
  • When you are inside of a relationship that is not creating the kind of experience that you want to have, it is natural to want to complain. And when somebody tells you that YOU are doing something that they don't want or that they don't like, it is totally natural to want to defend yourself. But just because it's natural doesn't mean it's the best thing for us. And just because it's natural does not mean it's the best thing for the quality of relationship that we want to build.

    I invited my former Life Coach, friend and colleague to be a guest on the podcast today and share a concept that she teaches called: No complaining. No defending. In today's episode, Maggie Reyes (Marriage Coach and Double Master Certified Life Coach) comes on to explain how applying this concept can create a major shift in ANY relationship (including the one you have with yourself)

    Did you know you can book a free strategy session with me? Find out more and BOOK HERE

    More About Maggie

    Maggie Reyes is a Master Certified Life Coach and Modern Marriage Mentor who specializes in helping driven, ambitious women create their best marriages, without waiting for their partners to change or adding more work to their lives.

    She is the creator of The Marriage MBA Program, a 6 month mentorship in creating a successful marriage using principles from positive psychology, cognitive science and simple coaching tools that you can learn today and apply tomorrow.

    Maggie is the author of the best selling Questions for Couples Journal which has over 3,000 4 star ratings on Amazon.

    And she is the host of the The Marriage Life Coach Podcast which is consistently ranked among the top 2 percent podcasts out of over 2 million podcasts tracked by ListenNotes.

    When she isn’t teaching or coaching she loves obsessing over Formula 1 Racing, Bridgerton, reading fan fiction, sexy romance novels and watching superhero movies and Mexican Rom Coms with her hubby.

    If you want to learn how to stop doing the things that poison the love in a relationship and start doing the things that make love stronger, you can find the tools to create your best marriage at


  • Sometimes life get's hard and shit get's real. Welcome to a raw and unfiltered episode where we dive deep into the complexities of navigating life when everything feels overwhelming. In this episode, we explore what to do when challenges pile up, responsibilities seem endless, and emotions run high. Join us as we uncover the strategies to handle life's real struggles with grace and resilience.

    If you are ready to talk about this, let's get on a free Strategy Session! You can book that here:

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  • It can be really disheartening when the things you do to help yourself when emotions get high suddenly seem to stop working. It can be tempting to believe in these moments that something is wrong, that there is specifically something wrong with YOU. But that's not the truth. The truth is that nervous system regulation is not a set it and forget it game. We are humans and not robots, we need to really look at how to approach ourselves by looking at where we are at right now. Familiar routines sometimes are the worst ways to regulate yourself, and that's why I recorded this episode for you today. Nervous System regulation is all about hacking your brain. Sometimes the most regulating things we can do are HARD. And above all, we need to remember that we are always layering our tools for maximum results. So if you are struggling with enjoying the things that have always regulated you in the past, or if nervous system regulation has not been something you've really ever thought about, this is your episode.

    And if you want to book that Strategy Session, go HERE

  • In a world that often touts quick fixes and instant solutions, the concept of an "easy button" can be alluring. We are constantly bombarded with messages that promise a simple answer to life's complexities, whether it's through a new course, a magic program, or a revolutionary coaching technique. But what if the key to real growth and transformation lies not in pressing an easy button, but in embracing the journey of self-discovery and personal development? The latest episode of the podcast delves deep into this very notion, challenging the prevalent narrative that there is a one-size-fits-all solution to navigating life's challenges.

    As always, if you want Amanda's help in figuring out how to implement this, you should consider booking a free Strategy Session. You can book that here: Strategy Session

  • I guarantee you could ask 5 people in a row how they are doing, and all 5 of them would tell you that they are busy. Being busy has become a familiar refrain among the modern world, and the truth is, it needs to stop. If you are feeling anxious and depleted and like you are on your last nerve, busyness addiction is playing a much bigger part in this problem than what you might realize. Too many women are jumping from task to task with a to-do list that is a mile long and and a mile wide. You might think that the way through this is to get it all done, and I am here to tell you that you are dead wrong.

    Let's dive into today's episode where I am going to break this all down for you and show you a real way out of breaking free of busyness addiction. It's easier than what you might think.

    If you are ready to give up busyness addiction, you need to register for my free class: How To Get Out Of Survival Mode and Create a Fuck Yes Life. Register Here

  • Resentment cancer. Here's what you know, resentment is always cancer. Always. It hardens you from the hurt, it protects you from the pain, but the long game when it comes to resentment is one of loneliness, bitterness and despair. Resentment protects us, but it also blocks us. It keeps us from the things that we desperately want in the world because we decide that the world sucks, we decide people (or maybe just a gender) sucks and we decide that hope isn't worth it.

    It takes courage to open back up to the world. It takes strength to open ourselves up to get hurt again. Resentment tells us the lie of "we don't need that shit", because the truth is, we actually DO need that shit. We need love, and acceptance, and romance and desire. We need connection and joy and fulfillment and fun.

    Today's episode is going to walk you through why you want to learn how to let go of resentment and what to tap into instead. My friend, you are capable of far more than you know. Listen in, let's talk about it.

    If you love this episode, make sure to join us in the Self-Love Club: A free Facebook community that dives deeper into all of these topics. JOIN HERE

  • Difficult relationships are just that ... difficult. The truth is, we all have difficult relationships. Even when we decide to stop contact with somebody, we still have a relationship with them, because the truth is, all a relationship is, is your thoughts about another person. I know it can seem like the only way to improve a relationship with somebody is for them to change, but I am here to tell you that is not necessarily the case. We have a lot more power than we think we do when it comes to relationships. Take a listen if you want to change a difficult relationship in your life. I'm going to teach you a whole new way.

    If you want support, don't forget you can join us in the Self Love Club free Facebook group. Join Here

  • My son was told by a friend that somebody on his basketball team found him annoying. My response was that, first of all, that was his teammates problem. Because the truth is, being annoyed is a feeling and that means it's created by what we think. We can't control what somebody else thinks, and therefore we cannot control how somebody else feels.

    Feedback like "you are annoying" can be tough to navigate as a neurodivergent woman. We have heard before and we have heard it a lot, but that doesn't make it true. We need to change the way we think about being "annoying" because it creates emotions like shame. Shame does not serve us, it does not help us and it will never improve us.

    So instead, we need to give the people in our lives back their own feelings, and instead learn how to navigate our own.

    Join me in today's episode where I am going to show you exactly how to do this.

    And don't forget you can join my free Self Love Club Facebook Group HERE

    And you can book a free Strategy Session HERE

  • I spent a lot of years of my life (over 40) being ashamed of being an outward verbal processor. It's a pretty common neurodivergent trait that can oftentimes end up with other people treating you poorly. Here's the thing, even thought a lot of people really don't get it, there ARE a lot of people that DO get it. Today's episode breaks down what life looks like as a verbal processor, how to get of the shame spiral, and how to help yourself process better so that this doesn't happen for you as much.

    More than anything, what you need to know is that there are lots of people in this world that will not only not be bothered by this quality, but that will appreciate it and totally get it. You are not alone.

    if you want some help with this, book a free Strategy Session. I can help you work through this.


  • Step into a world of self-discovery and empowerment with me on today's podcast! Join me as we unravel the layers of your self-concept, exploring what truly shapes your beliefs about yourself and how they impact every aspect of your life.

    In this episode, I'll guide you through thought-provoking questions and practical strategies to challenge your existing self-concept and pave the way for personal growth and fulfillment. You'll hear insightful anecdotes and coaching tips that will inspire you to embrace your worth and potential.

    Discover how to break free from limiting beliefs, nurture a positive self-concept, and align your thoughts with your deepest desires. Plus, I'll share how you can take the next step towards transforming your life through personalized coaching sessions.

    Don't miss out on this transformative journey towards a more empowered and authentic version of yourself. Tune in now and embark on the path to self-discovery and self-love. See you there!

    You can book a free 1:1 Strategy Session with Amanda here:

  • If you tell me that you are neurodivergent, I would bet money that you have a lot of lists. You probably think that those lists are what is keeping you from drowning in forgetting all the things you are supposed to be doing. But I am going to tell you something that might rock your world: The lists are making things so much worse. Lists are a way of confirming all of the things you "have to" do in the world. But have you ever stopped to think about what you might WANT to do? Probably not, because you are being buried alive by what you "have to" do.

