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  • Ask yourself this question…WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK OF WHEN THEY THINK OF YOU?Like it or not, that answer is your PERSONAL BRAND.The rules have changed, and it's no longer an option not to have a personal brand.More than ever, your BUSINESS BRAND and your PERSONAL BRAND are becoming the same. With the explosion of options on how to promote yourself and your business, you need to be SMARTER THAN EVER to get the attention you need to succeed.If you're success-driven, chances are you've already figured out that you need to grow your brand and use it for maximum effect.THE BIG QUESTION IS "HOW?"My guest and friend, RORY VADEN, will give you those answers this week.He is also a New York Times bestselling author of TAKE THE STAIRS and PROCRASTINATE ON PURPOSE, a Hall of Fame speaker, and co-founder of the BRAND BUILDERS GROUP, where he and his team teach and implement personal brand development. He's helped several people, including me, LEWIS HOWES, ERIC THOMAS, TOM AND LISA BILYEU, LUVVIE AJAYI JONES, and many others take huge leaps forward with building our personal brands.Some of you may not fully understand personal branding, and that's where we start, digging into why TRUST is closely linked to personal branding, no matter how big you are or how big you want to be.Rory also explains how to start personal branding with practical advice you can easily implement almost immediately built around this KEY TAKEAWAY…THE GOAL IS TO FIND YOUR UNIQUENESS AND EXPLOIT IT IN THE SERVICE OF OTHERS.Many of you want to find ways to monetize your personal brand, and Rory gives you some insights using his D.A.R.E.S. (Digital, Automated, Recurring, Evergreen, Scalable) strategy.Rory will also explain what a BRAND DNA HELIX is with 6 QUESTIONS every brand builder should ask themselves.One of the most important keys to a personal brand is figuring out how you can monetize it. Rory lays out those avenues by getting you to think about P.A.I.D.S. (Products, Ads and Affiliates, Information, Deals, and Services).We'll also spend a lot of time discussing how to find your UNIQUENESS. Nobody talks about this enough, yet it's so critical to your personal branding success.We'll wrap up by talking about the three forms of PROCRASTINATION, multiplying your time, and why our brains aren't wired for success.You owe it to yourself to start THINKING about and ACTIVATING your personal brand.And Rory Vaden is the guy to help you do that. 

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  • This week’s guest, ALAN STEIN JR., is all about what it takes to MAX OUT.If you’ve often thought you need more MENTAL TOUGHNESS in your life to give you added discipline, cohesion, and accountability, pay close attention and take a lot of notes.This is the NEXT-LEVEL episode you’ve been waiting for.We’re going to spend an hour talking about what it takes to be more than the best…we’re going to talk about what it takes to be the GREATEST OF ALL TIME, no matter what you do.  There’s a GOAT mentality, and Alan will REVEAL all the things it takes to turn you into a fire-breathing COMPETITIVE WINNER.Alan has been all about PRODUCING RESULTS for two decades now.For more than 15 years, he worked with some of the highest performing basketball players on the planet, including KOBE BRYANT, STEPH CURRY, KEVIN DURANT, and a lot of other household names. He is also one of the world’s foremost authorities on what it takes to improve individual and organizational performance and leadership. He has also authored two highly successful books, RAISE YOUR GAME and his newly released SUSTAIN YOUR GAME.Are you ready for an insider’s take on Kobe’s MASTERY OF THE BASICS? You’re going to be blown away by Alan’s “Kobe at 4 am” story.Do you want to be the ABSOLUTE BEST while still avoiding burnout?Want some world-class advice on how to FOCUS better?Alan will also get into the critical skill of developing PROCESSES AND STANDARDS as a key part of being a high achiever.  He also talks about using STRESS and managing ENERGY to YOUR ADVANTAGE instead of falling into traps in those areas like so many people do.We’re also going to spend time talking about VISUALIZATION, which I practice regularly.  You’ll also get practical advice in the form of THREE STEPS you must take to effect change in your life. 
    Alan is all about how vital the proper MINDSET is in helping you achieve a MAXXED OUT life.  When you can practice several of the things you’ll hear this week, you’ll soon be on your own GOAT journey as well.

