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Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English?
English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast for intermediate-advanced English learners.
Learn weird and wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.
Every episode comes with an interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary and is spoken at a speed you can understand.
Join listeners from 189 countries and discover a more interesting way of improving your English.
Find the bonus episodes, interactive transcripts, subtitles, key vocabulary, and more at -
Want to improve your English skills? Our Intrepid English Teachers are ready to show you exactly what you need to learn to help you to achieve your English goals. Choose from our library of self-study lessons or book a one-to-one lesson with one of our English teachers and take the first step on your path to success in English.
MJ英語的英文聽說訓練,主要針對想對於英文聽說能力想更精進的朋友所創建的英語流利聽說訓練頻道。 YouTube上有生活英語、口語訓練等學習影片,上面有清楚的字幕,方便提供學習。 請在通勤・上學・搭電車、搭公車或捷運的空閒時間輕鬆的學習吧! 贊助支持: Youtube:聯絡信箱:[email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬👍推薦💪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ provided by SoundOn
I am a Japanese language instructor in the UK🇯🇵🇬🇧
Speed: Slow - moderated
Style: Narration
Topics: Everyday life
Grammar for Beginner: ...desu, ...masu, ...tai, ...suki desu, adj including negative and past tense, ...kara, etc.
Grammar for Intermediate: Genki 2+, Minnano Nihongo L25+, Marugoto A2-2+ etc.
Vocabulary: Need a dictionary!
Hope you enjoy the audio blog posts. You can find the transcriptions on my website. -
“Coping Conversations” is an entertaining, educational, and inspirational podcast, hosted by internationally renowned psychologist, Dr. Bob Phillips. The “Coping Conversations” show has been airing weekly for more than 30 years, having appeared on New York radio stations and as a nationally available audio-streamed radio program since 1991. Due to popular demand, it debuted as a podcast in 2019.
In each episode, Dr. Phillips interviews a well-known celebrity or expert, bringing the listening audience up to date on current appearances, performances, publications, and other activities of interest.
As the main focus, our listeners are always fascinated to hear about our guest’s interesting life activities and successful coping experiences, hence the name “Coping Conversations“! The show invariably is positive, upbeat, and fascinating.
Dr. Phillips is also the author of more than 40 best-selling books, and the founder and director of the Center for Coping ( on Long Island, New York. -
The Dangerous Love podcast weaves conflict mediator and professor Chad Ford’s experiences into a deeply personal exploration of how we transform fear and conflict. Chad’s work with young people in the classroom, athletes on the basketball court, struggling families in the living room, executives in the boardroom, and divided communities in some of the most challenging conflicts in the world gives him a unique perspective and voice to the conflicts that plague our families, our organizations and the world.
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Mon podcast pour apprendre le français autrement☀️🌺
Moi c'est Sol, apprendre des langues étrangères est une aventure et j'ai décidé de créer ce podcast pour vous aider à étudier le français sans mal de tête. Des contenus simples sur le français de tous les jours sur des thèmes variés. La grammaire est importante quand on apprend une langue mais ici vous pouvez aussi pratiquer votre écoute au travers d'épisodes où je vous parle aussi de mon expérience personnelle.
🎬 Retrouvez-moi sur Youtube | Frenchilies avec Sol ➡ -
Stellst du dich vor die geladene Kalaschnikow eines Terroristen, um Kinder zu schützen? Setzt du dein Leben aufs Spiel, um Menschen bei der Flucht in die Freiheit zu helfen? Was bringst du ein in unsere Gemeinschaft? Humane Gesinnung oder Ellenbogenmentalität? HUMAN MINDED erzählt jede Woche eine spannende Geschichte über außergewöhnliche Menschen, die Nächstenliebe und Uneigennützigkeit tatsächlich vorgelebt haben. Menschen, die trotz ihres großen Mutes und ihres selbstlosen Engagements dennoch weitgehend unbekannt sind. Menschen und ihre Geschichten, die du so schnell nicht wieder aus dem Kopf bekommst.
DPP粉絲專頁 >>
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生活忙碌!你可以唞一唞、Chill一Chill, 開開心心聽下四位美國廣東話/粵語主持人丁丁、Carmen、大力、啊Lam輕輕鬆鬆咁講講美國及世界嘅流行趨勢、移民經歷、生活日常及點滴。| Listen to our podcast to chill and ease your busy life. Four Cantonese-American hosts, Ding Ding, Carmen, Derrick, and Lam will chit chat and share about the trends, their experiences, and daily life as an immigrant in the United States.
| Website: Cantocast.FM
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Hallo 皆さんこんにちは、日本人ドイツ語講師のkomachiです☺︎ Vollmond(フォルモント)というオンラインドイツ語レッスンの代表もしています。
このポッドキャスト「ココロ踊るドイツ語講座」では、ドイツ語が大好きな私 komachi が、ドイツ語にまつわる様々なテーマについて楽しくゆるっと話しています。
配信日: 第1&第3月曜 7:00 (日本時間)
ポッドキャストへのお便りやリクエストはこちらから: -
【Sound On&Podcast原創】【巨匠說外語】在生活中學外語、在文化中認識世界~就Jun說外語、就醬看世界收聽指南↓想學正韓發音聽→請下載我吧 系列想聽文化跟生活化教學,請聽→EP開頭搭配著早餐、或是通勤的時候聽,最有味道!未來會新增雙語教學內容、讓喜愛韓國文化的你,用耳朵親臨現場!○萬元外語學習金點我領:○輕鬆15分鐘韓語課:○全台灣最豐富課表:○線上學習真實心得:更多現在韓國、韓國連線、韓語→韓語觀光城更多歐洲旅遊、文化、歐語fb→歐洲觀光城更多當今日本、日文內容fb→日語觀光城免費韓文體驗課活動搜尋→巨匠韓文課程評價請搜→巨匠線上-***給我們五顆星***--Hosting provided by SoundOn
As a professional Japanese teacher, I know that listening to a native speaker and repeating out loud yourself are both very important. With this podcast, I provide a natural Japanese listening experience for casual Japanese enthusiasts and serious students, too. Through listening and repetition, you'll learn very natural Japanese that is actually used in daily life in Japan!
日本語講師Yukikoです。JLPT N1には合格したけれど会話に自信がない・・とか日本語学校に通っているけど、言いたいことがうまく言えないという生徒さんがとても多いです。この番組は生徒さんの、運転しながら・家事をしながら聞くラジオが欲しいというリクエストで作りました。皆さんの聴解や会話力のお手伝いができればうれしいです。
在廣播用生活日語跟大家說說話!收聽這個廣播,可以學到學校和教科書沒教的日語 -
Taiwanica is a podcast made for those who are interested in hearing the cultural differences between the USA and Taiwan. These topics are discussed between a married couple: Eric (American) and Anita (Taiwanese). They are teachers and life coaches who help people improve their quality of life.
IG: @taiwanicapodcast
Taiwanica是一個專為對於美國和台灣之間文化差異感興趣的人所設計的播客。這些議題是由一對已婚夫妻討論的:Eric(美國人)and Anita(台灣人)。他們是教師兼生活教練,幫助人們提升生活品質。 -
Humanity in War is the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)'s humanitarian law and policy podcast. Hosted by Elizabeth Rushing, Humanity in War will consult cutting edge thinkers with one overarching question in mind: how can we better leverage international humanitarian law and policy to protect the lives and dignity of people affected by armed conflict and violence?
For questions and/or feedback, contact [email protected] or [email protected]. -
Sound On:
Email:[email protected]
Hosting provided by SoundOn -