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Dogodivščine 11-letnega Gašperja razpetega med mamo, očimom in biološkim očetom, ki ga bo šele spoznal. Pa tudi med šolo, svetom svetovnega spleta, filmi in svojimi prijatelji. Zvočne zgodbe o hitenju v odraslost, ki jo je vsak od nas v sojem življenju vsaj enkrat doživel. Nadaljevanka v osmih delih je nastala po istoimenskem romanu, katerega avtor je Vinko Möderndorfer.
A novel by Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain - the largest and most popular philosophy show in the world!
Centuries in the future, an old man awakes from cryogenic sleep to face the judgement of a utopian society that barely survived his past abuse of power. In the vein of 'Atlas Shrugged, philosophy, philosopher Stefan Molyneux has created a compelling and powerful work of imagination. He vividly describes the wonderful future that mankind can achieve - and the barriers to getting there - and all that we need to leave behind to finally live in peace...
The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths… when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows. Support us on Patreon:
Dlaczego drzewa rosną tak wysoko? Czy dzięcioła boli głowa? Czy drzewa potrafią mówić? Czy są w Polsce ptaki zombie? Znajdź odpowiedzi na te i wiele innych pytań, wraz ze swoimi dziećmi. Każdy odcinek zawiera potwierdzoną naukowo wiedzę opowiedzianą w fenomenalny i prosty sposób wzbogaconą o podkład muzyczny i odgłosy zwierząt żyjących w Polsce. Każdy odcinek zawiera również prosty eksperymentem do wykonania samodzielnie w domu lub lesie. zaprasza!
From werewolves in the doghouse to new ghouls at work, there's no problem too strange for this weekly advice segment, from the UK's only dedicated radio service for the creature community.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Często nie rozumiem szkolenia psów. Uczenia cyrkowych sztuczek i tego, kto pierwszy może jeść pomidorową. Gdy pies dalej ciągnie na smyczy i nie radzi sobie z emocjami. Dużo ciekawszy jest trening od psa strony. W którym bardziej się słucha, niż mówi.
Staram się, żeby moja praca była czymś więcej, niż nauką kładzenia dupy na ziemi. I sprawiała, że pies rozumie świat w którym żyje. Dzięki temu, podejmuje na co dzień lepsze decyzje.
Na co dzień prowadzę szkołę dla psów i jestem behawiorystą w Schronisku dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Krakowie. Tworzę też podcast i kanał YouTube Czarne Podniebienie. -
Rosamund Pike stars as Edith Wilson in "Edith!" a scripted comedy podcast exploring the untold true-ish story of America's secret First Female President.
After President Woodrow Wilson suffered a massive, paralyzing stroke in the White House, Edith Wilson did the unthinkable: she told no one. And for almost a year following the end of World War I, Edith Wilson acted as the de facto unelected President. She would sign documents as him. She would fire people as him. She would even cause international incidents as him. And all along the way, enemies both internal and external, inched closer to finding out her secret. New episodes every Thursday. -
Join us on our podcast journey to learn from conversations with OUR kinds of celebrities - caregivers living this life honestly and making an impact for our children and others. We’ll also be talking to the other experts, those who help us and fight for us in education and the medical field, for disability rights and so on.
Welcome to our podcast where we dog moms discuss modern, enlightened dog parenting! Each week, we’ll take a dive deep into the human-dog connection and explore strategies that will inspire you to create connection and cooperation with your obedience training needed!
We meet up at the intersection where training and behavior meet Heart and Soul...and where we leave behind the 'power over' obedience training paradigm we inherited and lead the way to an enlightened 'power with' approach. Join us for an inspirational and educational journey as we explore what living in cooperative partnership with our beautiful dogs looks like in real life.
Brilliant Partners are kind, loving, calm, clear, confident, and cooperative ... and when WE learn how to be a Brilliant Partner, our dogs do too.
