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The Success in Black and White ® podcast brings you a variety of topics from the lens of an interracial couple. Our ultimate focus is on bridging the gap between racial boundaries; which we discuss through practical topics such as leadership and management strategies, relationship tactics, and the process of personal development.
Ahojte budúce nevesty, družičky, svadobné mamy, svadobní hostia! Moje meno je Martina a MILUJEM SVADBY! Každá svadba má pre mňa neuveriteľnú atmosféru. Zbožňujem pozorovať mladomanželov v ich SVADOBNÝ DEŇ, plakať pri EMOTÍVNYCH OBRADOCH, chytať sa za brucho od smiechu a zároveň plakať pri VTIPNÝCH A DOJEMNÝCH PRÍHOVOROCH. Tiež milujem vychutnávať si dokonalé a ÚŽASNE VYZERAJÚCE JEDLO, pozorovať TANEČNÉ KREÁCIE starších členov rodiny či obdivovať dych berúce DEKOERÁCIE. Asi práve pre to svoj SVADOBNÝ DEŇ PLÁNUJEM UŽ OD MALIČKA a osud a pandémia to zariadili tak, že jednu medzinárodnú svadbu už mám za sebou a druhá ma za pár mesiacov čaká. Hodiny skúmania, objavovania, googlenia, ktoré tejto téme venujem chcem odovzdať vám milé nevesty a pomôcť vám ZORIENTOVAŤ SA V SVADOBNOM BUSINESSE.Tento svadobný podcast NEMÁ BYŤ O DOKONALEJ ČI DRAHEJ SVADBE, práve naopak. Pokúsim sa vám poradiť ako si naplánovať svadbu, ktorá bude pre vás dvoch nezabudnuteľná aj bez toho aby ste mali NEOBMEDZENÝ SVADOBNÝ ROZPOČET. SVADBUJEME je podcast, ktorý sa v jednotlivých epizódach venuje svadobným témam, ktoré TRÁPIA KAŽDÚ BUDÚCU NEVESTU. V tematicky zameraných epizódach sa s vami podelím o svoje skúsenosti pri výbere dátumu svadby, výbere svadobného priestoru, výbere správneho starejšieho, príprave realistického svadobného rozpočtu, ale aj o tom aké výzvy prináša medzinárodná svadba a mnohé iné. Okrem toho vám podcastové epizódy budem zdieľať na mojom súkromnom webe WWW.SVADBUJEME.COM/BLOG, kde nájdete SVADOBNÝ BLOG a taktiež zdroje z ktorých som čerpala pri príprave podcastu. Verím, že vás, ktorí milujete svadby je fakt veľa a že, SVADBUJEME podcast si nájde svojich fanúšikov naprieč Slovenskom. Vaše námety, postrehy či otázky mi neváhajte posielať na emailovú adresu [email protected].
Podcast cestovnej kancelárie BUBO vám prináša praktické informácie a skúsenosti z ciest do všetkých krajín sveta. Hľadáte cestovateľské inšpirácie alebo potrebujete pomôcť s prípravou na vašu vysnívanú dovolenku? V rozhovoroch najscestovanejších Slovákov sa dozviete všetko potrebné. Poďte s nami cestovať Uchom po mape.
DIZAJN, INŠPIRÁCIA, TRENDY a praktické tipy. Presne o tom je podcast DIZAJN guru.
DIZAJN guru je sprievodca labyrintom sveta interiérového dizajnu, inšpirácií, trendov a praktických informácií pre každého.
Tipy a rady prinášam pre každého nadšenca dizajnu.
Na svoje si zaiste prídu aj skúsení dizajnéri a realizátori interiérov.
Podcastom DIZAJN guru vás sprevádza Jožko Tučný. -
They live among us, but sometimes we don´t see them for who they really are. Foreigners who chose Slovakia as their home away from home.
Miša Vrábová interviews foreigners living in Slovakia in a podcast created by the Bridge, English language Centre.
How did they happen to live here? What do they do? Are they happy? And most importantly... Do they like halušky?
