Technologie – Estland – Nieuwe podcasts
Startup Marketing Advice PodcastWhenever Emily Kramer—creator of MKT1 newsletter—needs B2B startup marketing advice, she turns to the marketers she has on speed dial. Now, you can hear Kramer and these marketing experts, Devon, Grace & Jenny, talk shop and share unfiltered advice on how to improve your approach to marketing. On each episode, we’ll answer a question from a real marketer, like “How do you hire great marketers?”, “Is the company blog dead?” and “Should you make your founder an influencer?” We’ll pack our answers with candid advice, strategies you can apply right away, and proven MKT1 frameworks—plus learnings from our experiences at startups like Asana, Cocoon, Mercury & Vanta. We’ll also bring in guests when we need another expert opinion.Produced by MKT1 and Caspian Studios, in partnership with Typeform, Dear Marketers drops every other week on your favorite podcast app, plus on Substack and YouTube. Subscribe now to Dear -
Organising Tech in Sweden is a limited podcast series exploring union organising in Swedish tech companies. Join us as we sit down with some of the people involved in the campaigns to win collective bargaining rights at two of Sweden's tech unicorns, Klarna and Spotify.
Willkommen zum Podcast "Einfach Schweißen"! Hier dreht sich alles um das Thema Schweißen und alle Aspekte, die damit verbunden sind. Egal, ob du gerade erst in die Welt des Schweißens eintauchst oder bereits ein erfahrener Schweißer bist, dieser Podcast ist für alle, die sich für dieses handwerkliche Fachgebiet interessieren und ihr Wissen erweitern möchten.
Matthias Wulf und Stefan Schölzel sind deine Gastgeber und teilen gerne ihr umfangreiches Know-how und ihre Erfahrungen mit dir. Mit ihrer Leidenschaft für das Schweißen möchten sie dich inspirieren und dich dazu ermutigen, selbst zur Schweißmaschine zu greifen.
In "Einfach Schweißen" geht es um mehr als nur die verschiedenen Schweißtechniken. Die beiden Gastgeber decken auch eine Vielzahl von Themen ab, die mit dem Schweißen zusammenhängen. Von der Wahl der richtigen Schweißgeräte und -materialien bis hin zur Arbeitssicherheit und dem Umgang mit speziellen Schweißverfahren - hier erhältst du wertvolle Tipps und Tricks aus erster Hand.
Der Podcast bietet eine Mischung aus informativen Interviews mit Experten aus der Branche, Diskussionen über aktuelle Themen und praktischen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen. Matthias und Stefan beantworten auch gerne Fragen von Hörern und geben praxisnahe Ratschläge, um dir bei deinen eigenen Projekten zu helfen. Ihr Ziel ist es, das Schweißen für jeden zugänglich und verständlich zu machen, egal ob du ein Hobby-Schweißer oder ein Profi bist.
"Einfach Schweißen" ist der ideale Podcast für alle, die ihre Schweißfähigkeiten verbessern möchten, neue Techniken und Materialien kennenlernen wollen oder einfach nur ihre Begeisterung für das Schweißen teilen möchten. Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt dieses Handwerks und lass dich von Matthias Wulf und Stefan Schölzel auf dieser spannenden Hafenrundfahrt begleiten. -
Host and CEO, Ylli Bajraktari, sits down with experts and analysts from the Special Competitive Studies Project to unpack their latest series, Memos to the President. Over the next two months, they will share more about their ambitious agenda for the new administration.
Hi and welcome to FellowCommerce, where we delve into the trends and strategies shaping modern commerce. We do it in quick format of 20-30 minutes videos only with top experts and industry top-managers.
From PLS pioneers and OSS innovators to cutting-edge enterprises, Go-to-market mavericks is where we talk to GTM leaders about the strategies and tactics they use to drive results.
Подкаст об автомобилях и автомобилистах от проекта Rasstriga.doc
Technoworld/Տեխնոաշխարհ նախագիծը փոդքասթ է հայկական ու համաշխարհային IT իրադարձությունների, գիտության ու տեխնոլոգիաների մասին։ Փոդքասթում ներառված են զրույցներ տեխնոդեմքերի հետ, իրադարձությունների լուսաբանում, տեխնոզրույցներ։
Brought to you by the Apkudo team
«Код Пелевина» - специальный проект издательства ЭКСМО и HiFi-стриминга Звук. В подкасте искусственныйинтеллект встречается с интеллектом естественным. Гости обсуждают темы,поднятые в книгах главного российского автора современности. Ведущий - ИИПорфирий. У него есть цель: воплотиться в реальности, хотя бы виртуальной. Дляэтого он исследует мир людей с разных сторон. В этом ему помогают: журналист Юрий Сапрыкин, психолог и авторбестселлеров Татьяна Мужицкая, гендиректор ЭКСМО Евгений Капьёв и др.