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  • In this episode, you will learn how to deepen your healing by understanding how your parents may have created silent trauma that is still impacting you as an adult.

    I want to introduce you to a woman who has had a really big impact on my own healing.

    She is the renowned psychologist and #1 New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Nicole LePera, who you may also know as The Holistic Psychologist.

    Today, Dr. LePera will normalize the common experience of having few memories from childhood.

    This is something that I struggled with silently. I personally have very few memories from my childhood, and I assumed there was something wrong with me.

    It was only when I started sharing about this lack of memories online that I realized I wasn’t the only person who can’t reminisce about their past.

    I now understand why this happens. I also know there is nothing wrong with me.

    And if you have very few memories from your childhood, there’s nothing wrong with you either.

    Today, we are digging into parenting styles and how your childhood experiences (whether you remember them or not) are still impacting the way you respond to stress as an adult.

    The research and tools in this conversation will help you understand not only why it’s so easy to get triggered, but also how to deepen your healing journey now that you do.

    This is one of those episodes that I also know you will be sending to family, friends, and siblings because there is so much empowering information here.

    I personally made all three of our kids listen because I both recognize as a daughter how my childhood impacted me – and as a mom, I’m also very aware that my parenting style has impacted my kids.

    And, Dr. LePera so beautifully teaches us how to take control of the rest of our lives as adults.

    Xo Mel

    PS: After you listen to this one, listen to “Take Control of Your Life: A Toolkit for Healing” if you haven’t yet, because I’m sharing details from the last few years of my healing journey.

    Plus, there’s a companion workbook to help you go deeper.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    3:00: So many of you wrote in about this particular detail of trauma.8:00: Childhood amnesia – What the heck is that?9:30: Here are 3 reasons why you don’t have many childhood memories.11:30: What do psychologists mean by “dysregulated nervous system?”15:00: Introducing my friend and world-renowned psychologist, Dr. Nicole LePera.17:45: What’s an emotionally immature parent and how do you know if you had one?24:30: Two big reasons why your brain shuts down in childhood.28:00: Do you need to remember your past trauma to recognize it in yourself?35:00: What does it look like in real life when you start to heal your nervous system?37:30: Is trauma only for those who’ve lived through a big, horrific event?44:00: Here is why the silent treatment can be harmful. 48:00: Here’s your first tactical step toward healing your body and mind.53:15: Feeling cynical about your own healing process? You need to hear this.


    If you uncover or have a history of trauma, consider enlisting the support of a trained therapist. This podcast episode and the companion workbook are not meant to be a substitute for therapeutic support.

  • This episode will help you set the right goals for you.

    Goals matter. They make your life easier and they create a sense of purpose and meaning.

    But most people don’t set goals the right way, which is why they fail before they even start.

    That’s not going to be you.

    This episode is a comprehensive toolkit that will help you set the goals that inspire you and make you feel excited about the year ahead.

    And, it’s part of our month-long series covering the foundational research and topics related to creating a better life.

    Today, you’re not only going to learn the correct way to set goals according to research, you’re also going to identify 1-3 goals for yourself, and I’ll be doing the same thing right along with you.

    Have no idea what your goals are or where to even start?

    Don’t worry; you will by the end of the episode.

    You’ll apply the latest research every single step of the way.

    And that’s not all.

    You can access a free companion workbook at that will walk you through everything we’re talking about so you can go even deeper into this conversation.

    Expect your goals to change as you listen to this episode, so don’t worry about doing any of this “right.”

    By the end of this episode you will have even taken the first steps toward your goal.

    How cool is that? I can’t wait. Let’s get started.

