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This podcast series presents recordings of talks given at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History as part of its public programme of events. The Museum of Natural History was founded in 1860, and today it holds an internationally significant collection of natural history specimens and archives. Housed in a stunning neo-Gothic building inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites, the Museum is home to a lively programme of research, teaching and public events.
Occupational Therapist | Advocate for Transformative Therapy
Taylor is an occupational therapist and the host of The Kozey OT podcast. With a focus on pediatric behavioral health, physical disabilities, aquatic therapy and adaptive sports, Taylor brings a wealth of experience and a passion for making a difference.
Through captivating discussions, personal stories, and thought-provoking interviews, Taylor explores the transformative power of occupational therapy. Discover the latest research, innovative interventions, and inspiring stories of resilience and growth.
Join Taylor on The Kozey OT podcast as they uncover the hidden gems of occupational therapy and illuminate the path to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Connect with Taylor and stay inspired with each episode. -
Everyone has heard about Bigfoot. Not many know that there's a much more terrifying cryptid stalking the deepest, darkest woods of North America and beyond. Tune in every Friday night, at 9PM EST, as eyewitnesses share the terrifying details of their real-life Dogman encounters with you. These are real eyewitnesses, not actors.
If you listen to this show, you'll never look at the woods the same way again! -
由心理學博士顏志龍,和美女助教小白,用最直白的方式,與你暢談日常生活中的心理學。聽了之後你會發現,這裡的心理學超直白。【FB粉專】【IG】合作邀約dragon1943@gmail.com捐款流浪動物連結由於某些平台不允許設定連結,若您願意捐款幫助浪浪,也可以到FB搜尋『超直白心理學2.0』,在我們粉專的置頂文章中有捐款連結。謝謝。- 企劃主持:志龍、白白- 成音剪輯:Hunk Chen- 視覺設計:Hunk Chen--Hosting provided by SoundOn
目前是單口,認真找個話題陪你說說話。如果帶給你/妳一點療癒的話,請到Apple Store給我們五星評價並且留言,以及不要忘了訂閱。聯絡方式 Instagram: 化癒萬物 healingchemistrytw
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大家好﹗我是Miss Man。我有個關於生物HKDSE (香港文憑考試) 的YouTube頻道叫Biology Man。不過Miss Man總覺得看影片不太方便,無法隨時隨地學習。於是Miss Man就建立這個Podcast,用短短幾分鐘去講一個小小的生物題目。希望大家在等車、等電梯、甚至等厠所的時候也能輕輕鬆鬆學習。另外,Miss Man發現越來越多觀眾因覺得生物知識很有趣而想知多一點。(你是其中一個吧?)這個Podcast也是為你們而設的。這裏講的生物知識有趣而且不會太深奧難明﹗
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From thoughtscapes to landscapes, creating health from the ground up
Visit for more information.
Brought to you by Lincoln University
What are waves and what happens to them when they pass through a gap? Do different sorts of waves behave in the same way? Dr Andrew Norton of The Open University uses a ripple tank to demonstrate some of the key features of wave motion, and show how waves spread out when they pass through an aperture. Using a laser and a diffraction grating, he shows that light waves spread out in the same way. The album draws on material originally created to support The Open University course Exploring Science.
Do you believe animals are sentient beings? That they can feel emotions, pain, and stress?
Animals communicate with us all the time, but many of us simply haven’t learned to understand them. We tend to only see the obvious, but that can lead to misunderstandings, behavior challenges, & health challenges.
Caring for a companion animal can be one of the most rewarding, yet challenging experiences in our lives.
We aim to be a voice for animals and help them to thrive & not just survive in our human world.
Our discussions and interviews range from stress in animals to safety, animal welfare to legal concerns, nutrition to communication, behaviors to travel, plus a whole lot more! Because stress affects our pets’ lives in so many ways, this aspect will be touched on in many of our episodes.
We are not about being light, fluffy, and safe. We will be delving into areas that are not often talked about and helping you to take a deeper dive into the world of pet care.
Our mission is to provide you with information, guidance, & possible choices you can make for the animals in your care while encouraging you to do your own research in order to make the most informed decisions.
Each and every week, join Victoria Stigliano-Dzuban, an Animal Spirituality and Energy Facilitator, Animal Translator, and Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner, and Miranda de Haan, a Pet Care Safety Expert & an Animal Health Technologist, as they discuss various topics, interview other pet experts, and offer opportunities for personalized guidance to our community. -
Welcome to Paddle Perspectives Podcast, where we blend the tranquility of nature with the depth of conversation. Join us as we embark on a unique journey through Florida's most iconic waterways, paddling alongside inspiring guests who share our love for conservation, creativity, and the great outdoors.
In each episode, we'll navigate the winding rivers, serene springs, and coastal estuaries of Florida while engaging in thought-provoking discussions with a diverse array of guests. From passionate conservationists working tirelessly to protect our natural treasures to innovative creators shaping the cultural landscape of the Sunshine State, we'll explore a wide range of topics that reflect the rich tapestry of Florida life.
Whether you're a seasoned paddler, a nature enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys compelling conversations, Paddle Perspectives Podcast offers something for everyone. Tune in bi-weekly as we paddle, chat, and discover the beauty and significance of Florida's waterways. Join us on this immersive adventure as we explore, learn, and connect with the vibrant spirit of the Sunshine State.
Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English?
English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast for intermediate-advanced English learners.
Learn weird and wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.
Every episode comes with an interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary and is spoken at a speed you can understand.
Join listeners from 189 countries and discover a more interesting way of improving your English.
Find the bonus episodes, interactive transcripts, subtitles, key vocabulary, and more at -
Hver ONSDAG udkommer “Hva så?! forklarer alt”, hvor jeg, som titlen antyder har kastet mig ud i at forklare alt, i samarbejdet med forskere, astronomer, historiker, biologier og alle mulig andre kloge hoveder. Vi starter ved The Big Bang og så går rejsen ellers bare der udad. Podcasten kører rundt via kommercielle-samarbejder og kan derfor indeholde reklame.
The Language Tutor Spanish podcast series allows the listener to practice Spanish on-the-go! The episodes practice information learned on the Spanish lessons of The Language Tutor on YouTube found at Support this podcast: