
  • Christa-Marie du Toit is swanger met haar tweede kind ná 13 rondtes IVF. Sy het haar eerste kind gehad na 6 rondtes UVF.
    Sy ken maar alte goed die emosionele wipwarit van maand na maand, jaar na jaar se wag en hoop. Hoop dat die swangerskapstoets dié keer positief sal wees.
    Sy wéét hoe uitmergelend dit kan wees vir 'n vrou se lyf; en hoe dit selfs die sterkste huwelik kan toets - om nie te praat van die finansiële tol wat dit eis nie.
    In dié episode praat Christa-Marie met Daniëlla oor haar jarelange IVF-reis, en deel ook wenke vir ander ma's wat dieselfde moeilike pad stap.

    Christa-Marie du Toit is pregnant with her second child after 13 rounds of IVF. She had her first after 6 rounds of IVF.
    She knows all too well the emotional rollercoaster of waiting and hoping month after month, year after year, for the pregnancy test to be positive this time.
    She understands how exhausting it can be for a woman's body and how it can test even the strongest marriage—not to mention the financial strain.
    In this episode, Christa-Marie talks to Daniëlla about her years-long IVF journey and shares tips for other moms walking the same difficult path.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • "Juffrou Linky" op YouTube kry daagliks duisende 'views' – en jou peuter of kleuter is waarskynlik een van hulle! In hierdie episode ontmoet Daniëlla Linkie Retief, beter bekend as "Juffrou Linky." Ons gesels oor haar uiters suksesvolle YouTube-kanaal, wat nou ook haar en haar man, Retief, se voltydse werk is. Sy vertel waarom hulle Afrikaanse video's maak al is dit eintlik hulle Engelse kanaal, "Miss Linky," wat die rekeninge betaal. Maar ons praat ook oor ma-wees, hoe haar kinders die inhoud van haar video's beïnvloed, en haar drome vir die toekoms.

    "Miss Linky" on YouTube gets thousands of views daily—and your toddler or preschooler is probably one of them! In this episode, Daniëlla meets Linkie Retief, better known as "Miss Linky." We chat about her extremely successful YouTube channel, which has now become a full-time job for her and her husband, Retief. She explains why they make videos in Afrikaans even though it's actually their English channel that pays the bills.
    We also discuss motherhood, how her children influence the content of her videos, and her dreams for the future.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

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  • (Her)ontdek jou Styl as Ma
    Voel jy dis tyd vir 'n verandering wat jou klere-keuses aanbetref? Haal jy keer op keer dieselfde items op dieselfde manier uit jou klerekas? Het jy hulp nodig om nuut na jou "ou" klere te kyk? In dié episode gee stylkonsultant Lizanne Anderson raad oor mode spesifiek vir ma's.
    Vroue sê dikwels hulle identiteit as mens het verander toe hulle 'n ma geword het. Jou leefstyl en finansies verander ook ingrypend, en daarmee saam is dit dikwels nodig om anders te kyk na jou klere en bykomstighede. Lizanne gee Daniëlla en die luisteraars raad oor hoe om op 'n begroting te koop, hoe om jou bestaande items te herbenut, en hoe om selfvertroue in jou eie styl te vind.

    (Re)discover Your Style as a Mom
    Do you feel it's time for a change in your clothing choices? Do you find yourself repeatedly reaching for the same items in the same way from your wardrobe? Do you need help to see your "old" clothes in a new light?
    In this episode, style consultant Lizanne Anderson offers advice on fashion specifically for moms. Women often say their identity as a person changed when they became a mother. Your lifestyle and finances also undergo significant changes, and with that, it's often necessary to reassess our clothes and accessories. Lizanne gives Daniëlla and the listeners advice on how to shop on a budget, how to repurpose your existing items, and how to find confidence in your own style.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Dat skermtyd 'n rol gaan speel in jou kleuter, kind en tiener se lewe, is byna onvermydelik. En hoewel amper elke ouer dit soms gebruik om ons te help om "dinge gedoen te kry", gaan dit dikwels gepaard met skuldgevoelens. In dié episode probeer ons riglyne skep vir gebalanseerde skermtyd. Arbeidsterapeut Carla Grobler deel die waarskuwingstekens wat jou kan help identifiseer of jou kind se skermtyd hulle negatief beïnvloed, en gee ook raad oor hoe om die kwessie aan te takel. Ons bespreek verskillende soorte skermtyd en die impak daarvan, en fokus op die alternatief—hoe om skermtyd te vervang met speel. Deur die gesprek probeer ons praktiese planne maak oor hoe gesinne skerms kan gebruik sonder om tyd saam prys te gee.

