
  • Show Notes for Episode: Embracing Imperfection: The Real Reasons You Feel Overwhelmed as a New Mom

    Hello, amazing moms! Welcome to today’s episode where we dive deep into the emotional rollercoaster that is the postpartum period. If you’ve ever felt like you’re just not cut out for this, or if every little cry from your baby sends you into a spiral of self-doubt, this is the episode for you.

    Introduction to Postpartum Overwhelm: Postpartum isn’t just about physical recovery; it’s a profound emotional journey too. You spent your pregnancy worried about labor, and now, faced with a baby who needs you relentlessly, it's easy to feel like you’re failing at the most basic tasks.

    Personal Story: I’ll share a poignant moment from my own life, walking into Target with my newborn son. His casts were clearly visible, and I felt every stare as a dagger of judgment. What I thought was best for my baby seemed to invite silent criticism, magnifying my deepest fear—that I wasn’t cut out for motherhood.

    Navigating Early Motherhood Challenges:

    The constant touching and lack of personal space.The sleepless nights and unending tears (from both you and your baby).The societal pressure to make all the right choices from day one.

    Key Questions Every New Mom Faces:

    Decisions about returning to work and choosing the right daycare.Debates over healthcare choices like vaccinations and selecting a pediatrician.Concerns about relationship dynamics post-baby and introducing solid foods.

    The Core of Our Overwhelm: It’s the fear of imperfection. The anxiety that every decision might be a misstep. But here’s what we need to understand—feeling overwhelmed is not only normal, it’s expected.

    Empowering Message: You are supposed to mess up. It’s part of the process, and it’s how we learn, grow, and become better parents. Today, we’ll explore why embracing these imperfections not only alleviates our stress but also enriches our journey through motherhood.

    Closing Thoughts: Join me as we tackle these hard topics with compassion and honesty. It’s time to shed the unrealistic expectations and embrace the beautifully messy reality of being a new mom. You’re doing an amazing job, and you’re exactly the mom your baby needs.

    Tune in to unravel the complexities of postpartum life and discover how to find peace and confidence in the chaos. Let’s learn together how to forgive ourselves for our imperfections and celebrate the small victories every day.

  • Show Notes for Episode 85: Diaper Dilemmas? Everything You Didn't Know You Needed to Ask

    Hello to all the amazing moms tuning in! Ever feel like you're supposed to magically know everything about handling newborns the moment you become a parent? Well, today we’re breaking down one of those supposedly "simple" tasks that turns out to be anything but: diapers. That’s right, we're answering all those diaper-related questions you might be too embarrassed to ask because, honestly, no one expects you to know all this stuff right off the bat.

    Introduction to Diaper Basics: Diapering can seem straightforward until you're a few days in with a newborn. Suddenly, there are so many questions: What type of diapers should I buy? How do I ensure a good fit? And yes, the big one—what do I do about nighttime changes?

    Personal Story: When I was a new mom, I thought diapers would be the least of my worries amid nursing, sleep deprivation, and decoding baby milestones. But as it turns out, even "simple" things can get complicated. Today, we'll unpack these everyday challenges and share some practical tips.

    Key Diapering Tips:

    Choosing the Right Diaper: We'll discuss what to consider when picking out diapers for your little one, from absorbency to material.Ensuring a Good Fit: A well-fitting diaper can prevent a lot of common issues. I'll tell you what signs to look for to make sure the diaper fits just right.Handling Nighttime Diaper Changes: To change or not to change in the middle of the night? That's a big question. I'll share insights on how to decide what's best for your baby and your sleep.Recognizing When It’s Time for a Change: Learn to identify tell-tale signs that it's time for a fresh diaper before discomfort or a rash sets in.Preventing and Treating Diaper Rash: I’ll offer some tried and tested tips to keep your baby's bottom happy and rash-free.

    Special Note: Remember, what worked for me might not work for everyone. The key is to try different things and find what feels right for you and your baby. Trust your instincts—they're usually right on.

    Bonus Tip: And because I can't resist sharing personal favorites, I’ll let you in on why Kirkland diapers have ended up being my go-to choice.

    Whether you're a first-time parent or just looking for a refresher, this episode is packed with foundational knowledge and handy tips to help you navigate the diaper stage with a bit more confidence.

    Closing Thoughts: Diapering is just one part of the incredible journey of parenthood. While it might seem overwhelming at times, you're doing an incredible job. Keep exploring, learning, and trusting yourself. You've got this, mama!

