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A podcast about what we do, why we do it, and what we think. Explore the interesting and unique ways people create their lives, from artists and entrepreneurs to fishermen and wild salmon counters. Discover what they've learned along the way, both in their work and in their lives. Hosted by Iso Rabins
Align your passion with your purpose with the Social Change Career Podcast. PCDN sits down with the world’s top professionals in the social change field to learn how they are changing the world while making a living. Honest conversations turn career advice for the global changemakers.
Do you want to feel more energized? Want to do work that is more meaningful to you? Want to be more intentional with your life in general? If so, this is the podcast for you!
The Intentional Mind Podcast is a weekly podcast that helps purpose-driven professionals intentionally design a life and career they’re excited about using the power of their mind, faith and energy!
No more just going through the motions, doing things that don’t light you up, procrastinating galore and waiting to feel ready.
Let‘s use the gifts God gave us, set intentional life goals, get focused, communicate intentionally, travel and have more FUN doing what matters most to us so at the end of it all we have zero regrets!
Here, we talk about all things intentionality, like how to simplify your life to honor what is most important to you, vision casting, developing the right mindset, habits, environment, communicating with confidence, and of course, generating positive energy everywhere you go!
Every Thursday, you’ll receive an inspiring story and strategies you can use to stop playing small and start BEING the person you’re meant to be.
The show is hosted by Ang Barnard, a multi-passionate brain-nerd, world traveler, career coach and communications consultant who loves helping people live life and do work in a way that really aligns with their vision, values and strengths.
Subscribe and leave with a dose of inspiration and action tips you can start implementing today!
Connect with Ang @angbarnard on Instagram
Join The Intentionalists Community: -
Žít život podle svých pravidel, nebýt ničí loutkou a být pánem svého času je k nezaplacení. Poslechněte si podcast Ven z krabice od Hany Terberové a Daniel Hanuše, který vás k takovému životu nasměruje. Jsme životní parťáci a oba podnikáme online. Rádi do světa sdílíme to, co jsme se na naší podnikatelské cestě naučili.
V každé epizodě uslyšíte různé tipy a informace, které vám mohou pomoct zlepšit kvalitu života, zorganizovat čas, nebo třeba začít pracovat online. A jak už název vypovídá, základem je nejít s davem a přemýšlet out of the box. -
Der HANSAINVEST Podcast. Regelmäßig präsentieren sich hier Fondsboutiquen, Portfoliomanager und Initiatoren im Gespräch mit der Börsenradio Redaktion. Was macht ihre Story außergewöhnlich? Wie verändert sich die Strategie im Laufe der Zeit? Wie schätzen die Experten die Lage aktuell ein? Performance, besondere Expertise oder Anlagephilosophie - lernen Sie hier die Partner aus dem Netzwerk der HANSAINVEST genauer kennen.
A fun and positive way to take your day by storm!
Fun, positivity, and growth. Start each day on the right foot. What's in your mug?
Every weekday LIVE on all social platforms from 7:00-8:00 AM CT, podcast publishes around lunch time.
We start with our biggest question: what's in your mug? Then we hit some daily affirmations, answer fun questions, and try to sharpen our mind, body and spirit. -
Bingeable marketing strategies to accelerate your business growth.
Every 7-minute episode is jam packed with helpful and practical marketing strategies that you can implement right away.
Your host Brad Ball is a 15-year marketing veteran and founder of Liquis Digital headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
Each week you’ll go behind the curtain with Brad in this solo-cast format, as he shares expert insights, success strategies, and personal experience with various marketing tactics so you can cut through the B.S. and grow your business like never before. -
Get ready to embark on an uplifting journey with host Kyra Mitchell Lewis as she introduces you to inspiring guests, shares empowering stories, and provides practical tips and information. Glow Up, Gyrl is more than just a podcast - it's a supportive community where women can come together to learn, share, and connect. Join us as we help you find and live purpose-filled lives, uncovering your ultimate GLOW-UP!
Naše podcasty Vám nabízí zajímavá témata z oblasti businessu a ekonomie.
Business Voice: Chcete držet prst na tepu byznysového dění? Diskutujeme s odborníky nejen o trendech realitního trhu, investování, nebo udržitelných tématech, která hýbou světem byznysu.
Business Voice - Market Insight: Během 15 minut vás doc. Petr Budinský provede těmi nejdůležitějšími událostmi, zaostříme na aktuální ekonomickou situaci a nastíníme také výhled na další dny.
Jsme mezinárodní investiční skupina Progresus, která spravuje rozmanité portfolio inovativních firem a projektů. Podnikáme především v oblasti realitního developmentu a výrobního průmyslu. Máme zázemí v České republice, působíme po celé střední Evropě a chceme naše aktivity dále rozšiřovat na západ od našich hranic. -
This podcast is about you and your education about risk management.
