Trump is convicted of being himself, Narendra Modi engages with god, and North Korea incites a prank war. Andy Zaltzman is with Josh Gondelman and Anuvab Pal.
PAID SUBSCRIBERS - get all this and an exclusive extra story in your podfeed now! To become a premium Bugler and get loads of great stuff, go here:
This episode was presented and written by:
Andy ZaltzmanAnuvab PalJosh GondelmanAnd producer by Chris Skinner, Scarlett O'Malley and Laura Turner
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Another bad week for Rishi, Trump has guns(!) and the latest from the Indian and Mexican elections. It's an action packed Bugle and you can see some clips on Tim Tok and YouTube all week.
This all happens because you fund it, support us here:
Written and presented by:
Andy ZaltzmanNish KumarAlice FraserNato GreenChris SkinnerAnd produced by Chris Skinner and Laura Turner. Thanks to the team at Leicester Square theatre and Go Faster Stripes. Plus Trade Photographer took great photos, including the episode art.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Bagstiv Lille Dallas.
Uffes konen Tulle har igen igen smidt ting væk, denne gang reservenøglen til bilen, og så fatter Uffe ikke hvor mange jokes, der kom med i “Jaget Vildt”.
Torben har været en klatreidiot som fuld vagabond til fastelavn, og det er steget sønnen Charlie til hovedet, at han blev kattekonge.
Programmet er optaget live på Lille Dallas og er iøvrigt sponsoreret af den unge tryllekunstner Nicolai Laursen. Han kan bookes på
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobil: 25 54 85 43
Join The Full Nerd gang as they talk about the latest PC hardware topics. In this episode the gang covers yet another GPU review, this time for Nvidia's GeForce RTX 5070 line, AMD's Radeon counterpunch with competitive pricing, and more. And of course we answer your questions live!
RTX 5070 review:
Radeon 9000 news:
Fortnite testing:
Join the PC related discussions and ask us questions on Discord:
Follow the crew on X: @AdamPMurray @BradChacos @MorphingBall @WillSmith
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============= -
What’s the point of track walks? What makes Race of Champions such a unique challenge for drivers?
This week on FFS!, DC breaks down how drivers really learn a track - from track walks to the gear changes and setup tweaks that matter in modern F1. Then, with DC gearing up to race this week, he sits down with Fredrik Johnsson, president and owner of Race of Champions, to chat about its history, what to expect this year, and some standout moments from past events.
Get your Race of Champions tickets:
Get in touch with DC and Eddie by emailing [email protected] and follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok.
Produced by Whisper
Executive Production by Whisper & New Strange
Recorded & Edited by New Strange
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Misha er snigskytte, og når han sigter efter mennesker, rammer han oftest plet. Danskeren tilbyder sine evner til den ukrainske hær, og sammen med omkring 20.000 andre udlændinge bliver han i 2022 soldat i krigen mod Rusland. Nu, tre år senere, er han der stadig. Han har slået dusinvis af russere ihjel, tjent penge på det og agter at blive til den bitre ende. Men hvad er det, der får en dansker til at sætte livet på spil i en krig, der ikke er hans egen? Dagens gæst er anonym på grund af sin sikkerhedssituation, men hans identitet er kendt af redaktionen.
Vært: Simon Stefanski.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 2. marts 2025. -
Support The Bugle by becoming a Team Bugle subscriber. We offer extra shows, merch and warm fluffy feelings. Info:
This week, Andy and Alice tackle the big (and weird) stories of the moment—Ukraine, Trump, Starmer, and, of course, some truly terrible meetings. In health news, there’s actual cancer research progress (for once!), but we’re also forced to confront the true power of avocados. Meanwhile, the Pope is unwell, AI continues its quest for world domination, and we opt in—begrudgingly or otherwise.
Also, check out Realms Unknown, our new show, now fully visualised on YouTube! And if you love passion, you'll love A Passion for Passion—grab your copy here:
Support The Bugle! Become a Team Bugle subscriber for bonus shows, exclusive merch, and a smug sense of well-being:
Produced by Chris Skinner and Laura Turner.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This week Ed is joined by comedian and TM champion, Melanie Bracewell. Melanie shares her thoughts on one of the all time best Taskmaster episodes which features the famous rap task. There's also 5 Abraham Lincoln's and a rocking chair!
To get tickets to Mel's tour visit
To find out about all the latest TM news visit
You can watch New Zealand Episodes and all the UK eps at
Vi pylrer for meget om vores børn. Sætter for få grænser. Forhandler om snart sagt alting. Regeringen har nedsat en kommission, der skal undersøge mistrivslen blandt børn og unge - og som giver konkrete råd til at blive bedre forældre. For en del af ansvaret for mistrivslen ligger hos netop forældrene: De har forkastet opdragerrollen i en grad, så vores børn ikke længere kender til modstand, ikke har lært at bøje sig for fællesskabet, ikke kender til ansvar. Men kan trivselsproblemer virkelig tilskrives vattede og velmenende forældre?
Vært: Anna Ingrisch.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 3. marts 2025. -
Drawing on her frontline experience, Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa joins us to examine the alarming parallels between America's political climate and the Philippines' democratic decline. We explore how digital platforms have become weapons against truth, discuss shifting global alignments, and consider strategies for resistance to protect American democracy.
Follow The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart on social media for more:
> YouTube:
> Instagram:
> TikTok:
> X:
> BlueSky:
Host/Executive Producer – Jon Stewart
Executive Producer – James Dixon
Executive Producer – Chris McShane
Executive Producer – Caity Gray
Lead Producer – Lauren Walker
Producer – Brittany Mehmedovic
Video Editor & Engineer – Rob Vitolo
Audio Editor & Engineer – Nicole Boyce
Researcher & Associate Producer – Gillian Spear
Music by Hansdle Hsu
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While we spend a good part of this week's show grappling with the resurrection of the Acclaim name, we also find time to discuss Split Fiction, Knights in Tight Spaces, Gears of War on PS5, buying a (cheap) record player, the whereabouts of Bam Margera, a big week for video game source code, and the Sonic Unleashed PC port with big implications for Xbox 360 game preservation.
Advertise on The Nextlander Podcast at Audioboom, or support us on Patreon!
(00:00:00) NOTE: Some timecodes may be inaccurate for versions other than the ad-free Patreon version due to dynamic ad insertions. Please use caution if skipping around to avoid spoilers. Thanks for listening.
(00:00:10) Intro
(00:00:42) The voice of Space Ghost has passed away
(00:07:10) Focus Groups for toys and cartoons
(00:10:18) Let's all take the music back!
(00:17:30) That's it, records or bust
(00:25:53) Split Fiction | [PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S] | Mar 06, 2025
(00:41:55) First Break
(00:41:59) Knights in Tight Spaces | [PC (Microsoft Windows)] | Mar 04, 2025
(00:52:49) Lost Records: Bloom & Rage | [Xbox Series X|S, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5] | Feb 18, 2025
(00:58:50) Void Crew | [PC (Microsoft Windows)] | Nov 25, 2024
(01:04:17) Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii | [PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One] | Feb 21, 2025
(01:10:48) Avowed | [PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox Series X|S] | Feb 18, 2025
(01:13:21) Second Break
(01:13:26) News
(01:13:33) More about Monolith and their closing
(01:21:15) PlayStation VR2 gets a price drop
(01:26:05) Gears of War on a PlayStation?!
(01:30:42) Tony Hawk is back!
(01:38:19) Acclaim is also... back?!
(01:47:40) Tanya released the Command and Conquer source code!
(01:53:17) Sonic Unleashed gets an unofficial PC port
(02:03:44) Emails
(02:14:10) Wrapping up and thanks
(02:15:24) Mysterious Benefactor Shoutouts
(02:17:30) Nextlander Content Updates
(02:18:55) See ya! -
Vi har modtaget mange mails om en artikel i BT, hvor Barnet Eigil er citeret, som muligvis har ødelagt Christians chancer for at lave mere fjernsyn for TV2 - til gengæld er det en enorm succes for Fantino & Bondes presseafdeling! Så vil Maria gerne lære at prutte om prisen, der er lytterhenvendelser, Christian har fået lov til at vælge sit eget toilet og vil meget gerne fortælle om sine forventninger til "den allerførste gang" - og så er der selvfølgelig brugerinvolvering!