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  • Introduction to Oversupply:

    It’s common to stress over every drop of milk you produce. Watching those pumping sessions closely and seeing only a few ounces can be disheartening, especially when it feels like everyone else has a freezer full of milk. You might think having an oversupply would make life easier, but let's unpack why it can actually be quite the opposite.

    I personally had a significant oversupply, and trust me, it was nothing short of chaotic. It was messy—milk leaked on everything all the time, leading to constant discomfort and a never-ending laundry pile.

    The Downsides of Having Too Much Milk:

    The Mess Factor: Increased Risk of Clogged Ducts: Greater Susceptibility to Mastitis:

    Reducing milk supply intentionally can be a delicate and frustrating process. I'll discuss some strategies that might help, but remember, it's often a trial-and-error journey.

    While it might seem like having an excess of milk would ease all your breastfeeding woes, the reality can be much more complicated. Today's talk is all about shedding light on the less-discussed aspects of having too much milk and offering support and understanding to those who are experiencing these challenges.

    If you're struggling with oversupply or just curious about the realities behind it, this episode is meant to provide you with insights and hopefully some relief in knowing you're not alone in this.

    Thank you for tuning in. Remember, every mother's journey is unique, and while challenges can arise, you are doing an incredible job. Keep going, and know that we’re here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, take care of yourself and your little one!

    Join my New Mom Facebook Group today! Visit

  • Show Notes for Episode 82: Feeling Overtouched, Mama? 4 Tips to Recover from Postpartum Sensory Overload Fast!Today, we’re diving into a topic that so many of us struggle with but often don’t talk about enough: feeling overtouched. It's a real challenge, especially in the early weeks of motherhood when your personal space seems like a distant memory. If you're finding yourself overwhelmed by constant crying, constant nursing, and never having your own space, then this episode is for you!

    Motherhood brings countless joys, but it can also introduce an intense level of physical contact that might leave you feeling drained or even claustrophobic. Whether it's the endless holding, the non-stop nursing, or just the need to have a moment to yourself, sensory overload is valid and manageable.

    Four Calming Strategies:

    MeditationGratitudeCreative DistractionsStepping Out

    These approaches helped me navigate those tough times, and I hope they offer you some comfort too. If you're feeling like you're losing yourself to the demands of new motherhood, this episode is your gentle reminder that your feelings are valid and that there are ways to reclaim your space, mentally and physically.

    Remember, taking care of your baby includes taking care of yourself. Finding small ways to restore your personal boundaries is not just okay; it’s necessary. Tune in as we explore these four simple yet effective strategies to help you manage the feeling of being over-touched.

    Join us and discover how to find your calm amidst the chaos. You’re doing an amazing job, mama, and you deserve all the support to feel like yourself again.

    Take advantage of these practical tips that could bring you peace amid motherhood's everyday challenges. Click play, and let’s find that peace together.

    Introducing the Reduce your Anxiety in Postpartum: A postpartum support group!

    Join by clicking this link here! Or visiting me at

  • Show Notes for Episode 82: Taylor Swift's "Tortured Poets Department" and Postpartum Depression

    Today's episode we are going to cave into the pop-culture pressure and talk about the song “Fortnight” from Taylor Swift's latest album, which intersects with the emotional complexities of postpartum depression. The song "Fornite unexpectedly echoes many new moms' sentiments during the challenging postpartum period.And let’s be real, I know with 10000% certainty that Taylor Swift did not have the intention of this interpretation, but as She says, the song is now ours
 So I am making it mine!

    Episode Overview:

    Join us as we delve into the parallels between the lyrics of " Fortnight l" and the emotional rollercoaster of new motherhood. Though not a typical interpretation, the song's themes struck a chord with me, reminding me of the deep, sometimes hidden struggles of postpartum depression.

    Closing Thoughts:

    This episode highlights the power of music and art in understanding and coping with postpartum depression. Remember, it's okay to acknowledge the hardships and seek help. You are not alone in this journey.

    Join Our Community:

    Connect with other moms by joining our Facebook community linked down below! Share your experiences, find support, and know you're part of a community that understands exactly the struggles postpartum brings! Join us here at:

    Feedback and Support:

    If this episode resonates with you, please share it with someone who might be going through a similar experience and consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts.

    Thank you for listening, and don't forget to take a moment for yourself today—you deserve it! Join us next time on the New Mom Naturopath Podcast for more insights and support.