    That screen time will play a role in your toddler, child, and teenager's life is almost inevitable. And while nearly every parent uses it at times to help us get things done, it often comes with feelings of guilt. In this episode, we try to create guidelines for balanced screen time. Occupational therapist Carla Grobler shares the warning signs that can help you identify if your child's screen time is negatively affecting them, and also offers advice on how to tackle the issue. We discuss different types of screen time and their impacts, and focus on the alternative—how to replace screen time with play. Through the conversation, we try to create practical plans for how families can use screens without sacrificing time together.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Ouerskap het Karlien van Jaarsveld verander. Haar gestroop en omgedop.
    In hierdie episode van 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon gesels Karlien met Daniella oor die verskillende fasette van ma-wees. Sy moes immers al baie trotseer - haar tweeling, Daniël en Eliah, is vroeg gebore en sy moes hulle toe hulle ouer word, ook lei deur 'n egskeiding. Daarna het sy 'n miskraam gehad op 19 weke.
    Later telkens met klein Elah hospitaal toe jaag to 'n seldame siekte by die dogtertjie gediagnoeer is. En haar jongste, Johannes Samuel, was 'n "lockdown baba".
    Maar, vertel Karlien in die onderhoud, dit alles het haar gesin en haar geloof net versterk - en ten spyte van die moeilike dae, geniet sy haar huis vol kinders, lag en lewe.

    Parenthood has changed Karlien van Jaarsveld. Laid her Bare and brought her back to life again.
    In this episode of 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon, Karlien talks with Daniella about the different facets of being a mother. She has had to endure a lot—her twins, Daniël and Eliah, were born prematurely, and she had to guide them through her divorce as they grew older. She then had a miscarriage at 19 weeks.
    Later, she had to rush little Elah to the hospital multiple times after the girl was diagnosed with a rare disease. Her youngest, Johannes Samuel, was a "lockdown baby."
    But, Karlien shares in the interview, all of this has only strengthened her family and her faith—and despite the difficult days, she enjoys her house full of children, laughter, and life.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Om 'n werkende ma te wees voel soms asof jy in die sirkus is, en 10 balle gelyk in die lug probeer hou. Maar hoe gemaak wanneer die balle begin val?
    Daniëlla gesels in hierdie episode met bedryfsielkundige Elne Janse Van Rensburg van Moms At Work oor hoe 'n werkende ma balans (of die gebrek daaraan!) moet benader, moeilike keuses kan maak en haar nuwe identiteit vind en vestig wanneer sy terugkeer werk toe ná 'n baba. Elne praat ons ook moed in om vir ons kinders 'n voorbeeld te wees en te wys: "Kyk, ons kán moeilike goed doen".

    Being a working mom sometimes feels like you’re a circus juggler, trying to keep 10 balls in the air at once. But what happens when the balls start to fall?
    In this episode, Daniëlla talks with industrial psychologist Elne Janse Van Rensburg from Moms At Work about how a working mom should approach balance (or the lack of it!), make tough choices, and find and establish her new identity when she returns to work after having a baby. She also encourages us to be role models for our children and show them: "Look, we can do difficult things."

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Om 'n tuisblyma te wees is baie dinge. 'n Uitdaging? Gereeld! Maar dis ook 'n voorreg en 'n roeping. In hierdie episode gesels Daniëlla met tuisblyma's Karyna le Roux en Riëtte van der Wat oor waarom hulle besluit het om op te hou werk, wat hulle doen wanneer hulle die dag oorweldig voel deur die verantwoordelikheid van dié rol; en hoe belangrik dit is om die einddoel voor oë te hou.

    Being a stay-at-home mom is many things. A challenge? Often!
    But it’s also a privilege and a calling.
    In this episode, Daniëlla talks with stay-at-home moms Karyna le Roux and Riëtte van der Wat about why they decided to stop working, what they do when they feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of this role, and how important it is to keep the end goal in sight.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Dié Wêreld-Borsvoedingsweek vier ons ma's wat borsvoed: Die hoogte- én laagtepunte, die koesteroomblikke en dié uitdagings. In hierdie episode gesels Daniëlla met Alwerí Brand en Caroli Diener, twee leidsters van La Leche League Suid-Afrika. LLL is een van die wêreld se voorste organisasies vir die ondersteuning van borsvoeding. Hulle gee raad oor hoe ma's wat borsvoed na hulleself kan omsien tydens hierdie spesiale tyd in hul verhouding met hul kind - maar ook hoe 'n borsvoed-mamma se man, familie en geliefdes kan help om haar te ondersteun.

