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Everything is broken. Adaam James Levin-Areddy and Vanessa M. Quirk, two jaded journos, interview people far wiser than themselves and ask: "now what?" -
Two neighbors in Tel Aviv meet for the first time on October 7th and start recording that night. Join Amy Sapan & Dor Komet as they traverse complex emotions and navigate life during wartime in a new surreal reality. (FKA "October 7: Emotionally Raw Coverage") Season 1: Episodes 1-31Step into the wild and unfiltered world of Season 1, where emotions ran high, voices sang, tears flowed, and hearts bared. From heartfelt conversations to moments of raw vulnerability, Amy and Dor guide listeners through a landscape of nervous laughter, tearful confessions, and heartfelt conversations, creating a space where listeners could laugh, cry, and connect deeply. Buckle up and tune in to Episode 21 for a glimpse into the emotional rollercoaster that defined this season, a deeply personal exploration of the human experience in the weirdest times we've ever lived through.Season 2: Episodes 32-40Embark on a journey of captivating interviews and thought-provoking discussions with illustrious guests as Season 2 unfolds. From journalists to psychiatrists, comedians to activists, philosophers to spiritual leaders, each episode brings a unique perspective and engaging conversation. Explore a wide range of topics from synthetic meth (Captagon), feminist silence, double standards for Israeli and Jewish journalists, the heart of the conflict, secular Zionism, forgiveness, hope, and beyond, all delivered with the signature authenticity and depth that characterize our show.Season 3: Episodes 41 - Enter the realm of Season 3, where conversation takes center stage. With a little bit of everything, this season promises engaging discussions and meaningful exchanges. Join Amy and Dor as they return to their roots, occasionally accompanied by special guests, delving into diverse topics. Each episode invites listeners to explore new perspectives and engage in dialogue that ignites curiosity and fosters connection.๐ Connect with Us:Follow us on Instagram (@october7thepodcast) or consider becoming a patron on our Patreon page ( for more Emotionally Raw Coverage and to support the show. Listen to our episodes on your preferred podcast platform, and find them on our YouTube channel for additional convenience!Check out our new website: you have any thoughts, questions, or just want to say hi, shoot us an email at [email protected]. We love hearing from our listeners, and your feedback means the world to us.Subscribe, rate, and review on your preferred platform โ and hey, don't keep this gem to yourself! Share it with friends, family, or anyone longing for an intriguing escape and comforting refuge. Your recommendations are our lifeline to reaching more hearts.They say life is a journey and not a destination. We agree. We're grateful you're here, and we hope you'll continue walking down this path with us as we keep evolving. Brace yourself, folks, or, as Amy likes to say, embrace yourselves. Welcome to Emotionally Raw Coverage. โก STAY SAFE & STAY TUNED โก Special Credits: A big shoutout to Podcastim Shemma, Jonathan Gal, Maya Schlesinger, Yair & Michal for being part of this incredible journey.
Welcome to "How to Disaster," the ultimate podcast for navigating the challenges of climate-based disasters, the defining crisis of our generation. With the increasing frequency and severity of these calamities, it's not a matter of if, but when you'll be affected. Whether you're a disaster survivor or seeking proactive strategies, this podcast is your beacon of hope.
In each episode, we delve into the profound stories and lessons from those who have triumphed over adversity. Hosted by the CEO of After the Fire USA & #Forbes 50 over 50 Impact leader (2022) Jennifer Gray Thompson, this podcast focuses on the stories of individuals from public, private and non-profit sectors that have encountered a disaster.
Join us as we bring you the most compelling insights, innovative solutions, and best practices to equip you with the tools to face any disaster head-on.
Recognized by top leaders in government, business, and the nonprofit sector, "How to Disaster" is the go-to podcast for those seeking a 360-degree view of disaster management. From gripping survivor accounts to exclusive interviews with experts, each episode offers a unique perspective that transcends conventional thinking.
Gain invaluable knowledge as we explore groundbreaking strategies, cutting-edge technologies, and sustainable approaches to disaster resilience. Our mission is to empower you with actionable steps to safeguard yourself, your community, and the planet. Together, we can shape a more resilient future.
Don't miss out on the transformative insights of "How to Disaster." Subscribe now to unlock the secrets of overcoming disaster and ensure you're prepared for whatever lies ahead. Together, we can turn the tide of catastrophe into a beacon of hope.
Listen to "How to Disaster" on Apple’s iTunes, Spotify, Audible, Amazon Listen, and all other major platforms and discover a new era of resilience.
Keywords: climate-based disasters, global problem, hope, resilience, strategies, innovations, best practices, top leaders, government, business, nonprofit sector, survivor stories, 360-degree view, actionable steps, safeguard, resilient future. -
ืื ืืืค'ืก & ืืืื 'ืก ืฉื ืืจืืืช ืืจืื.
ืชืื ืืื ืืืืืืืื ืื ื ืืืืจืช ืฉืืื ืื ืฉืืืืช ืขื ืื ืฉืื ืฉืื ืคืขื ืชืืืชื ืืื ืื ืื ืืืงืืืืช. ื ืืฉืคืชื ืืกืืคืืจื ืืืืื ืื ืื ืฉืื ืื ืืื ืืืืื ืืืืชื ืืขืื ืฉืืชืคืืช ืืืจื ืืืช... ืืื ืืืืืง ืืคืืืงืืกื ืืื.