  • Show Notes for Episode 81: Am I Making Enough Milk? How to Calm Your Anxiety About Your Breastfeeding and Milk Supply

    Hello, wonderful moms! Welcome back to our podcast. If you've ever found yourself worrying about your milk supply and whether your baby is getting enough to eat, you're not alone. Many new mothers experience these concerns, and today, we're here to explore some gentle, effective ways to manage this common anxiety.

    Understanding the Worry: It's natural to feel anxious about breastfeeding, especially when it comes to your baby's nourishment. Let’s delve into why these feelings are so prevalent and what we can do to address them.

    A Peek at Today's Insights:

    Monitoring Techniques: We'll discuss a simple method that can help reassure you about how much milk your baby is consuming.Relaxation Strategies: Discover how integrating mindfulness into your routine can transform your breastfeeding experience.The Dynamics of Milk Supply: Gain insight into the natural ebb and flow of milk production and what to expect as your baby grows.Interpreting Baby's Signals: Learn to trust the natural indicators that your baby is thriving and well-fed.Empowering Knowledge: We’ll hint at some valuable resources and past episodes that can further educate and empower you in your breastfeeding journey.

    Wrap-Up: Join us for a discussion designed to ease your mind and strengthen your confidence in breastfeeding. You're doing a fantastic job, and with a bit of knowledge and support, you can enjoy this precious time with your baby to the fullest.

    Thanks for joining us today. Remember, you're not navigating this alone—we're here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, keep nurturing both yourself and your little one.

  • Show Notes for Episode 80: 3 Creative Ways to Have Newborn Tummy Time Without the Tears

    Hey there, beautiful mamas! Welcome back to our cozy corner where we navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood together. Today, we’re tackling a topic that might just change your daily routine: tummy time, but with a twist. If you’ve ever felt like you're failing because your little one won’t stop crying during tummy time, you're not alone, and you're definitely not failing.

    There was a time when tummy time felt like an impossible task. The crying, the stress—it felt like a clear sign of failure on my part. But what if I told you that there are ways to turn those tears into giggles and bonding moments?

    Why Even Bother with Tummy Time? Beyond the tears and frustration, tummy time plays a crucial role in your baby's development, from gross motor skills to preventing certain developmental delays. Yet, it’s not just about the physical benefits; it's about making those moments enjoyable and beneficial for both you and your baby.

    So, How Can We Make It Tear-Free? I've delved deep into this and found three incredibly creative strategies that not only make tummy time a joy but also strengthen your bond with your baby. And yes, they're backed by research!

    Why This Matters: These aren't just tips; they're a way to reimagine a routine that can sometimes feel daunting. It’s about turning a must-do into a want-to-do, for both your sake and your baby's.

    Eager to dive deeper into these strategies and start enjoying tummy time with your newborn? Then this episode is just what you've been waiting for. Together, we'll explore how to make the most of these precious moments, backed by insights from recent studies and a little bit of motherly wisdom.

    Remember, every moment with your little one is an opportunity to grow, bond, and create joyful memories—even during tummy time. Tune in to discover how to make it a tear-free experience for your newborn (and maybe even for you too).

    Until then, keep loving, keep growing, and as always, keep trusting your motherly instincts. You’ve got this, mama!


    Hewitt L, Kerr E, Stanley RM, Okely AD. Tummy Time and Infant Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2020.Little EE, Legare CH, Carver LJ. Culture, carrying, and communication: Beliefs and behavior associated with babywearing. Infant Behav Dev. 2019.
  • Show Notes for Episode 79: Still Looking Pregnant? 10 Things Your Doctor Didn't Tell You About Your Postpartum Belly

    Hey there, beautiful mamas! Welcome back to the podcast. Today, we're diving into a topic that many of us find ourselves puzzled over after giving birth - why does it look like I'm still pregnant, and why didn't anyone warn me about this?

    The Great Transition: Pregnancy does a number on our bodies. Hips widen, rib cages shift, organs play musical chairs, and the baby arrives. But contrary to what some of us might hope, our bellies don't just "deflate" overnight. A lot is going on under the surface that keeps that postpartum belly around longer than expected.

    Personal Insight: I was that mom who stayed active during pregnancy. Walks, core training, weights - you name it. But even with all that effort, my belly didn’t bounce back immediately after birth. And that’s perfectly okay. I am addressing why in this episode of New Mom Naturopath!!

    We’ll explore these points in depth, backed by recent studies and a bit of motherly wisdom, to give you a comprehensive understanding of what’s happening to your postpartum body and why it's all part of the incredible process of bringing life into the world.

    Remember, mamas, everybody is unique, and the journey to “recovery” or “normalcy” post-birth is not a race. It’s a deeply personal journey that deserves compassion and understanding, both from the world and ourselves.

