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Velkommen til ”ADHD & Autisme Podcast med Manu Sareen.” Jeg snakker i denne podcastserie med en række kendte danskere, eksperter, fagfolk samt familier og børn, om ADHD/ADD og autisme. Her kan du få ny viden, svar på de store spørgsmål om ADHD og autisme.Mit mål med denne podcast er at sprede viden og forståelse om ADHD og autisme, og dele min og mine gæsters personlige oplevelser og perspektiver på livet med ADHD og autisme. Jeg vil diskutere alt fra symptomer og behandlingsmuligheder til de udfordringer, som personer med ADHD og autisme står over for i hverdagen. Manu Sareen er tidligere Formand for ADHD Foreningen og ADHD coach.
Produceret af: Podads Production
Klip og Musik: Anders Eske
Redaktør: Christian Frederiksen -
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Podcast interviews with genius-level (top .1%) practitioners, scientists, researchers, clinicians and professionals in Cancer, 3D Bio Printing, CRISPR-CAS9, Ketogenic Diets, the Microbiome, Extracellular Vesicles, and more.
Subscribe today for the latest medical, health and bioscience insights from geniuses in their field(s). -
Velkommen til Tandlægeforeningens podcastserie.
Her nørder vi odontologi, og vi kommer til at stille skarpt på arbejdsliv, karriere og faglighed.
Serien er til Tandlægeforeningens medlemmer, men alle der brænder for faget er mere end velkomne til at lytte med og tage del i foreningens faglige fællesskab.
Og hvis du har kommentarer eller forslag, er du mere end velkommen til at kontakte redaktionen på
God fornøjelse. -
The Neurology Podcast provides practical information for neurologists and clinicians to practice the best possible medicine for patients. Examining methods and findings in peer-reviewed journals, the show provides insights that impact clinical practice and patient care. From the journal Neurology and the American Academy of Neurology, providing education and expert analysis since 2007.
Welcome to the Mad in America podcast, a weekly discussion that searches for the truth about psychiatric prescription drugs and mental health care worldwide.
Hosted by James Moore, this podcast is part of Mad in America’s mission to serve as a catalyst for rethinking psychiatric care. We believe that the current drug-based paradigm of care has failed our society and that scientific research, as well as the lived experience of those who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, calls for profound change.
On the podcast we have interviews with experts and those with lived experience of the psychiatric system. Thank you for joining us as we discuss the many issues around rethinking psychiatric care around the world.
For more information visit
To contact us email -
Der Podcast für alle, die Spiritualität und modernes Leben mit viel Lebensfreude und Leichtigkeit verbinden wollen. Madhavi plaudert über alltagstaugliche Spiritualität, Meditation, Yoga, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, ätherische Öle und Ernährung – kurz gesagt: alles, was unseren Alltag ein bisschen heller und freundlicher macht.
Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton is a podcast for people who want to learn tools for living better. Each week, we dive into a different aspect of emotional and behavioral health with our team of psychologists, psychiatrists, and people with lived experience. If you've wanted to try mental health therapy, but are prevented from doing so by cost or because of a lack of time, this podcast is for you.
The landscape of Intensive care is changing. In the era of evidence based medicine, we try to make best possible decision for our patients based on best available evidence. Every fortnight, Dr Swapnil Pawar & Dr Jose Chacko will bring you one hot topic in Critical care. If you want to stay up to date with recent evidence or learn how to critically evaluate the literature in critical care, this podcast is for you.
Hvordan gør vi livet bedre for personer med diabetes?
Det jagter vi svaret på i Diabetesforskerne, hvor vi tager rundt i landet og møder nogle af de dygtige forskere, der er på jagt efter mere viden om diabetes. Viden, der måske kan ændre på, hvordan vi forstår, forebygger og behandler de mange forskellige former af diabetes.
Hvert afsnit har hvert deres fokus inden for emner, som er relevante for type 1-diabetes, type 2-diabetes og/eller andre typer af diabetes.
Diabetesforskerne består af 3 sæsoner, som er produceret fra 2021-2023.
Podcasten udgives af de 7 Steno Diabetescentre og er produceret af Podcastbureauet.Læs mere om podcasten på denne Steno-hjemmeside.
DiaDebate er en podcast serie med inspiration til arbejdet og livet med diabetes, når eksperterne byder op til diskussion og refleksion i studiet. Lyt til korte afsnit, og fordyb dig når det passer ind i din hverdag. I DiaDebate vil danske eksperter og moderator bringe essensen frem fra udvalgte temaer, som bl.a. type 1 diabetes, guidelines, behandlingsvalg, type 2 diabetes, forløbsplaner og meget mere.
“Alt det du mærker” er en hyldest til alle følelserne og fornemmelserne i kroppen. Uanset om du byder det velkommen eller ej, så mærker du livet på godt og ondt — og din frihed ligger ikke i kontrollen, men i nysgerrigheden og omsorgen for dig selv og alt hvad du sanser og føler. Krop- og psykoterapeut Simon Funder guider dig med kærlig hånd igennem Alt det du mærker.
In the world of structure, stress, and seemingly meaningless tasks, it can be easy for one to feel lost and empty. Move beyond career success and access true mental wellness and personal fulfillment as we take you through the landscape of the emotions and personal discoveries that shape who we are. The Observatory podcast, is a space for authentic discussions, dedicated to helping you discover or rediscover meaning in your life. Rooted in the wisdom of their own experiences, our hosts Scott and LaRae Wright started their journeys as accomplished executives, with their successful and lucrative 9-5 jobs with Fortune 100 companies and in the finance industry. Unsatisfied with restrictive environments that demanded a disconnected, curated self, these successes gave them meaningful insights into who they weren’t and led them to the path of truly empowered self-discovery. Their journeys have opened their eyes to the possibilities of their own futures and they want to help you do the same. Each week, join us in our commitment to helping you navigate everything from entrepreneurial dreams to personal transformation with stronger clarity of who you truly are.