
  • You’re in the right place if you find yourself generally challenged to start and really move in the direction of your big endeavors, your big vision, even if you know what you want but to follow through on them once you start, and to actually complete them.

    To make a choice or a decision, means to cut away from, versus to be perpetually sitting on your psychological emotional fence because you’re afraid that "What if the grasses are greener on the other side?", "What if I’m making the wrong decision?", "What if it doesn’t work out?" All of which the ego is tricking us to believe or actually giving us good reasonable excuses for not taking action, for not making a decision; BUT they’re not actually, because the truth is you can never ultimately know what’s right except in hindsight.

    Now, you can develop intuition to know what's the right true move, regardless of outcomes and conditions; but, you don’t develop that until you start acting. Then, through hindsight, discern what it felt like when your intuition led you to something that ultimately worked out, and what it felt like when it led to something that you can’t get to, except with having focus and the ability to make choices and decisions, to build the next stage of your life, to follow through to completion and to follow through all the thresholds that will otherwise tempt you to lose focus, to start something different, or to do multiple things at once.

    If you experience all of these, of course you know you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common complaints and challenges.

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW. And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • I'm really excited to be talking about this particular topic today, Prove It! - The Path to Mastering Manifestation in any area.

    I know that is a bold statement but this comes from a scriptural or biblical quote which says, Prove me now in this saith the Lord and I will open up the windows of heaven and pour forth a blessing too big to receive.

    So whatever teaching you studied, if you can get beyond the dogma and the doctrine, there are perennial principles that, when you understand them, apply and practice them, there is no particular one path fits all. There's a principle and then there's unlimited ways to express it. So the principle of proving it as I have spoken some other trainings is that there are principles to life, and ultimately they are all here everywhere expressing they’re not unfolding or evolving.

    Life in its true nature does not evolve, life experience what we called evolution is the unfoldment of that which was first involuted. There is an underlying idea or principle or pattern. So the ability to fly planes existed during the time of Buddha. But somebody had to come along and discover the principle and begin to create a structure that could work in harmony with it and when they did we had flight.

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • What we’re talking about in this moment is birthing your best self, how to shine like the North Star no matter how dark it is. This is really, of course, talking about it in the season of the birth of the Christ consciousness. This is about a term that I called endogenous, and the thing is that we are endogenous.

    Unlike an acorn, which is a metaphor I use a lot, or any seed in nature which is indigenous, meaning that it's ability to grow and unfold and produce what it needs and to thrive, has a lot to do with its external environment. You are endogenous, which means that everything you need to fertilize the soil of your soul, to activate the potential within you and to give birth to it is all within you. It doesn’t really require any particular external situation.

    Now, you can cultivate external conditions to support you, but lacking any external condition, you still have the full and entire capacity to manifest your potential. This is one of those things that you’ve heard me say many, many times if not others, but what is it really mean to live it? That indeed within you is everything that you need, within you is your fully franchised, self-contained, infinite individualized expression of life. Complete, whole, nothing is lacking, nothing is missing and nothing can get in to diminish it or disrupt it, and there is really no in or out because you’re infinite.

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  • I’m excited to talk about this particular topic today – the Power of No.

    We’ve talked a lot about the power of yes – saying yes to your yes, which is critical to learn how to get in touch with, and say yes to what matters to you most.

    What’s maybe not talked about as often, but is really as important, is getting clear on your no’s.

    Our no actually allow us to set healthy boundaries. The lack of having a clear no blocks our ability to ultimately allow life to organically, spontaneously unfold through us.

    Where are you using your energy saying yes to too many people, places, things, and where you can begin to say no, so that you can say yes to those things that are going to move the dial in terms of your big vision, and that really matter most to you?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • Today we’re talking about one of my favorite, favorite topics lately, that I have had so many insights and distinctions around, and that is 'Getting to your yes – the only thing you need to succeed.'

