
  • Dr Ruja Ignatova persuaded millions to join her financial revolution. Then she disappeared. Why? Jamie Bartlett presents a story of greed, deceit and herd madness.

  • Jamie Bartlett, host of the hit podcast The Missing Crypto queen, is back with another gripping, investigative serial. In his new series, Jamie tells the story of Megan Bhari, an inspirational 16 year old girl who in 2012 launches a charity to grant wishes to seriously ill children. The charity is called Believe in Magic and it attracts the support of the biggest boy band in the world: One Direction. Believe in Magic soon becomes a household name in the child cancer community, putting on parties, sending thoughtful gifts and organizing trips to Disney. Megan is adored by all those she helps and is given an award by the then Prime Minister David Cameron. What’s even more remarkable is that Megan is herself extremely unwell. She announces that she has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. She raises money online for life saving treatment in the United States. But a group of internet sleuths start to suspect that Meg isn’t ill at all. When they discover Megan is in a Disney resort rather than a US hospital, they decide to hire a private detective to prove Megan is faking her illness–and expose the truth to the world. But events take an unexpected turn. And the internet sleuths-who are all parents of seriously ill children themselves-begin to wonder if they've got it all wrong. "It wasn't meant to end like this," says one. Author Jamie Bartlett and producer Ruth Mayer investigate the truth about Megan Bhari, tracing back over the sleuths’ incredible discoveries, meeting Megan’s old friends and supporters, and exploring the medical profession’s most mysterious condition. After months of investigation, Jamie and Ruth discover a secretive investigation into the truth about Megan’s medical condition. The conclusion is shocking–and will have far-reaching consequences for everyone involved. Believe in Magic is a BBC Studios production.

  • Did one man’s friendship with a dolphin go way – way – too far? It’s 1987 and the British seaside town of Amble has seen much better days. So when a wild bottlenose dolphin nicknamed Freddie appears in the harbour, it feels like a miracle. Everyone wants to swim with him. But Freddie chooses one person above all others: Alan Cooper, a dedicated animal rights activist committed to freeing captive dolphins. Then Alan’s friendship with Freddie is turned against him and a devastating accusation spirals out of control.

    Binge all episodes of Hooked on Freddie exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/hooked-on-freddie/ now.

  • Tune in every other week for inspiring, joyful, and informative conversations on transforming ourselves, our communities, and the world, in the spirit of ancient Chinese medicine, spirituality, and philosophy. Separating fact from fiction, we aim to bring you medicine from China's distant past, translated here to meet YOUR needs today, in clinic and beyond.
    I am your host, Dr. Sabine Wilms, medical historian, recovering university professor, and author and translator of more than a dozen books on the Chinese healing arts, from gynecology and pediatrics to medical ethics and materia medica, published by Happy Goat Productions. In addition to writing, I teach and mentor at https://www.imperialtutor.com/, about the roots of Chinese medicine and its larger cultural background. In addition, I will bring in insights from my checkered past as a biodynamic goat farmer and musician, all under the banner of my favorite phrase, “cosmic resonance,” a.k.a. the Chinese ideal of harmony between the three realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity. I really love to inspire people and spread around some good vibrations, which is what I aim to do in this podcast, with the assistance of some of my favorite clinical and academic colleagues, friends, and guides, like Leo Lok (our self-proclaimed "Purveyor of Multiple Perspective") and Dr. Brenda Hood, master physician and specialist in all things Daoism.

    New episodes will generally drop twice a month, with a free one on the new moon and a bonus one for Imperial Tutor members on the full moon. Check out https://www.imperialtutor.com/membership for more information on my mentorship. Episodes will be roughly an hour long and will follow the format of what you may already be familiar with as the Imperial Tutor’s Tea Time Talks: loosely structured conversations that provide education, inspiration, and connection. If you want to be notified of new episodes, why don’t you subscribe to my newsletter at https://www.happygoatproductions.com/connect?
    Here are our three main goals:
    1. Bridge-building: We gather to explore the liminal sweet spot, in between Heaven and Earth, the distant past and the present moment, East and West, the clinic and the academy, the healer and the scholar, the discernible and the unfathomable, oral lineage and written text, and, ultimately, between Yin and Yang.
    2. Collaboration: The treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine is bigger than any single person's expertise, no matter how vast. We actively pursue and embrace a diversity of opinions so that we can collectively deepen our understanding.
    3. Authentic Transmission: Translation, from the past to the present, from Chinese to English, from texts to clinical application, etc., invariably involves an alteration and adaptation of the original message. How do we stay as true as possible to the insights expressed in the ancient Chinese texts while still making sense to our listeners? We invite you to consider the creative challenges of this task with us.

