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PKN Packaging News delivers in-depth news and editorial coverage of Australia's packaging industry. The PKN Podcast is one part of our multi-media platform, which provides: the latest news; expert opinion and business advice; insightful reports on industry issues and trends; new products; the latest research and technology developments; and updates on sustainable packaging developments. Tune in for entertaining and informative interviews with industry leaders, change drivers and experts across all aspects of packaging.
Your first look at upcoming books!My goal with the ARC Party is to connect readers with books before they release! Much of the success of a new book is connected to pre-orders and early sales numbers, but sometimes people don't hear about a book until long after it's been released.An episode typically consists of an author giving a quick description of their book, followed by a spoiler free discussion about it. We often talk about themes, characters, settings, etc. But I'm careful to not talk about anything that would ruin the reading experience! -
Welcome to the fun, fabulous world of America’s greatest celebrity family, the Kardashians.
Join us as we follow the lives of Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, Rob, Kris, Caitlyn, the husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends and exes. The triumphs and tragedies, the family dramas, the breakups, the makeups, the business, the personal. We’ll have all the highlights and cover it all in under 10 minutes on a new podcast “Kard Talk”.
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Subscribe now for exclusive shows like 'Palace Intrigue,' and get bonus content from Deep Crown (our exclusive Palace Insider!) Or get 'Daily Comedy News,' and '5 Good News Stories’ with no commercials! Plans start at $4.99 per month, or save 20% with a yearly plan at $49.99. Join today and help support the show!
We now have Merch! FREE SHIPPING! Check out all the products like T-shirts, mugs, bags, jackets and more with logos and slogans from your favorite shows! Did we mention there’s free shipping?
Get more info from Caloroga Shark Media and sign up for our newsletter here. -
Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.
Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen -
Osrednja informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija in celovit pregled dnevnih dogodkov, ki je na sporedu ob 22h. Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Jutranja kronika, Danes do 13h, Po Sloveniji, Dogodki in odmevi, Radijski dnevnik ter Novice Radia Slovenija (kratka poročila od 6.00 do 23.00).
Kako v radijskem mediju zajeti vizualno in likovno umetnost? To je naš izziv, saj želimo v radijski formi umetnost približati širšemu krogu poslušalk in poslušalcev, a hkrati ohranjati kompleksnost in strokovno raven. Spremljamo dogajanje v umetnosti, predvsem v Sloveniji, občasno pa opozorimo tudi na večje dogodke v tujini ali se problemsko posvetimo kakšni temi – tako iz zgodovine umetnosti kot sodobnega ustvarjanja.
Here at Use Your Words - we are two friends that decided to create a podcast for Bible believing Christians that care about news and culture. While not every week will focus on current news and/or culture - we will continually focus on the single thread through everything - our faith in Christ. We each have different passions and bring those passions to the forefront - music, faith, mental health, politics, news, worldview, and how all these things tie together. Join us as we learn, grow, and continue to become better each week. Interact with us on our social media accounts or email ( Disagree - but be polite and Use Your Words.
Personal freedom, political liberty, and free speech - defended by force of arms, if necessary. Welcome to "The Resistance Library" from, where we believe that arming our fellow Americans – both physically and philosophically – helps them fulfill our Founding Fathers' intent with the Second Amendment: To serve as a check on state power.