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Rīgas Drošības Foruma mērķis ir pulcēt starptautiskās politikas veidotājus, nozares līderus, kā arī militāros un civilos ekspertus, lai pārrunātu notikumus, tendences, iespējas un izaicinājumus, ar ko tuvākajā laikā saskarsies starptautiskā sabiedrība. No oktobra līdz decembrim, mēs piedāvāsim jaunu raidierakstu sēriju audio un video formātā gan angļu, gan latviešu valodās.
Riga Security Forum aims to gather key international policymakers, industry leaders, as well as military and civilian experts to discuss events, trends, opportunities, and challenges lying ahead for the international community. Every week, from October until December, we will provide you with a brand new podcast session in audio and video format, both in English and Latvian. -
Stock market commentary from Wall St thought leaders in strategy, economics, technical analysis and policy. Disclaimer ..........
This Podcast Audio Show has been prepared by Renaissance Macro Research, LLC (“RenMac”), an affiliate of Renaissance Macro Securities, LLC.
This Podcast Audio Show is for distribution only as may be permitted by law. It is published solely for information purposes; it is not an advertisement nor is it a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to participate in any particular trading strategy. No representation or warranty, either express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in this document. The information is not intended to be a complete statement or summary of the markets, economy or other developments referred to in the Podcast Audio Show. Any opinions expressed in this Podcast Audio Show may change without notice. Any statements contained in this Podcast Audio Show attributed to a third party represent RenMac's interpretation of the data, information and/or opinions provided by that third party either publicly or through a subscription service, and such use and interpretation have not been reviewed by the third party.
Nothing in this Podcast Audio Show constitutes a representation that any investment strategy or recommendation is suitable or appropriate to an investor’s individual circumstances or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation. Investments involve risks, and investors should exercise prudence and their own judgment in making their investment decisions. The value of any investment may decline due to factors affecting the securities markets generally or particular industries. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither RenMac nor any of its directors, employees or agents accepts any liability for any loss (including investment loss) or damage arising out of the use of all or any of the information.
Any information stated in this Podcast Audio Show is for information purposes only and does not represent valuations for individual securities or other financial instruments. Different assumptions by RenMac or any other source may yield substantially different results. The analysis contained in this document is based on numerous assumptions and are not all inclusive.
Copyright © Renaissance Macro Research, LLC. 2019. All rights reserved. All material presented in this Podcast Audio Show, unless specifically indicated otherwise, is under copyright to Renaissance Macro Research, LLC. None of the material, nor its content, nor any copy of it, may be altered in any way, or transmitted to or distributed to any other party, without the prior express written permission of Renaissance Marco Research, LLC. -
The Alternative Investment Podcast is a leading voice in the alternatives industry, covering private equity, private credit, venture capital, and real estate. Host Andy Hagans interviews asset managers, family offices, and industry thought leaders, as they discuss the most effective strategies to grow generational wealth.
“Trade Show Live – On the Road” features conversations with the people who bring trade shows to life including attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and trade show industry thought leaders. We attend trade shows around the country in a wide variety of industries from healthcare to consumer products and everything in between. Hosted by Janet M. Kennedy
Welcome to the Collective Shift podcast, where we aim to help you save time and get ahead in the world of cryptocurrency. In each episode, we cover the latest crypto developments and trends, discussing important headlines and introducing exciting new projects. We understand that crypto can be overwhelming, which is why we strive to provide clear and concise information to help you make informed decisions. So join us as we delve into the intersection of finance and tech, and learn how you can use crypto to stay ahead of the curve.
*Мы получили еще одно предупреждение Роскомнадзора.
После этого мы приостанавливаем выпуск подкастов — «до окончания «специальной операции на территории Украины».
Подкаст «Новой газеты» про то, как россиянам жить (или выживать?) в реалиях новой экономики. Даём простые ответы на сложные экономические вопросы, делимся общими финансовыми болями, вместе думаем что делать дальше. -
An in depth, behind-the-scenes look at ethics and compliance books through conversations with industry leaders and the authors.Finding time to read books related to your job or area of interest likely is not at the top of your to-do list. But this podcast is more than just an exploration into ethics and compliance books; this podcast is a conversation about a vital industry that so many organizations view as the department of “no.” This podcast is here to challenge the way you think about ethics and compliance, arm you with new ways to think about and discuss those topics, push you to finally read the books that have been on your shelf collecting dust, and drive your career or interests forward.
Подкаст об интересных темах из разных сфер жизни через призму психологии, опыта и юмора. Sense of Human создан для людей, чьи интересы выходят за рамки надуманных шаблонов и общественных стандартов.
Я не даю готовых инструкций, а лишь рассказываю о вариантах практик и опыте, и слушатель вправе выбирать, что именно ему подходит.
Вещаю в эфире с любовью 🖤
Поддержка автора:
Канал подкаста в телеграмме:
Предложения о сотрудничестве: [email protected] -
In the first episode of The Smarter Securities Podcast, Jon Watkins is joined by Dave Watson SWIFT’s Chief Strategy Officer, taking a look at the sessions in the securities stream from Sibos 2021. Going through the interviews and panels, Jon and David discuss the futures of securities, the technologies that will play an important role in that future, and possible areas of collaboration and development across the SWIFT capital markets community.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join the Trends Podcast where we explore cool new business ideas and the latest in tech like AI and Crypto. We're your smart friends doing the homework for you. Get the info you need without spending hours on research. You’re in great company with 63,000+ founders who are also finding new opportunities. Press play and let's see what's trending!
The Ukrainecast team join the Global News Podcast to answer listener questions.
We discuss Donald Trump’s latest threat, the prospects of peace in Ukraine, and that minerals deal.
Today’s episode is presented by Lyse Doucet, James Waterhouse, Vitaly Shevchenko and by Jackie Leonard.
The producers were Ben Carter and Ryan Johnston. The series producer is Tim Walklate. The assistant editor is Ben Mundy.
Email [email protected] with your questions and comments. You can also send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram to +44 330 1239480
You can join the Ukrainecast discussion on Newscast’s Discord server here:
Живешь в Великобритании? Хочешь переехать в Англию или Шотландию? Хочешь знать что на самом деле происходит в Британии? Собираешься переехать в Англию на учёбу? Любишь Английский футбол? Болеешь за Челси или Арсенал? Собираешься в Лондон посмотреть где снимали Джеймса Бонда или Гарри Поттера? Нравятся Английские театры? Или просто искал Новости Великобритании но не на BBC?
Ты на правильном канале.
Меня зовут Олег Хилл, я профессиональный актёр живущий в Лондоне, и я создал проект "Новости Великобритании на русском языке" специально для тех, кто хочет следить за тем , что происходит в Великоб -
Проект «И Грянул Грэм» в рамках которой, журналисты из Латвии Вадим Радионов и Анна Лейтланд-Григорьева обсуждают с гостями — политическими деятелями, писателями, политологами, режиссерами, артистами, учеными, спортсменами и журналистами острые, актуальные и аналитические темы, волнующие общество.
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