    Potential future topics include: Meditation Sickness and Qigong Psychosis; The Difference Between Responsibility and Fault; Daoist and Confucian Perspectives on Humanity's Role Between Heaven and Earth; The Creation, Development, and Transmission of Medical Knowledge and the Dangers and Benefits of Lineage; Buddhist Perspectives on Reality and Expedient Means; The Wuwei Way; The Weasel and the Yak, and The Frog in the Well; Simple Questions: How to Read the Classics; The Cosmos in Six Lines: The Yijing as a Tool of Healing; Translation, Transmission, Transcendence, Transcreation; Pointing to the Moon: How to Name the Unnameable; Should Return and A Hundred Meetings: What's in a Name; The Fish’s Delight: The Limits of Sense Perception; Clear Talk: Creating Light in Dark Times; Reverberations of the Valley Spirit; Lotus in the Mud: Buddhism and Medicine...

  • Den delvist danskejede biotekvirksomhed Enochian BioSciences bliver i 2018 optaget på den prestigefyldte amerikanske Nasdaq-børs. Hjernen bag det hele er den tyrkisk-fødte Serhat Gumrukcu, der bliver præsenteret som læge, topforsker og som et geni, der skal revolutionere medicinalindustrien med behandlinger mod blandt andet HIV og kræft. Virksomheden har millioner fra de velhavende danske erhvervsmænd Karsten Ree, Ole Abildgaard og René Sindlev i ryggen, og aktiekursen har retning direkte mod stjernerne. Men der er et problem: Geniet Serhat Gumrukcu er hverken læge eller forsker, men derimod en tyrkisk tryllekunstner med kunstnernavnet Doctor No, og lige nu sidder han fængslet i USA anklaget for at have orkestreret et brutalt lejemord.

    Hvis du har nogle oplysninger, du gerne vil dele, kan du skrive til [email protected].

  • Podcasten "Mørklagt" undersøger den kriminelle underverden, afdækker de hemmelige efterretningstjenesters arbejdsmetoder og afslører forbrydelser, der foregår lige nu.

    SÆSON 4 - MASSØREN: På en massagebriks i Hovedstadsområdet tager en lindrende oplevelse pludselig en drejning. Mens afslappende musik flyder ud af højttaleren, og der egentlig skulle tages hånd om de nakkesmerter, 'Pernille' har, ændrer massagen karakter. 'Pernille' oplever nu, at massøren begynder at røre hende intime steder på kroppen. Hun anmelder det aldrig. Hun føler sig skamfuld. Men hvad hun ikke ved er, at Massøren har været i retten fire gange på ti år med anklager om seksuelle krænkelser under behandlingen. To gange er han dømt. To gange frikendt. I podcasten "Massøren" undersøger DR Dokumentar, hvor grænsen går mellem et overgreb og en alternativ behandling - og hvem der holder øje med de behandlinger, der er mere alternative end det almindelige sundhedssystem kan tilbyde.

    SÆSON 3 - KIDNAPPET: Dybt inde i den colombianske jungle sidder den fynske gartner Niels Frantzen kidnappet. Hjemme i Danmark har hans fire børn fået til opgave at behandle ham fri.

    SÆSON 2 - SKYGGEKRIGEN: Afsløringen af russiske spioner på land, mulige russiske spionskibe langs de nordiske kyster og jagten på, hvem der stod bag sprængningen af Nord Stream.

    SÆSON 1- AGENT SAMSAM: Historien om Ahmed Samsam, der er dømt for terror, men hævder at have været dansk agent.
    Har du en historie, vi bør undersøge nærmere?
    Kontakt os via dr.dk/tipos eller skriv til [email protected]

  • Information dykker ned i atomernes vilde verden og i spørgsmålet om, hvad virkeligheden i virkeligheden er. Serien er støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden.