    Ready to dive deeper and embrace your body's journey? Press play, and let’s get into it together. You’re not alone on this journey, mama.


    Fukano M, Tsukahara Y, Takei S, Nose-Ogura S, Fujii T, Torii S. Recovery of Abdominal Muscle Thickness and Contractile Function in Women after Childbirth. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021.Fan C, Guidolin D, Ragazzo S, Fede C, Pirri C, Gaudreault N, Porzionato A, Macchi V, De Caro R, Stecco C. Effects of Cesarean Section and Vaginal Delivery on Abdominal Muscles and Fasciae. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020.
  • Episode 78 Teaser: Losing All That Hair, Mama? The Truth About Postpartum Hair Loss

    Welcome back to the podcast, mamas! Have you noticed more hair in your shower drain or on your brush than usual? Feeling anxious about the amount of hair you’re losing post-baby? You're definitely in the right place. In today’s episode, we're getting into the nitty-gritty of postpartum hair loss, and trust me, it's a topic that hits close to home.

    A Little Sneak Peek:

    A Personal Anecdote: I’m opening up about my own journey with postpartum hair loss. Yes, it was startling to see so much of my hair everywhere - even in the most unexpected places!Understanding the Scope: Just how common is this phenomenon among new moms? We'll explore what research says about postpartum hair loss and why it’s a universal experience for many.Normal or Not? The burning question - is going bald a real risk? We’ll discuss the typical timeline for postpartum hair loss and when you might want to consult a professional.Beyond Hair Loss: Sometimes, hair loss comes with other symptoms. We'll touch on when it's time to look deeper into your health postpartum.Care Tips Teaser: I’ll share a few gentle reminders on how to care for your locks (and yourself) during this time. Think of it as a little self-love for your hair.

    This episode is packed with insights, personal stories, and a sprinkle of science to help you navigate through your postpartum hair loss journey. It's all about understanding, coping, and caring for yourself during this transitional time. So, if you’re curious about what’s normal, what’s not, and how to handle everything in between, you won’t want to miss this discussion.

    Join me as we shed light on postpartum hair loss! Grab your favorite cozy spot, and let’s unravel the mystery together. Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and there's a community here ready to support you every step of the way.

    See you in the episode!

    Remember, the information shared in this episode is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Always consult with a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

  • ### Episode Description for "New Mom Naturopath Podcast" - Episode: "Reclaiming Peace: A Guide for Overwhelmed Moms"

    **Episode Title:** Reclaiming Peace: A Guide for Overwhelmed Moms

    **Description:**In this heartfelt episode of the New Mom Naturopath Podcast, titled "Reclaiming Peace: A Guide for Overwhelmed Moms," we delve into the unique challenges faced by new mothers. Being a mom is a superhero role, but even superheroes need a break. This episode is dedicated to helping you find those moments of calm in the chaos of motherhood.

    **Highlights:**1. **Recognizing Superhero Moms**: We start by acknowledging the incredible work and dedication of new moms and emphasize the importance of self-care for mental health.2. **Creating a Safe Space**: Learn how to create a secure environment for your baby, allowing you guilt-free moments to recharge.3. **The Power of Breathing**: Discover simple breathing exercises to help reduce stress and enhance mindfulness.4. **Stroller Adventures**: We discuss the benefits of stepping outside with your baby, sharing real stories from moms who found solace in nature.5. **The Magic of Showers**: Explore the therapeutic effects of a warm shower and how to balance your need for personal space with baby's safety.

    **What You'll Learn:**- Practical tips for managing postpartum stress and finding peace amidst the demands of motherhood.- The importance of self-care and how it impacts both you and your baby.- Simple yet effective strategies to rejuvenate and maintain mental wellness.

    For Our Listeners:We invite you to share your own self-care strategies and stories. Your experiences can inspire and support fellow moms in our community.

    Email us at

    Subscribe for more insightful episodes, and don't forget to check our Instagram for daily inspiration and a supportive community!

  • ### Show Notes for Episode 77: 5 Breastfeeding Tips When You Want to Give Up Nursing in Early Postpartum

    Hey there, beautiful moms! Welcome back. Today's episode is close to my heart. We're diving into a topic that I know many of you are navigating right now - breastfeeding. It's a journey that, for many of us, is far more challenging than we ever anticipated. So, if you're in the early stages of postpartum and finding yourself on the brink of giving up nursing, this episode is especially for you.

