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A guide to help you find the best ways to refresh and rejuvenate. Whether it be pool hopping, or book clubbing, there are so many great ways to get away. Hear about one new positive escape idea weekly. In addition, we will have a book club chat at the end of each month. Come get away with us!
Join Freya Victoria for Freya's Fairy Tales, where we believe fairy tales are both stories we enjoyed as children, and something that we can achieve ourselves. Each week we will talk to authors about their favorite fairy tales when they were kids, when they knew they wanted to write, how they come up with their stories, and their adventures into holding their very own fairy tale in their hands. At the end of each episode, we will feature a fairy tale that is either a favorite of the author, or closely resembles their favorite movies, stories, and legends as a kid.
(As an Amazon Affiliate our show makes a small commission on purchases made using our links) -
Hallo, mein Name ist BRiNA!
Ich bin Tänzerin und Coach. Im Jahr 2021 hatte ich einen Unfall. Ich musste mein Tanzlabel "NYDS - New York Dance Studio " vorübergehend aufgeben: Ich habe mein Herz, meine Liebe, meine Zeit, meinen Schweiss und meine Tränen darin investiert und stand nun erneut in meinem Leben vor einem Scherbenhaufen.
Aber wenn es eine Sache gibt, für die ich bekannt bin, dann ist es: Never give up (zu Deutsch: Niemals aufgeben). Dieser Podcast ist für dich, wenn auch du lernen möchtest auf den Wellen des Lebens zu surfen. Die Höhen und Tiefen zu meistern. Dieser Podcast steht für holistische Persönlichkeitsentwicklung in den 3 Bereichen: Body, Mind & Soul (zu Deutsch: Körper, Geist und Seele). Hier erwartet dich:
- Mehr zu meinen bisherigen Lebensweg, meiner Reise & meine Erfahrungen im Bereich Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Ich teile mit dir, welche Hilfsmittel mir geholfen haben, durchzuhalten, und welche Lektionen ich auf dem Weg gelernt habe. Natürlich spielt hier der Tanz eine grosse Rolle!
- Wenn ich es schaffe, dann kannst du das auch! Dieser Podcast soll dir zeigen, dass es trotz widriger Umstände im Leben, immer eine Lösung gibt und du immer entscheiden darfst, wie du damit umgehen möchtest: Never give up!
In diesem Podcast werden wir zusammen lachen und weinen. Gemeinsam werden wir die Achterbahn "Leben" entdecken: Auf eine authentische, echte und einzigartige Weise. Bist du dabei?
Lass uns gemeinsam wachsen!
Fühl dich umarmt
Deine BRiNA -
Creative Kraut, das ist der POTTcast rund um das Leben eines Kreativen. Von Arbeitsanekdoten, über das Philosophieren über freie Arbeiten, Hobbies, Aufträgen und alles andere, was den Kreativen von heute beschäftigt, bis hin zu Produktempfehlungen, Reviews und Interviews wird hier alles dabei sein, was das Herz des Kreativen höher schlagen lässt... Oder auch nicht.
Ein gewisses Augenzwinkern und eine Prise Humor, werden auch langweilige oder sogar nervige Themen mit denen man sich beim kreativen Arbeiten so rumschlagen muss, etwas erträglicher machen.
Aber auch die Freude an der kreativen Arbeit soll nicht vergessen werden. Inspiration, die Tricks um immer wieder kreativ zu sein und zu bleiben und die einen oder anderen wissenswerten Hintergründe zu so manchem interessanten Thema werden ebenfalls Inhalte dieses Podcasts sein.
Lehnt euch zurück und genießt die Episoden von Creative Kraut. -
Inside the Minds of Authors features popular and up-and-coming authors and their books. Our goal is to introduce listeners to passionate authors who are committed to their craft and their readers.
Each episode starts with a short reading from the feature book. Follow by an exciting conversation with the author. We explore what drives them to write and those burning questions that keep us turning the pages.