The whole podcast is in English so if you´re having any trouble understanding or maybe want to pick up some new vocabulary, check our blog section at -
Sme tvorcovia podcastu Na Trojici vo dvojici. Už skoro dva roky pravidelne prinášame svetu inšpiratívne príbehy ľudí z nášho milovaného Prešova, ktorí svojou aktivitou dokazujú, že náš región určite nie je miestom „kde nič nie je“. A že sa nám to darí a poslucháčom sa naša tvorba páči, svedčia desiatky tisíc vypočutí podcastu. A rastieme. Často sú to ľudia, ktorí by v „bežných médiách“ svoj priestor nedostali. No u nás ho majú zaručený. Bezplatne. Takto sme mohli predstaviť ľudí v oblastiach veda a výskum, hudba, kultúra, marketing a biznis, riešili sme geotermálne pramene, reklamný smog, Soľnobanskú čipku, someliérstvo či rally. Príjemné počúvanie!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Best Friends Amanda and Courtney deep dive into true crime cases with an empathetic standpoint. They focus awareness mainly on lesser known crimes and crimes against those deemed extra vulnerable. Occasionally, the hosts will cover more well known cases due to relevance or a particularly fascinating element. The bees (the honeybee) is seen as synonymous with victims and survivors. We must always protect the bees. We must always let their voices be heard. We must not stifle the buzz of the bees, so bee vigilant, for when you mess with the bees, you get the hive.
Welcome to A Nefarious Nightmare.
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Mercury is a #1 NY Times Bestselling author of
(Safe & Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair)
Known widely as The Trans Handy Ma'am, Mercury shares information geared towards renters who need help fixing their homes, moving into their first apartments, and navigating the complexities of dealing with landlords. With over 2 million followers on TikTok and 1 million followers on Instagram, Mercury's brand of compassionate education has warmed hearts across the globe. Her expertise includes rental maintenance, landlord negotiations, clogs, drywall, painting, minor electrical repairs, caulking, and more.
The Handy Ma'am Hotline is now hosted on Mercury's Substack
Get the After Show Preshow Show Show on Patreon!Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jedna zarytá informatička na PhD a jedna vášnivá psychologička na CBD spájajú nad vínom hlavy dokopy, aby vyriešili svet! Nájdete nás na Spotify: si pozrite priamo náš RSS kanál:áhajte nás sledovať a kontaktovať aj na sociálnych sieťach!
Brush up on your German anytime with this daily vocabulary podcast series! This podcast was created to help you improve your vocabulary no matter what your current level is (beginner, intermediate or advanced).
You'll find topics like food, city, work, real estate, transportation and more!
You will first hear the words in English and then they will be repeated twice in German with pauses to give you time to assimilate them. Good luck! -
This is the Gender Focus Podcast from
In this podcast we share research insights from practitioners working to challenge violence against women and girls. We also explore knowledge around mental distress, climate, water and sanitation.
This international community is working together to share tools, communicate knowledge and change women’s lives, globally.
Our website and these podcasts, are facilitated by The University of Portsmouth and their International Development Studies Group.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is Clean and Green Living, the podcast that helps you reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals through easy and affordable lifestyle changes.
Regan Nelson is on a mission to empower you with the knowledge and resources needed to live a safer, healthier, and more sustainable life. She’s combining a passion for cleaner living with her master’s degree in physiology and 20 years of working in innovation and consumer insights to be your researcher and guide. You’ll hear from Regan in solo episodes along with interviews of expert guests on topics essential to leading your healthiest life.
Clean & Green Living will provide you with practical tips, innovative product solutions, and inspiring success stories. Join us each week as we celebrate progress, embrace imperfection, and empower ourselves with the knowledge and resources to make lasting, positive changes for a safer, healthier, and more sustainable life.
Because when we know better, we do better. -
Are you a burnt-out working mom and ready to make a new career move outside of your 9-5?
Are you ready to work at home and spend more time with your kids?
Are you wondering if it's really possible to create a consistent, full-time income from home?
Are you ready for financial freedom, and the ability to afford those family vacations you've always dreamed of?
The Virtual Assistant Mama Podcast is hosted by Arianna Vernier, mama and former elementary teacher turned Virtual Assistant coach for women who want to create a faith-aligned life of freedom. Arianna was able to quit teaching right after giving birth to her daughter, and began working from home as a Freelancer/Virtual Assistant. Within a very short time she replaced her teaching income, and it is her mission to help other moms do the same so they can be there to witness all of their child's firsts and build a business that works around their schedule.
On this podcast, Arianna will be sharing tools, tips, and strategies to help you become a Virtual Assistant and take your income to 4-figure months and beyond.
Each week, Arianna will share faith-aligned business strategies, tactical tips, and free resources that you can implement into your Virtual Assistant business and life today, so that you can finally replace your income while working from home. We'll also share inspiring interviews with other moms and teachers who have successfully quit their 9-5, so they can share their secrets with you on how to start a new business that lights you up.
We're redefining what it means to be a stay at home mom. Are you ready? Here we go.
Join the Virtual Assistant Mama Academy:
Connect with Arianna:
[email protected]
Facebook group: