Gezondheid en fitness – Slowakije – Nieuwe podcasts
A daily 5 minute podcast explaining the most important medical and health related happenings in plain English.
Vitajte v podcaste Kúpeľné zvesti, v ktorom vám budem prinášať rôzne témy z oázy zdravia a oddychu Bardejovských Kúpeľov. Do jednotlivých dielov podcastu si budem prizývať hostí, ktorí vám k danej téme zvestujú zaujímavé informácie.
Dve zdravotnícke novinárky a súdny lekár, právnik a súdny znalec v jednej osobe, spolu hovoria o medicíne - o jej omyloch, vtipných situáciách, bizarnostiach a škandáloch, ale aj o jej kráse a víťazstvách.
Podcast about sports supplements
Seasonal discussions on all things health and wellness with Mmatshepo Oganne, a wellness coach. Mmatshepo shares intimate, and candid conversations with some of her girlfriends, industry experts, and women on topics of food, faith, healing, motherhood, holistic wellness, self-care, and at kicking ass.
We have created our very first AI Podcast, taking some of the best and most trusted longevity researchers. These two AI podcasters explore the latest and best Longevity research to provide you with the guidance on living a longer, healthier and more prosperous life.
About us:
Visit our website:
Our Mission: To empower individuals to achieve longevity and prosperity through holistic approaches to mental and physical well-being.
Our Values:
Balance: Achieving harmony between mind, body, and spirit for sustainable health.
Growth: Continual self-improvement in all aspects of life.
Resilience: Encouraging mental and physical strength to overcome life's challenges.
Empowerment: Equipping individuals with the tools they need to take control of their wellness journey.
What Makes Us Unique:
Comprehensive Well-being: Offering tools, resources, and guidance on both mental and physical health for a balanced life.
Science meets Mindfulness: Blending evidence-based health advice with spiritual and mental practices to encourage a holistic approach.
Personalized Growth Plans: Custom wellness journeys that cater to individual needs for longevity, well-being and prosperity. -
Welcome to the Gentle Gut Guide! Each week I'll be discussing evidence-based information around SIBO & IBS, busting gut-health related myths from the internet, and having honest conversations with experts about what we can really do to manage digestive symptoms while building a strong relationship with food again. Thank you for being here and joining the gentle gut community!
Detská psychologička Petra Arslan Šinková v podcaste Nadácie Markíza a Nadácie Volkswagen Slovakia radí rodičom, ako lepšie chápať detský svet, zmýšľanie a emócie. V podcaste odpovedá na otázky ohľadom rodičovstva, výchovy a najmä detského duševného zdravia. Rodičia síce nedostanú univerzálny návod na výchovu detí, no je dobré mať „po ruke“ odborníka, ktorý im poradí.
Rodičia, vaše otázky ohľadom detského sveta a výchovy posielajte na mailovú adresu -
Lets understand role of Cardio in pcos
An unedited chit-chat with ya girl where we connect about all things motherhood, fitness, weight loss and health!
Feeling overwhelmed by constant distractions, digital overstimulation, or brain fog? It's time for a dopamine detox!
'The Dopamine Detox | Rewire Your Brain for Focus helps you take control of your mental well-being by breaking free from addictive behaviors and distractions. Through powerful mindfulness exercises and practical techniques, this podcast guides you on how to reset your brain, regain focus, and boost productivity.
Whether you're struggling with burnout, lack of motivation, or screen time overload, join us to start your journey toward a clearer, more focused mind.
Rewire Your Brain for Focus!
Subscribe today to regain control over your thoughts and actions, and don’t forget to visit @NovosPositivity on Twitter for more tips and resources -
Dr. Evžen - podcast, kde rozhovory s hosty vede odborník na léčbu obezity MUDr. Evžen Machytka, Ph.D.
Obezita je nemoc! Jaké jsou nejnovější metody léčby, jak efektivně a zdravě hubnout? Rozhovory s lékaři a vědci, kteří přinášejí nejnovější poznatky o lidském organismu, možnostech léčby obezity i nadváhy.
Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights for greater health and vitality.
Enlighten Me, B!#©h, hosted by the dynamic and effervescent Wrenn Woods, is a podcast about connection, communication, and comprehension. It’s intellectual. It’s blunt. It’s raw. It’s real. And, of course, it’s spicy AF.
Unafraid to tell you like it is, Wrenn does not hold back. She shares stories and insights based on the trials and tribulations of her own life experiences as well as those of her guests. Motivated by a curious mind, Wrenn explores relationships, sex, adventure, addiction, psychological influences, emotions, the esoteric, and the meaning of life. With a sunny disposition, Wrenn uses humor, empathy, and intuitive awareness to help you find the light in the darkness of this world. You want to know how to find stability when there is an absolute train wreck of a shit storm happening around you? This is the podcast for you, sweetie. Life at any age is mayhem. Ground yourself in the chaos and learn to appreciate your own bedlam. Wrenn is here to make sure you don’t spiral and start living your best life. Stop trippin’ over the bullshit already. It’s going to give you wrinkles. Repeat after me: I am stable. I am able. I am wealthy. I am healthy. Working on yourself is sexy. Come into your power already, bitch. We’re evolving. -
Hier dreht sich alles um den schnellen Input zu verschiedenen Themen rund um die Gesundheit. Wie kann ich mich gesund und fit halten auf natürliche Art? Wie kann ich wieder gesund werden und dabei auf Chemiekeulen verzichten? Welche Ressourcen stehen mir zur Verfügung? Sowohl in der Natur als auch in meinem eigenen Körper?
Der Gesundheitsquickie – natürlich, echt und „quick“.
Mit Kristina Vogt (Moderation), Heilpraktiker Tobias Duven und Heilpraktikerin Sina Vogt (Kinder).
Credits: Music by sabelo2010 from Pixabay -
Welcome to Delusional and Dangerous… a show about all things wellness that the mainstream considers weird, crazy, out there, or simply made up.
Delusional and dangerous are two words that we have been personally called when it comes to our understanding of health and lifestyle choices that cultivate true ancestral wellness which is ironic because the reality is quite the opposite.
Our culture is flooded with ideas about what makes us well that are truly delusional and often dangerous.
The result? Disease and disorders in physical and mental wellness are at an all time high… and skyrocketing.
Tune in for conversations, rants, and rambles about sources of toxicity and how to avoid them, what it takes to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle in this modern climate, paradigm shifts that can radically and quickly alter the state of your health, and demystification of the psycho advice and products provided by the medical industrial complex.
Hosted by Tim & Kate Moore of LunaTerra Apothecary. Tim is an athlete, entrepreneur, engineer, and passionate freethinker. Kate is an herbalist, free birther, physicist, and alleged radical. -
A weekly discussion with Sarah Burns and Lora Zuanic. We'll use the lenses of Human Design (which includes astrology + the I Ching). We like to pull many different threads to get a full understanding of the current energies that we're experiencing. Each week we'll cover what's going on with us and our deconditioning process.
Horský vodca IFMGA Michal Gerčák Vám predstaví osobnosti, ktorých spája horská závislosť. Závislosť, ktorá nás každý deň ťahá do hôr prežívať nové a nové dobrodružstvá.
Podcast trénerskej dvojice, ktorá našla zmysel v pomáhaní ľuďom za ich lepšou verziou. Fitnes, vedou podložená výživa, cvičenie, realistický mindset. To všetko bez omáčok a s jemným nádychom trnavčiny.
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