  • Under falsk identitet styrer en sky bagmand den albanske mafia, der importerer store mængder kokain til Danmark og sender millioner af kroner retur til Albanien.

    Ved hjælp af hemmelige kilder, retsdokumenter og gennem fire portrætter fortæller B.T.s kriminalredaktion - flankeret af skuespiller Slavko Labovic - om den albanske mafia, de hemmelige identiteter, ombyggede smuglerbiler og et ekstremt professionelt netværk i hele Europa.

  • An unidentified body. Who was she? Why hasn’t she been missed? A BBC World Service and NRK original podcast, investigating a mystery unsolved for almost half a century.

  • Bang & Olufsen presents Sound Matters: a series of podcasts looking at – and listening to – all the sounds of the world around us. Forthcoming instalments will investigate all kinds of sounds that happen in our noisy cosmos, how we listen to them, the stories we tell about them, and all the ideas, inventions, discoveries, possibilities and ideas that live in the realm of the audible. Written and produced by Tim Hinman and supported by Bang & Olufsen.

  • Med farverige kærlighedserklæringer og dramatiske historier om bander, vold og pengeafpresning har en kvinde, der kalder sig Jasmin, lokket hundredtusindvis af kroner ud af mænd. Forførelsen foregik på hendes SnapChat-profil med navnet Perkerlinse. Men nu er linjen død, og tilbage står spørgsmålet; Hvem er Jasmin egentlig? Og hvor er de forsvundne penge?

  • Er du vild med friluftsliv, vandring og outdoor grej? Så lyt med på Spejder Sports podcast, hvor du møder Danmarks mest spændende Udefolk – mennesker med ægte friluftserfaring, som deler deres ture med dig. Podcasten fokuserer primært på dansk og nordisk friluftsliv, men opdaterer dig også på fedt grej og røverhistorier fra verdens vildmarker. Værter er outdoor-nørder Troels Matz og Bjørn Harvig, som tilsammen har tilbragt utallige timer under åben himmel. Læs mere om Spejder Sport på: www.spejdersport.dk/ Første afsnit blev udgivet i juni 2022 og nye afsnit udgives løbende Teknik & lyd: Bjørn Van Overeem Værter & tilrettelæggelse: Bjørn Harvig, Troels Matz Mail: [email protected]

  • Siden barbersalonen Henri startede i 2014, har flere tusinde mennesker været forbi butikkerne. Enten for at få klippet deres hår, deres skæg eller for at hænge ud og sludre. Og gennem årene har vi stødt på kunder, der fortæller nogle historier, som enten er så spændende, rørende eller vanvittige, at vi aldrig glemmer dem. I denne podcast taler vi nogle af de kunder. Vi inviterer også andre ind, som har en historie, vi har været nysgerrige på.
    Vært: Wilhelm Østergaard

  • Over the course of nearly half a century, Siegfried & Roy performed 30,000 shows for 50 million people and generated well over $1 billion in ticket sales. Although the German-born illusionists and pop culture icons were mega-famous, much about their private lives, eccentric public personae, and tragic final show remained shrouded in mystery…until now. Emmy®-winning filmmaker and journalist Steven Leckart, in his very first podcast, takes you behind the velvet curtain to reveal shocking moments, surprising details, and hidden truths about two men who were lionized by millions of fans, lampooned by the media, criticized by animal welfare advocates, and endlessly scrutinized by the public.

  • St Elwick's Neighbourhood Association Newsletter Podcast
    Editor-in-Chief Malcolm Durridge.

    By Mike Wozniak
    Produced by Joel Porter

  • Dansk dokumentar-podcast i verdensklasse! Besøg https://thirdear.dk/ og se hvordan du kan få adgang til nye afsnit før alle andre, reklamefri lytning og eksklusivt bonusmateriale!


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The number one podcast for those involved or just interested in the production of beef animals and dairy herds.

    A comedy podcast by Benjamin Partridge.

  • Djævlen i detaljen er vendt hjem. Derfor skal du nu finde podcasten i appen DR Lyd.DR's krimipodcast. Hver uge undersøger vi nye og gamle kriminalsager og går bag om opklaring, forbrydelse og straf.Skriv til [email protected] for DR af Filt Cph.