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A polar podcast exploring our present and future with Antarctica and the Arctic. Armchair travel to the last great wildernesses. Journalist Fraser Morton brings you stories, encounters and wild tales from adventurers, filmmakers, writers, artists, musicians, anthropologists, scientists, and every day people who explore, work and protect these polar places. Escape humanity through polar audio stories.
Halálos, de fegyvertelen - A Tangó és Kes nyomon követi a bűnelkövetések sok évtizedes trendjeit, a bűntársadalom mocorgóit és „újításaikat”. Legendás leleplezések, soha el nem kapott elkövetők, eszes és balek tettesek, sorozatgyilkosok és maffiacsaládok, lebukások és lebuktatók itthonról és a világból. Magyar rendszerváltások és azt azokat követő bűntársadalmi, politikai és gazdasági összefonódások.
Plant Love Radio features conversations with some of the best and most renowned herbalists. Here, they share favorite lessons and resources for living happier, balanced and more resilient lives through the wonders of herbal medicine. The podcast host, Lana Camiel, is also an herbalist and a pharmacy professor. (Formerly known as Wellness Insider Network)
The world is on fire. We have to radically and rapidly transform every aspect of society to stay within 1.5 degrees of global warming. How is this possible? And how do we do this in a way that is fair? Ecological economists integrating ecological and critical social perspectives have long been working on ideas to bring about just sustainability transformations. This podcast aims at communicating these ideas in order to open them to critical discussion, from global problems to people’s everyday lives.
Esperes Ákos és Rózsa Dávid rendszeres NBA kommentárja a bajnokság érdekességeiről. Egyesek szerint ez a világ legjobb podcastja. Kosárlabda, NBA, sztorik, lovaglás, és kiscicák! Néha lufik. Ez mind egy helyen.
Patreon oldalunk: -
Deer University podcasts are all about deer biology and management. Drs. Bronson Strickland and Steve Demarais are both deer hunters, deer biologists, professors of wildlife management, and co-directors of the Mississippi State University Deer Lab. Steve and Bronson are so crazy about deer biology and management that they made it their career!
Our goal is to explain how you can use deer research to improve your hunting and management experiences. Don’t take for granted what your buddy says or what you read in a hunting magazine – we’ll train you to think like a deer biologist. As national leaders in deer research, we’ll keep you up to date on the latest and best information, and deliver episodes that cover every deer management topic you can imagine, and then add some that will surprise you.
If you are interested in deer hunting and management, this is your podcast! Every shot you take this fall is either a step forward or backward in your management program, so use our knowledge to make every shot count!
Hosts of Deer University:
Dr. Bronson Strickland, Professor of Wildlife Management, Mississippi State University Extension Service
Dr. Steve Demarais, Professor of Wildlife Management, Mississippi State University Forest and Wildlife Research Center -
Nyers és filterezetlen vegyesfelvágott mindenről, ami kerékpár! A KONTRA-ban minden héten olyan témákat dolgozzunk fel, amik előremozdítják a hazai kerékpáros társadalmat a jelenlegi tetszhalott állapotból. Ez néha súrlódással és konfliktussal jár, de abban hiszünk, hogy csak ez tudja elmozdítani a jelenlegi holtpontról ezt a gyönyörű sportot, életformát!