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NIH-podden er for deg som er opptatt av trening, idrett og folkehelse, og kanskje du også jobber med et av feltene?
Her hører du de fremste ekspertene og får siste nytt fra forskninga NIH gjør på alt fra utholdenhetstrening, barne- og ungdomsidrett, kroppsøvingsfaget til idrettsmedisin.
Programledere er førsteamanuensis Christina Gjestvang og innholdsprodusent Gjermund Erikstein-Midtbø. -
I fjor ble det gull med Vålerenga for duoen Andrine Tomter og Sigrid Heien Hansen. Og det hele to ganger - i både cup og serie! Hvordan går det nå et halvt år senere? Er alt bare en dans på roser? I denne sesongen skal duoen fortsette å ta opp ulike problemstillinger man møter i toppidretten og nytt for sesongen; besvare spørsmål fra dere lyttere! Har du noe du lurer på? Send inn spørsmålene til @hunpresterer på instagram.
En podcast om cheerleading, min rolle som trener for Viqueens Spirit og smått og annet om trening og ledelse.
Jeg håper å kunne belyse idretten og historien, men også gi innsikt i sporten og hva som kreves for å være god i cheerleading.
Jeg vil ta opp aktuelle temaer og hente inn aktuelle gjester. -
Ever wondered how Kick It Out goes about fighting discrimination? Using our unrivalled contacts and access to all areas of the game, The Kick It OutCast showcases the huge breadth of our work to make football a better place.
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Are you a youth football (soccer) coach? Then you might have noticed that some football training drills work better than others. Sometimes the feedback and coaching you provide your players just doesn`t work. Maybe you should apply football psychology?
In this podcast you`ll discover football theory, how to become a football tactics expert, how to create effective drills, how to coach effectively, and you`ll also see the power of having a game model, a training model and a periodization model. This is where you`ll find everything you need about tactical periodization, football fitness periodization and football psychology. -
Dr. DoLinda -- like her namesake -- walks AND talks with the animals, and is an animal whisperer by the truest definition. She is the only person in the world to be certified in both animal communication* and The Carolyn Resnick Method** of Horsemanship, a unique method of training horses at liberty from the onset.
Importing ...
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Outdoor TV personality Steve Criner the Dog Soldier, takes you on a wild, edgy ride of knowledge based on his and his guest expieriances in the World of the hunting. With over 30 years hunting experience and a 15 year veteran of the hunting industry, Steve brings you real conversation about hunting, hunting tactics, and THE HUNTING INDUSTRY. This podcast is for the real hunter that likes to take the no BS approach and hear it like it is Plain and Simple!
Welcome to the Hound Dog Podcast Network brought to you by the Sportsmen's Empire. This channel is dedicated to those who love hunting with hounds. Whether you are a weekend coon hunter, competitive coon hunter, breeder, retrievers, or predator hunting dangerous game, we have something that will keep you attention. Stay tuned for more information!
Go from Animal to Edible with the Meatgistics Podcast presented by Walton’s Inc. In each episode, Jon and Austin talk about their favorite recipes and share some expert tips and tricks for making sausage, jerky, and snack sticks. Listen in as they have in-depth conversations with meat industry professionals and outdoor/hunting enthusiasts. Stay up to date on the latest news and current trends in the meat industry as we explore everything related to meat and more.
Om de vanskelige, fantastiske, irriterende, nydelige og utfordrende sidene ved å ha barn. Med Thea Klingenberg og eksperter.
Er du interessert i kommersielt samarbeid med Foreldrerådet?
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podkast om fotball og livet. For annonsering: Henvendelser:
En podkast fra TV 2 Sporten om fotball. Vi prater om Champions League, LaLiga, landslaget - med fokus på de store snakkisene - og de norske profilene og de store ligaene. OBOS-ligaen og Toppserien skal også få sitt. For annonsering: og