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Confident Business English host and accredited Neurolanguage Coach® Anna Connelly brings senior managers, who already need to communicate in English, more advanced business English tips to boost confidence. Listeners say they love the podcast because it's to-the-point, useful and interesting.
Bienvenido a Crecimiento Personal Práctico. El programa donde partimos de la idea de que una mejora, en la familia, la sociedad o el mundo sólo es posible cuando partimos del crecimiento individual. Este programa es práctico porque nos tomamos el tiempo necesario para investigar principios, estrategias y modelos mentales que te permitirán asimilar y aplicar a tu vida diaria, el conocimiento que muchos expertos ya han explorado a profundidad. Mi objetivo es presentarte información práctica y respaldada por estudios científicos, que te ayude a ser una mejor persona y lograr mejores resultados en tu vida.
***TOP 1.5 % Global Podcast*** Are you a busy mom who wants more time for what matters most, but you have no idea where to start simplifying your life?
Do you wish you could nourish your family with healthy homemade food but are too overwhelmed and end up going through the drive thru......again?
Are you concerned about the toxins in your home and food but don’t know how to find simple, natural options to support your family’s health?
I am so excited you are here! This podcast will teach you how to live a simpler life, make your own natural products, simple ways to garden, cook from scratch, and preserve your food to save money and reduce the items you have to buy at the store to become more self-reliant. You will also learn simple ways to monetize your homestead in less time.
Hey, I’m Monica, I’m a wife, mom of 5 kids, grandma, nurse and daughter of the King! I was overwhelmed with my full schedule and knew I wanted to create more time for my family by simplifying my life. I started small by swapping toxic products for more natural ones, cooking simple healthy meals from scratch, and creating modern homesteading systems without the stress and overwhelm! And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you!
So grab that cup of tea, get cozy on the porch swing…..and let’s chat!
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What is the Start Over Coder? Well, that’s me! And I'm taking you along on my quest: taking up a new career as a professional developer, and pursuing financial independence. On the podcast I share all of my experiences and lessons learned, from learn-to-code resources to getting paid for your work, and all of the wins and losses along the way.
Researchers at the Alfred Deakin Research Institute undertake research relating to key themes, Leadership, Development and Governance in Australian and international perspectives. Professor David Lowe is the director of Deakin University's 'Alfred Deakin Research Institute', a promising leader of humanities and social science research which helps to inform both policy and practice. David is the co-founder of the Australian Policy and History network and a member of the Australian Department of foreign Affairs and Trade Editorial Advisory Board.
La llegada de la tecnología de información y las herramientas de cómputo en la educación toman una vía de salida en estos videos y audios donde profesores de la UNID presentan información respecto a diferentes temas ligados a asignaturas impartidas en la UNID, básicamente están dirigidas a nivel licenciatura pero en algunos casos pueden utilizarse también en otros niveles educativos.