    The more I think about this, there are really only two things you ever need to do in order to move your life forward. That is to get clear on your yes and to say yes to your yes. That’s it. It’s the only activity that there is, and it’s infinite.

    Your yes shows up as a sincere burning desire, that thing trying to emerge as you. It is the evolutionary edge of your own being. It is the next version of your greatest vision, knocking at the door of your consciousness trying to get out.

    The question is, will you say yes to your life, so that yes is the emerging impulse?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • In this topic we're talking about 'Why Your Soul Doesn't Care if You Succeed. (And will it even sabotage your success?)'

    You know I like to be a little controversial or a little provocative and say things that sound contradictory, but it’s really not.

    What’s important to understand is that at a soul level your true nature isn't material, it isn't physical. Your true nature is spiritual, your true nature is consciousness, your true nature is qualitative, not quantitative. So what your soul really cares about isn't quantities or material or physical manifestation.

    From the soul standpoint, in terms of the soul path and the soul purpose, you didn't come to earth to get a bunch a stuff, to acquire a bunch of money and houses and stocks and bonds and even relationships and anything in the world that appears. From the soul level it did not come to get any of that primarily because you can't take any of that with you, right?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • Today’s topic of training is about unconditional, all conditional living – how to be brilliant, bold and abundant, regardless of conditions – Living on the Emerging Edge.

    This is advanced training, but it is also, in a very real way, the most important intention and path to set yourself upon, because it’s really the path of true freedom.

    This way of living means to be your real Self, which is a being of light, love, luminosity, gratitude, celebration and peace, unconditionally.

    We hear things like ‘unconditional love’, and rarely really understand what that means, but it means what it says: “Unconditional”, meaning not based on conditions.

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • Welcome to another episode of ask Derek, as we explore this very important question: What if I hate sales and marketing?

    This is such a common question that is asked or posed in various ways, by individuals who have a lot of resistance and objections, when it comes to putting their work and gifts out there. This is partly because of the structures around power/money that we learned growing up.

    For instance, we could have been made to think that things connected to money often resulted in some kind of pain, shame or guilt.

    So for many of you, you have a burning desire to share your gifts in the world: your book, your teachings, coaching, healing, or consulting, but you're finding taking the actual steps to market, or close the deal, very difficult.

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • It’s an honor and a pleasure to bring you today’s topic, The Commitment Code: How to Use Your Word to Make Quantum Leaps, and Why Your Wrong Use of them is Sabotaging Your Life.

    This is such an important topic, and there are several areas I want to touch upon with this, but the essential principle is this – Making and keeping your word is one of the most powerful and fundamental ways you build self-worth, self-confidence, and ultimately, integrity.

    When you make or give your word, and keep it, you send a message which says “I can trust myself”, “I believe in myself”, “I am competent”
 All of which breeds confidence, so you begin taking more chances, putting yourself out there more, and making bigger commitments to yourself. There is a mechanism to which this upward spiral of the confidence-competence loop is created, and giving and keeping your word is that mechanism. Making and keeping commitment is that mechanism.

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • We’re diving into another really important, and frequently asked question, “How do I find my purpose?”

    This questions is also phrased as, “What if I don’t know my purpose?” or “How do I know this is my purpose?”

    The first thing to understand is one of the reasons why we have a hard time finding an answering to this question, is that, first of all, we think that our purpose has to be some big grand thing, and so we are often missing the tree for the forest.

    Other times we think our purpose means our job, but it’s important to understand your job is one very important aspect of your purpose.

    Everybody has the same ultimate purpose, which is to awaken to their true identity, to come into self-actualization, and give their unique gift.

    While all of our purpose is the same, our mission is a refined or more niched aspect of that, having at its root, some dimension of self-actualization and delivering your unique gift in your own way.

    It’s time to get clear on who you are, why you are alive, get clear on your vision and mission and start living it out fully – then all of that energy will move through the branches of your life and begin to create new blossoms, new fruit, and a harvest of good, heretofore un-imagined. Are you willing?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • I’m so inspired in general with today’s topic, The Best Day of Your Life: How to Create Rituals That Put Your Growth and Success on Autopilot!