I denne uge vil vi opfordre jer til at sende jer bedste eller største prut til [email protected] - gerne som lydbesked!
Du er velkommen til at anmelde podcasten dér, hvor du lytter til den (hvis du synes, den er god – ellers behøver du ikke).
Link til vores mail, sociale medier, YouTube osv.:
Fantino & Bonde udgives af Bauer Media og indeholder reklamer.
Erni Kristiansen var femten år og boede på et kollegium langt fra sin familie, da de jævnaldrende omkring ham begyndte at tage deres eget liv. På bare fire måneder måtte de begrave ti i byen. I dag har han dedikeret sit professionelle liv til at klæde Grønlands unge bedre på til at tale om den smerte, som rigtig mange af dem bærer rundt på i et land, hvor savnet bølger over store geografiske afstande, når mange unge må flytte tidligt fra deres familier.
Vært: Anna Ingrisch.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 4. marts 2025. -
Inés Dawson, Jenny Draper and Wren Weichman face questions about smallholder snags, spurned suitors and shop security.
LATERAL is a comedy panel game podcast about weird questions with wonderful answers, hosted by Tom Scott. For business enquiries, contestant appearances or question submissions, visit
HOST: Tom Scott. QUESTION PRODUCER: David Bodycombe. EDITED BY: Julie Hassett at The Podcast Studios, Dublin. MUSIC: Karl-Ola Kjellholm ('Private Detective'/'Agrumes', courtesy of ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: Adam Tillowitz, Courtney, Jacob W., Nate, Dillon Rodriguez-Currie, B. King, Rob Dahl. FORMAT: Pad 26 Limited/Labyrinth Games Ltd. EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: David Bodycombe and Tom Scott. © Pad 26 Limited ( / Labyrinth Games Ltd. 2025.
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We kick(flip) off this week's episode with news of more Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Remakes, Frank goes feral in Monster Hunter Wilds, Jeremy goes digging in Pikmin's miniature garden, and Danny loses his mind in Rise of the Golden Idol - PLUS, more Steam Next Fest goodness!
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4 - Official Reveal Trailer: Hunter Wilds: Is Coming: Deep: Ebb: Agent Wizard Boy and the International Crime Syndicate: Wax: of the Diamond Hand: Rise of the Golden Idol: 1+2 Launch Trailer: Page:
RSS Feed:
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Crewcast channel:
Learn About Noclip:
Become a Patron and get early access to new episodes:
Follow @noclipvideo on TwitterChapters:
0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:00 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4
0:04:07 - Vibe Check on THPS 4
0:11:44 - Monster Hunter Wilds
0:35:54 - Danny's Next Fest Round Up
0:39:17 - Secret Agent Wizard Boy and the International Crime Syndicate
0:46:42 - Hot Wax
0:48:30 - Moves of the Diamond Hand
0:50:46 - Despelote
0:55:14 - The Social Impact of Sport
0:59:22 - The Rise of the Golden Idol
1:10:34 - Pikmin
1:19:31 - Genres Lost to Time
1:25:04 - Reactivity and Systems-Driven Games
1:33:49 - Q: What can AAA studios learn from KC:D 1 + 2?
1:40:22 - We Want Stories with Smaller Stakes!
1:44:01 - Q: Will there be more Noclip Blu-rays?
1:49:44 - Q: Is “variety gaming” just for us old men?
