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Psychológovia a psychologičky z liniek pomoci a krízových služieb OZ IPčko - a Krízová linka pomoci (0800 500 333) sa spolu s ďalšími odborníkmi a odborníčkami rozprávajú o duševnom zdraví, výchove detí, problémoch mladých ľudí, nástrahách internetu a o krízových a náročných situáciách, ktoré sú súčasťou života. Spoločne hľadáme riešenia a ponúkame pomoc.
Po 100 dieloch podcastu hmmm… prichádza nová séria NA NERVY v spolupráci s TV JOJ. -
Detskému strachu z návštev lekárov je koniec. Vďaka jedinečnej detskej poliklinike Dr. Martinko, kde proti nemu bojujú tou najúčinnejšou zbraňou – zábavou. Vstúpte s nami do sveta hravého zdravia, vypočujte si príbehy lekárov aj známych osobností a nájdite priateľa, ktorý detskému svetu rozumie najlepšie. Po úspešnom projekte stomatologickej klinike Dr. Martin je tu pre vaše ratolesti aj Dr. Martinko. Viac sa dozviete aj na
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Mercury is a #1 NY Times Bestselling author of
(Safe & Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair)
Known widely as The Trans Handy Ma'am, Mercury shares information geared towards renters who need help fixing their homes, moving into their first apartments, and navigating the complexities of dealing with landlords. With over 2 million followers on TikTok and 1 million followers on Instagram, Mercury's brand of compassionate education has warmed hearts across the globe. Her expertise includes rental maintenance, landlord negotiations, clogs, drywall, painting, minor electrical repairs, caulking, and more.
The Handy Ma'am Hotline is now hosted on Mercury's Substack
Get the After Show Preshow Show Show on Patreon!Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Als Mama fühlen wir uns alle manchmal einsam, überfordert, wütend, alleingelassen, traurig oder verzweifelt. Das geht nicht nur dir so! Wir helfen dir, für dich zu sorgen. Zweimal im Monat sprechen wir über Mamafürsorge und alles, was dazu gehört. Mit spannenden Gästen, aktuellen Themen und Tipps für dich.
Michèle ist Psychologin und Familienbegleiterin bei den „Frühen
Hilfen“. Dort unterstützt sie Frauen, die im ersten Jahr ihrer Mutterschaft
unter starken (psychischen) Belastungen leiden. Sie ist Mutter eines
dreijährigen Sohnes und lebt in Tirol.
Katharina arbeitet als selbstständige Lektorin und Texterin in Süddeutschland. Nach der Geburt ihres jüngsten Sohnes erkrankte sie an einer Wochenbettdepression. Gemeinsam setzen sie sich mit ihrem Projekt „Mamafürsorge“ dafür ein, psychische Erkrankungen bei Müttern ins Gespräch zu bringen und zu enttabuisieren. -
My unique perspective, of life experiences, with the intent of seeking out a compatible Male Heart to mine. Through lessons learned Via Dating apps, Sex, Bars, Clubs, Social media in the LGBTQ+ community. While Offering insight on challenging, life altering obstacles & facts about our health and mental well being. Join me on this entertaining journey of self discovery, from age 16 facing Challenges & navigating Virtual dating life now in my 40's! Boy, do I have some stories to tell. Grab your beverage of choice, get comfortable. Each episode, we'll discuss topics you won't want to miss out on. Support this podcast:
Wenn Apotheke auf Pflege trifft – dann sprechen Knut und Susanne über ihren Alltag! Als freiberuflicher Altenpfleger und selbständige Apothekerin widmen sich die Beiden an der Pflegetheke nicht nur fachlichen Themen, sondern quatschen über Berührungspunkte im Alltag, über Chancen und Herausforderungen und über ihre ganz persönlichen Erfahrungen aus Apotheke und Altenpflege.
If you get a bit frustrated with online dating or find it a bit hit and miss, then this podcast will help. I’ll help you to present yourself online so you get more quality matches. I’ll give you some conversation starters to get her attention and give you the low-down on what NOT to say (so you can avoid getting ghosted or unmatched). Life is too short not to be getting yourself laid or to find a great woman to join you on life’s adventures if that’s what you are after.
I am Mistress Victory Von Stryker: your Favorite Southern Sensual Dominatrix and this is My Video Podcast where I get to tell you about My Wild and Wonderful Life as a Dominatrix and Pagan Witch. I can Torture you Erotically or Literally. It's up to Me. Call me on to share your BDSM Fantasy and buy My Goody bags.
Go to and Grab My New Book, FEMDOM GLORY -
Sme Ali a Silvi, kamošky a kolegyne. Zaoberáme sa sexuológiou a psychológiou. Naše vedomosti a prax prenášame do podcastov a snažíme sa odkrývať témy, ktoré sú často krát tabu. Obsah pripravujeme odborne, ale radi sa aj zasmejeme :)
Sledujte nás aj na: -
A cozy corner of the internet for everything LGBTQ+ hosted by Emma and Hester. Safe Space gives a voice to the voiceless by sharing regular doses of quality queer stories, news and heartwarming anecdotes to shine a light on the fact that we've always been here 🌈
Send reviews and requests to [email protected]
For collaborations and partnerships please email [email protected]
**Guests are welcome on the podcast** please do get in touch if you want to join us, we are based in London, email: [email protected]
Follow us on:
TikTok: safe_space
Instagram: safespace_vids -
Welcome to BATE NATION, the podcast all about masturbation! What? Yes!
Join your Bate Bro, Bate Coach Extraordinaire, Coach Wank of, as he guides you through the world of Solo Sex, Male Sexuality, Sexual Health, and other tips to help bros become Greater Bators!
A dash of comedy, homespun wisdom, with a lot of explicit language! Listener discretion is advised! -
A podcast peering into all the nooks and crannies of sex, gender, and relationships-- and their connections to the natural world around us.
Join us for real, juicy conversations covering gender, sexual hygiene, relationships, practical aspects of having sex in the outdoors, and much more.
Join us as we get a little dirty in the name of opening up conversations many of us want to have but so few are willing to utter out loud. -
Pregnancy and Parenthood are the two choices we make for life. For some of us it's a smooth ride. For the rest of us, it's difficult to even begin. Still, we find it worth our while. So much so that we opt for all kinds of fertility treatments. One of the most notable being IVF.
On Ask the IVF Expert doctors from all over India are interviewed to cover all kinds of questions you, as a would-be-parent might have.
This podcast is brought to you by Parents of Fertility powered by Merck.