    When we talk about creating the best day of your life, we’re using the day as a template, as a platform to design, build and structure your ideal day.

    You want to look at this day as your masterpiece. This is your work of art, your great sculpture. You get to sculpt this day in a way that reflects and reveals your unique artistry.

    How you show up in this moment is what determines how you show up in the future moments. If you’re not showing up with a specific quality of being in this moment, it’s not going to magically show up in the next.

    Are you showing up as the artist of your life and really giving it your all?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • Today’s topic is yet another important one: 'Your Action is Your Religion'. It’s part of an unfolding series of topics, around this theme of Whatever It Takes and The Commitment Code.

    There is this belief that you can’t do something unless you feel it or believe it; that you can’t take action until you feel inspired to do so, or you can’t really step into that life and do that thing until you are at some certain state and have really worked out all of our issues around it.

    But it’s absolutely not legitimate. It’s what’s called ’emotional reasoning’. It’s just an excuse that we’ve come to be conditioned around our feelings and our beliefs, that they have to somehow be in a certain state in order for us to do the thing we want or the thing we’re committed to
 But as I’ve been talking about in my latest topics, that’s absolutely false.

    Now, while it’s certainly great to be inspired when you sit down to write, for example, it’s not a prerequisite. Likewise, it’s great to have the energy when you go to the gym to work out, but it’s not a prerequisite. Just go work out, take the action and the energy often follows.

    You are a divine power plant, and a power plant doesn’t receive energy; it generates it.

    Is there compelling action, congruent with your highest vision, that you need to start taking?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • I'm very excited to talk about today's topic, "The Only Goal That Matters: The One Minute Mystic".

    The real principle of life, of ultimate liberation and fulfillment, is to seek first that connection within you. To begin to organize your whole life and your whole living around only one thing – to seek God consciousness, Love consciousness, connection with this Divine Spirit, this evolutionary impulse, the Real.

    This inner source is Cause. When you are one with it and are consciously connected and feeling its flow, it manifests Effect according to your Divine pattern.

    The One Minute Mystic is about beginning to develop a way of life where you’re stopping on a regular basis, just for a minute, maybe even only 30 seconds, and pulling yourself out of the hypnotic spell of the world and of your own mind. Freeing yourself from a conditioned set of programs that are constantly bombarding you to believe that if you just had more of this or less of that, you’ll be free.

    From this day forward, your driving goal is to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within you, the Nirvanic state. To seek first the deeper connection with the Divine, to be a place of peace and love and truth for the next 30 to 60 minutes. I invite you to call this connection forth as the activity of your awareness every day, and ultimately every hour.

    When was the last time you've paused to reconnect with the Divine Truth?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

    Stay inspired!

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  • It’s such an honor to bring you this very powerful topic, ‘Snap Out of It! The Five Hypnotic Spells Sabotaging Your Success’.

    What I’m talking about when I say “Snap out of it!” is about waking up from our limited life perceptions; waking up out of these hypnotic spells about life and beholding life as it really is.

    The truth is that indeed all there really is is love, life, harmony and wholeness, inexhaustible good expressing everywhere, as everyone all the time. It has always been so and always will be, but we only experience our limited perception, or our relative perception, of this infinite perfection. It’s often not even really our perception. It’s a universal perception that has been passed down for millennia and we just uniquely adopted it, but it’s not real.

    Ultimately all transformational work is about coming back to this truth principle, waking up to oneness. When you get that, you realize the only limit to your capacity to express and experience the full bounty and abundance of life is how much you’re willing to give, to generate and to circulate from within

    your own infinite being.

    Are you ready to explore what I believe to be the five core hypnotic spells that are sabotaging your success?

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

    Stay inspired!

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  • It’s just an honor to do this deep dive with you into ‘Loving Your Enemy, the True Path of Healing and Mastery’.

