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Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 185 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, Law of Attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include Dr, Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Pam Grout, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
SASANA.PL to kanał, na którym publikujemy wykłady uznanych nauczycieli buddyzmu theravady. Są to zarówno instrukcje do medytacji, jak i dłuższe mowy przybliżające podejście buddyzmu do problemów, z którymi każdy z nas boryka się w życiu.
Theravada powstała w III w. p.n.e. w północnych Indiach, po wyodrębnieniu się z ze wspólnego nurtu szkoły mahasanghików i jest najdłużej istniejącą szkołą buddyjską spośród wczesnych szkół. Dominuje w południowej i południowo-wschodniej Azji (gł. Birma, Kambodża, Tajlandia, Laos), aż po Indonezję, i bywa nazywana buddyzmem południowym. Czasami tradycja ta zaliczana jest do hināyāny, co nie jest właściwe zarówno ze względu na poprawność merytoryczną, jak i historyczną. -
🔥 Get ready for powerful ‘mind-glowing’ conversations to help you step into your truest, You-est You!
Are you ready to strip away the limiting beliefs that are not who you really are, step into your most authentic self, and create the life you’ve always dreamed of? Tune in weekly to The You-est You® podcast, hosted by Julie Reisler, Master Intuitive Life Coach, Founder of the Intuitive Life Designer® Coach Academy, Author of Get a PhD in YOU, Professor at Georgetown University, and a two-time TEDx Speaker, for illuminating, enlightening and transformative conversations that will glow your mind and heart. 💛
Join Julie with leading luminaries, experts, authors, spiritual teachers, healers, and visionaries who share their wisdom, unique insights, practical advice, and transformative practices to help you uncover your truest self.
Learn how to reconnect with your soul, trust your higher guidance, release stale fears, be the love you wish to see in the world, & be your You-est You! 🌟 -
Business, Jesus and Sweet Tea is a weekly podcast produced and hosted by Heather Heuman and Sweet Tea Social Marketing. The podcast was created for Christian business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders that need help to grow businesses with social media marketing, branding and insight from leading influencers getting results in this ever-changing marketplace. Plus, it has a huge desire to be an encouragement to you to use your gifts and talents from God to shine a light for Jesus in the marketplace.
Listen to case studies, best practices and real stories of business owners just like you and how they overcame struggles and use social media marketing to grow their businesses. Learn how to use social media marketing, branding, e-mail marketing, content marketing and live video to work for your business. Find out more at -
WEB8 holds conversations that weave inner and outer technology as a vehicle for your soul’s expression in the world. We explore entrepreneurship, creativity and ritual in the digital age.
Welcome to the space where you weave a new world of soul led self expression, in a world of infinite possibility.
May the frequencies you tap into on this podcast remind you that you are the weaver of your own reality, expressing soul through your humanity.
May you be moved into peace, truth, joy, playfulness and inner knowing. May you have the courage to invite in synchronicity as an expression of God, and miracles as a natural side effect of being alive.
Synchronicity brought you here because you're ready, and deep inside your soul knows why.
I am your host Ksenia Brief and my intention is to activate ripples of courage for you to share your own voice and medicine with the world. I’m here to hold space of curiosity, play and unwavering trust as we dive between the physical, the digital and the unseen realms.
I invite you to listen to the whispers.
Releasing enoughness, receiving aliveness.
With every breath, every thought and every word, creating a new world.
A world where you are free to share your unique medicine.
A world where we tell a new story of creating, connecting and sharing.
A world where you show up from the truth of who you really are.
Get all episodes and show notes on -
Spirit-led entrepreneurs and influencers living out the teachings of Jesus.
What did Jesus actually say about business and leadership?
How can I follow the Holy Spirit in the everyday?
How can I deal with the pressure that comes with influence?
What do I do when I feel burnt out?
These are all questions I asked after having a viral YouTube video and a successful business. I had achieved all that I wanted and I felt empty. I was winning at life, but had lost my purpose in Christ.
We often believe the lie that if we’re not in “ministry” we are having less of an impact for the kingdom. While these feelings are valid, we can see all throughout scripture, men and women who used their vocation to minister in the every day.
The entrepreneur and influencer has 10x the ability to be a light in the world. Join Jordan Hawkins and friends for conversations and practical teachings for the entrepreneur and dreamer. -
The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders podcast is a no-nonsense guide for women who are ready to awaken, activate, and embody their inner divine feminine and sacred masculine (not gender specific) in both life and business.
