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Here we dive into how to raise emotionally healthy and confidently driven kids alongside mental illness in your home.
It can feel impossible to try and create something different, especially when you are already doing EVERYTHING you can to give your kids the very best. Tune in to find the inspiration you’re looking for ways to move forward.
I interview successful entrepreneurial parents to uncover the simple traditions that have helped them raise successful kids as well as professionals that provide alternative solutions to mental health so you can find everything you need in one spot.
I believe that God never intended for us to thrive in one area of life and suffer in another. YOU WERE BORN TO THRIVE IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE!
P.S. Mental illness is your secret weapon to thriving! -
Not finding the right answers? I am Dr. Lisa, a Psychologist. Join me on Wednesdays at 7:00pm for ”Happy Hour with Dr. Lisa,” where we will talk in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Let’s explore solutions for common life challenges, along with my guests, and take a break from our daily lives. But remember, this is not a therapy!
Kaks beebiemmet Aveliis ja Lilyjan on otsustanud saada kokku ja rääkida hingelt asjad ära. Vahepeal jutustame kahekesi, vahepeal spetsialistidega ja vahepeal puistame südant koos tuntumate eesti emmedega. Kindlasti mine jälgi meie tegemisi ja igapäevaelu instagramis Beebipuhvet.
Join Vinny Welsby (they/them), TEDx speaker, best-selling author, and certified Fierce Fatty as they teach you how to love your fat body without going on yet another ever again. 95-99% of diets fail, it’s not your fault you’ve never succeeded at losing weight! Wear the damn bikini, rock that crop top, and embrace that curvy body. Break down limiting negative self-beliefs and root out the reasons why you think your plus-size body is not ok. Episodes topics include - fatphobia, diet culture, intuitive eating, how to be confident, dating while plus-size, health at every size, overcoming stigma and shame, and taking over the world one fatty at a time!
Join Dr. Tanner Wallace from CPTSD Medicine as she delves into the complexities of living with and healing from childhood trauma and Complex PTSD (CPTSD). Discover insights into managing CPTSD symptoms, navigating relationship triggers, and empowering yourself on your healing journey.
In each episode, you'll learn practical strategies for overcoming triggers, communicating effectively with your partner about intimacy, and resolving symptoms. This podcast offers everything Tanner wished she knew during her own CPTSD recovery, blending the best of Internal Family Systems, Human Design, and more.
Listen in for weekly guidance and inspiration, combining medical wisdom with mystical insights. Whether you're just beginning your recovery journey or seeking advanced embodiment guidance, you'll find the support you need here. Dr. Wallace integrates energy work, Divine Archetypal Resonance, and Lineage Journeying to help you release shame and restore your original state of innocence, joy, and abundance.
CPTSD Recovery is about amplifying and purifying your Self Energy, transforming the protective and dark energy within. For those ready to dive deeper, explore the CPTSD Medicine Healing Protocol to unlock your lineage's medicinal gifts and reconnect with divinely-Sourced Energy.
You’re not alone on this journey. Tune in and start reclaiming your life today. -
Are you struggling with the challenges of life as a woman with ADHD? Perhaps you need support with your mental and physical wellbeing, so you can feel calmer, happier and more balanced? Perhaps you’re newly diagnosed with ADHD – or just ADHD curious – and don’t know where to turn for support. Or perhaps you’re wondering how neurodivergence impacts your hormones or relationships?
If so, The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast is for you. This award-winning podcast is hosted by Kate Moryoussef – ADHD lifestyle and wellbeing coach, EFT practitioner, mum of four and late-in-life diagnosed with ADHD herself.
Each week, thousands of women just like you tune in to hear Kate chat with top ADHD experts, thought leaders, professionals and authors. Their powerful insights will help you harness your health and enhance your life as a woman with ADHD.
From tips on nutrition, sleep and motivation to guidance on regulating your nervous system, dealing with anxiety and living a calmer and more balanced life, you’ll find it all here.
The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast will help you live alongside your ADHD with more awareness, self-compassion and acceptance. It’s time to put an end to self-criticism, judgement and blame – and get ready to live a kinder and more authentic life.
“Mindblowing guests!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Brilliant and so life-affirming” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“So, so grateful for this!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Obsessed with this pod on ADHD!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
PRE-ORDER NOW! Kate's new book, The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Toolkit!
In The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Toolkit, coach and podcaster, Kate Moryoussef shares the psychology and science behind the challenges faced by women with ADHD and lays out a roadmap for you to uncover your authentic self.
