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Hundreds of presentations about living the Christian life — all FREE.
We cover topics such as parenting and family, church empowerment & growth, and spiritual & mental health. We have hundreds of presentations that allow you to find information on the topics that matter most to you. -
¡Llegó Catholic Sprouts en español! Semana a semana podrás escuchar este podcast para niños católicos que consta de pequeños episodios diseñados para plantar semillas de fe en temas alrededor de los santos, la teología, las fiestas y solemnidades católicas, los sacramentos y la moral.
La primera temporada nos enfocamos en el Credo, ¡Plantemos semillas de fe!
¡Síguenos en Instagram! --->
Este podcast es producido por Juan Diego Network -
Welcome to The Heart of a Story: Saint Stories and Classic Tales for Tender Minds. On this podcast, we tell saints stories for young children. These stories are meant to help the children know the heart of the saint and their story - who they loved, what they loved, and how they loved Jesus. It is in the formation of a saint’s heart, that we can truly understand their mission!
Written and hosted by: Niki Montecillo
Original music by: Kevin Kapchinski and family
Check him out at:
Edited and produced by: Io Montecillo
Contact us at: [email protected] -
Raising New Yorkers is a podcast and community that equips moms to raise kids in a city that's next level hard: from cost of living, education, transportation, and work life balance. Through first hand experiences and interviews, Moms will get to hang with us while we seek the good of the city and foster that in our children.
Are you struggling with being a wife and mom?
Do you believe that motherhood has the potential to be way easier than society tells us?
Do you want to have a beautiful godly marriage, raise your children in the Lord, and create a Christ-centered home?
Do you want to know how to teach and train your toddler so that you can have more peace and enjoyment in your daily routine and your home?
There’s a way to simplify and organize your life, so you can spend quality time with God, enjoy a healthy marriage with your husband, teach your kids, and maintain a tidy home, all while still having the time to take care of yourself. And yes, motherhood can be easy when we partner with God and invite Him into our homes and onto our journey.
Hey, I’m LaRissa J. wife, toddler mom, Christian personal development coach, and content creator.
Wanna learn how I went from being a burnt-out mama & classroom teacher to who I am today?
In this podcast, I will teach you how to:
> Grow as a godly wife and apply biblical principles for a beautiful godly marriage
->Create a peaceful, organized, Christ-centered home simple habits and routines
->Develop your faith and apply God’s word to your personal life and see results
->Train your toddlers and teach your children the Bible and instill Christian values into them at an early age
->Educate your little ones in a way that prepares them for academic success at an early age.
->Partner with God to stop surviving and start thriving as a wife and mother
So, get comfy and grab a cup of tea, a cute notebook, and your colored pens. I’m about to show you how to go from the world’s definition of normal, average, and whatever else they say, to experiencing marriage, motherhood, and family life God’s way!
If you find this show valuable and would like to support this ministry, here are some next steps:
1. Subscribe to the podcast.
2. Leave a rating and a review on Apple Podcasts sharing how this show has blessed you.
3. Share the show with someone who could benefit from it.
4. Email me: [email protected]
LaRissa J -
Host Sandra Flach is a mom of 8 children, 5 through adoption—one kinship and 4 international. Her youngest 2 are teens diagnosed with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). With over 30 years of parenting experience and 20 plus years as an adoptive and kinship parent, she’s made mountains of mistakes and learned loads of lessons. She understands the difficult road of parenting children with trauma histories—and she is still in the trenches!
The Adoption & Foster Care Journey is a podcast to encourage, educate, and equip you to care for children in crisis through adoption, foster care, and kinship care. We aim to support adoptive and foster families by sharing encouraging real-life stories and equipping them with modern-day research and parenting techniques. -
Welcome to the Mom Mastery University Podcast – your go-to destination where no mom is left behind on the rollercoaster of motherhood! Hosted by America's #1 Mom Coach, Hannah Keeley, this isn't your average podcast; it's a weekly infusion of fun, femininity, and friendship.
Join Hannah as she unveils the secrets to breaking free from stress and embracing the joy of being a mom. With a dash of humor and a ton of wisdom, each episode is a delightful blend of camaraderie and empowerment.
Hannah Keeley, featured on Good Morning America, Forbes, and more, is not just a coach but a friend on your journey. Tune in weekly for a dose of inspiration, laughter, and a fresh perspective on mastering the toughest job in the world – motherhood. Get ready to make each episode a highlight of your week, because at Mom Mastery University, we're not just making motherhood manageable; we're making it a joyous adventure, together! -
Lo scopo di questo podcast è di offrire, per bocca di noti biblisti, introduzioni ai vari libri della Bibbia e approfondimenti su tematiche riguardanti la Sacra Scrittura.
Profilo Twitter: Ad maiorem Dei gloriam Podcast (@AMDGPodcast) / X (
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dlaczego drzewa rosną tak wysoko? Czy dzięcioła boli głowa? Czy drzewa potrafią mówić? Czy są w Polsce ptaki zombie? Znajdź odpowiedzi na te i wiele innych pytań, wraz ze swoimi dziećmi. Każdy odcinek zawiera potwierdzoną naukowo wiedzę opowiedzianą w fenomenalny i prosty sposób wzbogaconą o podkład muzyczny i odgłosy zwierząt żyjących w Polsce. Każdy odcinek zawiera również prosty eksperymentem do wykonania samodzielnie w domu lub lesie. zaprasza!
Podcast o mitologii słowiańskiej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem demonologii i odrobiną historii. Czemu topiono Marzannę? Dlaczego nasi dziadkowie bali się południc? Co różniło Swaroga i Swarożyca? Jakie tałatajstwa nie dawały spać po nocach naszym przodkom i w co tak w ogóle wierzyli dawni Słowianie?
Subskrybuj płatne odcinki:
kontakt - admin[ ]
Logotyp i grafika - Bartłomiej Wąsacz -
Często nie rozumiem szkolenia psów. Uczenia cyrkowych sztuczek i tego, kto pierwszy może jeść pomidorową. Gdy pies dalej ciągnie na smyczy i nie radzi sobie z emocjami. Dużo ciekawszy jest trening od psa strony. W którym bardziej się słucha, niż mówi.
Staram się, żeby moja praca była czymś więcej, niż nauką kładzenia dupy na ziemi. I sprawiała, że pies rozumie świat w którym żyje. Dzięki temu, podejmuje na co dzień lepsze decyzje.
Na co dzień prowadzę szkołę dla psów i jestem behawiorystą w Schronisku dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Krakowie. Tworzę też podcast i kanał YouTube Czarne Podniebienie. -
Join us on our podcast journey to learn from conversations with OUR kinds of celebrities - caregivers living this life honestly and making an impact for our children and others. We’ll also be talking to the other experts, those who help us and fight for us in education and the medical field, for disability rights and so on.
Welcome to our podcast where we dog moms discuss modern, enlightened dog parenting! Each week, we’ll take a dive deep into the human-dog connection and explore strategies that will inspire you to create connection and cooperation with your obedience training needed!
We meet up at the intersection where training and behavior meet Heart and Soul...and where we leave behind the 'power over' obedience training paradigm we inherited and lead the way to an enlightened 'power with' approach. Join us for an inspirational and educational journey as we explore what living in cooperative partnership with our beautiful dogs looks like in real life.
Brilliant Partners are kind, loving, calm, clear, confident, and cooperative ... and when WE learn how to be a Brilliant Partner, our dogs do too.
Kathy Kawalec is an author, writer, the founder of Dancing Hearts Dog Academy and creator of the Brilliant Partners Academy, The Foundation Formula, Herding Partners Academy, and Creative Alchemy Passion Plan.