What the R*SK! is an interview-based podcast series that discusses risk management topics across business types. Your host is Larry Gordon, CAMS, has nearly 30 years of working within the financial services industry at organizations ranging from large banks to FinTech startups.
Strong risk management cultures promote a holistic risk approach that goes beyond using a set of metrics on a dashboard to manage business operations.
We are here to educate and inform business leaders, stakeholders, lenders, and investors about various types of business risk because knowledge improves decision-making.
When everyone's eyes are focused on the next sale, high-impact, low-visibility risks often get overlooked …we call these Blind Spots. These blind spots cause 'WHAT THE R*SK!' moments.
Hear insights and experiences from guests about events and situations that may Expose your Business Blind Spots.
Join us on this journey, as we learn to ask the right questions, expose potential pitfalls, and turn those WHAT THE R*SK!” moments into “I've got this!” victories. -
Here’s the truth: Many owners carry their small business on their back. We grow our business by relying on the only resource that seems to be truly “free” . . . . . . our own time.
We give of ourselves. Hour after hour. Day after day.
We sacrifice our time to our business. 18-hour days. Weeks without ends.
We work for . . . well, essentially, we work for almost nothing.
How would it feel to be financially free in your business – to have money set aside to pay your taxes when they are due – to have money set aside to pay yourself a wage to cover all your personal costs AND to have money set aside as a safety net for your business.
In this podcast we are going to be covering what financial freedom means to small businesses and giving entrepreneurs the tools to stop working in their business for nothing. -
Insurance companies are in business to make money, not to spend money. The Level Up Claims podcast helps public adjusters and contractors understand the property insurance loss game and create a winning strategy to help homeowners recover from a disaster. Host Galen Hair talks to industry experts and thought leaders to give you priceless insight so you can maximize your claims and grow your business to the next level.
Natáčíte podcast, pracujete v marketingu nebo si jen občas uděláte příspěvek na svoje sítě? Díky Podcast Boosteru uslyšíte stovky vychytávek a inspirace.
Na startu se zaměříme na podcasty, Reels, postupně se dostaneme k obsahové strategii, sociálním sítím... Zkrátka balzám pro tvůrce.
Jestli vás tvorba obsahu baví, máme pro vás ještě jednu důležitou zprávu. Můžete se připojit ke komunitě tvůrců, kde společně sdílíme knowhow. Přidejte se k nám na Discordu do PromoPeople Club.
Díly Boosteru tu najdete o den dříve a navíc, jen tady najdete některé bonusové části rozhovorů.
Čerstvé informace najdete také na našich sociálních sítích:
Booster včetně videa najdete na Youtube
➡️ PromoPeople Studio - YouTube -
Sdílení informací a znalostí mezi zaměstnanci vede k zvyšování produktivity, snižování nákladů, zvyšování flexibility organizace a k růstu rychlosti reakcí na změny. Chcete o něm vědět více? Pak si poslechněte náš podcast.
Jsme vzdělávací a poradenská agentura rozvíjející inovativnost firem, angažovanost zaměstnanců i využití potenciálu jedinců. Umíme definovat nedostatky, klíčové oblasti a procesy nutné pro rozvoj firmy pomocí práce s lidmi. Pomáháme vybudovat základy pro kvalitní komunikaci a tvůrčí klima v organizacích.
Podpora sdílení informací a znalostí patří k našim srdcovým tématům a rádi jej budeme s Vámi sdílet. Od přizvaných hostů zjišťujeme zkušenosti, názory a tipy, jak vést zaměstnance k sdílení toho, co ví, s ostatními, a jaké podmínky v organizacích vytvářet, aby k šíření znalostí docházelo.
Přejeme příjemný a inspirativní poslech.
Knowledge Sharing, s.r.o. (
Tento podcast věnujeme všem ŽENÁM a všemu, co nás zajímá - od duchovna až po business. Jsme nejlepší kamarádky, v mnohém stejné a zároveň úplně odlišné a takové jsou i naše pohledy na svět, které tady s vámi budeme sdílet. A+M | [email protected]
PM Happy Hour is the place for frank and honest discussion about real world issues in project management. We do it in a way that’s not too dry, though it may get a bit salty from time to time.
Each episode, your hosts Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson cover a problem faced in project management today, and share practical advice, real-life examples and the occasional project horror story.
Not only that, but every podcast is also an online class! Our host is a PMI Registered Education Provider, who has structured each podcast as an easy-to-listen-to lesson. To get credit, go to our web site at, purchase your class, take the test (based on the content from our podcast) and you get your PDU certificate instantly!