With practical lifestyle tools on how to manage mental, emotional, physical, and hormonal burnout and lean into your unique strengths to create more energy, joy, and creativity, this book will help you (re)learn to not only live with this brain difference but also thrive with it. -
World-renowned life coach and author Susie Moore presents the Let It Be Easy with Susie Moore podcast. After years of coaching celebrities, CEOs, Olympians, and other high performers, Susie knows how to break down barriers to success and personal happiness. Through an engaging mix of short and long episodes, exclusive interviews with deep thinkers, and a focus on examining and upgrading personal beliefs, Susie will share how you can confidently take control, shift your perspectives and live a wildly fun, expansive, and joyful life. This podcast is the encouraging, warm and wise friend we all wish we had. Susie is the resident life coach for the world's biggest health and wellness site for Millennials, Greatist. She's a sought-after life coach for media outlets and has been featured on the likes of the Today show, Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, Business Insider, Forbes, Oprah, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, and Marie Claire. Her work has also been shared by celebrities and thought leaders like Arianna Huffington, Kris Jenner, Paulo Coelho, T.Harv Ekker, Tony Robbins, Dave Asprey, Sara Blakely, Gay Hendricks and Steven Pressfield.
Insplay produtseerib iga kuu oma arengust ja kasvamisest huvitatud lapsevanematele ja elukestvatele õppijatele saadet Einstein3000. Igal saatel on üks põnev ja hariv peateema, kaks üksteise vaateid täiendavat põhikülalist ja üks inspireeriv vaheklipp üllatuskülalisega. Saadet juhib Andres Sirel - Insplay tegevjuht ja Nutika Vanema Klubi algataja.
Welcome to Social Expression, hosted by David Hamilton. This podcast is here to help you build confidence, charisma, and social/communication skills. Ideal for both ambitious professionals & shy introverts, we help you develop a magnetic presence, foster quality connections & expand your network & influence. Beat shyness & social anxiety too. All to help you get promoted at work, make more money, elevate your business, make authentic connections and even find love. Now dive in and enjoy!
Magnificence is the boundless expanse of being. A liberation from limitation. It is the embodiment of authenticity, where you shed the shackles of self-doubt, shame, and imposter syndrome.
Here, worthiness flourishes like a vibrant garden where you have the power to determine your actions, destinations, and your closest relationships.
In the realm of Magnificence, creative individuality takes center stage. Your greatness is acknowledged, celebrated, and nurtured.
Gone are the days of mindless conformity or "fitting in" just to "keep the peace".
This show and your host, Patricia Lindner, are here to guide you as you align with your authentic design, leading the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment.
Magnificence is not some unreachable peak or distant dream. It's inside you ... waiting to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.
Welcome to your Magnificence. -
Transformatsioon esitleb SISELOOME podcasti - parema elu loomise õppetunnid ja kogemuslikud lood!
Ole uute osadega kursis Facebooki grupis:
Transformatsiooni ja SISELOOME podcasti looja Risto Välling:
#isiklikareng #sisemaailm #psühholoogia #eneseareng #vastutus #ehtsus -
2020 aasta kevad on rohkem kui kunagi varem pannud nii õpilased, kuid ehk ka mõned täiskasvanud olukorda, kus peab oma tööde ja tegemiste eest hulga suuremal määral ise vastutama. See omakorda tähendab, et me peame olema järsku võimelised ennast väga hästi kontrollima.Õppimine, töötamine ja enesekontroll on aga kõik seotud meie ajuga ja sellega, kuidas ta toimib. Nüüd aga on mul küsimus teile:“ Kui hästi te arvate oma aju tundvat? Kui teadlikud olete ajuprotsessidest, mis puudutab nt õppimist, töötamist või enesekontrolli?“ Tere, minu nimi on Liina Kitt ja olen Viimsi Gümnaasiumi ennastjuhtiva õppija kursuse üks õpetajatest ning olen loonud selle podcasti „Ennastjuhtiv mina“ just selleks, et aidata teil olla osavamad enesejuhtijad. Selle kooliaasta lõpuni keskendun korra nädalas ühele enesejuhtimise ja aju kasutamisega seotud müüdile, mille püüan ümber lükata. Nagu ma ka tunnis tihti õpilastele ütlen, te saate kontrollida ainult iseennast ja sealjuures ainult neid osi, millest te teadlikud olete. Nii et saagem siis koos iseendast teadlikemaks. Head kuulamist!
Tere tulemast mõttemuskli treeningsaali ehk Midset Fitness podcasti!
Mina olen saatejuht Kerdu Lenear, endine profikorvpallur, kahe noore sportlase ema ja Mindset Fitness asutaja.
Iga nädal kuuled inspireerivaid lugusid ja praktilisi nippe, et saaksid mõista, kuidas mõttemuskli treenimine aitab sinul jõuda kiiremini - kaugemale! -
Welcome to the Live Better Sell Better podcast with your host Kevin Dorsey of Inside Sales Excellence the #1 Patreon group and Youtube Channel for tech sellers and leaders.
Where we dive deep into tactical advice on how to book more meetings, close more deals, and lead sales teams to success.
Inviting the top experts in the software sales world to talk about every topic you can think of. From Cold Calling, Closing Deals, Storytelling, all the way to Sales Management and Brand Building.
We leave no topic untouched.
PLUS - This show is all about tactical advice, no fluff, no long backstories, just the juicy details.
But we don’t stop there, we also focus on the PERSON in sales person, making sure we also take care of that too. Mindset, mindfulness, goal setting, stress management, we cover it all.
Thank you for listening, and if you’re interested head on over to to learn more.
Now with that, get ready, grab a notepad & let’s get into the good stuff!