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If you are a woman in leadership and/or aspiring for greater leadership and you are looking to have it all; success in your career, personal life, and health, you're going to love this podcast season.
I am incredibly passionate about this topic because I believe that as women leaders we can have it all! We don't have to settle for being successful in just one area of life such as our careers. We can orchestrate a life that is fulfilling, pleasurable, and healthy in all areas. We are all a "work-in-progress" but it's important to BELIEVE we can have it all or we surely won't get that.
We will be speaking about what it takes to be a successful leader AND have a thriving personal life. Topics include passion, purpose, grit, compassion, self-awareness, thought leadership, self-care, wellness, visionary thinking, and strategic leadership.
*Health Is Freedom, LLC is providing this podcast as a public service. Reference to any specific product, treatment, health advice, or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Health is Freedom, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their opinions, or any entity they represent. -
V Journal Club-u ULVF spremljamo in komentiramo najnovejše znanstvene raziskave in dosežke na področju veterinarske medicine. Občasno ponovimo tudi osnove veterinarskih postopkov. Za vse veterinarje in ostalo zainteresirano javnost, ker številnim novostim najlažje sledimo skupaj.
Welcome to Talking Transplant!
Throughout this podcast our expert host and guests will discuss topics in transplant that go beyond the every-day.
Listen to the first episode where Dr Annemarie Weißenbacher (Austria) and Dr Mark Harber (UK) discuss the principles of sustainable healthcare for transplants and explore improvement opportunities in long-term sustainability of transplant care and empower the medical community to take action.
Listen to the second episode where Dr Annemarie Weißenbacher and Dr Deepali Kumar (Canada) raise awareness of infectious complications throughout the transplant journey, and the risks that they may pose to patients undergoing both solid organ and haematopoietic stem cell procedures.
All information is accurate as of June 2024. This podcast is intended for HCPs outside of the USA. This podcast is initiated, organised and funded by Takeda. Speakers were paid an honorarium by Takeda for their participation. Copyright 2024 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. All rights reserved. Takeda and the Takeda logo are registered trademarks of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited.
Episode 1: Date of prep: September 2022; VV-MEDMAT-72907; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0038; VV-MEDAT-73823; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0036; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0040; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0041; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0039.Episode 2: Date of prep: July 2024; VV-MEDMAT-105917.Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Very Best Self Podcast! A weekly show where your host, Victoria Brown dives deep into candid conversations with inspiring people - including athletes, entrepreneurs, thought-leaders, and anyone out there making waves. We'll explore how they got to where they are today, in hopes that we can learn from their stories, and apply them to our everyday lives. Listen in as Victoria, life-coach, SoulCycle Instructor, Under Armour Athlete, and Meditation Guide, shares all the inside secrets, tips, and tricks you need to live a more purposeful life. After each episode, Victoria will leave you feeling inspired and empowered, with all the confidence needed to create real change. Together we navigate life's highs and lows, and ultimately connect you to your Very Best Self. Relax, enjoy, and SUBSCRIBE! #VBSquad
20ish min episodes. Weekly, during season.
Ancestral Sciences such as Paleo Ayurveda and Greek Medicine, Movement, Nutrition, Meditation, Breathwork, Stoicism, Astrology, Tantra and Upanishads.
From the novice to the expert. Brought to you by Yoga Energy. - Tim and Vie
Some of what our listeners have said:
I believe that working with the chakras helps with ALL aspects of life - including business! I love your podcast and have enjoyed all of the episodes about the chakras - both for personal growth and business! To anyone that has not yet listened to this podcast, I HIGHLY recommend it! Great information with practical methods for applying that knowledge to making transformational lifestyle choices. 2 thumbs up!
It’s so funny how one “simple” word can have such a profound impact!
I just finished listening to episode 55. And, while I (of course) enjoyed the entire episode, I have to say that I LOVE the way you use “curiosity”! It’s definitely a challenge at times to remain unattached to outcomes and remain the observer. I feel like “curiosity” is the missing link to that equation! By approaching the situation through the perspective of the observer WITH CURIOSITY...that’s what makes it exciting to try new things without getting caught in the web of attachment!! Thank you for sharing that! (Where’s the exploding head emoji when you need it?)
Spartan Mind Strength Podcast! listening your podcasts and can not stop admiring your positivity and approach to life! Warm greetings to both of you! You are doing amazing job.
Love the podcast! These guys have the deepest and most relatable message about holistic well-being. Loved the series on chakras in a non-foo foo way.
Your podcast is my best companion when I am driving. -
The Lose Your Cravings Podcast...Taking a mindful approach to a reducing your cravings for good!
If you are joining me, then you are probably suffering and struggling with cravings. You have tried everything out there. Every diet, every pill, every shake, every workout program which leaves you in a yo-yo dieting cycle with your weight fluctuating. You lose some weight but are SO deprived and you run out of willpower, so you end up overeating or binging on the very delicious foods that you were supposed to be staying away from.
In this podcast, I take a different approach to cravings that will help you break free from this cycle, feel in control around food, reduce your cravings, and feel amazing in your body all without feeling deprived or having to follow a strict meal plan. -
Podcast/kanal informativne narave.