    We often think about this demand or command from the Bible, ‘love your enemy’, having to do with other people. It doesn’t really have anything to do with people. But principally speaking, it refers to all that you judge bad or negative, in your body and your world. For instance, it refers to a quality or characteristic about a person that pushes your button: they’re needy, they’re greedy, they’re selfish, they’re a thief, etc.

    Ultimately, all of those qualities are in you. They’re not out there. If they push your button in any way, shape, or form, they’re all in you. They make you sad, mad, scared, angry, fearful, resentful, and defensive. It’s all in you.

    You’re not in the world; the world is in you. You’re not in relationships; relationships are all in you. You’re a field of consciousness that includes all of it. Your unique experience of it all is showing where you need to grow, showing you fragmented parts of your own psyche to embrace and integrate and fall in love with. The enemy is actually showing you where the evolution is trying to happen, where the next stage of possibility is trying to happen.

    To love your enemy means you get to be in love with all of you and everyone, regardless of the appearance or the condition. You get to be a transparency for reality and an instrument of greater destiny, of greater potential. This is the power of loving your enemy.

    At the end of the day, you’ll begin to realize we’re not really here to save the world. We’re not here to save or improve a condition. We’re here to serve the emerging possibility, the emerging vision.

    You don’t merely want to get rid of the enemy, you want to discover what’s trying to emerge, what’s the treasure, what’s the new possibility!

    Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future NOW.

    And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

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  • Life is alive, and it’s purpose is to live, give, share, shine, circulate and to put itself on ever-greater display.

    If you’re not saying yes to your yes and coming into integrity with that emerging vision and purpose of your life, then you’re not fulfilling your reason for being here.

    You’re like an extra piece in this Divine puzzle, and extra pieces get pushed to the side. I’m not saying this to scare you. I’m saying this because this call is about what it really takes to make it, to grow, to heal, to succeed, and to sustain.

    My commitment is to be an individual who knows you can handle the truth and who tells it to you like it is.

    To be full-on leaders of your life, full-on givers of your gifts, where your structures are strong, where you’re wealthy, healthy, happy, in love, connected, and contributing citizens in the world, you need to able to see it the way it really is.

    You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t the answer to a call. Now you have to consciously cooperate with that call. You have to consciously collaborate, co-labor, with it.

    Then you’ll need to open up and anchor yourself in a vision that’s better than it is, in the Truth, and begin doing what it really takes to answer Life’s call.

    Will you answer the call?

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  • Greetings, my fellow Emergineers, it’s great to bring you another very important topic, ‘Always be Planting: How to Harvest Your Past and Seed Your future.’

    The first thing to understand is that you’re always planting, and you’re always reaping what you’ve planted in the past. Every thought, every word, and every action is a seed of your future moment, and every moment is the fruit of a past seed.

    So the thought, the word, the action, the seeds you’re planting in this moment are the potential fruit of your future moments, and every now moment is the fruit of your past planting. There is no other element that enters into the equation.

    As you sow, so shall you reap. I don’t reap what you’ve sown, and you don’t reap what I’ve sown.

    As you begin to realize that, you can take full responsibility for this moment because this moment can’t be more or less than what you’ve sown or planted before. This means that nobody else has ever or can ever determine the quality of this moment, the fruit in this moment, but you.

    The good news is no matter what harvest you find yourself with right now, whether it’s a harvest of sweet fruit or sour and bitter fruit, or just a lot of weeds, that you can always begin to sow a whole new crop. You’re never stuck with whatever’s just there. You can absolutely begin sowing again. I invite you to identify one area of your life that may need a little cultivation. Does it need watering, weeding, feeding, or seeding?

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  • Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People (And Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People)? This is an age-old question, and it's answered in my latest podcast. It can be a crisis of faith when we start to look out and see what we might call ‘negative’, ‘destructive’, or ‘greedy’ types of people, and we wonder why they have so much more abundance than really ‘decent’, ‘good-hearted’ people.