    Today's podcast breaks this all down and shows you how you probably want to redefine what you "have to" do in the world. Take a listen, and if you want my help, book a strategy call. I can help you.

    Book a strategy session:

  • What do desperation, hopelessness, failure & winning have to do with each other? Everything. They have everything to do with each other.

    So, why am I delving into these seemingly disparate topics? Well, because they're all interconnected. You can't fully understand one without considering the others. Desperation, hopelessness, failure, winning—they're all part of life's intricate tapestry.

    During a recent strategy session with a client, the topic of desperation surfaced. She felt stuck in a cycle of setbacks, particularly in her career advancement. Rejection after rejection led her to question her worth and potential. Sound familiar? It's a narrative many of us can relate to.

    Speaking of narratives, let's talk about my son's basketball journey. He's eager to join a new team where his friends play, but I'm more focused on finding the right coaching philosophy to nurture his growth. The looming prospect of failure—what if he doesn't make the A team?—stirs up a mix of emotions. As a coach myself, I'm acutely aware of the weight we sometimes carry for our loved ones.

    But here's the thing: failure is not the end of the road; it's a detour. Just like in my own life, where setbacks paved the way for growth and resilience, our failures shape us. They teach us to navigate adversity without losing sight of our dreams.

    Now, let's talk about dating. Ever felt like you're settling because finding the right partner seems like an impossible feat? I've seen it time and again. But here's the truth: the good ones aren't all gone. It's about maintaining high standards while embracing the journey, failures included.

    So, how do we navigate these emotional rollercoasters? By reframing failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. Imagine approaching failure with a sense of curiosity and even fun. Crazy, right? But it's a mindset shift that can make all the difference.

    And if you're feeling overwhelmed, remember: you're not alone. Building emotional resilience takes time, but it's worth the investment. That's where coaching comes in. Together, we'll reprogram your thinking, regulate your emotions, and chart a path toward a more fulfilling life.

    So, friend, if you're ready to rewrite your story and embrace the journey of being human, I'm here to help. Book a free strategy session with me, and let's start turning those setbacks into stepping stones to success.

    Book your call:

    Thanks for tuning in! Don't forget to leave a review if you enjoyed this episode—it helps me reach more people like you. And until next time, remember: failure is just another word for opportunity. See you soon!

  • Anxiety. We all feel it. It has been labelled as a problem emotion. It has been labeled as a disordered emotion. But what if I told you that it's actually an emotion we feel when we are terrified of feeling emotion? Today I am going to share what anxiety REALLY is. I am also going to help you break it down into bite size pieces so that you can finally start addressing anxiety in an empowered way. We don't need to get rid of anxiety, but we do need to learn how to handle it. This episode is going to show you how to do that.

    If you are ready to be in charge of your anxiety, this would be the perfect time to book a free Strategy Session: BOOK HERE

  • Neurodivergent women struggle with sensory processor overload. But that doesn't mean we have to change or be different to stop overloading. However we do want to make the overload our responsibility. Today's episode shares how we can begin with understanding how to give more time and energy to our sensory processor (aka our brain) so that we can create a life we enjoy living (every single day) without shutting down and burning out.

    When we are aware of our sensory load, we can be aware of when the sensory load is going to increase. When we have an understanding of this, we can begin implementing proactive nervous system regulation, emotional awareness & allowing and productive thinking.

    This keeps us in charge of our sensory processor and ensures that it doesn't burn out (no matter what might be happening)

    Listen in and be sure to share your thoughts over on Instagram:

    And as always, I would be so happy to see you on a Strategy Session and help you put a real and doable plan in place:

  • As young girls, we are socialized to be "nice". In fact, we spent a vast amount of time focusing on how to stand up for ourselves and ask for what we want, but at the same time we try to do it in such a way that we don't come off as being bitch. The truth is, most of us (unwittingly) end up choosing to be unhappy and dissatisfied, rather than appear as "bitchy" in a hard situation. If you want to start finally feeling satisfied with your life you are going to need to let go of needing to be "nice".