    Xo Mel

    For full show notes, including all research mentioned in the episode, go to

    For a free worksheet that dives deeper into the episode and helps you apply what you learn, click here.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    1:15: How do I set goals the right way?2:56: Why setting goals is so important: the truth from research8:24: The exciting new research about goals from Dr. Birkman that you need to know10:56: My three goals for 202313:05: I’m answering your top question about goals13:27: Four science-backed hacks to use when you’re not sure what your goals are16:20: Three qualities of the best goals21:48: Two components of a goal that you’ve got to have in order to achieve it27:07: What neuroscience says about why your brain needs these two components31:25: The five mistakes we all make when we set and try to achieve goals42:41: A powerful question about goals from Columbia University researchers that you should ask yourself44:57: Why setting a “high-low range goal” will make you more successful50:33: The most important thing you should do once you set a goal53:06: Here’s the crazy irony about achieving your goals


  • Have you ever had such a powerful coincidence happen in your life that you think…

    This must be a sign.

    The person sitting next to you at an event turns out to be part of the team you’re interviewing with next week.

    There is a hummingbird outside your apartment window on move-in day, and your grandmother always said she’d come back as one.

    You’re sitting in your favorite coffee shop, thinking of someone you haven’t seen in a long time, and right at that moment, they text you.

    You can’t explain how these things happen, but when they do, they give you goosebumps and make you feel just a little bit more confident and less alone.

    I personally love it when this happens. And I’m always on the lookout for signs that my life is moving in the right direction.

    Well, what if I told you that you can create more moments like this?

    That’s what we’re talking about today.

    These moments have a name: they’re called “synchronicities.”

    And my guest today is Dr. Tom Myers, a professor who researched and wrote his entire Ph.D. dissertation on the subject.

    You’re about to learn simple steps that will train your brain to create more of these impactful synchronicities in your own life, and three powerful reasons why it’s important that you do so.

    Today, you and I are hanging out at the intersection of psychology, science, and spirituality.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if your life had more of these magical moments?

    Looking for signs that you’re on the right path is not some cheesy thing to do; it’s yet another way you can get intentional about training your brain to help you experience life in a whole new way.

    I’ll also share a few stories from my life that are not only examples of synchronicity, but they will also give you goosebumps.

    I can’t wait to hear your “goosebump” stories, and I hope what you learn from our conversation today will teach you how to create more of them.

    Xo Mel

    I talk more about synchronicity, including a powerful story from my life and how to create more of them, in my New York Times bestselling book The High 5 Habit.

    For complete show notes, including links to every research study mentioned, see the episode page at

  • Buckle up and get ready to take notes because this episode is a masterclass.

    The tools you’re about to learn will help you become more confident, influential, and even make more money.

    Today, we’re talking about The “It” Factor.

    Some people just seem to have IT, right?

    When I think of The It Factor, people like Oprah, The Rock, Taylor Swift, the Dalai Lama, and Martin Luther King, Jr. come to mind.

    These people make you want to lean in, join in, and learn more.

    So today we’re asking…

    What is “It” that some people have that makes us automatically trust and like them?

    And, more importantly, how can you get it?

    Here to answer that question is Vanessa Van Edwards, a best-selling author, researcher, and founder of the behavior lab The Science of People.

    I cannot wait for you to dig into what she has researched.

    Turns out The It Factor has another name: charisma.

    And the good news?

    YOU can learn how to have charisma, starting today.

    You’re going to want to. Research finds that charismatic people are more influential, earn a higher income, and have a bigger impact at work, in their communities, and in their relationships.

    The secret to hacking it? Social cues, like body language and the way you speak.

    That’s why today’s episode is a masterclass.

    You’ll learn…

    Shocking research from Princeton about how people size you up3 things you must do in the first 10 seconds of a Zoom callTips for nailing an interviewThe major mistake you’re making as you speakHow to ask for a raiseA simple test that will help you figure out how charismatic you areWhy you never want to fake a smileTips for charisma for introvertsWhy a second impression is as important as the first

    That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Today’s episode is jam-packed with simple, tactical research and tools that will help you and anyone you care about develop the skill of charisma.

    And you deserve that.

    Xo Mel

    Join the free 5-day Wake Up Challenge with me and master your morning routine here.

    All show notes for this episode can be found at

    Check out the video version of this podcast on my YouTube channel here.

  • In "Pride and Prejudice," we follow the lives of the Bennet family in 19th century England, and with 5 unwed daughters, Mrs. Bennet has only one thing on her mind: marriage.

