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Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions.
She is the author of MIND YOUR BODY, and the creator of the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN.
Through her personal journey working directly with Dr. John Sarno as well as counseling hundreds of clients, she's shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or surgery.
Learn more about Nicole's work at:
Yoga students, yoga teachers and wellness pros listen to innovative, awake living tips for vibrant health. Live the yoga lifestyle by updating your habits in line with Ayurveda. Combining ayurvedic philosophy, healthy foods, and behavioral science to uplevel your habits in line with your wellness potential.
Progressive and informed from ancient evolutionary wisdom, Cate Stillman conducts expert in depth interviews with experts in yoga, ayurveda, conscious entrepreneurship, eating raw, living foods and progressive family living. This podcast is packed with Cate's passionate workshops, conversations and uber practical yoga classes that makes an impact on how you feel, what you do, what you think and talk about and ultimately how you show up in the world! Join the Yogahealer community at -
Hosted by Derek Rydall, #1 bestselling author of Emergence, the Abundance Project reveals a time-tested system for activating the Abundance Principle, which sets you free from the belief that outer conditions determine your life and empowers you to achieve your dreams from the inside out. No matter what you’ve been through or what you’re facing, as you apply these practices, you will discover how to generate real-world abundance in every area of your life. You’ll learn:
• The real nature and source of abundance
• The seven gifts that give you everything
• The five most common blind spots and how to break through them
• The forty-day boot camp for lasting success
• And so much more!
You can grab a copy of the new book, The Abundance Project, and hundreds in bonuses at -
The purpose of Joan is to draw light towards mental health - to bring awareness and real stories to the trauma that most every one endures at some point in life. From depression and post partum depression, to anxiety and eating disorders, to PTSD, the loss of loved ones, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, addiction... The list goes on and on. Joan is a place of honesty and connection. If you're struggling and feeling alone, I hope this podcast helps you to understand that you are heard, you are not alone, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
The feminine is rising, speaking out, reclaiming her body, and stepping into leadership like never before. But today’s women also suffer from record levels of stress, adrenal fatigue, depression and sexual dissatisfaction. Yes, we’ve learned to win, but in the wrong game. Our most valuable resource has been there all along: our sacred sensual body, fiercely loving heart, and the inspired guidance of our soul. This is our authentic feminine power. By returning our Source, we more effortlessly magnetize to us what is wanted with greater pleasure, ease, and abundance. Coach, Author, and Founder of, Lisa Schrader has appeared on Oprah and supports a global network of mothers, lovers and leaders to return to their source of joy. Listen and be seduced into falling in love with yourself as a woman, exactly the way that you are.
Astrology, Spirituality, Comedy, & Lifestyle.
Yourmomshoroscope is ran by Julia Kelley and is an astrology-focused brand. Connect on Tik Tok (60k) and Instagram (60k) for more!
This podcast explores astrology, metaphysics, manifestation, rituals, chakras, sound healing techniques, meditation, ascension/awakening, numerology, music, pop culture, conspiracy theories & more!
Julia Kelley is an astrologer, intuitive channel, yoga teacher, & comedian based out of Los Angeles. -
Eletty elämä, elämässä kohdatut ilot ja surut, sekä elämämme varrella vastaantulleet ihmiset nostavat jatkuvasti esiin asioita ja aiheita, jotka innostavat pohtimaan ja ihmettelemään kaikkea ympäröivää menoa ja meininkiä ääneen, mieluiten jonkun toisen kanssa.
Podcastissamme pyrimme nostamaan esiin tuota elämänmakuista keskustelua, joka on saanut inspiraationsa eletyistä hetkistä ja suhteista. Teemme rohkeita avauksia ja suoria kysymyksiä etenkin niistä aiheista, joista liian usein ollaan kristillisissä piireissä hiljaa. Samalla tuomme esille toivon, ilon ja armon näkökulmaa.
Uusi jakso ilmestyy viikottain.
Podcast by Elli Meklin ja Pia Rendic
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
The Be Mythical podcast is a top 1.5% globally ranked show for old souls in this new world to be inspired, guided, and activated by deep, soul-stirring explorations with remarkable thinkers, wisdom keepers, visionaries, and healers about how to overcome the greatest challenge of your life… To become your unique medicine and actualise your own soul’s myth.
Old souls are the ones who came here in these crazy modern times to do vital work in service of Spirit and their communities… typically as spiritual practitioners, coaches, innovators, disruptors, healers, teachers, medicine people, and visionary leaders.
We’ve been running since 2014 so there are hundreds of mythical, magical, and mystical episodes to choose from that weave together ancient ways for modern days… shamanism, archetypal work, rewilding, embodiment, alchemy, psychedelics and plant medicine, astrology, non-dual spirituality, shadow work, and so much more.
In short, Be Mythical is the antidote for old souls struggling to find their way in this new world.
Listen now to join us for the mythical adventure that your soul has been calling you into.
Our love and blessings,
Lian & Jonathan -
Welcome to The Awakened Goddess show, your source for inspiration, wisdom and personal discovery. The place to learn from a diverse mix of mentors, metaphysical experts, spiritual leaders, and bestselling authors from around the world.
I’m Angela Wilkinson, Attraction Coach & Founder of The Goddess Next Door. Join me, as I explore the minds of my masterful guests while they share powerful insights and easy to use tools you can start using right away.
Music used during all episodes: Dance of the Pixies by Jens Kiilstofte
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
( -
Carol Mae Whittick is a Musician, Writer, Speaker and Creator from London. Her latest creative project is a podcast series HER Conversations -Tools for the Awakening. HER is an acronym for Higher Energetic Resonance.
This is the optimal state to embody in order to attract our highest desires.
What is The Awakening?
This is the moment in time when humanity rises up out of the darkness.
Who is Awakening?
Souls who rediscovering their sovereignty.
They are seeking a greater possibility in their reality and looking for solutions.
They know being awakened is not a lofty ideal but a necessity.
If they can transform themselves, they can change the world.
Guests on HER Conversations will speak to your:
Listen to their stories, hear how they are in service to the world.
Let their words and these conversations embolden and inspire you. -