    Or why are these decent, good-hearted people getting sick, and these somewhat greedy, materialist people are just doing great and flying around in their jets?

    There are some key distinctions to understand here. The first one is that what the law of life operates upon is consciousness, principle.

    What appears to be a good person and a good personality, in and of itself, is not what the law of life is operating upon.

    Here’s a great way to look at it. If you don’t understand the laws of conductivity, electrical principles, and you just take some live wires and grab hold of them, or you touch the wrong wires together, and they blow up, or they electrocute you or even kill you.

    Electricity is no respecter of persons. It doesn’t care how nice of a person you are. If you don’t understand the law and the principle of electricity it doesn’t matter how good you are. You’re going to have some problems.

    If you learn how to float you could be a really evil person, and you’ll still float in the water. Think about that. If you know how to fly a plane and operate in alignment with the laws of aerodynamics, you can be a really bad person, and you’ll still fly that plane.

    The plane will fly, because, at least in that area, you are in integrity with the principle. It’s principle. It’s not personal.

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  • We’re doing a deep dive today around the topic 'The Fields Are Always Full: How to Transcend Seasons and Cycles and Experience More Abundance Now'.

    You’ve heard me use the analogy of the radio broadcast: Right now, right where you are, your favorite music is broadcasting. There’s information, inspiration, and music broadcasting that if you were to suddenly hear, it would inspire you, and would change your mental, emotional, physical state.

    The only distance between you and the manifestation of the music is a distance in frequency. When the frequencies match, you have music. You have a manifestation.

    So that music is potentially in your life, but it’s actually broadcasting at the frequency where it exists.

    Just like the music, the fields are white unto the harvest, the abundance is already here now. It’s not here in potential. It’s actually here - health, wealth, wholeness, harmony, joy, peace, love, the fullness of life, Heaven, Paradise, Nirvana - everything you could ever want, hope for, desire and need are already here actually!

    Not in potential, but actually... It's only potential in terms of your experience.

    Our call today is to no longer wait for the harvest to come, to no longer wait for the economy to change, or wait for our family, our friends to agree with or validate us.

    We will no longer wait until we think we’re good enough or have enough, but take a stand today, in the middle of the field of our life and begin to know, affirm and live from the truth that we are surrounded by and are an expression of abundance!

    I invite you to make a commitment to yourself, to begin to show up, to take your basket and step into your “field” and harvest the good that’s there. Start to show up as if you’re really supported.

    With this commitment, how will you begin to show up differently in your life?

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  • This is both a powerful principle and somewhat controversial because it doesn’t always look like the Universe is rigged in our favor.

    When we say life is for us, we are tapping into the principle of oneness, and the truth that life is always working to express more of its wholeness, abundance, and perfection — always supporting its own fulfillment.

    This means it’s all working for your highest and greatest good.

    As W. Clement Stone said, “We must become inverse paranoids, believing that all of life is conspiring for us.” You are a unique infinite expression of life, and through and as you life gets to know itself as an individual being.

    The Universe is conspiring to completely unleash its potential as you, yet we don’t experience it directly. We experience our relative perception, our belief about life, our thought about life or about a condition.

    But because all there really is is love, and life forever giving and supporting itself, even those conditions that we would call “bad” are working together for our good. This episode shows you how to live in alignment with this...

    When you begin to embrace this principle, every problem becomes answered prayer. Every so-called negative condition becomes an evolutionary catalyst. You begin to ask evolutionary or emerging questions:

    “How does this support my growth and expansion? How is this making me stronger? How can I use this experience to become more awake, more aware, a purer, stronger instrument of life, of truth, of beauty, etc.?”

    When you don’t understand this, you ask questions like “Why is this happening to me? What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with life? God, why have you forsaken me?”

    Those questions keep you hooked into a paradigm of duality and separation, believing life isn’t for you, and that leads to more experiences that reflect that back to you.

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