    This World Breastfeeding Week, we celebrate mothers who breastfeed: the highs and lows, the cherished moments, and the challenges.
    In this episode, Daniëlla talks with Alwerí Brand and Caroli Diener, two leaders from La Leche League South Africa. LLL is one of the world's leading organizations for breastfeeding support.
    They offer advice on how breastfeeding mothers can take care of themselves during this special time in their relationship with their child - and also how a breastfeeding mother's partner, family, and loved ones can help support her.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Suzanne Smit se dogtertjie het verdrink. Suzanne het haar, in haar eie woorde, "weer lewendig gebid". Hierdie is 'n ma se getuienis, en 'n storie wat sy deel oor waterveiligheid wat ook ander kinders se lewens kan red. 25 Julie is "World Drowning Prevention Day" en Daniëlla praat ook met Petro Meyer, 'n sweminstrukteur van die NSRI, oor waterveiligheid, reëls en mites.

    Suzanne Smit's young daughter drowned. Suzanne, in her own words, "prayed her back to life". This is a mother's testimony, and a story she shares about water safety that could save other children's lives too. July 25th is "World Drowning Prevention Day", and Daniëlla also speaks with Petro Meyer, a swimming instructor from the NSRI, about water safety, rules, and myths.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Irvette van Zyl (37) is 'n werkende ma - maar haar "werk" is uitsonderlik: sy's immers 'n Olimpiese marathon-atleet!
    Die spele in Parys skop op Vrydag 26 Julie 2024 af, en dit sal die vierde keer wees wat Irvette aan die Olimpiese Spele deelneem.
    Sy praat met Daniëlla oor die uitdagings van ouerskap en atletiek: om te probeer 'long runs' doen terwyl jy hand bysit met huiswerk, en om vrede te maak met beserings wat buite jou beheer is.
    Irvette moes al keer op keer opstaan ná teleurstellings, en sy vertel waarom en hoe ma-wees haar die krag gegee het om dit te kan vermag.

    Irvette van Zyl (37) is a working mom - but her "job" is unusual: she is, after all, an Olympic marathon athlete!
    The games in Paris kick off on Friday, July 26, 2024, and it will be the fourth time Irvette participates in the Olympic Games.
    She talks with Daniëlla about the challenges of parenting and athletics: trying to do 'long runs' while helping with homework, and coming to terms with injuries that are beyond your control.
    Irvette has had to get back up time and again after disappointments, and she explains why being a mom has given her the strength to do this as well.
    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • In Julie 2006 het Charlotte van der Westhuizen se man hulle drie kinders, Bianca (16), Marius (5) en Antoinette (21 maande) voor haar doodgeskiet. Hy kom binnekort uit op parool. Sy deel haar storie met Daniëlla en ons luisteraars.

    In July 2006, Charlotte van der Westhuizen's husband shot and killed their three children, Bianca (16), Marius (5), and Antoinette (21 months), in front of her. He will be released on parole soon. She shares her story with Daniëlla and our listeners.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Een van die grootste uitdagings in jou baba se eerste jaar is wanneer hulle (wat nou uiteindelik net mooi begin bottel of borsmelk drink het) moet begin eet.
    Jy voel oorweldig: Wanneer is te gou, wanneer is te laat, hoeveel is te veel, of te min, wat moet jy gee en nié gee nie? En wat as hulle stik of nie wil eet nie?
    Marita Bezuidenhout van Magies Vol Liefde (Tummies Full of Love) het antwoorde op ons vrae oor die eerste 24 maande se eetgewoontes.
    Sy het jare se ervaring van vastekos-voorstelling vir babas en gee vir Daniëlla en luisteraars raad oor:
    Wanneer begin ek met vaste kos?
    Waarmee begin ek?
    Wat is die verskil tussen verstik en gag?
    Wanneer moet 'n peuter saam met die res van die gesin begin eet?
    Hoe maak ek as my peuter te veel of te min eet?
    Met Marita se raad sal kan jy vir jou kind die grondslag lê vir 'n lewenslange gesonde verhouding met kos.