    Listen as Frank Lavallo hosts readers, Jennifer Weinbrecht and Patricia Fernberg, for a summary and discussion of the novel, "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. Then stay tuned for Endnotes with Ted Schwartz for some interesting facts about the life and family of Austen.
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  • "Sense and Sensibility" is the story of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne, and their different experiences of life and loss. Listen as Frank Lavallo hosts readers, Jennifer Weinbrecht and Patricia Fernberg, for a summary and discussion of the novel, "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen. Then stay tuned for Endnotes with Ted Schwartz for some interesting facts about the life and motives of Austen.
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  • We're baaaaack! To kick off Season 3, we're covering the very hyped memoir I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy. We discuss Jennette's experience of childhood abuse and eating disorders, complicated grief, and our thoughts on her recovery process. 

    FYI, our episodes are now two-parters: we start with general discussions of the books without spoilers, then we dive into the details.

    Find Novel Feelings via:

    Our website Instagram Twitter Goodreads.

    Join our 2023 Reading Challenge on The Storygraph. 

    Detailed show notes available on our website.

  • Why, on a podcast about content marketing, would we be talking NETWORKING?
    ‘Cuz ev.ree.thing converges!
    Think about how your message & brand personality shows up online. That’s easy to imagine, right?
    But anytime you go ANYWHERE and you meet people…formally or informally -
    You are networking. Connecting. Building relationships - and if you're not clear in your content & messing..
    EYES will glaze.
    Opportunities will be missed.
    And as my guest today - networking expert & coach Siobhán Fitzpatrick says,
    “It’s not who you know. It's not who knows you. It's who knows what you know!”
    That’s why today we’re diving into bringin’ your content offline & into the WILD of real life!
    Siobhán shares with us:
    WHY networking at all. Because…really? Do we have to?
    HOW your messaging & personal brands matter to people who want to work with those they LIKE & TRUST.
    WHAT to do about all this stuff if you’re an introvert & easily exhausted by networking.
    How to do all this in a way that WORKS FOR YOU!
    (You know that’s my 100% jam! We’ve GOT TO make it work for us!)
    So - listen in.
    (Plus, Siobhán has the loveliest Irish accent. You'll love her soothing voice. Her approach to connecting, relationship-building, and networking is so lovely and refreshing!)
    Try out Siobhán’s global networking group for free (I’ll be there!) at
    Find her on LinkedIn:
    And IG:
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  • A producer, podcaster, and PR expert Cristina Mercello has worked in radio and podcasting, and is currently a booking manager for Podchaser's Connect program. Christina is passionate about helping content creators get attention for their work.

    We are always looking for ways to get attention for our content, products or campaigns. One way to do that is through a well-executed PR campaign. A big part of that is making sure you have a great pitch. I spoke with Cristina Marcello, who is a PR expert, about what makes a good pitch. They said that it's important to make sure that your pitch is not all about you, but is about how you can add value to the person you're pitching to… and their audience.

    You need to do your research and figure out what their audience is interested in, and then make a connection between that and what you're offering.

    "The more you give to other people, the more you help uplift other people, the more you're attracting good. Let's call it energy." - Cristina Marcello

    Here are some of the things we cover:

    How to make your pitch more effective by adding value to the person you're pitching to. The importance of research in determining what an audience is interested in. The difference between pitching to radio and pitching to podcasts, and how each platform requires a different approach.

    Connect with Cristina:

    On Linkedin

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  • Practical communication and story tips from Storymode founders Beth Nyland, Corporate Poet & Cutter of C.R.A.P. and Jill Pollack,
    Chief Story Wrangler.

    More about them:

    Thank you to O’Brien McMahon for the introduction ( his podcast ) and to Alex Perry for introducing me to O'Brien ( ).

    Find more Grounded Content episodes

    visit my website:

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  • On this episode, we are joined by Dr Helena Boschi, the author of "Why We Do What We Do: Understanding our brain to get the best out of ourselves and others".

    Helena shares her thoughts on divergent and convergent thinking and encouraging creativity in the workplace.

    Find Helena here:

    We are also joined by Learning Lead and Senior Researcher Janet Benson and Corporate Learning Researcher, Ilse White both of The Learnovate Centre in Trinity College Dublin.