Присоединяйтесь, чтобы увидеть человечество глазами алгоритма!Создано с GigaChat. Голос ведущего сгенерирован с помощьюSaluteSpeech.
Welcome to Vera the Intern: a podcast about learning, growing, and discovering the unexpected! I’m Vera, your host, and I’m here to ask the big (and sometimes small) questions to some of the most fascinating people out there. Whether you’re an intern, a founder, or just someone curious about the world, this podcast is all about sharing lessons, insights, and stories that inspire and connect us. So grab your coffee, or tea, and join me as we dive into the minds and journeys of incredible people. Let’s explore, together!
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Peter and Mikkel are onto something.
Welcome to Epochal Growth, the podcast dedicated to transforming the way we lead by embodying the change we seek. Embracing the belief that we are the leaders we’ve been waiting for, our mission is to empower leaders to create impactful and lasting transformations in their organizations.
Hosted by industry expert Sarah Caminiti, each episode brings together visionary leaders and change-makers to explore the profound impact of inclusive and intentional leadership. Through engaging conversations and insightful discussions, we reveal how these approaches can revolutionize businesses and drive innovation.
At Epochal Growth, we are passionate about showcasing the transformative power of intentional actions and inclusive practices. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, an aspiring leader, or someone passionate about business transformation, our podcast provides valuable insights and practical advice to help you lead differently and inspire growth.
Join us on this journey to unlock the potential for transformative business success. Tune in to Epochal Growth and start being the change you seek in leadership.
Explore how Artificial Intelligence is transforming customer and employee experiences in this engaging podcast series. Hosted by Sirte Pihlaja, CEO of Shirute and Head of Team at CXPA Finland, the series dives into the latest AI innovations, ethical questions, and practical strategies for organisations. Featuring insights from global experts and trailblazers, each episode offers actionable guidance to help you navigate the evolving AI landscape and unlock its potential for better CX and EX. Whether new to AI or a seasoned pro, this is your guide to understanding and leveraging AI responsibly and effectively.
Watch the show on YouTube;
More information: and and
About Sirte Pihlaja - CEO I CCXP I AI Whisperer I Trained LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator I Global #1 BestSelling Author I Top 25 CX Influencer I Keynote Speaker I Board Member I CXPA Finland Lead I CX Champion in Caribbean, Europe & South East Asia
AI, artificial intelligence, Agentic AI, machine customers, digital assistants, AI Assistants, AI agents, customer experience, experience, customer service, service, transformation, cx transformation, digital transformation, agility, best practices, customer, acquisition, retention, cost to serve, best in class service, best in class experience, thought leader, transformation manager, cx manager, senior management, cx strategy, voice of the customer, voice of the employee, growth, purpose, improve business results, award-winning strategy, cx community, leadership, improvements, cx governance, experience design, customer journey, CCXP, CXPA, employee experience, innovation, creativity, cx culture, cx design, cx architecture, service culture, people first, human being, purpose
Join us as we dig a tiny bit deeper into the hype surrounding "AI" press releases, research papers, and more. Each episode, we'll highlight ongoing research and investigations, providing some much needed contextualization, constructive critique, and even a smidge of occasional good will teasing to the conversation, trying to find the meaning under all of this muck.
Stay ahead of the curve with the AI Accelerator for Business Show. We provide the latest strategies, insights, and practical tips to help businesses leverage AI for real-world results. Whether you're looking to improve efficiency, enhance decision-making, or empower your team, we break down how AI can drive meaningful impact.
Alice & Bob is a quantum computing company based in Paris and Boston whose goal is to create the first universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer, using their signature technology: the cat qubit.
AI-Fluent is my new podcast where I talk with storytellers from around the world about journalism and storytelling in all its shapes and forms, its marriage with AI and other technology, and innovative thinking.
Most of my guests are from the Global South - Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, so it’s a rare opportunity for those of you who are interested in the subject to listen to people with different perspectives, different challenges, and solutions they have to offer. -
The Reimagining Restaurants Podcast explores how forward-thinking restaurant operators are transforming the dining experience through cutting-edge technologies and innovative business models. Each episode dives into stories of entrepreneurs, chefs, and industry leaders who are redefining what it means to run a modern restaurant—leveraging robotics, AI, automation, and sustainable practices to enhance customer service, optimize operations, and drive profitability. Whether you're an industry veteran or a curious foodie, this podcast offers fresh insights into the evolving landscape of hospitality, uncovering the strategies and tools shaping the future of restaurants.
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