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La littérature au creux de l’oreille 👂 Dans chaque épisode, écoutez l'histoire d’une œuvre classique, adaptée en mini-livre audio immersif, 100% fidèle sur le fond au texte original. Quand vous lisez un livre, vous vous rappelez tout juste de l'essentiel au bout de quelques années, voire quelques mois... Avec ce podcast, on vous donne directement l'essentiel pour vous permettre de développer agréablement et rapidement votre culture littéraire. Un équivalent de Blinkist ou de Koober pour la littérature (et gratuit). Abonnez-vous !
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Come raccontiamo storie e soprattutto perché? The Storytelling Nerd è il podcast che parla di libri, cinema, narrazioni, comunicazione e nuovi media.
Io sono Sara Boero, mi occupo di editoria e digital storytelling. -
Under raging storm clouds, the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. The wind’s howling increases as he turns his gaze down toward the village of Barovia. A lightning flash rips through the darkness, but Strahd is gone. Only the howling of the wind fills the midnight air. The master of Castle Ravenloft is having guests for dinner—and you are invited.
In this podcast, the host talks about women's sexual needs, erotic stories, Movies, and series. The host also talks about Erotic books and explain the chapters. This podcast is about anything that is erotica, it's about anything that can turn on your sexual desires.
We love listening from you. Plz send us your feedback on : -
A sci-fi(ish) romantic comedy podcast starring a repressed lawyer, a criminal client, a pesky sister and her fiance, an infuriatingly sexy coworker, and an android in the mood for love.Jeanine Bell is a robotics intelligence lawyer whose laser focus on her career has come at the expense of her romantic and social lives. After successfully keeping AI genius Penelope Lane out of prison, Jeanine receives the gift of LEO(h), an android with Synthetic Sentience. LEO(h) is Loving, Empathetic, Optimistic, and (only sorta) helpful. He's programmed to love Jeanine. He’s also very, very illegal.Created by Octavia Bray and produced by Atypical Artists.
Dam Dam adalah 3 huruf terakhir dari kata durudidam. Dahulu, semasa saya kecil, saya pernah mendengar lagu yang mengandung kata (lirik) durudidam, saya rasa kata itu cukup untuk mewakilkan suara saya yang akan kalian dengar, kadang napas saya terdengar, dan menimbulkan suara berisik, mungkin begini, anggap saja "itulah Dam Dam" hahahhaa. Hope you enjoy it!
An erotic, paranormal serial of sex, love, and danger, set in The Manor, an exclusive, adult-only club in the heart of the English countryside where supernatural beings hide and play in plain sight. Deliciously naughty and delightfully exciting. Heterosexual and LGBTQ+ Has other fabulous, naughty fiction during season breaks.
Dräi Gaming Nerds setzen sech zesummen a philosophéieren doriwwer wat grad alles an der Gamingwelt geschitt. Zousätzlech dozou erzielen si iech wat all Mount am PS Plus ze kréien ass a wéi eng Pärelen sech all Mount am XBOX GamePass befannen.
Wann dir dann och nach déi eng oder di aner Review héiere wëllt, da sidd dir beim Petz, Marc a Winmi genau richteg. -
Its just a very random podcast about what happened one day with me and it has a great unforgettable twist in it. I hope you will find it interesting and crazy at the same time. So here such more twist and what happened next wait for the second episode. Thank you for listening:) -
Nic Pratt sitzt im New Yorker Todestrakt – unschuldig, wie er sagt. Dank seines scharfen Verstandes und der einen oder anderen List gelingt es ihm, seine Unschuld zu beweisen. Über Nacht wird er so zu einem der bekanntesten Detektive Amerikas, dem kein Fall zu rätselhaft ist! Walther Kabel gehörte zu den meistgelesenen deutschen Volks-Schriftstellern der 1920er Jahre und veröffentlichte mehrere hundert Werke. Die Serie "Nic Pratt" erschien 1922 und umfasste 32 Folgen – drei davon sind bis heute erhalten und erscheinen als kostenloses Hörbuch in diesem Podcast!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Courts récits érotico-littéraires (soft).
Lucie, célibataire trentenaire, est une grande romantique.
Cependant, en attendant le grand amour, elle rencontre des hommes, pour une ou plusieurs nuits, et éprouve parfois le besoin de vous confier l'une ou l'autre de ces histoires... -