Whether you are an avid reader or an aspiring author, Inside the Minds of Authors has something for everyone. New episodes airing Monday nights. -
Transparent Design Talk
Wireframe is a podcast about design, development, and disambiguation in our digital world.
Hosted by Donnie D'Amato, Brought to you by Design Systems House.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Oxford Humanities explores approaches to Kafka and his most famous story "The Metamorphosis" through interviews with world experts, to mark the centenary of his death. We cover how "The Metamorphosis" has itself been transformed into new forms like ballet, theatre and comic books; how Kafka’s work has been read, from ecological insights to questions of illness, humour, feminism or race; how writers from across the world have responded to him from J. M. Coetzee to the 'Brazilian Kafka' Clarice Lispector or Marie NDiaye; and finally how artists have 'written back' to Kafka from their own time and place from the Czech Republic, Spain or even a viral Facebook novel in Russia.
For the curious, a reading list associated with this series is available on ORLO (Oxford Reading Lists Online) - see Related links.
For more on Kafka, the 'Oxford Kafka24' podcast series ( features lectures from across the University division, including a collective reading of 'Metamorphosis' with Lemn Sissay and Ben Okri, and talks on disability, discrimination, disease, insects and genetics. -
Neka Nova Priča je podcast za ambicioznu i poduzetnu ženu u kojem osobni rast poprima jednu novu dimenziju, u kojem sustavno pomičemo granice mogućeg, preispitujemo sve što je 'normalno' te nudimo alate i uvide koji vode u proces kreiranja života i biznisa koji su toliko dobri da nam od istog ne treba odmak niti 'pauza'. Kako znam? Jer jedan takav živim. Uz četvero djece, nekoliko biznisa i preko 1.6 milijuna eura kreiranih online i kontinuiranu posvećenost vlastitom rastu i evoluciji - ovo je mjesto gdje dijelim svoja razmišljanja, svoje spoznaje i sve što učim dok se krećem i stvaram još više. Dobrodošli, jako mi je drago što ste tu!
Vratimo zajedno zabavu u čitanje i čitanje u naše živote.
Kroz kratke, zabavne i informativne osvrte na knjige koje čitam i volim nastojat ću vam pomoći da pronađete one knjige zbog kojih ćete osjećati da je vrijeme izdvojeno za čitanje dobro iskorišteno, da ste se zabavili, opustili, ponešto naučili, otkrili sasvim nove lepeze interesa te na nov i drugačiji način razmislili o zanimljivim temama.
Hvala vam unaprijed na vašem vremenu, strpljenju i povjerenju!
Tipkamo se i čitamo
i IG @bibliovca -
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories narrated by Hugh Bonneville.
A woman struck dead after hearing a haunting whistle. A series of child-like drawings scrawled throughout a country estate. A prize horse wandering the moors without an owner.
To the regular observer, these are merely strange anomalies. But for the master detective Sherlock Holmes they are the first pieces of an elaborate puzzle.
New episodes every Thursday. For ad-free listening and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started. Or, if you’re on Spotify or Android, go to -
Start your day in a happier way. The New Happy Podcast gives you the daily tools, science, and support that you need to live a happier life — in five minutes or less.
The New Happy is a science-backed philosophy of happiness with a community of over 900,000 people around the world. In this daily podcast, Stephanie Harrison, the founder of The New Happy and an expert in the science of happiness, will guide you through small shifts that have a huge impact on your happiness and the world around you. -
Every week, I deconstruct one big idea around creative work, human behavior, and mental philosophy while giving you practical insights on how to apply these teachings to your life.
Topics we are dedicated to dissecting for you: spirituality, personal growth, psychology, social media, business, health, fitness, philosophy, culture, and everything else that will lead to a life of freedom and happiness. -
My Dyslexic Life by Vanessa Victor is an honest, no holds barred account of what it's like to be an adult dyslexic today.
Vanessa didn't know she was dyslexic until she was in her 40's and her journey to self discovery has been quite a ride!
If you are looking for some help with your or your child's dyslexia, come and see us
We would love to help you thrive in life. -