ืืืืืชื ืฉืื ื ืจืืฆื ืืืืฆืจ ืืื ืฉืชืชืขื, ืชืฉืืจ ืืชืืฉืืฃ ืกืืคืืจื ืืืืื ืืืฉืืื, ืื ืฉืืืื ืืืื ืื ืื ืืืฉืื ืืื ืืื ืืืคืืืคืืจืื ืืืช. ืงื ืืชื ืฆืืื, ืืืืชื ืืืงืืื, ืืขืจืื, ืืืคืืฅ ืืขืื ืคืขืืื ืฉื ืืืืืจืื. ืื ื ืขืืืื ืืืืืช, ืื ืคืจืง ืื ื ืืืืืช ืขืื, ืขื ืคืืืงืืกืืื, ืขื ืขืฆืื, ืขืืื ื ืืขื, ืขื ืื ืฉืื ืืืืคื ืืืื ืืขื ืืืกืขืืช ืืืืืืืื ืฉื ืื ื ืคืฉ.
ืืืขื ืืืจื ืื ืืงืืื, ืืืืจื ืฉื ืืืชื ืืคืจืง ืืืจ ืื ืฉืืืืจ ืืช ืืกืืคืืจ ืฉืื, ืขืฉื ืื ืืื. ืืืืื ืืื ืืืื ืืฉืื ืืจืคื ืืืืจ ืืื. ืื ืขืืืจื. ืื ืืืขืชื ืขื ืืื "ืื ืืืืืื ืขืกืงืื ื" ืืืคืื ืืืกืข ืืจืืคืื ืฉืื ืืืฉืืช ืืืื.
ืื ืืืืจืฃ ืืืืืช ืืงืจืื ืืื ืืืืื ืืื ืืืง, ืืืื ืืืืืจืชืืืช, ืื ืืื ืืืืงืช ืืืืืืื ืืงืื ื ืฉืื ืืืื ืฉืืืื, ืื ืืฉื ื ืืืคื ืชืคืก ืืืชื ืืืชื ืืืืงืจ ืืืจืืจ ืืื ืื ืขืืจื ืืื, ืืืงืฉืื ืจืง ืืืจ ืืื โ ืฉื ืืื.
ืื ื ืืืืื ื ืืชืื ืืืืืื, ืืืืืฉืฃ, ืืืืืืืช, ืืืืื ืืืงืื ืืฉืจืื, ืืื ืืก ืืืก, ืืฉืื ืืื ื ืงื ืืืืชื ืื, ืืื ืืืืืช ืื ืื ืืคืืืฆืืืช. ืืืืืืฆื ืืืื, ืืฉืืื ืืช ืขืฆืืื ืืื ืคืจืง ืฉืืื ืืืช;
ืื ืืฉืืขืืจ ืฉืื ื?
Want to hear first-hand insights from the Israeli point of view from 7 Oct 2023?
You’ve reached the right channel. Welcome to Sh’ma, Hear Israel ๐ฎ๐ฑโจ - a new platform launched to voice the reality Israelis have been navigating since October 7, 2023.
Sh’ma aims to amplify Israeli voices, offering the English-speaking globe firsthand, genuine accounts of daily experiences. No propaganda, just lived truths.
๐ Your Support Matters! โค๏ธ
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๐ฃ Let’s Unite Our Stories! ๐
Together, we can show the world the resilience and spirit of Israelis amidst challenges and take back control of our narrative.
Spread the word, join our cause, and let’s make our voices heard. ๐ -
ื ืืื ืฉืื ืืฉื ื ืืืื ืืืืืจืืช ืืืฉืืช ื ืฆืคื ืืืื ืืืืืืื ืคืืืืืืื ื ื ืื, ืืฉืื ืืืืชื ืขืืืื ืืืืืง ืืืืชื ื: ืืื ืืจืขืืื ืืช ืืืืืืื ืฉืื ืืขืื ืืช ื ืืืจื ืืฆืืืืจ, ืืช ืืืจืืืื ืืคืืืืืืื ืฉืื ื ืืืืชื ื? ืืื ืืืืืืงืืช ืฉื ืืืื ื ืงืฉืืจืืช ืืืืื ืื ืืกืืขืจืื ืฉืืชื ืืื ืืคื ื ืืืคื ืฉื ืื ืืืงืืืื ืืืคืืืื ืืช, ืืื ืืจืื ืืืืืืืกืืืื ืืืืชื ืืืืจืฉ ืืืืืืืื?
ืืืคืืืช ืืืืฉืืืช ืืดืจ ืืืื ืืืืื ืืืคืจืช ืฉืคืืจื ืจืืื ืืจื ืขืืฉืื ืืื-ืืืื ืืืืจืืขื ืืฉืขื, ืืื ืชืืื ืืช ืืคืืืืืืงื ืืืฉืจืืืืช ืืขืืจืช ืืชืืืืจืืืช ืฉื ืืืืื ืืคืืืืกืืคืื ืืืืืืื. ืขื ืืืืืื ื ืืืื ืืช ืืงืืืืช ืืืืื ืื ืืขืืจืืช, ืืืกืืช ืืืืื ืฉืื ืืฉืื ืฉืืฉืืืฉืืื ืขื ืื ืืขืืืง, ืืื ืืืืช ืืืจ ืืื ืคืืืืืืงื ืงืื ื.