    One of the biggest challenges in your baby's first year is when they (who have just started drinking bottle or breast milk so nicely) need to start eating solid food. You feel overwhelmed: When is too soon, when is too late, how much is too much, or too little, what should you give and not give? And what if they choke or refuse to eat?
    Marita Bezuidenhout from Magies Vol Liefde (Tummies Full of Love) has answers to our questions about eating habits in the first 24 months.
    She has years of experience in introducing solid foods to babies and gives Daniëlla and listeners advice on:
    When do I start with solid foods?
    What do I start with?
    What is the difference between choking and gagging?
    When should a toddler start eating with the rest of the family?
    What do I do if my toddler eats too much or too little?
    With Marita's expert advice, you can ensure a healthy start to your baby and toddler's lifelong relationship with food.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Liézel Els se tweeling, Lia en Nelius, is nog nie eers 3 jaar oud nie, en sy't reeds 'n leeftyd se uitdagings agter die rug.
    Reeds vóór hulle geboorte moes Liézel (41) vir haar kinders begin baklei: As enkellopende vrou wat bitter graag 'n ma wou word, is sy deur ronde op ronde van fertiliteitsbehandeling.
    Maar net enkele weke na hulle geboorte, moes Liézel hoor Lia het 'n uiters seldsame toestand, een wat behels dat haar brein nie ten volle ontwikkel het nie.
    Daarna het nog uitdagings voorgelê: Om genoeg geld te kry vir die behandeling. Om tussendeur dit als voltyds te werk. En om een van die land se grootste mediese fondse aan te vat toe hulle Lia se behandeling afkeur. Liézel praat openhartig met Daniëlla oor die uitdagings van enkelma wees, van sorg vir 'n kind met spesiale behoeftes, en om elke keer op te staan wanneer die lewe jou wil platslaan.

    Liézel Els' twins, Lia and Nelius, are not even 2 years old yet, and she has already faced a lifetime of challenges.
    Even before their birth, Liézel (41) had to start fighting for her children: as a single woman who desperately wanted to become a mother, she went through round after round of fertility treatment.
    But just a few weeks after their birth, Liézel had to hear that Lia had an extremely rare condition, one that means her brain did not fully develop. After that, more challenges lay ahead: getting enough money for the treatment, working full-time in between everything, and taking on one of the country's largest medical funds when they denied Lia's treatment.
    Liézel speaks with Daniëlla about the challenges of being a single mother, caring for a child with special needs, and getting back up every time life tries to knock you down.

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Die rol van 'n pa in 'n kind se vorming en menswees is enorm. Daar word (met reg) van vandag se pa's verwag om nie meer bloot die versorger te wees nie, maar werklik 'n rol te speel in alle aspekte van die gesinslewe. Maar daarmee saam kom uitdagings - spanning, vrese en onsekerheid of pa's dié skoene kan volstaan. Soveel te meer as 'n man dalk nie self 'n pa gehad het wat 'n voorbeeld gestel het nie.
    In hierdie episode praat Daniëlla met Johan Botha, 'n pa en lewensafrigter, oor talle kwessies wat pa's en gesinne raak, soos:
    Raad vir mans wat binnekort vir die eerste keer pa word, en oorweldig voel
    Mans wat onlangs pa geword het, en onseker is oor hoe hy die man kan wees wat hy graag wil wees vir sy gesin
    Pa's van ouer kinders wat steeds 'n sterk band wil behou, te midde van die uitdagings van die tienerjare
    En dan beantwoord Johan ook nou vir ons die vraag: Wat is die 3 dinge wat goeie pa's gereeld vir hulle kinders sê?
    {Hierdie is die derde en finale episode in 'n reeks wat fokus op pa's, met die viering van Vadersdag in Juniemaand.}

    The role of a father in shaping a child’s life and character is immense. Today’s fathers are rightfully expected not just to be providers, but to actively participate in all aspects of family life. However, this comes with its own challenges - stress, fears, and uncertainties about whether fathers can live up to these expectations. This is especially true if a man did not have a father who set an example for him.
    In this episode, Daniëlla talks with Johan Botha, a father and life coach, about various issues affecting fathers and families, such as:
    Advice for men who are about to become fathers for the first time and feel overwhelmed
    Men who have recently become fathers and are unsure of how to be the man they want to be for their family
    Fathers of older children who still want to maintain a strong bond amid the challenges of the teenage years
    And then Johan also answers the question for us: What are the 3 things that good fathers regularly say to their children?
    {This is the third and final episode in a series focusing on fathers, in celebration of Father’s Day in June.}

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Jaco van Schalkwyk het sonder 'n betrokke pa grootgeword, en dit het baie seer in sy lewe veroorsaak.
    Jare later het hy voor 'n kruispad gestaan: Word hy sélf 'n onbetrokke pa, of kies hy 'n ander - maar moeiliker - pad?
    Jaco het gekies om te verander, om die werk te doen en te leer om 'n goeie pa te wees.
    Dit was egter nie die einde van sy vaderskapsreis nie, want Jaco het besef daars 'n hele geslag jong seuns in Suid-Afrika wat vaderloos is, of wie se pa nie 'n goeie rolmodel is nie.
    En toe begin Jaco "The Character Company", waar hy en ander mans as't ware "pa staan" vir jong seuns wat nie pa's het nie. Want Jaco wéét immers hoe voel die leemte waar 'n pa moet wees, en hy verstaan hoe moeilik dit is vir enkelma's is wat alleen daardie las moet dra.
    Nou vervul die mans van "The Character Company" die rol van positiewe manlike rolmodelle: Hulle leer vir die seuns goeie waardes, hulle gaan kamp saam met hulle en maak werklik 'n verskil in hulle lewens.
    Jaco praat met Daniëlla oor wat dit is om 'n goeie man en pa te wees, hoe mans "generational trauma" en ouerwonde kan genees en 'n nuwe storie van ouerskap skryf. Hy praat ook tot die hart van mans, so hierdie episode moet gehoor word deur elke man, pa, eggenoot en enkelma.
    {Hierdie is die tweede episode in 'n reeks wat fokus op pa's, met die viering van Vadersdag in Juniemaand}

    Jaco van Schalkwyk grew up without an involved father, which caused significant pain in his life.
    Years later, Jaco faced a crossroads: would he become an uninvolved father himself, or would he choose a different, albeit more difficult, path?
    Jaco chose to change, to do the work, and to learn how to be an involved father. But it didn't stop there—Jaco realized that there is a whole generation of young boys in South Africa who are fatherless or whose fathers are not good role models. Jaco then started "The Character Company," where he and other men essentially "stand in" as fathers for young boys who lack them. Jaco knows how it feels to have the void where a father should be, and he understands how difficult it is for single mothers who have to bear that burden alone. Now, the men of "The Character Company" fulfill the role of positive male role models. They teach the boys good values, go camping with them, and truly make a difference in their lives. They are committed to doing this long term. Jaco talks with Daniëlla about what it means to be a man and a father, how men can heal "generational trauma" and father wounds, and write a new story of parenthood. He speaks to the heart of men, so this episode should be heard by every man, father, husband, and single mother.
    {This is the second episode in a series focusing on fathers, in celebration of Father's Day in June.}
    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • In minder as 'n jaar het Niël Scholtz se lewe verander.Borskanker is by sy vrou, Anica, gediagnoseer terwyl sy hoogswanger was met hulle tweede kind. Sy was maar 29 jaar oud.Die egpaar het moeilike besluite in die gesig gestaar: 'n noodkeiser, chemoterapie en 'n mastektomie.Ten spyte van hul pogings, het die kanker na haar brein versprei, en Anica is'n paar maande later oorlede.In hierdie episode van 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon deel Niël sy storie.Hy vertel vir Daniëlla hoe hy moes opstaan na dié ondenkbare seer en aanpas by 'n nuwe normaal. Ons praat ook oor hoe hy en die seuntjies vir Anica onthou en gedenk, hoe hy emosioneel vir homself sorg; en oor genade, hoop en 'n nuwe hoofstuk.{Hierdie is die eerste episode in 'n reeks wat fokus op pa's, met die viering van Vadersdag in Juniemaand}* As jy wil kontak maak met Niël, stuur vir Daniëlla 'n boodskap op M&M se Instagram- of Facebook-blad, of stuur 'n e-pos na [email protected] less than a year, Niël Scholtz's life was turned upside down.His wife, Anica, was diagnosed with breast cancer while heavily pregnant with their second child, at just 29 years old. They faced difficult decisions: an emergency cesarean, chemotherapy, and a mastectomy. Despite their efforts, the cancer spread to her brain, and Anica passed away a few months later.In this episode of 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon, Niël shares his story.He tells Daniëlla about rising above unimaginable pain and adapting to a new normal.We discuss how he and his sons remember and honor Anica, his emotional self-care, and the themes of grace, hope, and new beginnings.{This is the first episode in a series focusing on fathers, in celebration of Father's Day in June.}- Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Die aktrise Greteli De Swardt het op 20 getrou en op 21 ma geword.
    Die huwelik was beplan - maar die baba was 'n verrassing!
    Terwyl die meeste van haar vriende dus deurnag-swotsessies of -partyjies gehou het, was Greteli soms twee uur soggens nag wakker om doeke te ruil en te borsvoed.
    In hierdie episode gesels Daniëlla ('n "ouer ma"...) met Greteli ('n jonger ma) oor die ervaring en uitdagings om in jou vroeë twintigs mamma te word; hoe dit haar vriendskappe beïnvloed het; en hoe die koms van klein Alé haar en haar man se huwelik verander en verryk het.
    Actress Greteli De Swardt got married at 20 and became a mom at 21. The marriage was planned — the baby was a surprise!
    While most of her friends were having all-night study sessions or parties, Greteli was sometimes up at 2 a.m. changing diapers and breastfeeding.
    In this episode, Daniëlla (an "older mom"...) talks with Greteli (a younger mom) about the experience and challenges of becoming a mom in your early twenties; how it affected her friendships; and how the arrival of little Alé changed and enriched her and her husband's marriage.
    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • Om kalm te bly terwyl jou kind se emosies buite beheer is, is een van ouerskap se groot uitdagings. En wanneer so tantrum dan nog plaasvind in 'n besige winkelsentrum, met verbygangers wat hulle tonge klik en jou sommer hardop veroordeel, voel jy dalk sommer ook lus om op die grond te gaan sit en huil!
    In hierdie episode help voorligtingsielkundige Fiona Doman van The Parenting Partner ons om sin te maak van groot emosies.
    Sy verduidelik vir Daniëlla hoe kinders se brein aanmekaargesit is en waarom hulle nie emosies nie kan reguleer soos 'n volwasse nie, en hoe ons hulle kan help om die nodige vaardighede aan te leer.
    Ons praat ook oor ouer kinders en hulle emosionele uitdagings.
    Aan die einde van dié episode sal jy verstaan dat tantrums (hoewel allermins aangenaam) eintlik 'n baie goeie teken is in jou kind se ontwikkeling!

    Staying calm while your child's emotions are out of control is one of parenting's greatest challenges. And when a tantrum happens in a busy shopping mall, with passersby clicking their tongues and openly judging you, you might feel like sitting on the ground and crying too!
    In this episode, counseling psychologist Fiona Doman from The Parenting Partner helps us make sense of big emotions. She explains to Daniëlla how children's brains are wired and why they can't regulate emotions like adults, and how we can help them learn the necessary skills. We also discuss older children and their emotional challenges.
    By the end of this episode, you'll understand that tantrums (although far from pleasant) are actually a very good sign in your child's development!

    - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

  • “Mom Guilt” is orals.
    Dis die stemmetjie in jou kop wat sê: "Ek werk te veel en skeep my kinders af." Of dalk: "Ek gee nie genóég aandag by die werk nie.”
    Dis: “Ek voel sleg omdat ek wens vir tyd sonder my kinders" en "Ek moet begin oefen" of “Ek moenie elke dag oefen nie, ek moet eerder by my kinders wees.”
    Hierdie is ‘n episode wat die luisteraars van ’n Ma & ’n Mikrofoon self aangevra het, en dis duidelik ‘n kwelpunt.
    “Mom Guilt” raak immers ons almal – en dit is selde konstruktief.
    Om dit te takel, praat Daniëlla met die kliniese sielkundige (en ma van 3) Gerda Kriel.
    Gerda kén “mom guilt” self alte goed, maar sy het danksy haar beroep ook al paar maniere ontwikkel om te te herken en dit te hanteer.
    Dié episode sal jou die vaardighede aanleer om die stemmetjie binne jou wat sê Jy’s nié genoeg nie, stil te maak – en te vervang met ‘n sterk, outentieke stem wat sê: “Ek is!”