Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Estland – Nieuwe podcasts
Ever wonder what it takes to break into a creative industry? There are no rules and no set pathways. That’s why on the Devoted Creatives Podcast we speak to people involved in all areas of creative work. From photographers and musicians to PR professionals and event managers, we want to know their stories. Tune in to listen, laugh and learn.
🥲 -
The Rogue Trader Podcast, hosted by the legendary Nick Leeson, offers a bold and captivating exploration of the financial world and beyond.
Joined by co-hosts Jason Sen and Oonagh Van den Berg, the podcast combines expert insights, compelling stories, and thought-provoking discussions.
With engaging guest appearances, it ventures into topics that stretch beyond finance, offering listeners a dynamic and diverse perspective on the world. -
Startup Marketing Advice PodcastWhenever Emily Kramer—creator of MKT1 newsletter—needs B2B startup marketing advice, she turns to the marketers she has on speed dial. Now, you can hear Kramer and these marketing experts, Devon, Grace & Jenny, talk shop and share unfiltered advice on how to improve your approach to marketing. On each episode, we’ll answer a question from a real marketer, like “How do you hire great marketers?”, “Is the company blog dead?” and “Should you make your founder an influencer?” We’ll pack our answers with candid advice, strategies you can apply right away, and proven MKT1 frameworks—plus learnings from our experiences at startups like Asana, Cocoon, Mercury & Vanta. We’ll also bring in guests when we need another expert opinion.Produced by MKT1 and Caspian Studios, in partnership with Typeform, Dear Marketers drops every other week on your favorite podcast app, plus on Substack and YouTube. Subscribe now to Dear -
Podcast „Põlluhullus või põlluhullud“ keskendub Eesti põllumajandusele ja selle keerukusele. Saates jagatakse teadmisi selle valdkonna tagamaadest ja tutvustatakse põllumeeste igapäevaelu.
Farmer Tõnis Soopalu, kes on oma elu sidunud põllumajandusega, kirjeldab saates oma töid ja tegemisi, mis jäävad sageli tavainimesele nähtamatuks. -
Critical conversations about the role of natural gas and LNG in rapidly changing energy markets, told through the lens of Europe’s net-zero journey. Newsletter sign-up: -
As organizations face increasingly complex risks, staying ahead requires more than compliance. It demands foresight, strategy, and agility.
Hosted by Richard Chambers, ”Speaking of Risk and Audit” is a podcast designed specifically for Risk Managers and Internal Auditors who want to stay abreast of emerging trends and elevate their impact within their organizations. -
Welcome to "At the End of the Day", the new bi-weekly short-form podcast presented by Durango Joes Coffee CEO, Joe Lloyd! We know it's hard to invest 30-60 minutes of time listening to a podcast, so we're delivering shorter episodes on alternating weeks to help keep us learning and sharing.
Like what you hear and want more from the team at Durango Joes Coffee? Tune in to our other podcast, the Durango Joes Podcast, for longer episodes that dive deep on everything from company culture to coffee sourcing (and more)! -
Podcast by Supply-Build Canada
Telling the stories of small, medium and large African businesses, digital commerce and youth entrepreneurship.
Un podcast cu și despre startup-uri de tehnologie.
When you run your own business, it can feel like your business is running you (ruining you?). Mike Michalowicz, coined the Patron Saint of Entrepreneurs by Simon Sinek, is offering up Entrepreneurship Simplified, making good on his personal promise to eradicate entrepreneurial poverty, one conversation at a time.
9 Years in the Estonian Defence Forces. 8 Years served as SOF Operator. Sold Tanks in the Middle East.
Founder. CEO. Leadership Instructor.
Leadership Strategies. Tactics from War. Business and Life. -
Taskuhääling kõigile neile, kes on on huvitatud lühiajalisest üürist ja sellega seonduvast. Einar ja Lauri on mõlemad pikaajalise kogemusega lühiajalisel üüriturul tegutsejad. Einar Pärnus, Lauri Kuressaares ja koos jagatakse kogemusi, püstitatakse küsimusi ning oodatakse ka kuulajaid sõna sekka ütlema.
Hi and welcome to FellowCommerce, where we delve into the trends and strategies shaping modern commerce. We do it in quick format of 20-30 minutes videos only with top experts and industry top-managers.
Taskuhäälingu kanal „Tegus Hiidlane" loob võimaluse Hiiumaa tegemiste ja ettevõtmistega kursis olla. Episoodides astuvad üles erinevad külalised, sealhulgas Hiiumaa ettevõtjad, eksperdid, ametnikud, arvamusliidrid ja muidu tegusad hiidlased.
Tutvustame ühistegevuse võimalusi, lähenevaid koolitusi ja suursündmusi, räägime toetusvõimalustest, peatume avaliku sektori panusel kohaliku majanduskeskkonna tugimisel, kuulame põnevaid arutelusid ja jagame aegumatuid kogemuslugusid.
Taskuhäälingu loomist toetatakse maakonna arengustrateegiate elluviimise toetusmeetmest. -
From PLS pioneers and OSS innovators to cutting-edge enterprises, Go-to-market mavericks is where we talk to GTM leaders about the strategies and tactics they use to drive results.
Brought to you by the Apkudo team
Henrik Roonemaa ja Taavi Kotka räägivad igal kolmapäeval sellest, kuidas Eesti tuhat korda suuremaks teha.
NB! Värsked saated on kuulatavad ainult Delfi Ärilehes ja Delfi Taskus. -
Welcome to Vera the Intern: a podcast about learning, growing, and discovering the unexpected! I’m Vera, your host, and I’m here to ask the big (and sometimes small) questions to some of the most fascinating people out there. Whether you’re an intern, a founder, or just someone curious about the world, this podcast is all about sharing lessons, insights, and stories that inspire and connect us. So grab your coffee, or tea, and join me as we dive into the minds and journeys of incredible people. Let’s explore, together!
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Peter and Mikkel are onto something.
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