Predvsem bo sestavljen iz videov/podcastov/vlogov, kjer bom skozi pogovor s prijatelji, znanci, strokovnjaki, ali z monologom, govoril o raznih tematikah, ki me zanimajo (prehrana, treningi, psiha, substance, filozofija in vse pod rubriko razno).
Sam sem končal študij na Fakulteti za šport, sem prehranski svetovalec in osebni trener, moj cilj pa je ljudem pomagati pridobiti si optimalno zdravje in počutje, ki vodi v dolgo in kvalitetno življenje.
- Smo le duše, ki skrbijo za plovila, ki smo si ga izbrali, da bomo lahko čim več energije delili z bližnjimi, za čim daljši čas. - -
If you feel like you've reached the glass ceiling in your life and business, then you are in the right place!
Welcome to Elevate your Intuitive Energy podcast. My name is Jasmina and I'm sharing on mind body approach to understanding and improving human functioning or simple energy psychology knowledge in ways you've never experienced before. So let's dive into the magic world of colors and human superpowers! -
Podcast Nada Vogt je za žene koje su umorne od osećaja robovanja beskrajnom ciklusu dijeta. Misija ovod podcast-a je da vas oslobodi ograničenja restriktivne ishrane, tako da možete ponovo da uživate u hrani i svom životu. Pridružite mi se u nedeljnim epizodama u kojima prolazimo kroz teme: Kako imati uravnotežen i zdrav odnos sa hranom i izaći iz začaranog ciklusa dijeta. Kako da brinete o svom fizičkom i emocionalnom blagostanju bez stalnog brojanja kalorija ili osećaja krivice zbog izbora hrane. Plus saveti i inspiracija od Nade i njenih gostiju o svim aspektima zdravog života i brige o sebi. Nahranite svoje telo i um, zaljubite se u hranu i osećajte se najbolje u svom telu od sada. Za više informacija posetite: Blog: Instagram:
Dobrodošli v Podkastu Benessere, podkastu dobrega počutja!Beseda “benessere” izvira iz italijanščine in pomeni dobro počutje, blaginjo in dobrobit, in prav to je temeljna filozofija našega podkasta Benessere.Govorimo o vsem, kar je povezano z dobrim počutjem vključno s prehrano, zdravim življenjskim slogom, telesno aktivnostjo, miselnostjo, psihologijo, duhovnostjo in še več.Na Podkastu Benessere gostimo zanimive goste, ki z nami delijo svoje znanje, izkušnje in nasvete, ki nam bodo pomagali izboljšati naše zdravje in dobro počutje.Pridružite se nam na poti do boljšega počutja: Naroči se na podcast Benessere še danes! -
The Curbside Counselor Podcast with Mercia Cummings gives you everything you need to manage mental wellness, self care, and most of all self love; with real life application. Sometimes we just need the right voice to motivate us and help us face our fears, embrace our dreams, and find ways to elevate our own lives. Mercia brings REALNESS when uplifting and motivating, encouraging you to connect to your greatness. Each week she hopes to give you real and raw conversations and interviews that include laughter and heart felt doses of reality while teaching you to fall in love with being an expert of YOU. Mercia is a licensed professional counselor with a private practice and brings a "no jargon, no BS" approach to counseling and this podcast. So pull up, park and take a seat and listen in!
LOA is not religious, about ethics and perhaps not even spiritual. LOA is the idea that like energy attracts like energy. Many beginners learn that LOA is all about being positive and confident. That strategy can bite you in the butt if you have any shadows of doubt. This podcast is all about the micro-level and nuanced ways LOA plays a role in our life.
Welcome to A Guide to Living Podcast - a sacred space where I talk about my experiences, and share all things perceptions and ways of being that I learn and embody, that support me in living a really beautiful life rooted in peace, love, fulfilment, and liberation, aligned with and embodying my truth.
Your host, Naomi Zoelman, is a certified Yoga teacher, with a post-secondary background and field work experience in Social Services and Psychology, who specializes in supporting people with living a soft, fulfilling, intuitive, and peaceful life, embodying their truth, through a self-connected and conscious lifestyle.
Hi, I'm Matilde, your host!
If, like me, you are a daughter of a narcissistic mother I know you have experienced some degree of abuse as a child, and more than likely these wounds are still controlling your life as an adult…
How do I know??
Because I experienced it first hand and went through years of inner work to see the light again!
What I learnt in my personal journey and in over 15 years of experience working with women is that:
Undealt with narcissistic mother wounds are what is causing you to live a life of struggle, constantly in survivor mode.
I want you to know that you are not alone in this. Many women are daughters of narcissistic mothers and experience the same difficulties in life as you do.
The good news? You can totally transform your life starting now!
In this podcast I share my experiences, reflections and practical content to support you in this moment of Your Life. My invitation is to take what serves you and leave the rest.
From time to time wonderful Guests will join me here to share their beautiful message with us.
So, if you are ready to take back control of your life and Reclaim Your Fullness, let's go!
**No AI was used to create any of the episodes on this podcast, just the good all-fashioned pen and paper, my experience, lots of research and the questions and requests from all of you sharing with me!
With Love🤍