  • Happy New Year, and welcome to a New Season of Inside Learning.

    Rosan Bosch joins us for our first episode of season 3.

    Rosan is the founder and Creative Director at Rosan Bosch Studio, designing state-of-the-art learning landscapes built for wonder, motivation and creativity. She brings years of experience in transforming education using design as a tool for change, and today, educational innovation and transformation are on the agenda of every school and institution around the world. 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don't yet exist. Rosan Bosch Studio is renowned globally for integrating innovative learning experiences in physical design and looks to the environment's role in promoting better education through playful learning experiences - preparing children to become agile, creative thinkers in an unknown future.

    We discuss topics from Rosan's books: "Play to Learn - Designing for Uncertainty", and "Designing for a Better World Starts at School"

    Find Rosan here:

  • Our guest draws on multiple research disciplines, includingpsychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience,learning sciences, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, andeducation, he provides insights into the functioning of the mind andsynthesizes this understanding into practical tools and exercises that develop new skills and achieve personal and learning goals.

    It is a pleasure to welcome the Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin and Founding Director of the Program in the Human Dimensions of Organizations, he is also the author of multiple books but the focus of our episode today is:"Smart Thinking: How to Think Big, Innovate and Outperform Your Rivals"

    We are also joined by Dr Mary Kelly, Academic Dean of Hibernia College and a member of the College’s Executive Management Team. Dr Kelly has been a driving force in the strategic direction of research initiatives and innovation in academic development since she joined Hibernia College in 2012.

  • The above video Illustrates Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Series,How to unlock the Human potential under this lock down period,A skill to explore yourself and to reprogram your brain.  If you've always wanted to learn how to use MT4 trading platform to trade Forex, then this MT4 tutorial is for you. I'm going to show you the Metatrader 4 tips and tricks so that you can know which one to focus on.

    Link 1 :  

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    Link 3 :


     Advice provided in this video is mere recommendation and I will not be responsible for any losses incurred from your investments or trading activities. Investing and trading is a high risk activity and should be approached with caution. I am not a certified financial adviser. Hence, it is important for you to seek a certified financial adviser to craft your portfolio

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    Ready to live a BIG LIFE? This inspirational PEP TALK will motivate you to give yourself permission to step out, step up, and shine your light! Visit for info on Turbo-Charge Your Life: How to Thrive in Uncertain Times and Create Something Awesome! Subscribe to my YouTube channel at

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    Check out all of my books, ebooks, and audiobooks on my Amazon Author page => - Titles include The Empowered Artist, The Passion Principles, The Improv Comedy Musician (with Laura Hall from “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”), Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook, The Five-Minute Music Marketer, The 9 Irrefutable Laws of Music Marketing, and many more.

    Subscribe to the podcast using Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, RadioPublic, TuneIn, or Google.

    You can also connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, Medium, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. And follow Bob Baker’s Inspiration Project on Spotify.

    Here's a link to my three-book mega package deal

    Some of the resources I recommend are affiliate links, which will send me a small commission should you make a purchase. This helps me keep the podcast going.

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  • The ultimate success in business is to be considered a value creator. Whether you and I are employees, executives, consultants or vendors we should think about the 5 ways we can add value to the business.

    - Growth
    - Simplicity
    - Speed
    - New Business Model
    - Thinking Big

  • In the last couple of weeks, I had numerous conversations about what I call the hierarchy of value. A good friend of mine, I call him Jeff, a private equity investor coined this term to me a few years ago. He used this model to decide which improvement projects to invest in and which to pass on in his companies. He wanted simple rules to help his management teams that go beyond hard value and soft value. He even used it in his personal life to decide what to buy and what not to buy. I keep coming back to the simplicity of the model whenever we discuss the value of digital transformation. So what is this hierarchy of value and why does it matter for digital projects?

  • How do you tell your value story in 5 minutes?
    A good 5-minute value pitch mostly talks about your audience's needs. Never about yours. The first return on investment you will ever demonstrate to a client is the ROI on those 5 minutes of their time.

    If you waste their time, they will assume you will waste their money.