    In today's episode, I break down why being nice is sabotaging your ultimate happiness and I show you how to start tapping into Big Bitch energy instead. If you want to change the direction of your life and start feeling empowered and in emotional control, you are going to want to tune in. Let's all get a little more bitchy together.

    You can sign up for a free strategy session with Amanda by clicking here:

  • Are you settling in your life? Are you trying to get yourself to be ok with what you think you can get because you don't think what you actually want is possible. If that is what is happening for you, I want you to know that it is super common in neurodivergent people. In fact, many of us walk on this path for so long, that we stop wanting all together. Today I want to change that for you. One of the simplest ways to increase your quality of life is to raise your standards. This is true of dating, you career and basically every other aspect of your life. Listen in because I am sharing why you need to change this and how to do it.

    Register for the Neurodivergent Anti-Resolution: How to Thrive with a Neurodivergent Brain in a Neurotypical World Masterclass:

  • Join me as I interview one of my dearest friends and favorite clients: Tory Reade. In this episode Tory shares the impact and benefit of the quiet but profound change that coaching has brought to her life.

    We cover how Tory was interested in coaching right away, and the reasons why I directed her to therapy instead. We talk about how she determined when she was ready for coaching, and we discuss the parts of coaching that were the hardest.

    The biggest thing that we cover is Tory's transformation from someone who was plagued by anxiety and self-doubt into a woman who holds emotional maturity and is fully able to handle whatever the world decides to throw at her. Her journey is one that starts with emerging from an abusive relationship and a damaged spirit and ends with self-love, self-advocacy and the confidence to go after the life she deserves.

    If you would like to book a free Strategy Call with Amanda, you can book there HERE

  • Welcome to the first podcast episode of 2024! As we dive into this new year, I am beyond excited and filled with clarity about what I have in store for you. This year, my goal is to bring you my absolute best, sharing insights that will truly blow your mind.

    In today's episode, titled "The Anti-Resolution," I address the common practice of setting New Year's resolutions, something I've grown to dislike – not just for myself but for you too. Why? Because resolutions often focus solely on taking action without considering the underlying intentions, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

    I share a recent coaching experience where we explored the power of feeling emotions in the body, emphasizing the importance of understanding our emotions rather than suppressing them. The key is to move beyond mere willpower, recognizing that true change requires a deep dive into our thoughts and beliefs.

    As we navigate through the episode, I challenge the conventional approach to resolutions, especially those centered around weight loss, fitness, or eliminating habits. Instead, I encourage you to question why you desire these changes and whether the underlying beliefs align with your true desires.

    I open up about my own journey, recounting a time when I believed clearing my acne would bring happiness, only to realize that self-acceptance and approval were the true goals. This serves as a reminder that external changes don't guarantee internal fulfillment.

    The core message of the episode revolves around the concept of an "anti-resolution." I'm not against creating new results in your life; however, I am against mindless action and setting resolutions without understanding why you want them. I urge you to ponder the question: Why do I want this result? And go beyond the superficial answers.

    I introduce a crucial aspect of the anti-resolution approach – focusing on emotions. What negative emotions are you experiencing, and what positive emotions are you longing for? By identifying and understanding these feelings, you can begin the journey of creating a life you truly desire.

    To assist you on this journey, I offer a simple exercise: write down the specific negative emotions you want to overcome and explore the corresponding positive emotions you wish to cultivate. This is the starting point for building emotional resilience and creating sustainable change.

    As a preview to an upcoming masterclass, I invite you to join me on January 16th to delve deeper into the anti-resolution concept. The masterclass will provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement this approach and transform your life in 2024. Visit to sign up and mark your calendar for this empowering session.

    Thank you for tuning in, and remember to leave a review if you enjoyed this episode. If you're ready to explore personal coaching and develop a customized plan to manage stress and anxiety, book a free consultation at

    Happy New Year, and I can't wait to share more insights with you in the coming weeks. Until next time, take care and be kind to yourself. Bye for now!

  • On today's episode, we are going to be talking about Crimbo Limbo. The time between Christmas & New Year's that sometimes feels ... gross.

    I've struggled with this phenomenon throughout my life, and I suspect I'm not alone. This episode delves into the unique challenges neurodivergent individuals face during this time. The mix of high energy celebrations, overindulgence, and socializing followed by a sudden return to routine can leave us feeling disoriented and, at times, depressed.