    Breastfeeding is not just about nourishment; it's a bond, a journey, and, yes, sometimes a battle. But before you decide it's not for you, let's walk through five tips that might just make the difference.

    **1. Understanding the Challenges:** First, we'll talk about the common hurdles we face in breastfeeding. From latch issues to supply concerns, understanding these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them.

    **2. Building a Support System:** You don't have to do this alone. Finding your tribe, whether it's friends, family, or a lactation consultant, can provide not just emotional support but practical advice too.

    **3. Setting Realistic Expectations:** Let's be real. Breastfeeding can be hard, and it's okay if it doesn't look like the serene images we often see. Setting realistic expectations can alleviate a lot of the pressure we put on ourselves.

    **4. Self-Care for the Breastfeeding Mom:** Taking care of yourself is not selfish; it's essential. I'll share some self-care tips that helped me keep going, even when it felt like too much.

    **5. When to Reevaluate:** Finally, we'll discuss how to know if it's time to reevaluate your breastfeeding journey. There's no one-size-fits-all answer here, but there are signs that it might be time to consider alternatives or adjustments.

    **Closing Thoughts:** Whether you're determined to continue breastfeeding or you're considering other options, remember, you're doing an amazing job. Feeding your baby, in whatever way works best for you and them, is what truly matters.

    Thanks for tuning in today. I hope these tips offer some comfort and guidance for anyone struggling with breastfeeding in these early days of motherhood. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and there's no shame in seeking help or deciding to take a different path.

    Until next time, take good care of yourself. You've got this, momma!

    None of the content in this podcast should be considered medical advice.

  • Episode 76: 3 Ways to Reduce Anxiety When You Leave the House with a Newborn

    Hello Mama!!! I'm so excited to share some insights that I hope will make stepping out with your newborn more manageable and less overwhelming. Leaving the house with a new baby can be a big step filled with anxiety and uncertainty, but with a few strategies up your sleeve, it can become a smoother, more enjoyable experience.

    1. Preparation for Going Out: Next, preparation is critical. I'll walk you through my checklist for going out with a newborn—from diaper bags to feeding times—to ensure you're as prepared as possible. This preparation eases your mind and makes the outing more pleasant for you and your baby.

    3. Returning to Your Breath: We'll discuss the importance of returning to your breath. Anxiety can hit hard, especially in new or uncomfortable situations. I'll teach you some simple breathwork techniques that have been my go-to for calming down quickly. These can be done anywhere, anytime, and they truly work wonders.

    4. Assuming Positive Intent: Lastly, we explore the power of assuming positive intent in others' actions and words. This shift in perspective can significantly reduce anxiety and help you navigate social interactions more confidently.

    Closing Thoughts: I want you to know that feeling anxious about venturing out with your newborn is okay. But with the right tools and mindset, you can face these challenges head-on and find joy in the journey of motherhood. Remember, you're doing an incredible job, and every step outside is a victory worth celebrating.

    Thank you for joining me today. I hope this episode brings more peace and confidence to your postpartum journey. Until next time, take care of yourself and your little one.

    Remember: Every mom's experience is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. These tips are here to support and guide you, but always trust your instincts and do what feels right for you and your baby.

  • *Show Title:** Prepare Your Home and Reduce Your Anxiety about Postpartum

    **Podcast:** New Mom Naturopath

    **Episode Number:** 75

    **Release Date:** 04/01/2024


    - Welcome to the New Mom Naturopath podcast, the place where first-time moms find peace, empowerment, and advice on navigating the journey through motherhood with a natural and holistic approach.

    - In today's episode, we're diving into practical tips and naturopathic advice on how to prepare your home for the post.

    Today we are talking about prepare your home for those first few days after postpartum. I know you have spent so much time thinking about your pregnancy and labor. But it’s time to prepare for the marathon of postpartum.

    It is important to take the step to prepare your home for what you need in postpartum. In this episode, I talk about setting up your postpartum nursing or feeding station, preparations in your kitchen, clothing options, and so much more. If you find yourself feeling pretty nervous about this transition Into motherhood but not really sure where to start, this the episode for you.

    **Connect With me:

    - Instagram:@DrKailynGalloway

    - Facebook:

    - Email: [email protected]

    - We love to hear from our listeners! Please send us your questions, comments, or suggestions for future topics.

    **Subscribe and Review:**

    - Don’t forget to subscribe to New Mom Naturopath on your favorite podcast platform to stay updated on all our latest episodes.

    - If you found value in today’s episode, please leave us a review. Your feedback helps us reach and support more first-time moms.