ืจืืฆืื ืืืฉืื ืืืืชืื ืขื ืืจืขืืื ืืช ืฉื ืืคืืืช? ืืฆืืจืคื ืืงืืืืช ืืคืืืกืืืง ืฉืื ื >> -
ืืกืืช ืืืงืืืืืื ืฉื ืืื: ืื ืฉื ืืื ืืืฉืืช ืฆืืืืื ืืืืจืืขืื ืฉืขื ืกืืจ ืืืื, ืืืืืืื ืืืชื ืืืืื ืืืืืืช ืืืจืช. ืืขืืืงื ืืืชืจ, ืืืขื ืืช ืืืชืจ ืืืจืืจื ืืจืื ืืืชืจ. ืืฆืืจืคื ืืืื ื ืืืืฉืืช, ืืื ืฉืืืฉืืช ืฆืจืืืืช ืืืืฉืืข
ืจื ืืจ ื ืื ืืืขืื ืืืื ืืืืืคืื ืืช ืืืื ืช ืืจืขื ืืืืื ื ืฉื ืชืงืืื ๐๐ค ืืืจื ืืฉืื ืืืขื ืืื ืคืจืง ืืืฉ๐๐ค ืืชืืื ืืช ืืืืื ืชืื ืื ืกืืืืจืื, ืืืฉ ืืืชืืืืก ืืืืื ืื ืืืงืฉืจ ืื
Politics, technology and the pursuit of happiness. Twice a week, Bradley Tusk, New York-based political strategist and venture investor, covers the collision between new ideas and the real world. His operating thesis is that you can't understand tech today without understanding politics, too. Recorded at P&T Knitwear, his bookstore / podcast studio, 180 Orchard Street, New York City.
In uncertain times what’s needed is not just clarity about today’s pandemic, but insight into the challenges that lie ahead as America recovers and returns to normal. GoodFellows, a weekly Hoover Institution broadcast, features senior fellows John Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, and H.R. McMaster discussing the social, economic, and geostrategic ramifications of this changed world.
ืืคืืืงืืกื ืืืฉืจืืื ืขื ืืฉืืจ ืืืงืืื. ืขื ื ืื ืคืืืื ืื"ืจ ืืื ืจ ืืจืืก โ
ืืืืืืจ ืืืงืืืืืกื โ
โโืคืืืกืืืง ืืืงืืืืืกืืื โ
โโโโโื"ืจ ืืื ืจ ืืจืืก ืืื ืืืงืจ ืฉืื ืืื ืืงืืื ืืืืช ืืกืคืจ ืืงืืืืืช ืืฉืื ืืื ืืงืืื ืืืืืืงื ืืืืืืจืคืื ืืืื ืืืจืกืืืช ืื ืืืจืืื. ืืื ืจ ืืจืฆื ืขื ืืฉืืจ ืืืงืืื ืืืืงืจ ืืช ืืฉืคืขืชื ืขื ืฆืืืื ืืืืงืืื ืืกืื ืืืื ืืืืืช ืืื ืืจืื ืืืืืจ ืฉืื ื ืืขืชืื ืืงืจืื ืืืจืืืง.
โโโื ืื ืคืืืื ืืื ืขืืชืื ืื ืืืืื ืขืืืืืช ืืื ืืจืงืจ ืืื 2011, ืืืืงืืืจื ื ืืืื ืืืืกืืืจืื ืืืื ืืืจืกืืื ืืขืืจืืช, ืืืืงืจ ืืช ืงืฉืจื ืืจืื ืื ืื ืืฆืืช ืขื ืชืืืืืื ืืืจืืงืืื.
ืงืฆืื ืชืืจื – ืืืืจืื ืฆืื ืืืืืืื ืขื ืืืชื ืืฆืืื ื ืืขื ืืืืจ.
ืกืืจืช ืืกืืชืื ืขื ืืืชื ืืืคืจืฉื ืืฆืืื ืฉื ืณืืงืืจ ืจืืฉืืืณ ื ืืขื ืืืืจ. ืืืกืืช ืืชืืจืื ืืืื ืฉืืืข ืืืจืืื ืฉืื ืื ืืืืืจืื ืืืขืจืืช ืืืืืืื ืืขืืจ ืืืืืื, ืืืืื ื ืื ืืฉืืื ืืงืฉืืจืื ืืืงืืืืืื ืืืืืื ืืช ืืืฉืจืื ืืืขืืื.
ืืื ืืจืชืง ืขื ืืชืืจื ืฆืืดื, ืืฉืืดื ืืืืืกื ืืืฉืจืืื ืืืืืื ืืฉืฉ ืืืจืืช ืืืืืืจ, ืืื, ืืืืฉื ืืืกืืืืจ.