Kathy Kawalec is an author, writer, the founder of Dancing Hearts Dog Academy and creator of the Brilliant Partners Academy, The Foundation Formula, Herding Partners Academy, and Creative Alchemy Passion Plan. -
Inspiring personal family conversations & also interviews with Prana Boosters™ featured on who are Awakened With Purpose & Raising the Vibration of the World through their life's work. Conscious/Mindful Families, Mindful Living, Personal Transformation, Relationships/Marriage & Parenting, Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolence. Have you ever wondered what The Prana Boost Lifestyle™ really looks like? Join me & my amazing husband, soulmate, business partner, spiritual partner, best friend for an intimate discussion on The Prana Boost Show™ to learn about our mindful lifestyle & our new partnership parenting paradigm that we are pioneering together. Here is your chance to hear from both of us to learn more about it from each of our perspectives. For a bit more about us you can read this:
After completing Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School, Andrea Davies takes a position at a large New York Advertising Firm, admittedly there to find a husband and secure a life as a well-to-do, country club socialite. Andrea meets Richard Hayes, one of the firm's partners and an inexplicable attraction takes hold. To everyone Richard is the kind and respectful executive with tragic home life. He is the devoted husband to Margaret, a dangerous "lunatic" who is in and out of psychiatric hospitals. A passionate attraction between Richard and Andrea intensifies when she is promoted to his secretary. When Andrea turns her attention to another marriage prospect, Richard quickly reveals a sinister, unpredictable side that naive Andrea interprets as unbridled passion, fueling her romantic delusions of "love at any cost."The Diarist, explores the darker side of the human psyche and the terrifying consequences of indulging in base desires in 1950s America. The story unfolds in 27 serialized episodes. Available on iTunes or wherever you binge.
Welcome to the All Things Montessori Podcast, a podcast devoted to discussing everything Montessori. From classroom management to self-care, Montessori at home to staying inspired in this work; we cover it all. Hosted by AMI Trainer and Consultant, Jamie Rue and Montessori Teacher and Administrator, Rachel Merle-Smith. Email us at: [email protected] Follow us at: @allthingsmontessori
Get ready to discuss all things Scent Work! Topics will be helpful for both companion dog owners and serious dog sport competitors.
#allaboutscentworkpodcast #scentwork #nosework #scentworktraining #noseworktraining #scentworktrialing #noseworktrialing #scentworku #scentworkuniversity -
Nasz podcast opowie Wam o czym jest pedagogika Montessori, jakie są jej podstawowe założenia i jak wygląda edukacja w zgodzie z tym podejściem. Przy kawie i w dobrym towarzystwie, rozmawiamy o wychowaniu, nauce, emocjach i tym wszystkim, co wiąże się z podążaniem za dzieckiem. Zapraszamy na Paulina Zawadzka i Katarzyna Frenczak-Sito
Zanurz się w fascynujący świat psich zachowań, odkryj nasze codzienne historie, zainspiruj się i skorzystaj z praktycznych wskazówek, aby zbudować harmonijną relację ze swoim psem. Nazywam się Ela Wojciechowska i jestem praktykującym behawiorystą zwierząt, a to jest podcast dla wszystkich tych, którzy chcą wiedzieć jeszcze więcej o psie. Odcinki ukazują się co drugi piątek.
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Tales from the Stinky Dragon is an actual-play D&D comedy podcast that features four foolish friends and their (very patient) dungeon master. Join along for an auditory adventure with a fully-voiced cast of characters, immersive sound design, a catchy soundtrack, and gripping stories of exotic lands and strange creatures. Tales From The Stinky Dragon is a fun and easy award-winning podcast for all ages, and is the perfect experience for both seasoned D&D players and those just getting into the genre.
Antykryminalne treści w formie odautorskiego podcastu.
"Od czasu jak do łask wróciła powieść kryminalna marzyło mi się, że trafię na antykryminał. Na uczciwą relację, jak się to odbywa naprawdę, w całej banalności zbrodni. Przyświecało mi w tym zdanie jednego z bohaterów prozy kryminalnej Karela Čapka, inspektora stojącego nad wykopanym damskim trupem: 'Panie, jak zejdzie skóra to już nici z całej urody'..."
Jan Gondowicz, Magazyn literacko-kulturalny "CHIMERA" luty 2015