2:01:14 - The Children Yearn for Tactility
2:17:50 - Game Consoles Need to be Cooler
2:21:34 - Noclip Updates
2:23:31 - Sign Off -
De sendte brød til de sultne, medicin til de syge, skolebøger til børn. Men pludselig stoppede det. Trump og Musk har annonceret den næsten totale nedlukning af amerikansk nødhjælp. Konsekvenserne er allerede mærkbare: Børn sulter i Nigeria. Ebola-truslen vokser i Uganda. HIV-patienter i Sydafrika mister deres livsvigtige medicin. Så hvad betyder det, når verdens største supermagt trækker sig fra den humanitære front? Det forsøger seniorforsker ved DIIS Adam Moe Fejerskov at svare på i dagens Genstart.
Vært: Anna Ingrisch.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 5. marts 2025. -
The PC hardware market has finally settled down with the release of AMD's new Radeon 9000 series and no more major CPU or GPU product launches later this year. So we assess the state of the PC union a bit this week, with a focus on the new AMD cards and their dramatically improved upscaling, ray-tracing, video encoding, and perhaps most of all, price. Plus, some updates on Intel's low-end Battlemage, Nvidia's mounting 50-series woes, the possible delay of Intel's next-gen Panther Lake CPU to 2026, new rumored low-power CPUs for Brad to get excited about running a Linux router on, and more.
Support the Pod! Contribute to the Tech Pod Patreon and get access to our booming Discord, a monthly bonus episode, your name in the credits, and other great benefits! You can support the show at:
Javier Milei er selvudnævnt ekspert i tantrasex, ejer fire klonede hunde og er tidligere forsanger i et Rolling Stones coverband. Med en motorsav hævet over hovedet har Argentinas præsident, Javier Milei, nedlagt ministerier og fyret tusindvis af offentligt ansatte, alt sammen i et forsøg på at redde Argentinas forkrøblede økonomi. Tallene lyver ikke - det ser ud til at virke. Men det sker ikke uden konsekvenser. Så er Javier Milei manden, der kan redde Argentina ud af årtiers krise, eller skubber han landet ud over kanten med sin kompromisløse stil? Det giver DR's Sydamerika-korrespondent, Kristian Almblad, sit bud på i dag.
Vært: Anna Ingrisch.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 28. februar 2025. -
Danny's back from Hawaii, but Frank's just started his pirate themed vacation there in the latest Like a Dragon game, the crew dive deeper on Avowed, some positive thoughts on Two Point Musuem, and it's time for another demo buffet with the first Steam Next Fest of 2025.
Avowed: a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii: Point Museum: Closes Three Studios, Cancels Wonder Woman Game: NEON: Mascot Agency: and the Riverside: Is Coming: Deep: Space: Page:
RSS Feed:
Soundcloud: our docs:
Crewcast channel:
Learn About Noclip:
Become a Patron and get early access to new episodes:
Follow @noclipvideo on TwitterChapters:
0:00:00 - Intro
0:04:14 - Thanking our Patreon supporters!
0:08:28 - Hawaii
0:10:59 - Avowed
0:32:20 - Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
0:46:05 - Two Point Museum
1:00:36 - WB Games Closing Monolith Productions
1:06:02 - Remembering Viktor Antonov
1:10:00 - Steam Next Fest
1:13:10 - Advent NEON
1:16:07 - Promise Mascot Agency
1:19:36 - Ruffy and the Riverside
1:25:14 - He Is Coming
1:28:59 - Skin Deep
1:36:24 - Next Fest Demo Recap
1:38:38 - Noclip Updates
1:41:42 - Sign Off -
Da spørgsmålene bliver kritiske, løfter Mette Frederiksen øjenbrynene og begynder sin opsang til de fremmødte journalister: Løft blikket, Danmark skal opruste, det skal gå stærkt, og derfor er der, ifølge statsministeren, ikke tid til det hun kalder "akademiske udredninger", før vi lynopruster for milliarder. Krisestemningen hænger tykt i luften. Danmark kan være i fare og vores sikkerhed afhænger af sejr til Ukraine. Hvad betyder det, at Mette Frederiksen nu er gået i kriseberedskab? Dét spørger vi Pia Glud Munksgaard, journalist og politisk analytiker i DR, om.
Vært: Simon Stefanski.
Program publiceret i DR Lyd d. 27. februar 2025. - Laat meer zien