  • Final Thoughts:

    Packing your hospital bag shouldn't be about preparing for every possible scenario but focusing on what will make you feel comfortable and at peace during your stay. Minimalism is key—bring what eases your mind and body, and remember, this is about your journey to motherhood.

    Next Time on New Mom Naturopath:

    Stay tuned for the next episode in our series, where we'll explore another facet of preparing for your new arrival. Kailyn will continue to guide you through the mental and physical preparation for the big day and beyond.

    Connect with Me:

    - Instagram: [@DrKailynGalloway](

    - Email: [email protected]

    If you found this episode helpful, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Your feedback helps us reach more moms who are navigating the journey of motherhood.

  • Show Notes for Episode 73: What You Really Need to Know About Anxiety in Postpartum.

    Welcome to another episode of New Mom Naturopath. I'm your host, Dr. Kailyn Galloway. Today, we're diving deep into a topic that affects many new moms but isn't talked about enough: postpartum anxiety.

    In This Episode:

    I talk about why anxiety in postpartum is so common and that if you experience a heightened amount of stress, that can be normal. I want you to understand why your body is experiencing anxiety for a multitude of reasons

    Changes in hormones in your body (rapidly!)Learning something new under a lot of pressureYou are sleep-deprived like you have never been sleep-deprived before.Most commands in your life take the form of WaHH and Ahh.You have no self-autonomy as your life is run by a dictator that has left function than a sack of potatoes (because at least you can eat those).

    You have every reason to be anxious as a new mom. You are learning at a rapid pace, and the steaks are high!

    So when do you start to reach out for help?

    Before you think you need it.

    When you are unable to manage your life around it.

    Treatment options: Talk therapy or cognitive behavior therapy.

    Herbal treatments for postpartum stress

    Exercise and diet.

    And yes, even pharmaceuticals.

    You are going through a lot as a new mom. You have a lot of things going on around you. It is ok to take action to help you build the foundation of mental health for your family.

    Call to Action:

    If you found this episode helpful, please share it with a friend or leave a 5-star written review in Apple podcast. This helps me reach more people and help new moms battle the turmoil of early motherhood.

    Thank you for joining me today. Remember, you're not alone; a community here is ready to support you. Until next time, take care of yourself and each other.

  • Epi 72 -10 Reasons Going Back to Work After Postpartum Might Make you Happier

    Welcome to this empowering episode of New Mom Naturopath, where we explore the multifaceted journey of returning to work postpartum. I'm your host, Dr. Kailyn Galloway, and today we're diving into why stepping back into your professional life can be a positive, enriching experience for new moms.

    **In This Episode:**

    **Financial Stability**: We know that you getting a job may not fix all the financial strains on your family (hello daycare costs!!!). But for many families, mom returning back to work allows for more of a financial buffer to pay bills and maybe even enjoy life a little bit! **Professional Development**: You are valuable as a mom. But going back to work provides you with the structure you might need to continue you career development. Something that staying at home may not provide you. **Social Networking**: Tummy time, babywearing, and all the things that come with staying home with your baby are amazing. But interacting with colleagues who can hold a conversation for more than goo, goo ga ga is life-changing. **Intellectual Engagement**: Just as your newborn is not socially stimulating all the time, they do not test your mental skill sets at all (unless you are trying to figure out how to stay awake with three days of interrupted sleep patterns). **Personal Identity**: You matter mama. Having a job to return to can give you a sense of identity and make you feel more like your old self. **Benefits and Resources**: Understand the perks of employment, such as health insurance, retirement savings plans, and professional development opportunities, and how they contribute to your family's well-being.

    7 **Routine and Structure**: Discuss how the structure of a work schedule can bring a sense of normalcy and predictability to both your and your child's life.

    8 **A Break from Parenting**: Learn about the importance of having time for yourself, which can benefit you and your children, fostering independence and personal growth.

    9 **Empowerment and Confidence**: How successfully balancing work and family life can boost your confidence and self-efficacy, empowering you to tackle various life challenges.

    You will cherish the little moments you get with your baby all that much more!.

    **Resources Mentioned in This Episode:**

    Systemize your LIfe By Chelsi JO

    **Call to Action:**

    Interested in learning more about my 1:1 coaching program. Message me on instagram @drkailyngalloway. Talk to you soon.

    **Subscribe and Share:**

    If you found value in today's episode, please subscribe to the New Mom Naturopath on your favorite podcast platform and share this episode with someone who might benefit from our discussion. Together, we can support one another through motherhood and beyond.

    Thank you for tuning in to the New Mom Naturopath podcast. Join us next time as we continue to explore topics that matter to you and help you navigate the beautiful complexity of motherhood.

  • Hey there, beautiful mamas and welcome back to the New Mom Naturopath podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Kailyn Galloway, coming to you with everything related to motherhood, wellness, and navigating this crazy, beautiful journey with a naturopathic twist. Today, we're diving into something so close to my heart and, I know, crucial for all you postpartum queens – creating a realistic self-care plan.

    First off, let's talk self-care. Pre-baby, your routine might have looked a bit different, right?

    We're talking diet, exercise, regular check-ups, those blissful relaxing days, and maybe some meditation or spirituality. Now, the game has changed, but that doesn't mean self-care goes out the window. It's about adjusting and finding what works for you now.

    Now, onto neuroplasticity – sounds fancy, doesn't it? But it's really about how our brains can change and adapt, which is precisely what happens during pregnancy and postpartum. This period is unique, and understanding these changes can help us manage expectations and plan our time better.

    Speaking of time, let's be honest: your clock isn't yours anymore. But we can still work with what we've got. Those SWE (sleep, wake, eat) routines? They're your new best friend. Plan around them, find those moments for self-care, and yes, sometimes that means celebrating the victory of getting dressed more than once a day or even just managing to shower.

    Finding little pockets for self-care might mean meditating while nursing or taking a brisk walk to clear your mind. And never underestimate the power of a drive-thru coffee in your PJs – it's the little things, right?

    But here's the kicker – ask for help before you think you need it. Delegate, delegate, delegate. You don't have to do it all, mama. Building your support team is crucial, and it's okay to lean on them.

    Remember, this journey is unique for everyone, and there's no one-size-fits-all. But understanding the changes happening in your body and brain, like those mentioned in the research by Barba-MĂŒller and colleagues, can really empower you to tailor your self-care in a way that feels right. So, take it one day at a time, find those moments for yourself, and always, always ask for help when you need it. You've got this, mama.

    Till next time, sending you all the love and light on your postpartum journey. Keep shining, beautiful souls.

  • Hey, there, Mama! Welcome back to the New Mom Naturopath Podcast. This is your host, Dr. Kailyn Galloway, and today, we're unpacking something profoundly personal and incredibly important in Episode 70: "What Are Intrusive Thoughts and What Do They Mean About You as a Mom?"

    Before we dive in, a gentle heads-up: today's episode touches on intense content that is not intended for little ears. We're going to talk about intrusive thoughts, mainly those violent, that can occur in the postpartum period.

    Have you ever found yourself in a standard, everyday situation, like grabbing a cup of water in the kitchen, when suddenly, a terrifying thought flashes through your mind? Thoughts of harming your baby in unimaginable ways? If you've experienced this, you're not alone, and you're not a bad mom. These thoughts are called intrusive thoughts, and they can be terrifying.

    Let me share a story I heard recently. With her three-week-old baby, a mom went to the kitchen to get some water. As she moved across the room, her mind was bombarded with horrifying images—of the blender, the knives, and other ways she could harm her baby. She was distraught, telling me, "I thought about putting my baby in the blender."

    These moments are heart-stopping. But it's crucial to understand, as we did in our conversation, that "the clinical significance is the level of suffering, rather than the content of the thought itself." Your distress over these thoughts is a sign of your deep care and concern for your baby's well-being. It reassures us that these thoughts are anxiety-driven, not psychotic. Your worry about these thoughts is a very good sign.

    Why Do These Thoughts Happen in the Postpartum Period?

    Transitioning from being responsible only for yourself to caring for an entirely dependent little human is monumental. It's okay to miss your old life and feel overwhelmed. Add in the lack of sleep and the immense pressure to be a "perfect" mom, and it's a recipe for anxiety that can lead to these intrusive thoughts.

    Interestingly, these experiences can differ across cultures, with white women and minorities experiencing and expressing these thoughts in varied ways, influenced by their unique pressures and societal expectations.

    Treatment Ideas

    - Get Solid Sleep: It sounds simple, but rest can significantly reduce the intensity of these thoughts.

    - Self-Care: Time alone, showering, and eating nutritious food are essential. Support, stability, and basic needs can help, but even with these, feeling overwhelmed is a common trigger for intrusive thoughts.

    - Self-Forgiveness: Be gentle with yourself. You're doing an incredible job in a challenging role.

    - Mindfulness: Techniques like the Think/No-Think test can help train your brain to focus intentionally. When disturbing thoughts arise, get curious about them. What's your mind really trying to process?

