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Do you want to read the authentic teachings of the Buddha, but find it hard to find the time? Then the Buddha’s Wisdom Podcast will give you access to narrations of what the Buddha is actually recorded to have said based on translations of the Sutta Pitaka available at Sutta Central. And because it’s in podcast audio, you can play these audio files on your mobile phone or PC wherever you are.
Daily (well, almost!) writing prompts, exercises, inspiration and commentary by Zen teacher Bonnie Myotai Treace. Author of A Year of Zen (pub October 2020), as well as many other books and articles, Sensei offers brief daily encouragement to practice one’s life with wisdom, compassion and creativity. Support this podcast:
Lama Michel Rinpoche risponde ad alcune domande su temi molto importanti della vita e spiega diversi concetti buddhisti in modo chiaro e semplice.
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Scopri di piu su NgalSo -
Con Dharma Stories vivi con noi le attività dei monaci e delle monache del Monastero Buddhista di Pomaia, Santa Luce (PI)
Trova l'ispirazione per coltivare la felicità attraverso riflessioni, meditazioni, libri, articoli e news. -
"Welcome to 'Awakening Streams,' the One River Zen Podcast, nestled in the serene beauty of Ottawa, IL, near the iconic Starved Rock State Park and just an hour's drive from Chicago. Here, we invite you to embark on a journey of mindfulness, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening.
Join us as we share insightful talks delivered at the One River Zen, where the tranquil ambiance of our region serves as the perfect backdrop for meditation, contemplation, and the exploration of timeless Zen and Dharma wisdom.
In each episode, our Guiding Teacher Sensei Michael Brunner delves into the heart of Zen philosophy, meditation, and the enduring teachings of the Dharma. We explore the art of living in the present moment, finding inner peace, and deepening our connection.
Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to Zen, 'Awakening Streams' offers a source of inspiration, guidance, and encouragement. Discover the transformative power of mindfulness and learn how to cultivate a sense of stillness, clarity, and compassion in your daily life. -
A growing collection of stories illuminating the world of Buddhism beyond individual traditions, regional boundaries, and interpretive frameworks. -
Ottenere l’Illuminazione non vuol dire diventare super eroi, non ci trasforma in vecchi saggi né tantomeno in esseri sovrannaturali. Ci fa rimanere come siamo, solo più felici e più a nostro agio in questo mondo dove ci sembra di navigare a vista. Qualsiasi cosa può cambiare se cambia la nostra disposizione interiore, quella che il Buddismo chiama fragranza interna. Lo sanno bene i nostri ospiti, che in questo podcast racconteranno in che modo la pratica buddista ha cambiato la loro vita.
Prodotto da "Il Nuovo Rinascimento” pubblicazione a cura dell'Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai. -
Tips. Travellers’ tales. Perspective. Gossip. Experience. Stories. Wonder.
Putting a bit of flesh on the bones of Vajrayana (Tibetan style) Buddhist practice in today’s society.
Are you curious about Tibetan Buddhism? But how, and where, and when, and all that? Is the water safe? Or have you taken the plunge, but want to plug into it better? Come - let’s enjoy a bowl of dharma momos in the Double Dorje. Chilli with yours?
Special emphasis on Nyingma, Kagyu and on non-monastic practice. -
Трунгпа Ринпоче - один из самых крупных и противоречивых учителей тибетского буддизма, из тех кто учили на Западе в XX в.
Дилго Кхенце считал его тертоном, ученики - Видьядхарой.
Вместе с тем, обучая т.н. "безумной мудрости" лама, сдав монашеские обеты, вел себя исключительно неконвенционально: многи пил, курил, спал со своими ученицами... и в конце концов умер от цирроза печени, не дожив до 40. И при этом выполнив посмертную медитацию тукдам.
В этом подкасте будем знакомиться с историей жизни и учениями этого выдающегося и неоднозначного учителя.
Il Podcast della ScuolaNonScuola raccoglie le registrazioni audio dei corsi e delle conferenze tenute da Pier Giorgio Caselli. Il tema dominante è l'uomo e la sua evoluzione, e viene trasmesso in discorsi spontanei attraverso molteplici punti di vista: la meditazione profonda, l'alchimia spirituale, gli stati profondi di coscienza, la divina commedia, la poesia e l'arte come cammino iniziatico, l'elevazione della qualità delle relazioni che viviamo, i sogni lucidi e il Bardo, la fisica moderna, lo sviluppo della creatività e delle capacità intuitive ecc.
Sanskrit Recitations from the Works of Adiguru Shankaracharya. Listen to recitations of Stotras, of Sanskrit Hymns, of Adiguru Shankaracharya. Shri Shankara is the most important Indian Philosopher-Saint. He was the Master-Exponent of Kevala Advaita Vedanta. But he was also a Bhakta, a devotee. He composed many hymns in devotion to Shiva, Krishna, Devi.
These are recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. -
Hi, my name is Ava and I’m delighted to offer you “Functional Spirituality”.
I invite you to integrate critical thinking into your heart, mystical and faith-based practices. I use an academic approach to investigate the roots of yoga and spirituality. I aim to reduce the dogma that has rendered so many schools and practices ineffective - and strange AF.
Spirituality has a history of disempowering the individual, worshiping the guru or priest, without question. In this podcast, I aim to elevate the conversation around spirituality.
I want to EMPOWER the meditator and yogi, and debunk the idea that the ‘ancient gurus’ had it all right. This places the power back in our hands, to live directly from our own experience.
I hope you enjoy this collection of guided meditations, retreat talks and conversations.
For Q&A questions, topic suggestions email Ava at
Follow Functional Spirituality at @functionalspirituality and follow our Yoga Studio at @spandaschool