As a feminine embodiment and leadership coach with over 24+ years of entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, and business development experience, Sarah Rose lifts the veil between business and spirituality and what it means to answer the call of divine service through the vehicle of soul-led entrepreneurship.
Sarah catalyzes women globally ready to step into purpose and make an impact with their unique gifts, messages, and voices. Join Sarah each week for a mega dose of inspiration and ancient sage wisdom.
Be sure to follow her on Instagram @spiritualCEO. -
This podcast is for those who are looking for better answers. For those who have been looking for the common denominator of success. You are not satisfied to just know the tactics, your not even satisfied with only the strategies. But you have a desire to know the principles and essence that create success!
Надо ли повышать самооценку? Как дружить на расстоянии? Можно ли подготовиться к изменениям? Как научиться экономить деньги? Откуда берутся страхи и тревоги? Как преодолеть синдром отложенной жизни? Планирование — это про гибкость или про самоконтроль? Эти и многие другие вопросы обсуждаются в подкасте Давай Поговорим.
Бизнес блог #1
Выжимаю книги до самой сути.
Без воды и нудятины.
Писатель и автор бестселлеров:
1 - Судьба шлёт знаки, или На …
2 - Головоломка.
3 - Второй шанс умереть. Детские травмы как источник силы
4 - Наперегонки со счастьем. Для тех, кто потерял смысл жизни
5 - На небесах тебе нет места. Уроки жизни
6 - Сцена после титров
7 - Отстойные полезные привычки
8 - Проснись и обернись
9 - Пересадка на станции Вечность
10 - Скоро на экранах. Как принять себя и стать счастливым
11 - В этот день я познакомился с собой
Коммерческие предложение менеджеру телеграм канала (Мария)
Мои книги | Печатные книги
Подкаст про книги и литературу.
Специализируюсь на жанрах: Саморазвитие, психология, бизнес и финансы.
Авторский подкаст Никиты Маклахова о личной эффективности, достижении целей и управлении образом жизни. Мы помогаем вам развиваться, использовать эффективные стратегии, менять образ мыслей, а вместе с ним и жизнь.
Выпуски 2-3 раза в месяц в формате интервью с признанными российскими экспертами из разных сфер. Раскрываем важные темы через личность гостя, его жизненный и профессиональный опыт. Подкаст обогатит ваше мировоззрение, подарит идеи по улучшению жизни и вдохновит на их реализацию. -
The long-running program "What Catholics Believe" is now in podcast format! Listen to the priests of the Traditional Roman Catholic Society and Congregation of St. Pius V teach and discuss the disasters of Vatican Council II, the errors of the Novus Ordo, and the traditional teachings of the Catholic faith. Fortify your Catholic faith with the truth. You can also find these episodes on our YouTube Channel. Check out our account on SoundCloud, where we have our episodes grouped into playlists for easy navigation. Be sure to visit our website at for more content and to send in your questions.
Подкаст о ситуациях, в которых что-то пошло не так.
По вопросам рекламы: [email protected]
Обратная связь: Telegram-канал @provalpodcast Instagram @krisvazovsky Почта [email protected]
Comedian, Life Coach, and curious student of life, JP Sears shares connected conversations with high level, inspiring, authentic, wickedly fascinating guests. Just being himself on the show, JP combines the humor that’s garnered him over 300 million online video views with his insight from over 15 years of being a life coach. This injection of empowerment will help you overcome challenges, uplevel your thinking, find more passion and purpose, and leave you entertainedAF! Ask your doctor if this podcast is right for you. But first, ask your chiropractor if asking your doctor is right for you.
Подкаст о том, каково на самом деле делать бизнес в России.
В первых двух сезонах мы рассказывали о том, как Саша Волкова строит свой первый бизнес — кофейню в Москве. А теперь мы рассказываем истории предпринимателей из разных уголков страны и делимся тем, что происходит в нашем новом бизнесе — студии подкастов «Заварили». -
Phaneroo is a dynamic, life transforming and generational impacting ministry with a vision to transform nations and the entire world with the Word of God.
The Greek word ‘Phaneroo’ is translated as bringing to manifestation that which existed but is not seen. Consequently, what we want to see in this generation is that Christians start bringing forth things that men never thought existed yet they did in fact exist.