posílení tvojí schopnosti přijmout osobní růst a transformující sílu manifestace. V tomto podcastu se s tebou podělím o svou vlastní cestu k mému nejlepšímu já na které se stále nacházím a provedu tě praktickými nástroji, inspirujícími příběhy a strategiemi, které ti pomohou nastavit cíle a přetvářet tvé sny ve skutečnost. Je řada na tobě, aby jsi převzal/a kontrolu nad svou cestou za osobním naplněním a životem o kterém sníš.
Get a Grip Podcast is hosted by Louis Essig and Aaron Garnes, both in recovery from addiction and alcoholism. In each episode, they share their unfiltered stories of overcoming addiction, time in prison, and struggles with mental health—mixing raw honesty with humor. The podcast gives a voice to the underdog, breaking down the stigma surrounding addiction and recovery. Through candid conversations and real-life experiences, Louis and Aaron inspire others on their journey, showing that while recovery is challenging, it’s possible. Tune in for laughter, hope, and stories of transformation.
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