    I opted not to take an extensive break over Christmas intentionally, as I've found a balance and routine that keeps me energized. In this episode, I want to share how I've structured my life to navigate Crimbo Limbo successfully and help you do the same.

    Even if you're familiar with the term, I believe there's value in discussing the shared experience and exploring strategies to cope with it. The holiday season, with its cultural peculiarities, affects us all, and understanding its impact can be a game-changer.

    I'll share personal insights from my recent experiences, like a Christmas getaway to Sun Peaks, where I observed the familiar highs and lows of the season. The letdown after Christmas day, the sudden drop in stimulation, and the ensuing emotional roller coaster, especially for neurodivergent individuals, can be profound.

    We'll explore the concept of "resetting" your nervous system during these moments. Whether it's through a high-intensity workout or a coaching session, finding a way to interrupt the stress cycle is crucial. I'll also address common challenges, such as difficulty switching mental gears from high to low energy.

    Recognizing the truth of the situation is pivotal—acknowledging that these feelings are a natural response to the holiday season's dynamics. Instead of judging ourselves for not immediately embracing relaxation, we'll focus on providing self-support during this transitional period.

    I'll offer practical tips, including leveraging your senses for comfort, engaging in movement to move emotions through the body, and incorporating small adventures into your routine. Remember, it's about adding supportive elements, not subtracting, during Crimbo Limbo.

    As we approach the new year, I'm excited to share more insights and strategies to help you navigate the challenges life throws our way. If you resonate with today's episode or need personalized guidance, consider booking a strategy session on my website.

    Thank you for being part of this community, and I look forward to reconnecting in 2024. If you enjoyed this podcast, please leave a review and share it with others. Your support helps this podcast grow and reaches more women who can benefit from these discussions.

    Don't forget to follow and download the episodes to stay connected. And if you need help in navigating stress and anxiety, reach out for a free strategy session. Visit to schedule a call and let's work together to create positive changes in your life. Until then, have a fantastic week, and I'll catch you in the new year. Bye for now!

  • Hello, and welcome to the podcast! As I record this on December 20th, 2023, the holiday season is in full swing. I've observed a unique vibe this year in my community, and it seems like many others are feeling it too. It's been an unusual year, marked by a lack of snow, turning our Christmas landscape into what I can only describe as a "not-so-brown Christmas."

    In today's episode, I reflect on the hustle and bustle leading up to Christmas, the pressure, the added tasks, and the societal expectations that come with the holiday season. Even though my kids are still in school, the anticipation of the upcoming break adds an extra layer to the usual routine. It feels like we're all racing towards Christmas Day, pushing ourselves to the limit.

    I've been contemplating the purpose behind this rush. Why do we strive for perfection and try to fit everything in? It all boils down to chasing a feeling—the desire to feel better. In the midst of the holiday chaos, our brains tend to be led by stress, anxiety, and panic, making it essential to be intentional about our thoughts and emotions.

    As I navigate this season, I encourage you to consider what it would be like not to be in a rush, not to be in a hurry. The cultural pressure surrounding Christmas can be overwhelming, but what if we took a step back and questioned the purpose of it all? In this episode, I explore the concept of being the boss of our brains, intentional in our actions, and how it can significantly impact our overall well-being.

    As we approach the Christmas break and beyond, I share a powerful resource, the "neurodivergent nervous system regulation triad." This triad focuses on pleasure, intense exercise, and connecting with nature, offering a practical approach to regulating our nervous systems and finding calm amidst the chaos.

    Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the lessons in this episode are relevant to various life events where we often find ourselves caught in a race towards an elusive happiness. Join me in unraveling the holiday hustle and embracing a more intentional, fulfilling way of living.

    If you resonate with these insights and feel the need for personalized guidance, consider booking a strategy session with me at Remember, your life is built on the experience of every single day—choose to make each day amazing.

    Thank you for tuning in, and I wish you a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever you celebrate. Stay tuned for more episodes during the unique period of "Crimbo Limbo" to provide support and encouragement. Until then, take care, and let's boss our brains together!

    Get the Neurodivergent Nervous System Triad worksheet by clicking here