    I follow Corrine Crabtree’s 4N’s when I have a thought I want to process and work through:

    - Notice: Acknowledge the thought.

    - Normalize: Remind yourself that many new moms have these thoughts, which doesn't make you a wrong person.

    - Neutralize: Understand the context—tiredness, stress, baby's crying—it's all playing a role.

    - Next Best Thought: Shift your focus to self-care and understanding why these thoughts are popping up.

    Remember, Mama, having intrusive thoughts doesn't mean you'll act on them. It's a bizarre, distressing part of the postpartum experience for many, but there's help, and there's hope. You're not alone, and you're not a bad mom. You're human and navigating one of life's most complex transitions.

    If today's topic resonated with you or sparked questions, reach out. Share your story, your fears, and your victories. We're building a community of support, understanding, and love.

    Till next time, take care of yourselves and each other. You're doing great, mamas.


    Dr. Kailyn Galloway

  • Hey there, welcome back to New Mom Naturopath, it's me, Dr. Kailyn Galloway. Today, we're getting real about heading back to work after having a baby. It's a rollercoaster, folks – full of ups, downs, and everything in between. So, let's break it down, shall we?
    Feeling All the Feels: Heading back to work? It's expected to be excited, yet feel guilty for leaving your little one. Or maybe you're dreading work and feeling guilty for not wanting to be there. And let's not even start on the stress of daycare costs and juggling life. Sometimes, it feels like you can't catch a break. Your feelings? Normal.
    Sick Days – Oh, The Joy: Kids get sick, and it throws a wrench in everything. Here's the deal: know your work's policy on sick days like the back of your hand, chat with your partner about a game plan, and maybe line up a backup for childcare just in case. And remember, it's perfectly okay not to have it all figured out. Cut yourself some slack.
    Nursing and Going Back to Work: If you're breastfeeding, introduce a bottle a few weeks before daycare begins. Not all nipples are created equal, so play around with different shapes and flows. And remember, pumping just enough for the next day is fine – you don't need a freezer full of milk, despite what Instagram influencers might say. Your milk supply is like a morning person – more perky at dawn than night. And pumping at work? Make sure you find a spot and some time to do it. Pro tip: bring something that smells like your baby; it helps, even though, yeah, you might need some tissues because it can hit you right in the feels.
    Give Yourself and Your Fam Some Grace: This whole back-to-work gig? It's tough. But you're tougher. The key is to be kind to yourself and your family. There's no perfect way to do this, so find what works for you, and remember, it's okay to ask for help or take a moment for yourself.
    Thanks for hanging out with me today. I hope this chat helps you feel a bit more prepared and a little less alone in the back-to-work journey. You're doing great, and remember, we're in this together. Catch you next time on New Mom Naturopath.

  • Hey there, beautiful Mama! It's Kailyn Galloway from the New Mom Naturopath podcast, and today, we're diving into the oh-so-complex world of infant sleep. You know, that elusive state we all wish our little ones would blissfully drift into more often. Let's chat about the fascinating journey of neonatal sleep, which, fun fact, has two main phases: active and quiet sleep. Imagine that – even in sleep, our babies are full of surprises!

    As we meander through the first year of our babies' lives, their sleep patterns evolve in ways as unique as their little personalities. And what influences these patterns? Everything from our daily routines, whether we're all about that co-sleeping life, to breastfeeding habits, and even how emotionally available we are as moms. It's like a delicate dance we're all learning step by step.

    In today’s episode, we are talking all about the science of sleep, especially in those first few weeks.

    For example
did you know what a "full night's rest" looks like for infants?

    Or what patterns during the day make for a good night's sleep?

    Does Mama’s bedshare get more sleep? And so much more! It's not what you'd think, but understanding it can be a game-changer. And because I'm all about sharing the love and support, I've got some expert advice and strategies to help our babies, and we catch more of those precious Zs.

    So, to all the fantastic mamas (and dads!!!) navigating the nighttime juggle, remember, you're not alone. Let's embrace the journey, support each other, and make the most of those sleepy (and not-so-sleepy) moments with our little ones. Here's to more sweet dreams and restful nights ahead!

    If you want to connect with other mamas, check out my free Facebook group, The New Mom Naturopath Facebook Group

    Want to connect with me directly? You can find me on Instagram @drkailyngalloway! Cannot wait to hear from you!!

    Is the New Mom Naturopath invaluable to you? Want to help more mamas virtually learn about postpartum? Be sure to subscribe and leave a review!!! It helps me out so much!!!