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Infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce in the United States, and millions suffer from its effects. The betrayed, the unfaithful, friends, and family members...all involved are hurt when cheating happens. But there is hope! Join host Samuel and his guests as we navigate through the pain of infidelity and progress towards healing and health.
Der Glücksheldin-Podcast gibt dir alles, um die gelassene Mama zu werden, die du sein möchtest. Konkret - fundiert - humorvoll.
"Aus eurem Podcast habe ich schon viele wertvolle Tipps für meinen Alltag mitnehmen können.
Ich kenne verschiedene Podcasts zum Thema gestresste Mütter und wollte euch gerne sagen, dass euer Podcast für mich der beste ist."
Verena, Mutter und Podcast-Hörerin
Als Burnout und stresserfahrene Mütter von 2 und 3 Kindern sprechen wir - Kathi und Olivia - ungeschönt aus unserem Mama-Alltag. Unser Kernthema ist Resilienz, die Widerstandskraft, die du als Mama trainieren kannst, um stressige, chaotische Momente mit Kindern besser durchzustehen. Wir wollen dir in jeder Episode etwas Konkretes zum Sofort-umsetzen mitgeben, damit du in kleinen Schrittchen deinem Ziel näher kommst!
Wer sind wir?
Wir, das sind Kathi und Olivia, seit 20 Jahren befreundet, Mamas, Pädagoginnen und zertifizierte Resilienz- und Krankenkassen-zertifizierte Stressmanagement-Trainerinnen. Kathi lebt mit Mann und zwei Kindern in Fürth bei Nürnberg. Olivia mit Mann und drei Kindern im Westen von München.
❤️Was uns ausmacht: Wir nehmen dich so an, wie du bist. Bei uns musst du nicht gefallen, darfst einfach sein. Wir geben dir von Herzen das weiter, was uns in tiefen Krisen, Krankheit und Burnout geholfen hat.
Viel Spaß beim Hören und schön, dass du da bist!
Wir freuen uns riesig über deine Sterne-Bewertung, bei iTunes oder Spotify.
Danke von Herzen!
💪🏽Du willst jetzt etwas Konkretes für deine Gelassenheit tun?
➡️Hol dir unsere 3 Strategien für ein glückliches Familienleben:
➡️Lass dich von uns persönlich begleiten in unserem Krankenkassen-bezuschussten Glücksheldin-Programm: -
Follow Fee and Hayley on their fertility journey, from how they first met, fell in love, decided to start a family, the highs, the lows and everything in between. Episode 1 coming August 3rd!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Go Shout Love tells the stories of amazing kids on rare medical journeys and sells creative apparel inspired by the kids to benefit their families. In the GSL podcast, we interview the parents of these amazing kids and offer other conversations designed to inspire and encourage anyone who listens.
Ap-parently Not is a podcast about the beautiful and chaotic journey of parenthood, where things are often not what they appear to be. It can be overwhelming for new parents especially when the information out there is often condescending, conflicting, impractical and at times, completely wrong!
Join Amy and Angela as they stumble through parenthood, sharing every mistake they’ve made along the way, even the gross and embarrassing ones. And come to the conclusion time and time again that there’s no right way to be a good parent, we’re all figuring it out as we go along, and that’s OK!
We'd love to hear about your experiences too! If you have any questions, comments or just want to share your story, you can contact us at [email protected].
This podcast uses these sounds from freesound: "Child Laughing" by OBXJohn ( and "Lullaby" by Bram (, both licensed under CCBYN 3.0. -
Dealing and Feeling is the podcast dedicated to creating a culture of conversations with kids and give parents, other caregivers, teachers and custodians tools for discussing challenging topics and feelings with kids. Hosted by Kathy Redwine, Licensed Professional Counselor, MA, LPC, NCC.
Do you want to feed your family more whole plant foods? Does figuring out how to make it happen feel like the impossible dream? Our family switched from a typical American diet to mostly plants. We have more energy, fewer emotional meltdowns and rarely get sick. Life is so much better, but only because we figured out how help our kids try new foods, navigate family and social situations and find new convenience foods. Here we share our experiences and interview many others who are clearing the hurdles to better health for themselves and their loved ones.
Searching for the answer to a question about your child? Look no further! Esse Health Pediatric Housecalls has the answers. Join us each week as our board certified pediatricians discuss important topics and answer everyday questions. For more information visit us online at
A down-to-earth podcast for busy moms navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood. Join Samantha as she shares real conversations about family, fitness, mental health, and the occasional well-deserved glass of wine. Through engaging interviews and personal stories, discover relatable insights, practical tips, and a sense of community. Whether you’re out for a run, unwinding after a long day, or looking for a moment of connection, this podcast is here for you.
Join Dr. Rinku Mehra, a board-certified pediatric endocrinologist and obesity medicine physician, as she unravels the complexities of managing diabetes and other endocrine disorders in children and adolescents. By providing expert medical guidance and evidence-based knowledge, her goal is to empower parents and caregivers so that the pediatric patients in their lives can grow up in balance. More at
Hello and Welcome to “Every Youth Matters”. I’m Dr John Tan. For the past 30 years, I’ve been helping youths realize their life potential. In recent years, though, I’ve helped parents, teachers, counsellors and youth workers engage their teenagers and youths. In this podcast I will share tips, tools and ways to reach what may be that difficult or challenging youth who just would not respond to your best intentions or actions. What can we do to reach and win their hearts? I believe that a youth’s potential is too precious a gift to waste. So join me in this journey, for every youth matters!
Connecting women with free erotic audio stories that are both ethical and arousing because we believe you deserve a safe space to seek pleasure and sexual exploration through imagination, so, cum with us... New episode released every Wednesday!
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