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Подкаст о местах для молитвы, оформленных художниками XX и XXI века. Из подкаста вы узнаете: как атеист Ле Корбюзье спроектировал церковь, почему у Матисса были хорошие легкие, как создавался новый витраж для Кельнского собора и много других интересных историй.
The Team Deakins podcast is an ongoing conversation between acclaimed cinematographer Roger Deakins and James Deakins, his collaborator, about cinematography, the film business and whatever other questions are submitted. We start with a specific question and end....who knows where! We are joined by guests periodically. Followup questions can be posted in the forums at
Жития и похвалы святых подобятся светлостию звездам: якоже бо звезды положением на небеси утвержденны суть, всю же поднебесную просвещают, тыяжде и от Индиан зрятся, ни сокрываются от скифов, землю озаряют, и морю светят, и плавающих корабли управляют: ихже имен аще и не вемы множества ради, обаче светлей доброте их чудимся. Сице и светлость святых, аще и затворены суть мощи их во гробех, но силы их в поднебесней земными пределы не суть определенны: чудимся тех житию, и удивляемся славе, еюже Бог угодившыя Ему прославляет. [St. Symeon Metaphrastes on the Lives of the Saints, 10th century A. D. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: The lives and the eulogies of the Saints resemble, by their luminosity, the stars: for as the stars, firmly studded in the firmament as they are, illume the entire universe, and the same stars are beheld by the Indians, and are not hid from the Scythians, and shed their radiance over the earth and the seas, and show the way to the ships: and even if we know not their names for their multitude’s sake, we as yet admire their brilliant loveliness. So, too, doeth the brilliance of the Saints, even when their relics are shut under a tombstone, yet their miracles in the entire universe are not bound by earthly confines: we admire their lives and wonder at the glory wherewith God glorifieth those who have pleased Him. This succinct description is found as introduction to each of the 12 volumes of the Church Slavonic Lives.]
In an isolated society, teenage Erith has been chosen for Polishing, a ritualistic surgery that erases one's irises so the individual may see the Volucris—strange and enigmatic creatures that live in an alternate realm only visible to the Polished. She discovers a new, haunting reality after her procedure that warps light into darkness and reveals hidden secrets about the world. As she progresses, she and her companion, Calyx, discover frightening truths about the Polished and realize they are in danger of losing themselves to the changes Polishing inflicts on the mind.
What if we reimagined everything in culture, from painting to patronage? Tune in to The Art World: What If…?! to hear leading thinkers, creators and innovators in art rethink the system, exploring the consequences with wit, wisdom and humor.
Join art journalist Charlotte Burns and world-renowned art advisor Allan Schwartzman as they exclusively interview museum leaders, collectors and artists including MoMA director Glenn Lowry, Guggenheim deputy director Naomi Beckwith, non-profit leader Kemi Ilesanmi, curator Cecilia Alemani and Sandra Jackson-Dumont, the director of the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art and many others over the course of the series.
From the team behind In Other Words and Hope & Dread, The Art World: What If…?! is brought to you by Schwartzman& for Art& and produced by Studio Burns. -
Невод Жатвы - молодая, динамичная, живая протестантская Церковь, наполненная Святым Духом и Его Огнем! Пастора церкви - Вадим и Мариана Балевы. Мы верим, что живем в последнее время. Мы верим, что наше поколение встретит и увидит воочию Царя Царей и Господа Господствующих. Мы верим, что поздний дождь пробуждения, который Бог обещал излить на землю будет гораздо обильнее раннего дождя времен Первоапостольской церкви. Мы услышали повеление нашего Царя плести Невод для самого большого улова спасенных душ в Божье Царство и мы посвятили этому делу наши жизни до конца. Мы - поколение, услышавшее призыв Неба. Мы - Невод Жатвы...
The podcast about making comics — and making a living from comics! It's half shop talk, half how-to, and half friendship. WE SQUEEZED IN THREE HALVES. It's tips and tricks and all the joys of cartooning as a pro. So pull up your drawing chair, put on some headphones, and join us while you draw! And if you like what you hear, join our community at (For sponsorship inquiries: [email protected])
Jake Meeks' mostly weekly tattoo podcast answering viewer questions, interviewing artists and waxing philosophical to promote better tattooing and more informed collectors. He is often joined by fellow tattooers, artists of other mediums, professionals in other fields and collectors. We hope you enjoy!
Also, we offer courses from artists on the show at if you are interested! Thanks for supporting our show! -
Suzanne Redmond talks with artists about their artwork, techniques, and how they’ve created a successful business. With her background in accounting, finance, and exhibiting art, she knows what it takes to get your artwork seen and sold. She’s chosen artists who are working their business – exhibiting their art, teaching others, and finding unusual opportunities. You’ll hear from some unsung artists, who are extremely talented and creative, and hopefully you’ll look up their work and be inspired by what they do. Artists really do the coolest things, and they do this while running a family, traveling, and living an art-filled life. Enjoy listening to these successful artists who are happy to share the keys to their success with you.
The Palm Springs Photo Festival podcasts contain interviews with its world famous and influential workshop instructors as well as others at the top of their game.
The Palm Springs Photo Festival Connect offers professional, emerging professional and serious advanced amateur photographers the opportunity to study with legendary photographers, show portfolios in our celebrated portfolio review program, check out and shoot with the latest gear, attend cutting-edge seminars, symposiums, networking events and enjoy evening presentations by world famous image-makers. The inevitable relationships that are made or renewed at PSPF are often transformative!