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Andrew Pappas, founder of RenGen Marketing helps take indie devs and their games to a whole new level by discussing business best practices and sharing marketing strategies and tips to better navigate the world of indie game marketing.
Regardless if you’re an indie dev starting out or a veteran small team, the topic discussions apply to anyone wanting to better understand the online environment and stand out in a saturated market. A marketer since 2011, Andrew has found a passion for applying his knowledge by empowering and educating the indie dev community.
Between the years of his experience and interviews with respected industry veterans, you’ll learn about online marketing, email marketing, crowdfunding, paid advertising, community development, social media, community outreach, project management, and much more.
All episodes are packed with helpful information and actionable steps that can give you the confidence you need when it comes to your business and indie game marketing. Hit subscribe and get ready to become part of the indie game movement. -
欢迎来到XCC Cubic,我是梓含。这是一档XCC策划的访谈对话类节目,或者说,这是一档听故事的节目。
在英文中,“Elephant in the Room“被用来形容大家都知道,但是故意避开不去讨论的话题。明明工作经常成为一个人压力,疑惑,或是喜悦的主要来源,却往往有一个隐形的知识鸿沟组织我们去真正的了解,哪怕是你身边很亲密的朋友/家人的职业,以至于人们更乐意于分享自己感情经历这种在某种意义而言更为私人的话题,也不愿意谈论工作。
这样的对话经常发生在我们的生活中。而我,是一个对各行各业,和其背后故事都很好奇的人。如果你也和我一样,想跨过这个知识鸿沟,来一起讨论或倾听这个无由来的禁忌: This podcast is for you!
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